- 1 Revision History
- 2 Overview
- 3 Software Tools and System Requirements
- 4 Design Files
- 5 Tutorials
This wiki page complements the Vitis 2019.2 version of the DPU TRD.
Change Log:
- The first version of Vitis DPU TRD
This tutorial contains information about:
- How to set up the ZCU102 evaluation board and run the TRD.
- How to change the Configuration of DPU.
- How to integrate the DPU in the customer platform in vitis 2019.2 environment.
ZCU102 evaluation board
Micro-USB cable, connected to laptop or desktop for the terminal emulator
SD card
- Vitis 2019.2Vitis Core Development Kit
- Silicon Labs quad CP210x USB-to-UART bridge driver
- Serial terminal emulator e.g. teraterm
- XRT 2019.2
- zcu102 dpu platform
- Vitis AI Library to configure DPU in Vitis AI Library ZCU102 and ZCU104 pacakge, Optional
Note: The user can also refer the zcu102 dpu platform, The github page includes all the details, such as how to generage the zcu102 dpu platform, how to create the SD card after compiling the DPU project.
The top-level directory structure shows the the major design components. The TRD directory is provided with a basic README and legal notice file.
Note: The xdpu/dpu_ip and xdpu/prj/Vitis(inclduing the kernel_xml,dpu_config.vh,scripts) are needed, if the user add the DPU and softmax in own project.
├── dpu_ip # rtl kernel
│ ├── dpu_eu_v3_2_0
│ │ ├── bd
│ │ ├── component.xml
│ │ ├── doc
│ │ ├── gui
│ │ ├── hdl
│ │ ├── inc
│ │ ├── ttcl
│ │ ├── xci
│ │ └── xgui
│ └── Vitis
│ ├── dpu
│ └── sfm
├── app
│ ├── models
│ ├── img
│ └── resnet50.tar.gz # resnet50 application
└── prj
└── Vitis
├── kernel_xml
│ ├── dpu
│ └── sfm
├── Makefile
├── dpu_conf.vh # dpu configuration file
├── config_file # config file
│ ├── prj_config # integrate 2DPU
│ ├── prj_config_102_3dpu # integrate 3DPU on zcu102
│ ├── prj_config_104_2dpu # integrate 2DPU on zcu104
│ └── prj_config_1dpu # integrate 1DPU on zcu104
├── scripts
└── README.md
Connect power supply to 12V power connector.
Connect micro-USB cable to the USB-UART connector; use the following settings for your terminal emulator:
- Baud Rate: 115200
- Data: 8 bit
- Parity: None
- Stop: 1 bit
- Flow Control: None
Insert SD card (FAT formatted) with binaries copied from $TRD_HOME/images directory.
- Set boot mode to SD card:
- Rev 1.0: SW6[4:1] - off,off,off, on
- Rev D2: SW6[4:1] - on, off on, off
To run the pre-built SD card image , follow the instructions on 5.2.3 in this page
The following tutorials assume that the $TRD_HOME environment variable is set as given below.
%export TRD_HOME =<Vitis AI path>/DPU-TRD
We need install the Vitis Core Development Environment.
We prepare the zcu102_dpu platform in the vitis TRD project. The platform include all the libs that needed.
The following tutorials assume that the Vitis and XRT environment variable is set as given below.
Open a linux terminal. Set the linux as Bash mode.
% source <vitis install path>/Vitis/2019.2/settings64.sh
% source opt/xilinx/xrt/setup.sh
The default setting of DPU is B4096 with RAM_USAGE_LOW, CHANNEL_AUGMENTATION_ENABLE, DWCV_ENABLE, POOL_AVG_ENABLE, RELU_LEAKYRELU_RELU6, Softmax. Modify the $TRD_HOME/prj/Vitis/dpu_conf.vh file can change the default settings.
Build the hardware design.
% cd $TRD_HOME/prj/Vitis
% export SDX_PLATFORM=<vitis install path>/platform/zcu102_dpu/zcu102_dpu.xpfm
% make KERNEL=DPU_SM DEVICE=zcu102
Generated SD card files are in $TRD_HOME/prj/Vitis/binary_container_1/sd_card.
HWH file is a important file that need by the vai-c tool. The file has been created when compile by the Vitils tool. It works together with vai-c to support model compilation under various DPU configurations.
The HWH file could be simply get from $TRD_HOME/prj/Vitis/binary_container_1/sd_card
The user can also get the HWH file in the following path.
Different Platform will get different name of HWH file.
The TRD project has generated the matching model file in $TRD_HOME/prj/app/ path as the default settings. If the user change the DPU settings. The model need to be created again.
This part is about how to run the Resnet50 example from the source code.
The user must create the SD card. Refer section "Configuring SD Card ext File System Boot" in page 65 of ug1144for Petalinux 2019.2:
Copy the whole files in $TRD_HOME/prj/Vitis/binary_container_1/sd_card execpt the rootfs.tar.gz fiel to BOOT partition.
Extract the rootfs.tar.gz in the RootFs folder
Copy the directory $TRD_HOME/app to the BOOT partition of the SD Card.
After the linux boot, run:
% cp /mnt/dpu.xclbin /usr/lib
% tar -xvf /mnt/app/resnet50.tar.gz -C ~
% cp /mnt/app/models/resnet50.elf ~
% cp -r /mnt/app/img ~
% cd ~
% env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=samples/lib samples/bin/resnet50 img/bellpeppe-994958.JPEG
score[945] = 0.992235 text: bell pepper,
score[941] = 0.00315807 text: acorn squash,
score[943] = 0.00191546 text: cucumber, cuke,
score[939] = 0.000904801 text: zucchini, courgette,
score[949] = 0.00054879 text: strawberry,
Note: The $TRD_HOME/prj/app resenet50 test case can support both Vitis and Vivado flow . If you want to run other network. Please refer to the Vitis AI Github and Vitis AI User Guide.
The DPU IP provides some user-configurable parameters to optimize resource utilization and customize different features. Different configurations can be selected for DSP slices, LUT, block RAM(BRAM), and UltraRAM utilization based on the amount of available programmable logic resources. There are also options for addition functions, such as channel augmentation, average pooling, depthwise convolution.
The TRD also support the softmax function.
For more details about the DPU, please read DPU IP Product Guide
The DPU core number is set 2 as default setting. Modify the prj_config file in the [connectivity] part.
The project will integrate 2 DPU. The user can delete this property, Then the project will integrate 1 DPU. Change the number 2 to others, The project will integrate DPU number as you want.
Note: The DPU needs lots of LUTs and RAMs. Use 3 or more DPU numbers may cause the resourse and timing issue.
The default setting is B4096 for ZCU102. Read the dpu_conf.vh file to get the details of DPU. You can get all the configurations form PG338
Modify the $TRD_HOME/prj/Vitis/dpu_conf.vh file to modify the configuration.
The TRD supports to modify the following parameters.
- Architecture
- URAM Number
- RAM Usage
- Channel Augmentation
- DepthwiseConv
- AveragePool
- ReLU Type
- DSP Usage
- Device
- Softmax
The DPU can configurate hardware architecture, including: B512, B800, B1024, B1152, B1600, B2304, B3136, B4096.
If you want to choose the B4096 DPU. Need to set like this.
`define B4096
Enable the URAM, The DPU will replace the bram to the uram.
Disable the URAM
For example, Use the DPU B4096 in zcu104 board. Setting as following.
`define B4096
There are some recommended uram numbers for different sizes.
B512 | B800 | B1024 | B1152 | B1600 | B2304 | B3136 | B4096 | |
U_BANK_IMG | 2 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 5 |
U_BANK_WGT | 9 | 11 | 9 | 13 | 11 | 13 | 15 | 17 |
U_BANK_BIAS | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Modify the $TRD_HOME/prj/Vitis/dpu_conf.vh file to enable or disable the URAM function and change the URAM numbers.
Change the URAM numbers.
`define def_UBANK_IMG_N 5
`define def_UBANK_WGT_N 17
`define def_UBANK_BIAS 1
`define def_UBANK_IMG_N 0
`define def_UBANK_WGT_N 0
`define def_UBANK_BIAS 0
There are two options of RAM usage. High RAM Usage means that the on-chip memory block will be larger, allowing the DPU more flexibility to handle the internediate data. If the RAM is limited, Please the low RAM Usage.
There are two options of RELU Type, including: RELU_RELU6,RELU_LEAKRELU_RELU6. We recommend use the RELU_LEAKRELU_RELU6.
Setting High will cost more DSP rescources than LOW.
`define DSP48_USAGE_HIGH
`define DSP48_USAGE_LOW
The TRD support the softmax function. The TRD has included the softmax rtl kernel.
Only use the DPU
Use the DPU and Softmax
####5.3.3 Specify Connectivity for DPU Ports
Need to specify connectivity to the various ports in the system for the DPU. Open the file prj_config in a text editor. Refer the vitis document. Using the following comment to check the ports of platform.
% platforminfo -p <platform path>/zcu104_revmin/zcu104_revmin.xpfm
The information of platform is shown in the below figure.
The default port connection is shown below.
IP | Port | Connection |
M_AXI_GP0 | HP0 | |
dpu_xrt_top_1 | M_AXI_HP0 | HP1 |
M_AXI_HP2 | HP2 | |
M_AXI_GP0 | HP0 | |
dpu_xrt_top_2 | M_AXI_HP0 | HPC0 |
M_AXI_HP2 | HPC1 |
If the platform doesn't have enough port to connect the port of DPU. The ports can share with other IPs.
Refer the UG1146 or Vitis_Embedded_Platform_Source to create the vitis platform. Modify the SDX_PLATFORM to specify the user platform.
% export SDX_PLATFORM=<user platform path>/user_platform.xpfm
If user just want to integrate the DPU IP in user platform. The related files need to be copied incuding the following path.
$TRD_HOME/prj/Vitis $TRD_HOME/dpu_ip
The $TRD/prj/Vitis/strip_interconects.tcl file is for reducing the resources and not necessary. It can be detelted. The relevant statement need to be deleted inthe makefile at the same time.
Delete the following property.
--xp param:compiler.userPostSysLinkTcl=${DIR_PRJ}/strip_interconnects.tcl
If the user changes the directroy structure, the relative paths in the script files need to be modified.
The other steps refer the 5.2 chapter.
If you meet some timing issues. you can modify the [vivado] part of prj_config file (prop=run.impl_1.strategy=Performance_Explore) to change another implementation strategy and re-compile the project.
This chapter introduces how to configue the project for Vitis AI Library released package for ZCU102 and ZCU104.
1.Modify the Makefile file
line13: --config ${TRD_HOME}/prj/Vitis/config_file/prj_config_102_3dpu
% make KERNEL=DPU_SM DEVICE=zcu102
1.Modify the Makefile file
line13: --config ${TRD_HOME}/prj/Vitis/config_file/prj_config_104_2dpu
2.Enable the URAM and modify the RAM USAGE
Need to modify the dpu_conf.vh file
line52:`define URAM_ENABLE
line73:`define RAM_USAGE_HIGH
% make KERNEL=DPU DEVICE=zcu104