diff --git a/docs/UserGuide.md b/docs/UserGuide.md
index ecf5e9ddbef..469baa08fb1 100644
--- a/docs/UserGuide.md
+++ b/docs/UserGuide.md
@@ -68,7 +68,6 @@ Access our self-curated user guide below to learn more on how you can integrate
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## Features Overview
While **JABPro** offers a whole range of features, we believe that the following features are likely to be the most useful to you:
@@ -381,7 +380,7 @@ Format: `listT`
[Jump back to Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
### 2. Managing Applicants
@@ -670,10 +669,11 @@ Format: `edit INDEX ([n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [t/TAGNAME]…
* If you have **multiple tags in different categories with the same name**, you must **specify the category** when you want to tag the specified applicant with one of these tags e.g. `edit INDEX t/CATEGORY DUPLICATETAGNAME`
* If you still would like to tag an applicant that has **not** been created, but you do not want this tag to be _uncategorized_, you can do so by doing
@@ -694,10 +694,11 @@ This is because, `create` only creates **new** categorized tags. It does **not**
* You can also tag the applicant and edit their score **at the same time** by doing `edit INDEX t/TAGNAME sc/TAGNAME SCORE`.
* Note that the tag has to have already been created using `create` with the category `assessment`. You **cannot** do this with a tag that hasn't been created even if you specified its category _assessment_ i.e. `edit INDEX t/assessment interview1 sc/interview1 100` does **NOT**
work. This is because, you cannot create tag and edit score at the same time as editing score relies on the fact that the tag has already existed.
@@ -789,11 +790,12 @@ Format: `delete (t/TAGNAME... st/STATUS...)`
* Delete parameters are case-insensitive i.e. doing `delete t/interN` is the same as `delete t/intern`
* You can combine multiple delete categories in a single `delete` command e.g. `delete st/interviewed t/intern`
@@ -877,11 +879,12 @@ Format: `search (n/NAME... st/STATUS... t/TAGNAME...)`
* Search parameters are case-insensitive i.e. doing `search n/aLeX` is the same as `search n/alex`
* You can combine multiple search categories in a single `search` command e.g. `search n/alex st/interviewed t/intern`
@@ -1172,11 +1175,12 @@ Format: `exit`
## Additional information
### Summary Statistics
Summary Statistics is a table generated by JABPro that displays the following information about an applicant:
@@ -1211,11 +1215,12 @@ You should ensure that you have **sufficient candidates of more than 20** with a
3. `percentile` as where this applicant stands among all other applicants (treat it like a ranking system, the higher the percentile, the better the applicant is performing)
* Understand that `percentile` has limited functionality in some context. This is because if two applicants have the same score, they are `rank` the same. This means that the percentile of both applicants will be the same.
* If all applicants have the same score, their percentile will all be 0.0. This is because they are all `rank` the same.