The Python GeoLambda image is meant to be used as a template for your own Python based geospatial project. Follow the usage instructions to package, test, and deploy your own Lambda.
These instructions show how to use the files in this directory to create your own Python based geospatial Lambda function and get it deployed.
1. Update requirements
First a Docker image will need to be created based on GeoLambda that includes the dependencies needed. The first thing is to is update the requirements-pre.txt
and requirement.txt
files with the dependencies needed. The requirements-pre.txt
is a way to specify build dependencies to packages in requirements.txt
. For instance, rasterio requires numpy is installed before rasterio. This is a well known pip problem that is fixed in PEP 518 but is not used by all packages so this work-around is needed.
2. Create handler
An example Lambda handler is located at lambda/ Ideally most of the logic in your Lambda should be in packages and the handler should only be responsible for taking in an event, calling relevant functions, and returning some output. Keep the handler code as small as possible. Move more complex code into packages or make them other functions in the lambda/ file.
3. Build image
Now, use the Dockerfile can be used to create a new Docker image based on any version of GeoLambda with any version of Python by providing the versions as build arguments to docker run
. This will install the specified version of Python along with any Python packages provided in requirements.txt.
$ VERSION=1.2.0
$ docker build . --build-arg VERSION=${VERSION} --build-arg PYVERSION=3.7.4 -t <myimage>:latest
If not provided, VERSION
(the version of GeoLambda to use) will default to latest
(Python version) will default to 3.7.4
4. Set up development environment and lambda layer zip file
First you'll need to build a geolambda
base layer, and then you'll have to build geolambda-python
layer located in python/
All that's needed to create a development package is to install the Python packages into the python/lambda/
directory using the
script. This copies the installed site-packages over the lambda directory, but excluding some libraries since they won't be needed. This includes packages that are already pre-installed in Lambda like boto3, as well as files and libraries that wouldn't be used operationally (e.g., testing files).
This will create geolambda base layer (
) file and /geolambda/lambda
directory needed for development.
# current dir: geolambda (up one level)
$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/home/geolambda -it developmentseed/geolambda:${VERSION}
This will copy site-packages in /geolambda/python/lambda directory needed for development. Also, it will create a
file in the current directory.
Contents of the zip file are following AWS conventions:
# current dir: geolambda/python
$ docker run -v ${PWD}:/home/geolambda -t <myimage>:latest
5. Testing deployment package
You can use the LambCI Docker images to test out your handler in the Lambda environment by mounting the base GeoLambda Lambda layer (/geolambda/lambda
) and the lambda directory (/geolambda/python/lambda
) created above.
# current dir: geolambda/python
$ docker run --rm -v ${PWD}/lambda:/var/task -v ${PWD}/../lambda:/opt lambci/lambda:python3.7 lambda_function.lambda_handler '{}'
The last argument is a JSON string that will be passed as the event payload to the handler function.
6. Deploy as Lambda layer (if layer already exists a new version will be created)
Deploy the Lambda layer by using AWS CLI.
$ aws lambda publish-layer-version \
--layer-name geolambda-python \
--description "Python bindings for GDAL" \
--zip-file fileb://
Builds of this default Python image are also available on Docker Hub as tags in the developmentseed/geolambda
$ docker pull developmentseed/geolambda:${VERSION}-python
To run the image interactively:
$ docker run -v ${PWD}:/home/geolambda --rm -it developmentseed/geolambda:${VERSION}-python
This image includes the dependencies specified in the default requirements.txt file.
To create a new official version of a Python GeoLambda Docker image for publication to Docker Hub follow these steps after following the steps for publishing a new base GeoLambda. These steps are performed automatically in CircleCI
From this directory:
$ docker build . --build-arg VERSION=${VERSION} -t developmentseed/geolambda:${VERSION}-python
Provide --build-arg PYVERSION=X.Y.Z
to build other Python versions and change the tag to be ${VERSION}-python