There are a couple steps to run this server. After you clone the repo, cd into it and perform the following steps:
- Run this command:
python -m venv bangazon-api-env
- Next, in cmd cd into the bangazon-api-env directory within the project directory
- Then cd into the Scripts directory and run the command: Start activate.bat
- In the rood directory run the command:
pip install django autopep8 pylint djangorestframework django-cors-headers pylint-django
- Run:
pip freeze -r requirements.txt
The next steps are for setting up the database:
- In the root project directory run the command:
python manage.py makemigrations
- Next run:
python manage.py migrate
- Then run:
python manage.py loaddata <fixture file name minus .json>
load order should be:customer payment product_types product order order_product
Now that your database is set up all you have to do is run the command:
python manage.py runserver
You can test your new server out in postman if you so desire.