diff --git a/etc/iStat Menus Settings.ismp b/etc/iStat Menus Settings.ismp
deleted file mode 100644
index c7eac06..0000000
--- a/etc/iStat Menus Settings.ismp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
- build
- 1113
- license
- email
- nortona@gmail.com
- serial
- preferences
- Battery_MenubarMode
- key
- 4
- uuid
- 1C1AD87F-B164-4A23-A4EA-AD1788FEDD3F
- Battery_MenubarModeBluetooth
- key
- 8
- uuid
- 8B83FD0B-D513-4135-A23A-39A80C6F2DB9
- key
- 6
- uuid
- 3C36F91C-F13D-4DF3-9AAA-9BBD86B59F2D
- key
- 7
- uuid
- F4C15734-8BC6-44A1-8521-993D2D5D21DD
- key
- 2
- uuid
- EA834E5F-B3FA-43E7-808C-D64507CE767D
- key
- 1
- uuid
- 07924ACF-A4B8-448A-8A62-2626082AEFE7
- CPU_MenubarMode
- key
- 0
- uuid
- D291DB49-011B-486C-BA68-F985BCE7B56E
- Disks_MenubarItems
- boot
- key
- 4B40D652-0E9A-4DAF-B10B-5D614E8F8850
- name
- ssd
- FanControl_Enabled
- FanControl_Sets
- model
- MacBookPro12,1
- name
- Medium
- speeds
- fan
- F0Ac
- high
- 6199
- low
- 1299
- percentage
- 50
- speed
- 3749
- uuid
- CA31A96E-68A2-461C-90E4-CBFDFE77EE94
- model
- MacBookPro12,1
- name
- High
- speeds
- fan
- F0Ac
- high
- 6199
- low
- 1299
- percentage
- 100
- speed
- 6199
- uuid
- 68CE66E3-A675-4F4D-B778-ED2EDB57ACCA
- Memory_MenubarMode
- key
- 6
- uuid
- BD4698B7-8476-4B32-89BA-7D8C5EA9F5FB
- MenubarGraphOpacity-Dark
- 1
- MenubarSkinColor-Dark
- 10
- Migrated_6.0
- Migrated_6.22
- Network_MenubarMode
- key
- 0
- uuid
- F2ECA1BD-4F56-4125-BEB4-764D89B2313E
- Notifications-Enabled
- Notifications-Items
- enabled
- notification-type
- 1
- rule-type
- 18
- uuid
- 1A60B1D8-161B-48EF-B078-D0810E345AE0
- value
- 978332400
- enabled
- notification-type
- 1
- rule-type
- 17
- uuid
- 384EBAFA-2902-499C-90F7-4CC06ADBA6BF
- value
- 1.00
- enabled
- notification-type
- 0
- rule-type
- 14
- uuid
- 646FDC5D-6EA4-471A-B593-420E67F80840
- value
- 10.00
- enabled
- notification-type
- 1
- rule-type
- 20
- uuid
- 627F424F-26BF-40CA-845B-DA478597348C
- value
- 10.00
- Sensors_MenubarMode
- key
- 2
- uuid
- AC17CC62-63FE-42C6-86C6-F8DA77678B71
- StatusItems-Order
- 2
- 7
- 1
- 4
- 6
- Theme-SeperateStyles
- Time_DismissedCalendarAccess
- Time_MenubarFormat
- format
- HH
- ':'
- mm
- ' '
- EE
- ' '
- d
- Zarya-TLE
- time
- 1597348815.565969
- tle
-1 25544U 98067A 20226.06311231 -.00000151 00000-0 53817-5 0 9996
-2 25544 51.6462 66.9800 0001619 33.8205 104.2288 15.49158227240839
- version
- 6.40
diff --git a/etc/iStat Menus Settings.ismp7 b/etc/iStat Menus Settings.ismp7
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d52c214
--- /dev/null
+++ b/etc/iStat Menus Settings.ismp7
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+ build
+ 2230
+ preferences
+ Combined.Menubar.Items
+ Migration.CombinedPowerItems
+ Migration.Profiles
+ Notifications.Enabled
+ 0
+ Notifications.Items
+ enabled
+ 0
+ source
+ battery-low
+ type
+ alert
+ uuid
+ 4e1abe18-f00e-4f2f-9a69-1ee6d04643f4
+ enabled
+ 0
+ source
+ daylightsaving
+ time
+ 0
+ type
+ alert
+ uuid
+ 7ad71b8c-c416-49c9-a5bc-41f76628c118
+ enabled
+ 0
+ item
+ key
+ any
+ source
+ temperature
+ time
+ 30
+ type
+ banner
+ uuid
+ 3e5ac3eb-5a05-4b12-82fe-a51860e5851d
+ value
+ 95
+ Profiles.Available.identifier
+ default
+ Profiles.Settings.default.Battery.Menubar.Enabled
+ 1
+ Profiles.Settings.default.Battery.Menubar.Items.Standard
+ source
+ 8
+ type
+ 4
+ Profiles.Settings.default.CPU.Menubar.Items
+ source
+ 1
+ type
+ 5
+ Profiles.Settings.default.Combined.Menubar.Items
+ Profiles.Settings.default.Disks.Menubar.Enabled
+ 0
+ Profiles.Settings.default.Memory.Menubar.Items
+ source
+ 3
+ subtype
+ 5
+ type
+ 6
+ Profiles.Settings.default.Sensors.Menubar.Enabled
+ 0
+ Profiles.Settings.default.Time.Menubar.Clocks
+ line1
+ items
+ format
+ format-type
+ day
+ type
+ token
+ type
+ string
+ value
+ format
+ d
+ format-type
+ day
+ type
+ token
+ type
+ string
+ value
+ format
+ h
+ format-type
+ hour
+ type
+ token
+ type
+ string
+ value
+ :
+ format
+ mm
+ format-type
+ minute
+ type
+ token
+ lines
+ 1
+ Profiles.Settings.default.Time.Menubar.Enabled
+ 1
+ Status.Build.Last
+ 2230
+ Status.Version.Last
+ 7.0199999809265137
+ Time.Global.Calendars.Dismissed
+ Time.Menu.Calendar.Type
+ 2
+ Time.Menu.State
+ enabled
+ key
+ time-calendar
+ enabled
+ key
+ time-events
+ enabled
+ key
+ time-cities
+ enabled
+ key
+ time-launcher
+ version
+ 7
diff --git a/etc/vscode--list-extensions.txt b/etc/vscode--list-extensions.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c4eaa98..0000000
--- a/etc/vscode--list-extensions.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/etc/vscode.keybindings.json b/etc/vscode.keybindings.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 04f6b91..0000000
--- a/etc/vscode.keybindings.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
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diff --git a/etc/vscode.settings.json b/etc/vscode.settings.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f73ace1..0000000
--- a/etc/vscode.settings.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
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