From 7a0f68a9a9fc2214c092b1f7d7e18ca77bc75c4d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Joachim Breitner <>
Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2018 14:15:03 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Create a test suite for fusion, using inspection-testing
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see the comments in `fusion-test/Canary.hs` for an outline.

Currently, “only” 71 tests are defined; there is more tedious work to be
done if this approach is found to be good.

This words towards fixing #229.
 fusion-test/Canary.hs | 120 ++++++++++++++++++++
 fusion-test/Main.hs   | 258 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 vector.cabal          |  11 ++
 3 files changed, 389 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 fusion-test/Canary.hs
 create mode 100644 fusion-test/Main.hs

diff --git a/fusion-test/Canary.hs b/fusion-test/Canary.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..33417ee1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fusion-test/Canary.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+{- |
+This module provide the function 'fuseHere', which can be inserted into a
+pipeline of vector-processing functions. It also contains copies of all the
+fusion-related rewrite rules from "Data.Vector.Generic", with 'fuseHere'
+inserted. This way, if fusion happens at this point, the 'fuseHere' function
+Having to maintain a complete copy of all the rewrite rules is a big downsid of
+this approach, and a better way would be appreciated.
+module Canary (fuseHere) where
+import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as V
+import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.New as New
+import           Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Monadic ( Stream )
+import qualified Data.Vector.Fusion.Bundle as Bundle
+import           Data.Vector.Fusion.Bundle ( Bundle, MBundle, lift, inplace )
+import qualified Data.Vector.Fusion.Bundle.Monadic as MBundle
+-- | Put this function into vector pipelines where you want them to fuse
+fuseHere :: a -> a
+fuseHere = id
+{-# NOINLINE fuseHere #-}
+-- | We need to copy all fusion rules here, with fuseHere inserted in the right
+-- spot.
+{-# RULES
+"(!)/fuseHere/unstream [Vector]" forall i s.
+  fuseHere ( (New.unstream s)) V.! i = s Bundle.!! i
+"(!?)/fuseHere/unstream [Vector]" forall i s.
+  fuseHere ( (New.unstream s)) V.!? i = s Bundle.!? i
+"head/fuseHere/unstream [Vector]" forall s.
+  V.head (fuseHere ( (New.unstream s))) = Bundle.head s
+"last/fuseHere/unstream [Vector]" forall s.
+  V.last (fuseHere ( (New.unstream s))) = Bundle.last s
+"unsafeIndex/fuseHere/unstream [Vector]" forall i s.
+  V.unsafeIndex (fuseHere ( (New.unstream s))) i = s Bundle.!! i
+"unsafeHead/fuseHere/unstream [Vector]" forall s.
+  V.unsafeHead (fuseHere ( (New.unstream s))) = Bundle.head s
+"unsafeLast/fuseHere/unstream [Vector]" forall s.
+  V.unsafeLast (fuseHere ( (New.unstream s))) = Bundle.last s  #-}
+{-# RULES
+"indexM/fuseHere/unstream [Vector]" forall s i.
+  V.indexM (fuseHere ( (New.unstream s))) i = lift s MBundle.!! i
+"headM/fuseHere/unstream [Vector]" forall s.
+  V.headM (fuseHere ( (New.unstream s))) = MBundle.head (lift s)
+"lastM/fuseHere/unstream [Vector]" forall s.
+  V.lastM (fuseHere ( (New.unstream s))) = MBundle.last (lift s)
+"unsafeIndexM/fuseHere/unstream [Vector]" forall s i.
+  V.unsafeIndexM (fuseHere ( (New.unstream s))) i = lift s MBundle.!! i
+"unsafeHeadM/fuseHere/unstream [Vector]" forall s.
+  V.unsafeHeadM (fuseHere ( (New.unstream s))) = MBundle.head (lift s)
+"unsafeLastM/fuseHere/unstream [Vector]" forall s.
+  V.unsafeLastM (fuseHere ( (New.unstream s))) = MBundle.last (lift s)   #-}
+{-# RULES
+"slice/fuseHere/new [Vector]" forall i n p.
+  V.slice i n (fuseHere ( p)) = (New.slice i n p)
+"init/fuseHere/new [Vector]" forall p.
+  V.init (fuseHere ( p)) = (New.init p)
+"tail/fuseHere/new [Vector]" forall p.
+  V.tail (fuseHere ( p)) = (New.tail p)
+"take/fuseHere/new [Vector]" forall n p.
+  V.take n (fuseHere ( p)) = (New.take n p)
+"drop/fuseHere/new [Vector]" forall n p.
+  V.drop n (fuseHere ( p)) = (New.drop n p)
+"unsafeSlice/fuseHere/new [Vector]" forall i n p.
+  V.unsafeSlice i n (fuseHere ( p)) = (New.unsafeSlice i n p)
+"unsafeInit/fuseHere/new [Vector]" forall p.
+  V.unsafeInit (fuseHere ( p)) = (New.unsafeInit p)
+"unsafeTail/fuseHere/new [Vector]" forall p.
+  V.unsafeTail (fuseHere ( p)) = (New.unsafeTail p)   #-}
+{-# RULES
+"stream/fuseHere/unstream [Vector]" forall s.
+ (fuseHere ( (New.unstream s))) = s
+"New.unstream/fuseHere/stream [Vector]" forall v.
+  New.unstream (fuseHere ( v)) = V.clone v
+"clone/fuseHere/new [Vector]" forall p.
+  V.clone (fuseHere ( p)) = p
+"inplace [Vector]"
+  forall (f :: forall m. Monad m => Stream m a -> Stream m a) g m.
+  New.unstream (inplace f g ( ( m))) = New.transform f g m
+"uninplace [Vector]"
+  forall (f :: forall m. Monad m => Stream m a -> Stream m a) g m.
+ ( (New.transform f g m)) = inplace f g ( ( m))
diff --git a/fusion-test/Main.hs b/fusion-test/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84224bba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fusion-test/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=Test.Inspection.Plugin #-}
+Fusion tests for vector
+This file tests whether fusion happens the way we want it.
+It does so by creating a typical pipeline with a function. For example, to test
+`map`, we write
+   test_map f = V.toList . f . V.fromList
+Actually, we insert the `fuseHere` function, from the Canary module, in the
+spots where we expect fusion to happen:
+   test_map f = V.toList . fuseHere . f . fuseHere . V.fromList
+The `fuseHere` function has rules included that make it disappear if fusion
+happens at this spot. See Canary.hs for more details.
+So if `fuseHere` remains in the code, fusion did not happen as expected. We
+check this using the `inspection-testing` library.
+Even if `fuseHere` disappeared, which means that for example the
+`unstream/stream` rule fired, we want to check that all of the constructors
+of the `Step` data type (`Skip`, `Done`, `Yield`) have been eliminiated. We
+test this again using `inspection-testing`.
+module Main where
+import qualified Data.Vector as V
+import Canary
+import Test.Inspection
+import Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Monadic (Step(..))
+import Control.Monad
+import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
+main :: IO ()
+main = return ()
+-- Testing pipelines for producers, transformers, consumers
+p f = V.toList . fuseHere . f
+t f = V.toList . fuseHere . f . fuseHere . V.fromList
+c f = f . fuseHere . V.fromList
+{-# INLINE t #-}
+{-# INLINE c #-}
+{-# INLINE p #-}
+-- To help the type checker, avoid ambiguous Monad ctraints 
+inIO :: IO a -> IO a
+inIO = id
+-- Length information
+test_length = c V.length
+test_null = c V.null
+-- Indexing
+test_bang = c (V.! 42)
+test_safe_bang = c (V.!? 42)
+test_head = c V.head
+test_last = c V.last
+test_unsafeIndex = c (`V.unsafeIndex` 42)
+test_unsafeHead = c V.unsafeHead
+test_unsafeLast = c V.unsafeLast
+-- Monadic Indexing
+test_indexM = inIO . c (`V.indexM` 42)
+test_headM = inIO . c V.headM
+test_lastM = inIO . c V.lastM
+test_unsafeIndexM = inIO . c (`V.unsafeIndexM` 42)
+test_unsafeHeadM = inIO . c V.unsafeHeadM
+test_unsafeLastM = inIO . c V.unsafeLastM
+-- Extracting subvectors (slicing)
+test_slice = t (V.slice 23 42)
+test_init = t V.init
+test_tail = t V.tail
+test_take = t (V.take 42)
+test_drop = t (V.drop 42)
+-- splitAt: hard to test
+test_unsafeSlice = t (V.unsafeSlice 23 42)
+test_unsafeInit = t V.unsafeInit
+test_unsafeTail = t V.unsafeTail
+test_unsafeTake = t (V.unsafeTake 42)
+-- Does not actually fuse
+-- test_unsafeDrop = t (V.unsafeDrop 42)
+-- Initialisation
+-- Does not fuse, as the ctant expression floats out
+--test_empty = p (\(_::()) -> V.empty)
+test_singleton = p V.singleton
+test_replicate = p (V.replicate 5)
+test_generate = p (V.generate 5)
+test_iterateN = p (V.iterateN 5 (+1))
+-- Monadic Initialisation
+-- These don't fuse (no rules for unstreamM)
+-- Unfolding
+test_unfoldr x = p (V.unfoldr x)
+test_unfoldrN x = p (V.unfoldrN 42 x)
+-- ctructN and ctructrN cannot fuse
+-- Enumeration
+test_enumFromN (x::Integer) = p (V.enumFromN x)
+test_enumFromStepN (x::Integer) y = p (V.enumFromStepN x y)
+test_enumFromTo (x::Integer) = p (V.enumFromTo x)
+test_enumFromThenTo (x::Integer) y = p (V.enumFromThenTo x y)
+-- Concatenation
+test_cons x = t (V.cons x)
+test_snoc x = t (`V.snoc` x)
+test_append_r x = t (x V.++)
+test_append_l x = t (V.++ x)
+test_concat = p V.concat
+-- Bulk updates
+-- bulk updates fuse as a consumers, but not as a producer
+test_upd x = c (V.// x)
+test_update_l x = c (`V.update` x)
+test_update_r x = c (x `V.update`)
+test_update__1 y z = c (\x -> V.update_ x y z)
+test_update__2 y z = c (\x -> V.update_ y x z)
+test_update__3 y z = c (\x -> V.update_ y z x)
+test_unsafeUpd x = c (`V.unsafeUpd` x)
+test_unsafeUpdate_l x = c (`V.unsafeUpdate` x)
+test_unsafeUpdate_r x = c (x `V.unsafeUpdate`)
+test_unsafeUpdate__1 y z = c (\x -> V.unsafeUpdate_ x y z)
+test_unsafeUpdate__2 y z = c (\x -> V.unsafeUpdate_ y x z)
+test_unsafeUpdate__3 y z = c (\x -> V.unsafeUpdate_ y z x)
+-- Accumulations
+test_accum f y = c (\x -> V.accum f x y)
+test_accumulate_l f y = c (\x -> V.accumulate f x y)
+test_accumulate_r f y = c (\x -> V.accumulate f y x)
+test_accumulate__1 f y z = c (\x -> V.accumulate_ f x y z)
+test_accumulate__2 f y z = c (\x -> V.accumulate_ f y x z)
+test_accumulate__3 f y z = c (\x -> V.accumulate_ f y z x)
+test_unsafeAccum f y = c (\x -> V.unsafeAccum f x y)
+test_unsafeAccumulate_l f y  = c (\x -> V.unsafeAccumulate f x y)
+test_unsafeAccumulate_r f y  = c (\x -> V.unsafeAccumulate f y x)
+test_unsafeAccumulate__1 f y z = c (\x -> V.unsafeAccumulate_ f x y z)
+test_unsafeAccumulate__2 f y z = c (\x -> V.unsafeAccumulate_ f y x z)
+test_unsafeAccumulate__3 f y z = c (\x -> V.unsafeAccumulate_ f y z x)
+-- Permutations
+-- reverse is only a good producer, not a good consumer
+test_reverse = p V.reverse
+-- backpermute is only a good consumer in the second argument,
+-- but not the first and not a good producer
+test_backpermute y = c (V.backpermute y)
+test_unsafeBackpermute y = c (V.unsafeBackpermute y)
+-- Elementwise operations
+test_indexed = t V.indexed
+test_map f = t ( f)
+test_imap f = t (V.imap f)
+test_concatMap f = t (V.concatMap f)
+-- No deep fusion?
+-- test_concatMap_deep f = t (V.concatMap (\ x -> fuseHere (f x)))
+-- ... much more to come ...
+fmap (concat . reverse)$ forM
+  [ 'test_head
+  , 'test_null
+  , 'test_bang
+  , 'test_safe_bang
+  , 'test_head
+  , 'test_last
+  , 'test_unsafeIndex
+  , 'test_unsafeHead
+  , 'test_unsafeLast
+  , 'test_indexM
+  , 'test_headM
+  , 'test_lastM
+  , 'test_unsafeIndexM
+  , 'test_unsafeHeadM
+  , 'test_unsafeLastM
+  , 'test_slice
+  , 'test_init
+  , 'test_tail
+  , 'test_take
+  , 'test_drop
+  , 'test_unsafeSlice
+  , 'test_unsafeInit
+  , 'test_unsafeTail
+  , 'test_unsafeTake
+--  , 'test_unsafeDrop
+--  , 'test_empty
+  , 'test_singleton
+  , 'test_replicate
+  , 'test_generate
+  , 'test_iterateN
+  , 'test_unfoldr
+  , 'test_unfoldrN
+  , 'test_enumFromN
+  , 'test_enumFromStepN
+  , 'test_enumFromTo
+  , 'test_enumFromThenTo
+  , 'test_cons
+  , 'test_cons
+  , 'test_snoc
+  , 'test_append_r
+  , 'test_append_l
+  , 'test_concat
+  , 'test_upd
+  , 'test_update_l
+  , 'test_update_r
+  , 'test_update__1
+  , 'test_update__2
+  , 'test_update__3
+  , 'test_unsafeUpd
+  , 'test_unsafeUpdate_l
+  , 'test_unsafeUpdate_r
+  , 'test_unsafeUpdate__1
+  , 'test_unsafeUpdate__2
+  , 'test_unsafeUpdate__3
+  , 'test_accum
+  , 'test_accumulate_l
+  , 'test_accumulate_r
+  , 'test_accumulate__1
+  , 'test_accumulate__2
+  , 'test_accumulate__3
+  , 'test_unsafeAccum
+  , 'test_unsafeAccumulate_l
+  , 'test_unsafeAccumulate_r
+  , 'test_unsafeAccumulate__1
+  , 'test_unsafeAccumulate__2
+  , 'test_unsafeAccumulate__3
+  , 'test_reverse
+  , 'test_backpermute
+  , 'test_unsafeBackpermute
+  , 'test_indexed
+  , 'test_map
+  , 'test_imap
+  , 'test_concatMap
+  ] $ \thn -> inspect
+    (mkObligation thn (NoUseOf ['fuseHere, 'Yield, 'Skip, 'Done]))
+    { testName = Just (TH.nameBase thn) }
diff --git a/vector.cabal b/vector.cabal
index eca10610..68819a3e 100644
--- a/vector.cabal
+++ b/vector.cabal
@@ -251,3 +251,14 @@ test-suite vector-tests-O2
     if impl(ghc >= 8.0) && impl(ghc < 8.1)
       Ghc-Options: -Wno-redundant-constraints
+test-suite fusion-tests
+  Default-Language: Haskell2010
+  type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
+  Main-Is:  Main.hs
+  other-modules: Canary
+  hs-source-dirs: fusion-test
+  Build-Depends: base >= 4.5 && < 5, vector, template-haskell,
+                 inspection-testing >= 0.4.1
+  Ghc-Options: -dsuppress-all