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Package nog-rest

nog-rest implements server-side routing for a REST API. It uses signature-based authentication if the package nog-auth is available.

Routes are registered with NogBlob.actions(prefix, actions) (see details below).

Access check of actions should be implemented with NogAccess.checkAccess() from package nog-access.

Links to resources should be returned as JSON objects with an href member and other alternative identifiers, such as an id or a sha1. Each resource should contain a self reference in member _id.

Usage example:

if Meteor.isServer
  actions = NogBlob.api.blobs.actions()
  NogRest.actions '/api/blobs', actions

With NogBlob.api.blobs.actions(), for example, implemented as follows:

class BlobsApi
  constructor: (opts) ->
    @blobs = opts.blobs

  actions: () ->
      { method: 'GET', path: '/:blob', action: @get_blob }
      { method: 'GET', path: '/:blob/content', action: @get_blob_content }

  # Use `=>` to bind the actions to access this instance's state.
  get_blob: (req) =>
    {params, baseUrl} = req
    params = _.pick params, 'blob'
    check params, { blob: isSha1 }
    action = 'nog-blob/GET-blob'
    NogAccess.checkAccess req.auth?.user, action, req.params
    blob = @blobs.findOne params.blob
    if not blob?
      nogthrow ERR_BLOB_NOT_FOUND, {blob: params.blob}
    res = _.pick blob, 'size', 'status', 'confirmations', 'sha1'
    res._id =
      id: blob._id,
      href: Meteor.absoluteUrl(baseUrl[1..] + '/' + blob._id)
    res.content =
      href: share.getSignedDownloadUrl
        sha1: params.blob
        filename: params.blob + '.dat'


Example response JSON:

    "data": {
        "_id": {
            "href": "http://localhost:3000/api/blobs/31968d2e8b58e29e63851cb4b340216026f11f69",
            "id": "31968d2e8b58e29e63851cb4b340216026f11f69"
        "confirmations": [
                "date": "2015-04-27T10:02:31.313Z",
                "message": "..."
        "content": {
            "href": "https://..."
        "sha1": "31968d2e8b58e29e63851cb4b340216026f11f69",
        "size": 11,
        "status": "available"
    "statusCode": 200

NogRest.actions(prefix, actions) (server)

NogBlob.actions(prefix, actions) adds routes that start with prefix. actions is an array of {method: String, path: String, action: callback}. prefix and path use Express-style syntax as describe at

The action callback(req) receives an HTTP request object, parsed as usual: URL query in req.params, parsed JSON body in req.body. In addition to the usual fields, req.auth.user contains a Meteor user if the request signature has been verified by nog-auth. req.baseUrl contains the part of the URL that was matched by prefix. It can be used in an action callback to create URLs that use the same prefix:

href = Meteor.absoluteUrl(baseUrl[1..] + '/' + blob._id)

The action callback either returns a result object or throws an error.

A result will be send via HTTP with status code 200 and a JSON body:

  "statusCode": 200
  "data": result

If result contains a field statusCode, its value will be used instead for the HTTP code and in the JSON body:

  "statusCode": result.statusCode
  "data": _.omit(result, 'statusCode')

As a special case, the callback can return a redirect result:

  statusCode: 307
  location: "https://..."

It will be translated to the expected HTTP redirect.

An error will be translated to an HTTP error status code and a JSON body such as:

  "errorCode": "ERR_MATCH",
  "message": "Match error: not a sha1 in field blob",
  "statusCode": 422

NogRest.configure(opts) (server)

configure() updates the active configuration with the provided opts:

  • checkRequestAuth (Function, default: NogAuth.checkRequestAuth): The authentication hook (see below).

NogRest.checkRequestAuth(req) (server)

checkRequestAuth(req) is expected to add req.auth.user with the authenticated user or to throw if the authentication fails. req is a HTTP request object.