USE CASE 1 | |
Name | Info |
Actors | Player |
Brief Description | Information about the game is displayed. |
Preconditions | none |
Basic flow | The Player selects “info” and information about the game and it's rules is displayed. |
Alternate flows | none |
Postconditions | The player can select "more info" and, if he does it, the Klotski wikipedia page opens. |
USE CASE 2 | |
Name | GitHub |
Actors | Player |
Brief Description | The Player visualizes the GitHub repository. |
Preconditions | The Player must be connected to internet. |
Basic flow | The Player selects “GitHub”. |
Alternate flows | none |
Postconditions | The GitHub repository webpage opens. |
USE CASE 3 | |
Name | Select Level |
Actors | Player |
Brief Description | The Player chooses one of the 5+1 configurations. |
Preconditions | none |
Basic flow | Player selects one of the 5+1 levels and starts the game (use case #4). |
Alternate flows | Player doesn’t select a level. Level 1 is selected by default. |
Postconditions | The selected level is displayed. |
Note | The level can also be changed after starting a game (use case #4) clicking the “level” button and choosing one of the 6 options. It equals to starting a new game (use case #4). |
USE CASE 4 | |
Name | Start Game |
Actors | Player |
Brief Description | The Player starts the game. |
Preconditions | none |
Basic flow | The player selects "play" and a new game starts. |
Alternate flows | none |
Postconditions | The game board with the selcted configuration is displayed and the Player can move the pieces. |
USE CASE 5 | |
Name | Move |
Actors | Player |
Brief Description | The Player can move the pieces according to the game rules. |
Preconditions | Use case #4. |
Basic flow | The Player drags the pieces to the free spots. |
Alternate flows | The Player tries to drag the blocks outside the board, to move them diagonally or to overlapping them. The piece won’t move in any of these cases. |
Postconditions | The moves counter increments and now the Player has the opportunity to undo (use case #6). The game ends if the 2x2 square moves to the winning position. |
USE CASE 6 | |
Name | Undo |
Actors | Player |
Brief Description | The player undoes the move. |
Preconditions | The moves counter can’t be 0, at least one move must have been performed. |
Basic flow | The Player selects "undo" and the board returns to the previous configuration. |
Alternate flows | Moves counter is 0 and can’t decrement. The board configuration doesn’t change. |
Postconditions | The moves counter decrements by one and the board returns to the previous configuration. |
USE CASE 7 | |
Name | Save |
Actors | Player |
Brief Description | The current board configuration gets saved. |
Preconditions | The player selected "settings"(after the game started). |
Basic flow | After making some moves, the Player saves the configuration. |
Alternate flows | The player saves before making any move. That equals to saving the selected configuration. |
Postconditions | The configuration is saved and can be loaded (use case #8). |
USE CASE 8 | |
Name | Load |
Actors | Player |
Brief Description | The saved configuration gets loaded. |
Preconditions | The player saved a game (use case #7) and selected "settings"(after the game started). |
Basic flow | The Player saves a game, makes some moves and then loads the saved file. |
Alternate flows | The Player tries to load a configuration without saving one before. A message window is displayed. |
Postconditions | The saved configuration is displayed and the moves counter changes too. |
USE CASE 9 | |
Name | Return to the main menu |
Actors | Player |
Brief Description | The Player returns to the home screen from the settings menu. |
Preconditions | The player selected "settings"(after the game started). |
Basic flow | The main menu is displayed as selected by the Player. |
Alternate flows | none |
Postconditions | The situation is the same as when the application just opened. |
USE CASE 10 | |
Name | Reset |
Actors | Player |
Brief Description | The Player resets the game. |
Preconditions | A game must have started (use case #4). |
Basic flow | After making some moves the Player decides to reset. |
Alternate flows | The Player resets the game without making any move, the configuration doesn’t change. |
Postconditions | New game with the same level starts. |
Note | If the player selects the "random" level and resets the game, a new one with a different random configuration will start. |
USE CASE 11 | |
Name | Next best move |
Actors | Player and Solver |
Brief Description | The best possible move is performed automatically as asked by the Player. |
Preconditions | The Player must be connected to internet. |
Basic flow | The Solver performes the best move after the Player selected "best move". |
Alternate flows | The player selects this option without being connected to the internet. A message window is displayed. |
Postconditions | The configuration changes and moves counter increments by one. The game ends if the 2x2 square moves to the winning position. |
USE CASE 12 | |
Name | Solve all |
Actors | Player and Solver |
Brief Description | The game is solved automatically as asked by the Player. |
Preconditions | The Player must be connected to internet. |
Basic flow | The player selects "solve all" and the pieces move automatically until the 2x2 square reaches the winning position. |
Alternate flows | The player selects this option without being connected to the internet. A message window is displayed. |
Postconditions | Win (use case #16). |
USE CASE 13 | |
Name | Stop |
Actors | Player and Solver |
Brief Description | Player stops the automatic solving. |
Preconditions | Use case #12. |
Basic flow | After letting the Solver move some pieces the Player selects "stop". |
Alternate flows | The Player doesn't stop the Solver. The Solver won't stop until the end of the game. |
Postconditions | The Solver stops solving. |
USE CASE 14 | |
Name | Win |
Actors | Player and/or Solver |
Brief Description | The Player (or Solver) wins the game. |
Preconditions | The 2x2 square is moved to the winning position. |
Basic flow | The Player (or Solver) moves the pieces until the 2x2 square reaches the winning position. |
Alternate flows | The Player isn’t able to make the 2x2 square go to the winning position. |
Postconditions | Restart (same as use case #10) or return to the main menu (use case #9). |