These instructions are for those who previously deployed EventKit to a Heroku account (whether manually or using the "Deploy to Heroku" button), and would like to update the application with changes that might have been pushed to this repo.
First, you'll need git installed on your computer. If you don't have git installed, or are unfamiliar with git, learn more on their website.
Second, you'll need to have setup an SSH key with your Heroku account. If you haven't done so already, view instructions on how to do so on Heroku's website.
First off, clone the project to your computer using git.
# First, go to a location that you want to copy the project to
cd /pick/a/path/to/clone/to
# Then clone it to that location
git clone
Next, login to your Heroku account and select your current EventKit rails application. Go to the "Settings" page and find your "Git URL" under info:
Add that Heroku Git URL as a remote repository to your cloned copy of the EventKit-Rails project:
# Go to the location of your cloned project
cd /path/to/eventkit-rails
# Add your Heroku Git URL as a remote
# Replace the below URL with the URL you found in Step 2
git remote add heroku [email protected]:eventkit-rails-upgrade-demo.git
Finally, you can push the latest and greatest changes to your Heroku URL by running the following:
# Go to the location of your cloned project
cd /path/to/eventkit-rails
# Push the updates!
git push heroku master
The latest changes will be uploaded to your Heroku account!
NOTE: If you receive a permission denied
error, you'll probably need to setup an SSH key for your Heroku account.