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LOG-372 - rsyslog - support improved undefined field handling
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
- Refactoring undefined_field.go and adding undefined_field_test.go by Rich Megginson <[email protected]>.
- Adding the undefined field related env vars including USE_MMEXTERNAL and SKIP_EMPTY to rsyslog/
- Adding multi-container support to the rsyslog logs utility.
- Ingoring SIGPIPE in wait_for_journal_apps_ops_msg and wait_for_ops_log_message in hack/testing/
- Adding undefined_field test cases to with updating and
  Setting kubernetes to CDM_KEEP_EMPTY_FIELDS to keep "openshift_io/node-selector": "" in
  Note: If the type of the undefined field's value has changed (e.g., nested json to json string or vice versa),
        the field name should be updated.

Bug fixes:
-  Bug 1730207 - Too many "No Action Needed for xxxxxxxxx" logs in rsyslog pod.
   The undefined_field mmexternal program should be quiet if undefined_debug is not set

- Bug 1733011 - Inappropriate message when view rsyslog pod logs by `oc exec $rsyslog-pod
  -- logs` after setting `LOGGING_FILE_PATH=console`
  • Loading branch information
nhosoi committed Jul 25, 2019
1 parent 6ed9cfa commit ca4c8c0
Show file tree
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Showing 9 changed files with 1,199 additions and 232 deletions.
40 changes: 34 additions & 6 deletions hack/testing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ def empty(thing):
"undefined23": False
"undefined4": "undefined4",
"undefined5": "undefined5"
"undefined5": "undefined5",
"undefined.6": "undefined6"
"test2": {"undefined":
{"undefined1": "undefined1",
Expand All @@ -53,7 +54,8 @@ def empty(thing):
"undefined23": False
"undefined4": "undefined4",
"undefined5": "undefined5"
"undefined5": "undefined5",
"undefined.6": "undefined6"
"test3": {"undefined":
Expand All @@ -64,7 +66,8 @@ def empty(thing):
"undefined2": "undefined2",
"undefined22": 2222,
"undefined23": False
"undefined.6": "undefined6"
"undefined4": "undefined4",
"undefined5": "undefined5"
Expand All @@ -77,7 +80,8 @@ def empty(thing):
"undefined2": "undefined2",
"undefined22": 2222,
"undefined23": False
"undefined.6": "undefined6"
"undefined4": "undefined4",
"undefined5": "undefined5"
Expand All @@ -90,12 +94,36 @@ def empty(thing):
"undefined2": "undefined2",
"undefined22": 2222,
"undefined23": False
"undefined.6": "undefined6"
"undefined4": "undefined4",
"undefined5": "undefined5",
"empty1": "",
"undefined3": {"emptyvalue": ""}
"test6": {"myname":
{"undefined1": "undefined1",
"undefined11": 1111,
"undefined12": True,
"undefined2": {
"undefined2": "undefined2",
"undefined22": 2222,
"undefined23": False
"undefined_6": "undefined6"
"undefined4": "undefined4",
"undefined5": "undefined5",
"empty1": "",
"undefined3": {"emptyvalue": ""}
"test7": {"undefString":
"undefined4": "undefined4",
"undefined5": "undefined5",
"empty1": "",
"undefined3": {"emptyvalue": ""}

Expand All @@ -111,7 +139,7 @@ def empty(thing):
if xx not in dd['_source']:
print "Error: input does not have the field [%s]" % xx
if not match[xx] == dd['_source'][xx]:
if not match[xx] == dd['_source'][xx] and not json.loads(match[xx]) == json.loads(dd['_source'][xx]):
print "Error: input field [%s] expected value [%s] does not match actual value [%s]" % (xx, match[xx], dd['_source'][xx])

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55 changes: 48 additions & 7 deletions hack/testing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -433,6 +433,10 @@ function flush_fluentd_pos_files() {
os::cmd::expect_success "oal_sudo rm -f /var/log/journal.pos /var/log/journal_pos.json"

function flush_rsyslog_pos_files() {
os::cmd::expect_success "oal_sudo rm -f /var/lib/rsyslog.pod/imfile-state* /var/lib/rsyslog.pod/imjournal.state"

# return 0 if given file has size ge given size, otherwise, return 1
function file_has_size() {
local f=$1
Expand All @@ -457,21 +461,29 @@ function get_journal_pos_cursor() {
function wait_for_journal_apps_ops_msg() {
local fullmsg="$1"
local uuid_es_ops="$2"
# ingore pipe failure
trap "" PIPE
oal_sudo journalctl -m -f -o export 2>&1 | \
awk -v "es=MESSAGE=.*$fullmsg" -v "es_ops=SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=$uuid_es_ops" \
-v es_out=$ARTIFACT_DIR/es_out.txt -v es_ops_out=$ARTIFACT_DIR/es_ops_out.txt '
awk -v "journal=MESSAGE=.*$fullmsg" -v "journal_ops=SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=$uuid_es_ops" \
-v journal_out=$ARTIFACT_DIR/journal_out.txt -v journal_ops_out=$ARTIFACT_DIR/journal_ops_out.txt '
$0 ~ es {print > es_out; app += 1; if (app && op) {exit 0}};
$0 ~ es_ops {print > es_ops_out; op += 1; if (app && op) {exit 0}};
$0 ~ journal {print > journal_out; app += 1; if (app && op) {exit 0}};
$0 ~ journal_ops {print > journal_ops_out; op += 1; if (app && op) {exit 0}};
# reset PIPE trap
trap - PIPE

function wait_for_ops_log_message() {
local uuid_es_ops="$1"
# ingore pipe failure
trap "" PIPE
oal_sudo journalctl -m -f -o export 2>&1 | \
awk -v "es_ops=SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=$uuid_es_ops" -v es_ops_out=$ARTIFACT_DIR/es_ops_out.txt '
awk -v "journal_ops=SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=$uuid_es_ops" -v journal_ops_out=$ARTIFACT_DIR/journal_ops_out.txt '
$0 ~ es_ops {print > es_ops_out; exit 0}'
$0 ~ journal_ops {print > journal_ops_out; exit 0}'
# reset PIPE trap
trap - PIPE

function wait_for_apps_log_message() {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -755,7 +767,7 @@ get_all_logging_pod_logs() {
oc exec -n ${LOGGING_NS} -c $container $p -- logs >> $ARTIFACT_DIR/$p.$container.log 2>&1 || :

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -786,6 +798,32 @@ start_fluentd() {
os::cmd::try_until_text "oc get pods -l component=fluentd" "^(logging-)*fluentd-.* Running " $wait_time

stop_rsyslog() {
local rpod=${1:-$( get_running_pod rsyslog )}
local wait_time=${2:-$(( 2 * minute ))}

oc label node -l logging-infra-rsyslog=true --overwrite logging-infra-rsyslog=false
os::cmd::try_until_text "oc get $rsyslog_ds -o jsonpath='{ .status.numberReady }'" "0" $wait_time
# not sure if it is a bug or a flake, but sometimes .status.numberReady is 0, the rsyslog pod hangs around
# in the Terminating state for many seconds, which seems to cause problems with subsequent tests
# so, we have to wait for the pod to completely disappear - we cannot rely on .status.numberReady == 0
if [ -n "${rpod:-}" ] ; then
os::cmd::try_until_failure "oc get pod $rpod > /dev/null 2>&1" $wait_time

start_rsyslog() {
local cleanfirst=${1:-false}
local wait_time=${2:-$(( 2 * minute ))}

if [ "$cleanfirst" != false ] ; then
oal_sudo rm -f /var/log/rsyslog/* /var/lib/rsyslog.pod/*
oc label node -l logging-infra-rsyslog=false --overwrite logging-infra-rsyslog=true
os::cmd::try_until_text "oc get pods -l component=rsyslog" "^(logging-)*rsyslog-.* Running " $wait_time

get_fluentd_ds_name() {
if oc -n ${LOGGING_NS} get daemonset fluentd -o name > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
echo daemonset/fluentd
Expand All @@ -806,6 +844,9 @@ get_fluentd_cm_name() {


# Hardcode daemonset/rsyslog for the case the rsyslog pod does not exist.

enable_cluster_logging_operator() {
if oc -n ${LOGGING_NS} get deploy cluster-logging-operator > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
oc patch -n ${LOGGING_NS} clusterlogging instance --type=json --patch '[
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions openshift/ci-operator/build-image/Dockerfile.full
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,3 +14,4 @@ ADD openshift/ /go/src/
ADD hack/ /go/src/
ADD test/ /go/src/
ADD fluentd/ /go/src/
ADD rsyslog/ /go/src/
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions rsyslog/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,17 @@ Following are the environment variables that can be modified to adjust the confi
| `LOGGING_FILE_PATH` | The log file absolute path where Rsyslog is writting its logs. If you want rsyslog to output its logs as Rsyslog does by default (`STDOUT`) set this variable to `console` value. Default value is `/var/log/rsyslog/rsyslog.log`. | `LOGGING_FILE_PATH=console` |
| `LOGGING_FILE_AGE` | Number of log files that Rsyslog keeps before deleting the oldest file. Default value is `10`. | `LOGGING_FILE_AGE=30` |
| `LOGGING_FILE_SIZE` | Maximum size of a rsyslog log file in bytes. If the size of the log file is bigger, the log file gets rotated. Default is 1MB | `LOGGING_FILE_SIZE=1024000`
| `USE_MMEXTERNAL` | Parameter to switch whether mmexternal undefined_field is called or not. default to "false" if CDM parameters are not configured; "true" otherwise. | `USE_MMEXTERNAL=true`
| `SKIP_EMPTY` | Parameter to switch whether mmnormalize skip-empty is called or not. default to "true" if CDM parameters are not configured; "false" otherwise. | `SKIP_EMPTY=false`
| `CDM_USE_UNDEFINED` | Parameter to switch whether undefined fields are moved to the undefined property or not. default to "false". | `CDM_USE_UNDEFINED=true`
| `CDM_DEFAULT_KEEP_FIELDS` | Default set of fields to be kept in the top level of json. default to "CEE,time,@timestamp,aushape,ci_job,collectd,docker,fedora-ci,file,foreman,geoip,hostname,ipaddr4,ipaddr6,kubernetes,level,message,namespace_name,namespace_uuid,offset,openstack,ovirt,pid,pipeline_metadata,rsyslog,service,systemd,tags,testcase,tlog,viaq_msg_id", | -
| `CDM_EXTRA_KEEP_FIELDS` | Extra set of fields to be kept in the top level of json. A field not included in ${CDM_DEFAULT_KEEP_FIELDS} nor ${CDM_EXTRA_KEEP_FIELDS} are moved to ${CDM_UNDEFINED_NAME} if CDM_USE_UNDEFINED is "true". default to "" | `CDM_EXTRA_KEEP_FIELDS="broker"`
| `CDM_UNDEFINED_NAME` | Undefined property name used when CDM_USE_UNDEFINED is set to "true". default to "undefined". | `CDM_UNDEFINED_NAME="undef"`
| `CDM_KEEP_EMPTY_FIELDS` | Empty fields are dropped except the fields which names are set to CDM_KEEP_EMPTY_FIELDS in the CSV format. default to "". | `CDM_KEEP_EMPTY_FIELDS="offset"`
| `CDM_UNDEFINED_TO_STRING` | If set to "true", when CDM_USE_UNDEFINED is "true" and undefined property with ${CDM_UNDEFINED_NAME} is created, the value is converted to the json string. default to "false". | `CDM_UNDEFINED_TO_STRING=true
| `CDM_UNDEFINED_DOT_REPLACE_CHAR` | A dot character '.' in a property name (key) is replaced with the specified character unless the value is not "UNUSED". default to "UNUSED". Effective when MERGE_JSON_LOG is true. | `CDM_UNDEFINED_DOT_REPLACE_CHAR="_"`
| `CDM_UNDEFINED_MAX_NUM_FIELDS` | If set to a number greater than -1, and if the number of undefined fields is greater than this number, all of the undefined fields will be converted to their JSON string representation and stored in the undefined_name named field. default to "-1" although not recommended. | `CDM_UNDEFINED_MAX_NUM_FIELDS=2`
| `UNDEFINED_DEBUG` | Debug flag used in undefined_field as well as the config file calling the plugin. A debug file /var/log/rsyslog/rsyslog_debug.log is generated. default to "false". | `UNDEFINED_DEBUG=true`

## Rsyslog logging to file
Rsyslog by default writes its logs into a file given by `LOGGING_FILE_PATH` environment variable. You can change the maximum size of a single log file or number of log files to keep(age), by setting `LOGGING_FILE_SIZE` and `LOGGING_FILE_AGE` environment variables accordingly.
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