diff --git a/404.html b/404.html index 3b5075f42..c47622326 100644 --- a/404.html +++ b/404.html @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
But if you don't change your direction, and if you keep looking, you may end up where you are heading.
、API Token
、API Token
命令 | 功能 | 仅私聊 |
start | 开始使用键盘主菜单 | ✔️ |
help | 帮助列表 | ❌ |
add | 添加面板链接和token | ✔️ |
url | 添加面板链接 | ✔️ |
token | 添加面板token | ✔️ |
info | 获取保存的面板链接和token | ✔️ |
delete | 删除保存的面板链接和token | ✔️ |
id | 命令后面添加整数id,来进行单个服务器信息查询(私聊带刷新按钮,群聊不带) | ❌ |
all | 查询所有服务器的统计信息 | ❌ |
search | 在服务器名字中搜索关键字(支持多个,用空格分开) | ❌ |
命令 | 功能 | 仅私聊 |
start | 开始使用键盘主菜单 | ✔️ |
help | 帮助列表 | ❌ |
add | 添加面板链接和token | ✔️ |
url | 添加面板链接 | ✔️ |
token | 添加面板token | ✔️ |
info | 获取保存的面板链接和token | ✔️ |
delete | 删除保存的面板链接和token | ✔️ |
id | 命令后面添加整数id,来进行单个服务器信息查询(私聊带刷新按钮,群聊不带) | ❌ |
all | 查询所有服务器的统计信息 | ❌ |
search | 在服务器名字中搜索关键字(支持多个,用空格分开) | ❌ |
来自南京的名老中医 dysf888 独家秘方!让你找回男人本色,激情畅享!
安装 Fake Agent,可随意修改服务器监测数据的倍数上传到 Dashboard,让你的小鸡 脱!胎!换!骨! 让你在 MJJ 面前硬起来!
镜像备份(非实时更新):Fake Agent
来自南京的名老中医 dysf888 独家秘方!让你找回男人本色,激情畅享!
安装 Fake Agent,可随意修改服务器监测数据的倍数上传到 Dashboard,让你的小鸡 脱!胎!换!骨! 让你在 MJJ 面前硬起来!
镜像备份(非实时更新):Fake Agent
选项将 gRPC
开关打开面板域名加上 https://
开头,回调地址再加上 /oauth2/callback
Argo 隧道认证方式有 json 和 token,使用两个方式其中之一。推荐前者,理由脚本会处理好所有的 Argo 隧道参数和路径,后者需要到 Cloudflare 官网手动设置,容易出错。
镜像 fscarmen/argo-nezha:latest
, 支持 amd64 和 arm64 架构
变量名 | 是否必须 | 备注 |
GH_USER | 是 | github 的用户名,用于面板管理授权 |
GH_CLIENTID | 是 | 在 github 上申请 |
GH_CLIENTSECRET | 是 | 在 github 上申请 |
GH_BACKUP_USER | 否 | 在 github 上备份哪吒服务端数据库的 github 用户名,不填则与面板管理授权的账户 GH_USER 一致 |
GH_REPO | 否 | 在 github 上备份哪吒服务端数据库文件的 github 库 |
GH_EMAIL | 否 | github 的邮箱,用于备份的 git 推送到远程库 |
GH_PAT | 否 | github 的 PAT |
ARGO_AUTH | 是 | Json: 从 https://fscarmen.cloudflare.now.cc 获取的 Argo Json Token: 从 Cloudflare 官网获取 |
ARGO_DOMAIN | 是 | Argo 域名 |
docker run -dit \\
+ --name nezha_dashboard \\
+ --pull always \\
+ --restart always \\
+ -e GH_USER=<填 github 用户名> \\
+ -e GH_EMAIL=<填 github 邮箱> \\
+ -e GH_PAT=<填获取的> \\
+ -e GH_REPO=<填自定义的> \\
+ -e GH_CLIENTID=<填获取的> \\
+ -e GH_CLIENTSECRET=<填获取的> \\
+ -e ARGO_AUTH='<填获取的 Argo json 或者 token>' \\
+ -e ARGO_DOMAIN=<填自定义的> \\
+ -e GH_BACKUP_USER=<如与 GH_USER 一致,可以不要该环境变量> \\
+ fscarmen/argo-nezha
version: '3.8'
+ argo-nezha:
+ image: fscarmen/argo-nezha
+ pull: always
+ container_name: nezha_dashboard
+ restart: always
+ environment:
+ - GH_USER=<填 github 用户名>
+ - GH_EMAIL=<<填 github 邮箱>
+ - GH_PAT=<填获取的>
+ - GH_REPO=<填自定义的>
+ - GH_CLIENTID=<填获取的>
+ - ARGO_AUTH='<填获取的 Argo json 或者 token>'
+ - ARGO_DOMAIN=<填自定义的>
+ - GH_BACKUP_USER=<如与 GH_USER 一致,可以不要该环境变量>
bash <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fscarmen2/Argo-Nezha-Service-Container/main/dashboard.sh)
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/naiba/nezha/master/script/install.sh -o nezha.sh && chmod +x nezha.sh && sudo ./nezha.sh install_agent nezha.seales.nom.za 443 eAxO9IF519fKFODlW0 --tls
<file path>/cloudflared access ssh --hostname nezha.seales.nom.za/<GH_CLIENTID>
方法一: 把 Github 备份库里的 README.md
文件内容改为 backup
方法二: ssh 进去后,容器版本运行 /dashboard/backup.sh
; 非容器版本运行 /opt/nezha/dashboard/backup.sh
,定时服务会每分钟检测更新,并把上次同步的文件名记录在本地 /dbfile
处以与在线的文件内容作比对下图为以还原文件名为 dashboard-2023-04-23-13:08:37.tar.gz
bash /dashboard/restore.sh <文件名>
文件夹,压缩备份为 dashboard.tar.gz
文件tar czvf dashboard.tar.gz /dashboard
+|-- app # 哪吒面板主程序
+|-- argo.json # Argo 隧道 json 文件,记录着使用隧道的信息
+|-- argo.yml # Argo 隧道 yml 文件,用于在一同隧道下,根据不同域名来分流 web, gRPC 和 ssh 协议的作用
+|-- backup.sh # 备份数据脚本
+|-- restore.sh # 还原备份脚本
+|-- dbfile # 记录最新的还原或备份文件名
+|-- resource # 面板主题、语言和旗帜等资料的文件夹
+|-- data
+| |-- config.yaml # 哪吒面板的配置,如 Github OAuth2 / gRPC 域名 / 端口 / 是否启用 TLS 等信息
+| \`-- sqlite.db # SQLite 数据库文件,记录着面板设置的所有 severs 和 cron 等信息
+|-- entrypoint.sh # 主脚本,容器运行后执行
+|-- nezha.csr # SSL/TLS 证书签名请求
+|-- nezha.key # SSL/TLS 证书的私钥信息
+|-- nezha.pem # SSL/TLS 证书文件
+|-- cloudflared # Cloudflare Argo 隧道主程序
+|-- grpcwebproxy # gRPC 反代主程序
+\`-- nezha-agent # 哪吒客户端,用于监控本地 localhost
Argo 隧道认证方式有 json 和 token,使用两个方式其中之一
记录里加上客户端上报数据(tcp)和 ssh(可选)的域名,打开橙色云启用 CDN 网络
选项将 gRPC
开关打开面板域名加上 https://
开头,回调地址再加上 /oauth2/callback
镜像 fscarmen/argo-nezha:latest
, 支持 amd64 和 arm64 架构
变量名 | 是否必须 | 备注 |
GH_USER | 是 | github 的用户名,用于面板管理授权 |
GH_CLIENTID | 是 | 在 github 上申请 |
GH_CLIENTSECRET | 是 | 在 github 上申请 |
GH_BACKUP_USER | 否 | 在 github 上备份哪吒服务端数据库的 github 用户名,不填则与面板管理授权的账户 GH_USER 一致 |
GH_REPO | 否 | 在 github 上备份哪吒服务端数据库文件的 github 库 |
GH_EMAIL | 否 | github 的邮箱,用于备份的 git 推送到远程库 |
GH_PAT | 否 | github 的 PAT |
ARGO_AUTH | 是 | Json: 从 https://fscarmen.cloudflare.now.cc 获取的 Argo Json Token: 从 Cloudflare 官网获取 |
DATA_DOMAIN | 是 | 客户端与服务端的通信 argo 域名 |
WEB_DOMAIN | 是 | 面板 argo 域名 |
SSH_DOMAIN | 否 | ssh 用的 argo 域名 |
SSH_PASSWORD | 否 | ssh 的密码,只有在设置 SSH_JSON 后才生效,默认值 password |
docker run -dit \\
- --name nezha_dashboard \\
- --restart always \\
- -e GH_USER=<填 github 用户名> \\
- -e GH_EMAIL=<填 github 邮箱> \\
- -e GH_PAT=<填获取的> \\
- -e GH_REPO=<填自定义的> \\
- -e GH_CLIENTID=<填获取的> \\
- -e GH_CLIENTSECRET=<填获取的> \\
- -e ARGO_AUTH='<填获取的 Argo json 或者 token>' \\
- -e WEB_DOMAIN=<填自定义的> \\
- -e DATA_DOMAIN=<填自定义的> \\
- -e SSH_DOMAIN=<填自定义的> \\
- -e SSH_PASSWORD=<填自定义的> \\
- fscarmen/argo-nezha
version: '3.8'
- argo-nezha:
- image: fscarmen/argo-nezha
- container_name: nezha_dashboard
- restart: always
- environment:
- - GH_USER=<填 github 用户名>
- - GH_EMAIL=<<填 github 邮箱>
- - GH_PAT=<填获取的>
- - GH_REPO=<填自定义的>
- - GH_CLIENTID=<填获取的>
- - ARGO_AUTH='<填获取的 Argo json 或者 token>'
- - WEB_DOMAIN=<填自定义的>
- - DATA_DOMAIN=<填自定义的>
- - SSH_DOMAIN=<填自定义的>
- - SSH_PASSWORD=<填自定义的>
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/naiba/nezha/master/script/install.sh -o nezha.sh && chmod +x nezha.sh && sudo ./nezha.sh install_agent data.seales.nom.za 443 eAxO9IF519fKFODlW0 --tls
<file path>/cloudflared access ssh --hostname ssh.seales.nom.za
,定时服务会每分钟检测更新,并把上次同步的文件名记录在本地 /dbfile
处以与在线的文件内容作比对下图为以还原文件名为 dashboard-2023-04-23-13:08:37.tar.gz
bash /dashboard/restore.sh <文件名>
文件夹,压缩备份为 dashboard.tar.gz
文件tar czvf dashboard.tar.gz /dashboard
-|-- dashboard
-| |-- app # 哪吒面板主程序
-| |-- argo.json # Argo 隧道 json 文件,记录着使用隧道的信息
-| |-- argo.yml # Argo 隧道 yml 文件,用于在一同隧道下,根据不同域名来分流 web, gRPC 和 ssh 协议的作用
-| |-- backup.sh # 备份数据脚本
-| |-- data
-| | |-- config.yaml # 哪吒面板的配置,如 Github OAuth2 / gRPC 域名 / 端口 / 是否启用 TLS 等信息
-| | \`-- sqlite.db # SQLite 数据库文件,记录着面板设置的所有 severs 和 cron 等信息
-| |-- entrypoint.sh # 主脚本,容器运行后执行
-| |-- nezha.csr # SSL/TLS 证书签名请求
-| |-- nezha.key # SSL/TLS 证书的私钥信息
-| |-- nezha.pem # SSL/TLS 隐私增强邮件
-| \`-- restore.sh # 还原备份脚本
-|-- usr
-| \`-- local
-| \`-- bin
-| |-- cloudflared # Cloudflare Argo 隧道主程序
-| |-- grpcwebproxy # gRPC 反代主程序
-| \`-- nezha-agent # 哪吒客户端,用于监控本地 localhost
-|-- dbfile # 记录最新的还原或备份文件名
-\`-- version # 记录当前的面板 app 版本
哪吒监控的 Dashboard 已经添加本地化,支持多个语言,你可以在开发新功能时遵循以下步骤来支持本地化
的配置文本,将新文本拉取到 zh-CN.toml
中添加新的语言文本配置哪吒监控的 Dashboard 已经添加本地化,支持多个语言,你可以在开发新功能时遵循以下步骤来支持本地化
的配置文本,将新文本拉取到 zh-CN.toml
请注意: 此开发环境仅支持 dashboard v0.13.16
中的 Oauth2 配置(回调连接可以填 http://localhost
)docker-compose up
放置到服务器上的 /opt/nezha/dashboard/theme-custom
端口,在 docker-compose.yaml
请注意: 此开发环境仅支持 dashboard v0.13.16
中的 Oauth2 配置(回调连接可以填 http://localhost
)docker-compose up
放置到服务器上的 /opt/nezha/dashboard/theme-custom
端口,在 docker-compose.yaml
Project: nezha_api_tgbot (Chinese)
Mirror backup, non-real-time update: nezha_api_tgbot (Chinese)
The bot can request server status information from the Dashboard through the API, and then send the information to the user.
You can build this bot to easily view the current status of a given server without opening the Dashboard.
Project: nezha_api_tgbot (Chinese)
Mirror backup, non-real-time update: nezha_api_tgbot (Chinese)
The bot can request server status information from the Dashboard through the API, and then send the information to the user.
You can build this bot to easily view the current status of a given server without opening the Dashboard.
Current Version:V1.0 (Chinese)
Scan the following QR code with your iPhone or iPad to get the shortcut
MacOS users please visit here to get the shortcut
Dashboard URL
, API Token
, Server ID
in the three text boxesWARNING
Each shortcut can only monitor one server, if you need to monitor more than one server, please copy this shortcut several times and configure them separately, then modify the shortcut name separately, such as; Server 1 Status, Server 2 Status, etc.
Current Version:V1.0 (Chinese)
Scan the following QR code with your iPhone or iPad to get the shortcut
MacOS users please visit here to get the shortcut
Dashboard URL
, API Token
, Server ID
in the three text boxesWARNING
Each shortcut can only monitor one server, if you need to monitor more than one server, please copy this shortcut several times and configure them separately, then modify the shortcut name separately, such as; Server 1 Status, Server 2 Status, etc.
GitHub project: nezha_telegram_bot(English is already supported)
Mirror backup, non-real-time update : nezha_telegram_bot(English is already supported)
Command | Description | Private chat only |
start | Getting started with the keyboard main menu | ✔️ |
help | help message | ❌ |
add | Add Nezha monitoring url link and token | ✔️ |
url | Add Nezha monitoring url link | ✔️ |
token | Add Nezha monitoring token | ✔️ |
info | Get saved Nezha monitoring url link and token | ✔️ |
delete | Delete saved Nezha monitoring url link and token | ✔️ |
id | Add an integer id after the command to query the information of a single server (refresh button only available in private chat) | ❌ |
all | Query statistics for all servers | ❌ |
search | Search for keywords in server names (multiple keywords supported, split by spaces) | ❌ |
GitHub project: nezha_telegram_bot(English is already supported)
Mirror backup, non-real-time update : nezha_telegram_bot(English is already supported)
Command | Description | Private chat only |
start | Getting started with the keyboard main menu | ✔️ |
help | help message | ❌ |
add | Add Nezha monitoring url link and token | ✔️ |
url | Add Nezha monitoring url link | ✔️ |
token | Add Nezha monitoring token | ✔️ |
info | Get saved Nezha monitoring url link and token | ✔️ |
delete | Delete saved Nezha monitoring url link and token | ✔️ |
id | Add an integer id after the command to query the information of a single server (refresh button only available in private chat) | ❌ |
all | Query statistics for all servers | ❌ |
search | Search for keywords in server names (multiple keywords supported, split by spaces) | ❌ |
GitHub project: fake-nezha-agent(Chinese)
Mirror backup, non-real-time update :fake-nezha-agent(Chinese)
You can modify the monitoring data uploaded to Dashboard by the Agent
Use it for cheating 😈
GitHub project: fake-nezha-agent(Chinese)
Mirror backup, non-real-time update :fake-nezha-agent(Chinese)
You can modify the monitoring data uploaded to Dashboard by the Agent
Use it for cheating 😈
GitHub project: Argo-Nezha-Service-Container
Mirror backup (not live update): Argo-Nezha-Service-Container
option to turn the gRPC
switch on.Add https://
to the beginning of the panel's domain name and /oauth2/callback
to the end of the callback address.
Argo tunnel authentication methods include json and token, use one of the two methods. The former is recommended because the script will handle all the Argo tunnel parameters and paths, while the latter needs to be set manually on the Cloudflare website and is prone to errors.
Image fscarmen/argo-nezha:latest
, supports amd64 and arm64 architectures.
Variables used
Variable Name | Required | Remarks |
GH_USER | Yes | github username for panel admin authorization |
GH_CLIENTID | yes | apply on github |
GH_CLIENTSECRET | yes | apply on github |
GH_BACKUP_USER | No | The github username for backing up Nezha's server-side database on github, if not filled in, it is the same as the account GH_USER for panel management authorization |
GH_REPO | No | The github repository for backing up Nezha's server-side database files on github |
GH_EMAIL | No | github's mailbox for git push backups to remote repositories |
GH_PAT | No | github's PAT |
ARGO_AUTH | Yes | Argo Json from https://fscarmen.cloudflare.now.cc Argo token from Cloudflare official website |
ARGO_DOMAIN | Yes | Argo domain |
docker run -dit \\
+ --name nezha_dashboard \\
+ --pull always \\
+ --restart always \\
+ -e GH_USER=<fill in github username> \\
+ -e GH_EMAIL=<fill in github email> \\
+ -e GH_PAT=<fill in the obtained> \\
+ -e GH_REPO=<fill in customized> \\
+ -e GH_CLIENTID=<fill in acquired> \\
+ -e GH_CLIENTSECRET=<fill in acquired> \\
+ -e ARGO_AUTH='<Fill in the fetched Argo json or token>' \\
+ -e ARGO_DOMAIN=<fill in customized> \\
+ -e GH_BACKUP_USER=<If it is consistent with GH_USER, you can leave it blank> \\
+ fscarmen/argo-nezha
version: '3.8'
+ argo-nezha.
+ image: fscarmen/argo-nezha
+ --pull always
+ container_name: nezha_dashboard
+ restart: always
+ environment:
+ - GH_USER=<fill in github username>
+ - GH_EMAIL=<fill in your github email>
+ - GH_PAT=<<fill in obtained>
+ - GH_REPO=<fill in customized>
+ - GH_CLIENTID=<fill in obtained>
+ - GH_CLIENTSECRET=<fill in fetched>
+ - ARGO_AUTH='<Fill in the fetched Argo json or token>'
+ - ARGO_DOMAIN=<fill in customized>
+ - GH_BACKUP_USER=<If it is consistent with GH_USER, you can leave it blank>
bash <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fscarmen2/Argo-Nezha-Service-Container/main/dashboard.sh)
Transfer via gRPC, no additional configuration required. Use the installation method given in the panel, for example
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/naiba/nezha/master/script/install.sh -o nezha.sh && chmod +x nezha.sh && sudo ./nezha.sh install_agent data.seales.nom.za 443 eAxO9IF519fKFODlW0 --tls
<filepath>/cloudflared access ssh --hostname ssh.seals.nom.za/<GH_CLIENTID>
Method 1: Change the contents of the README.md
file in the Github backup repository to backup
Method 2: After ssh, run /dashboard/backup.sh
for container version; /opt/nezha/dashboard/backup.sh
for VPS host version.
in the github backup repository, the timer service will check for updates every minute and record the last synchronized filename in the local /dbfile
to compare with the online file content.The following is an example of restoring a file with the name dashboard-2023-04-23-13:08:37.tar.gz
! image
bash /dashboard/restore.sh <filename>
folder of the original Nezha and zip it up to dashboard.tar.gz
file.tar czvf dashboard.tar.gz /dashboard
+|-- app # Nezha panel main program
+|-- argo.json # Argo tunnel json file, which records information about using the tunnel.
+|-- argo.yml # Argo tunnel yml file, used for streaming web, gRPC and ssh protocols under a single tunnel with different domains.
+|-- backup.sh # Backup data scripts
+|-- restore.sh # Restore backup scripts
+|-- dbfile # Record the name of the latest restore or backup file
+|-- resource # Folders of information on panel themes, languages, flags, etc.
+|-- data
+| |-- config.yaml # Configuration for the Nezha panel, e.g. Github OAuth2 / gRPC domain / port / TLS enabled or not.
+| \`-- sqlite.db # SQLite database file that records all severs and cron settings for the panel.
+|-- entrypoint.sh # The main script, which is executed after the container is run.
+|-- nezha.csr # SSL/TLS certificate signing request
+|-- nezha.key # Private key information for SSL/TLS certificate.
+|-- nezha.pem # SSL/TLS certificate file.
+|-- cloudflared # Cloudflare Argo tunnel main program.
+|-- grpcwebproxy # gRPC reverse proxy main program.
+\`-- nezha-agent # Nezha client, used to monitor the localhost.
GitHub project: Argo-Nezha-Service-Container
Mirror backup (not live update): Argo-Nezha-Service-Container
The Argo Tunnel authentication methods are json and token, use one of the two methods.
record of the corresponding domain, and turn on Orange Cloud to enable CDN. network
option to turn the gRPC
switch on.Add https://
to the beginning of the panel's domain name and /oauth2/callback
to the end of the callback address.
Image fscarmen/argo-nezha:latest
, supports amd64 and arm64 architectures.
Variables used
Variable Name | Required | Remarks |
GH_USER | Yes | github username for panel admin authorization |
GH_CLIENTID | yes | apply on github |
GH_CLIENTSECRET | yes | apply on github |
GH_BACKUP_USER | No | The github username for backing up Nezha's server-side database on github, if not filled in, it is the same as the account GH_USER for panel management authorization |
GH_REPO | No | The github repository for backing up Nezha's server-side database files on github |
GH_EMAIL | No | github's mailbox for git push backups to remote repositories |
GH_PAT | No | github's PAT |
ARGO_AUTH | Yes | Argo Json from https://fscarmen.cloudflare.now.cc Argo token from Cloudflare official website |
DATA_DOMAIN | Yes | Client-server communication argo domain name |
WEB_DOMAIN | Yes | Panel argo domain |
SSH_DOMAIN | No | ssh for argo domain |
SSH_PASSWORD | no | password for ssh, only works after setting SSH_JSON, default password |
docker run -dit \\
- --name nezha_dashboard \\
- --restart always \\
- -e GH_USER=<fill in github username> \\
- -e GH_EMAIL=<fill in github email> \\
- -e GH_PAT=<fill in the obtained> \\
- -e GH_REPO=<fill in customized> \\
- -e GH_CLIENTID=<fill in acquired> \\
- -e GH_CLIENTSECRET=<fill in acquired> \\
- -e ARGO_AUTH='<Fill in the fetched Argo json or token>' \\
- -e WEB_DOMAIN=<fill in customized> \\
- -e DATA_DOMAIN=<fill in customized> \\
- -e SSH_DOMAIN=<fill in customized> \\
- -e SSH_PASSWORD=<insert customized> \\
- fscarmen/argo-nezha
version: '3.8'
- argo-nezha.
- image: fscarmen/argo-nezha
- container_name: nezha_dashboard
- restart: always
- environment:
- - GH_USER=<fill in github username>
- - GH_EMAIL=<fill in your github email>
- - GH_PAT=<<fill in obtained>
- - GH_REPO=<fill in customized>
- - GH_CLIENTID=<fill in obtained>
- - GH_CLIENTSECRET=<fill in fetched>
- - ARGO_AUTH='<Fill in the fetched Argo json or token>'
- - WEB_DOMAIN=<fill customized>
- - DATA_DOMAIN=<fill in customized>
- - SSH_DOMAIN=<insert customized>
- - SSH_PASSWORD=<fill customized>
Transfer via gRPC, no additional configuration required. Use the installation method given in the panel, for example
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/naiba/nezha/master/script/install.sh -o nezha.sh && chmod +x nezha.sh && sudo ./nezha.sh install_agent data.seales.nom.za 443 eAxO9IF519fKFODlW0 --tls
<filepath>/cloudflared access ssh --hostname ssh.seals.nom.za
in the github backup repository, the timer service will check for updates every minute and record the last synchronized filename in the local /dbfile
to compare with the online file content.The following is an example of restoring a file with the name dashboard-2023-04-23-13:08:37.tar.gz
! image
bash /dashboard/restore.sh <filename>
folder of the original Nezha and zip it up to dashboard.tar.gz
file.tar czvf dashboard.tar.gz /dashboard
-|-- dashboard
-| |-- app # Nezha panel main program
-| |-- argo.json # Argo tunnel json file, which records information about using the tunnel.
-| |-- argo.yml # Argo tunnel yml file, used for streaming web, gRPC and ssh protocols under a single tunnel with different domains.
-| |-- backup.sh # Backup data scripts
-| |-- data
-| | |-- config.yaml # Configuration for the Nezha panel, e.g. Github OAuth2 / gRPC domain / port / TLS enabled or not.
-| | \`-- sqlite.db # SQLite database file that records all severs and cron settings for the panel.
-| |-- entrypoint.sh # The main script, which is executed after the container is run.
-| |-- nezha.csr # SSL/TLS certificate signing request
-| |-- nezha.key # Private key information for SSL/TLS certificate.
-| |-- nezha.pem # SSL/TLS Privacy Enhancement Email
-| \`-- restore.sh # Restore backup scripts
-|-- usr
-| \`-- local
-| \`-- bin
-| |-- cloudflared # Cloudflare Argo tunnel main program.
-| |-- grpcwebproxy # gRPC reverse proxy main program.
-| \`-- nezha-agent # Nezha client, used to monitor the localhost.
-|-- dbfile # Record the name of the latest restore or backup file
-\`-- version # Record the current panel app version
Nezha Monitoring's Dashboard has added localization to support multiple languages, and you can follow these steps to support localization when developing new features
to replace the text in the new feature.en-US.toml
, pull the new text into the configuration files of other languages such as en-US.toml
, and add translations./resource/l10n/
.Nezha Monitoring's Dashboard has added localization to support multiple languages, and you can follow these steps to support localization when developing new features
to replace the text in the new feature.en-US.toml
, pull the new text into the configuration files of other languages such as en-US.toml
, and add translations./resource/l10n/
.Nezha Monitoring provides a theme development environment that you can use to create new Nezha Monitoring themes
Please note: This development environment only supports dashboard v0.13.16
and newer versions.
(The callback connection can be filled with http://localhost
)docker-compose up
in /opt/nezha/dashboard/theme-custom
on the server80
, change the configuration in docker-compose.yaml
.Nezha Monitoring provides a theme development environment that you can use to create new Nezha Monitoring themes
Please note: This development environment only supports dashboard v0.13.16
and newer versions.
(The callback connection can be filled with http://localhost
)docker-compose up
in /opt/nezha/dashboard/theme-custom
on the server80
, change the configuration in docker-compose.yaml
.The service in the monitored server is called Agent. This document will describe how to install the Agent on the monitored server and connect it with Dashboard
Agent binary repository: https://github.com/nezhahq/agent/releases
Nezha Monitoring now supports one-click installation of the Agent on Windows and Linux. Follow the steps in this document and you can easily deploy it on your server
First of all, you need to set up the communication domain name in the settings page of the admin panel, this domain name can not connect to the CDN, here is the sample communication domain name "data.example.com" mentioned earlier for demonstration
Enter the administration panel, go to the "Settings" page, in the item "CDN Bypassed Domain/IP ", fill in the communication domain name, and then click "Save"
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/naiba/nezha/master/script/install_en.sh -o nezha.sh && chmod +x nezha.sh && sudo ./nezha.sh
Select “Install_agent”
Input the communication domain name, e.g. "data.example.com"
Input RPC port, default is 5555
Input the Agent Secret, which is generated when adding a server in the administration panel and can be found in the " Servers " page of the administration panel
Wait for the installation to complete and return to the Dashboard home page to see if the server is online
Contributed by unknown0054
cat >/etc/init.d/nezha-agent<< EOF
+import{_ as s,o as n,c as a,R as l}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const h=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/agent.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/agent.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),o={name:"en_US/guide/agent.md"},e=l(`The service in the monitored server is called Agent. This document will describe how to install the Agent on the monitored server and connect it with Dashboard
Agent binary repository: https://github.com/nezhahq/agent/releases
Install Agent using one-click script
Nezha Monitoring now supports one-click installation of the Agent on Windows and Linux. Follow the steps in this document and you can easily deploy it on your server
First of all, you need to set up the communication domain name in the settings page of the admin panel, this domain name can not connect to the CDN, here is the sample communication domain name "data.example.com" mentioned earlier for demonstration
Enter the administration panel, go to the "Settings" page, in the item "CDN Bypassed Domain/IP ", fill in the communication domain name, and then click "Save"
One-click installation on Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS)
- First add a server in the admin panel
- Click on the green Linux icon button next to the newly added server and copy the one-click installation command
- Run the copied one-click installation command on the monitored server, wait for the installation to complete, and then return to the Dashboard home page to see if the server is online.
One-click installation on Windows
- First add a server in the admin panel
- Click on the green Linux icon button next to the newly added server and copy the one-click installation command
- Login to Windows Server, open PowerShell, and run the copied installation command in PowerShell
- If you encounter the prompt "Implement Policy Change" please select Y
- Wait for the installation to complete and return to the Dashboard home page to see if the server is online
Other ways to install Agent
Installing Agent on Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS)
- First add a server in the admin panel
- In the monitored server, run the script:
bashcurl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/naiba/nezha/master/script/install_en.sh -o nezha.sh && chmod +x nezha.sh && sudo ./nezha.sh
Select “Install_agent”
Input the communication domain name, e.g. "data.example.com"
Input RPC port, default is 5555
Input the Agent Secret, which is generated when adding a server in the administration panel and can be found in the " Servers " page of the administration panel
Wait for the installation to complete and return to the Dashboard home page to see if the server is online
Installing Agent on other Linux (such as alpine use oprec not systemd)
Contributed by unknown0054
- Edit SERVER,SECRET,TLS then run it in Shell
shellcat >/etc/init.d/nezha-agent<< EOF
SERVER="" #Dashboard address ip:port
diff --git a/assets/en_US_guide_agent.md.27bff8f7.lean.js b/assets/en_US_guide_agent.md.6683a40f.lean.js
similarity index 84%
rename from assets/en_US_guide_agent.md.27bff8f7.lean.js
rename to assets/en_US_guide_agent.md.6683a40f.lean.js
index d91732f9c..357f974b7 100644
--- a/assets/en_US_guide_agent.md.27bff8f7.lean.js
+++ b/assets/en_US_guide_agent.md.6683a40f.lean.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as s,o as n,c as a,R as l}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const h=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/agent.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/agent.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),o={name:"en_US/guide/agent.md"},e=l("",53),p=[e];function t(r,c,i,D,y,C){return n(),a("div",null,p)}const u=s(o,[["render",t]]);export{h as __pageData,u as default};
+import{_ as s,o as n,c as a,R as l}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const h=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/agent.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/agent.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),o={name:"en_US/guide/agent.md"},e=l("",53),p=[e];function t(r,c,i,D,y,C){return n(),a("div",null,p)}const u=s(o,[["render",t]]);export{h as __pageData,u as default};
diff --git a/assets/en_US_guide_agentq.md.eb2f5013.js b/assets/en_US_guide_agentq.md.f3d60b04.js
similarity index 96%
rename from assets/en_US_guide_agentq.md.eb2f5013.js
rename to assets/en_US_guide_agentq.md.f3d60b04.js
index f69eff5e2..875bd322f 100644
--- a/assets/en_US_guide_agentq.md.eb2f5013.js
+++ b/assets/en_US_guide_agentq.md.f3d60b04.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as e,o as a,c as t,R as n}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const _=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/agentq.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/agentq.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),o={name:"en_US/guide/agentq.md"},i=n('Why the IP displayed in the admin panel and the actual IP of the Agent are not the same?
Please check Dashboard - Why the IP displayed in the admin panel and the actual IP of the Agent are not the same?
Error on one-click script installation
curl: Failed to connect to raw.githubusercontent.com...
Please check if your server can connect to Github, try again, or check Other ways to install Agent
sudo: command not found
Please install sudo first
',7),r=[i];function c(h,d,l,s,u,p){return a(),t("div",null,r)}const f=e(o,[["render",c]]);export{_ as __pageData,f as default};
+import{_ as e,o as a,c as t,R as n}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const _=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/agentq.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/agentq.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),o={name:"en_US/guide/agentq.md"},i=n('Why the IP displayed in the admin panel and the actual IP of the Agent are not the same?
Please check Dashboard - Why the IP displayed in the admin panel and the actual IP of the Agent are not the same?
Error on one-click script installation
curl: Failed to connect to raw.githubusercontent.com...
Please check if your server can connect to Github, try again, or check Other ways to install Agent
sudo: command not found
Please install sudo first
',7),r=[i];function c(h,d,l,s,u,p){return a(),t("div",null,r)}const f=e(o,[["render",c]]);export{_ as __pageData,f as default};
diff --git a/assets/en_US_guide_agentq.md.eb2f5013.lean.js b/assets/en_US_guide_agentq.md.f3d60b04.lean.js
similarity index 84%
rename from assets/en_US_guide_agentq.md.eb2f5013.lean.js
rename to assets/en_US_guide_agentq.md.f3d60b04.lean.js
index b4fb6fe57..f1e05ec10 100644
--- a/assets/en_US_guide_agentq.md.eb2f5013.lean.js
+++ b/assets/en_US_guide_agentq.md.f3d60b04.lean.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as e,o as a,c as t,R as n}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const _=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/agentq.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/agentq.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),o={name:"en_US/guide/agentq.md"},i=n("",7),r=[i];function c(h,d,l,s,u,p){return a(),t("div",null,r)}const f=e(o,[["render",c]]);export{_ as __pageData,f as default};
+import{_ as e,o as a,c as t,R as n}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const _=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/agentq.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/agentq.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),o={name:"en_US/guide/agentq.md"},i=n("",7),r=[i];function c(h,d,l,s,u,p){return a(),t("div",null,r)}const f=e(o,[["render",c]]);export{_ as __pageData,f as default};
diff --git a/assets/en_US_guide_api.md.5bfd89f2.js b/assets/en_US_guide_api.md.7c016679.js
similarity index 99%
rename from assets/en_US_guide_api.md.5bfd89f2.js
rename to assets/en_US_guide_api.md.7c016679.js
index d9c5ae8b9..45c904a3c 100644
--- a/assets/en_US_guide_api.md.5bfd89f2.js
+++ b/assets/en_US_guide_api.md.7c016679.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import{_ as s,o as n,c as a,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const y=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/api.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/api.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),t={name:"en_US/guide/api.md"},e=o(`Nezha Monitoring now supports querying the status information of the Agent in the Dashboard using the API
Create Token
API allows Token authentication method and Cookies authentication method
To create a new Token, after entering the admin panel, click on the avatar in the upper right corner and select "API Token" to enter the Token management page
Click "Add Token" and after customizing the notes, click "Add"
To delete a Token, please select the corresponding Token and click the delete icon on the right
Token is the authentication tool of API, it is very important for your Dashboard's information security, please don't leak your Token to others
Authentication method
Token authentication method:
Request Headers:
+import{_ as s,o as n,c as a,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const y=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/api.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/api.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),t={name:"en_US/guide/api.md"},e=o(`Nezha Monitoring now supports querying the status information of the Agent in the Dashboard using the API
Create Token
API allows Token authentication method and Cookies authentication method
To create a new Token, after entering the admin panel, click on the avatar in the upper right corner and select "API Token" to enter the Token management page
Click "Add Token" and after customizing the notes, click "Add"
To delete a Token, please select the corresponding Token and click the delete icon on the right
Token is the authentication tool of API, it is very important for your Dashboard's information security, please don't leak your Token to others
Authentication method
Token authentication method:
Request Headers:
Authorization: Token
How to use
The negative timestamp in the example below is (0000-00-00)
It is currently used to indicate that the Agent has never reported since the Dashboard went live
However, it is not recommended to use positivity or negativity to determine the status
The request method is Get
and the return format is JSON
- Get a list of servers:
GET /api/v1/server/list?tag=
query: tag (ServerTag means the group of servers, if this value is provided, only the servers in this group are queried)
JSON Return Example:
"code": 0,
"message": "success",
diff --git a/assets/en_US_guide_api.md.5bfd89f2.lean.js b/assets/en_US_guide_api.md.7c016679.lean.js
similarity index 84%
rename from assets/en_US_guide_api.md.5bfd89f2.lean.js
rename to assets/en_US_guide_api.md.7c016679.lean.js
index 676ae0f6f..234fe5a60 100644
--- a/assets/en_US_guide_api.md.5bfd89f2.lean.js
+++ b/assets/en_US_guide_api.md.7c016679.lean.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as s,o as n,c as a,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const y=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/api.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/api.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),t={name:"en_US/guide/api.md"},e=o("",16),l=[e];function p(u,c,i,r,q,C){return n(),a("div",null,l)}const d=s(t,[["render",p]]);export{y as __pageData,d as default};
+import{_ as s,o as n,c as a,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const y=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/api.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/api.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),t={name:"en_US/guide/api.md"},e=o("",16),l=[e];function p(u,c,i,r,q,C){return n(),a("div",null,l)}const d=s(t,[["render",p]]);export{y as __pageData,d as default};
diff --git a/assets/en_US_guide_dashboard.md.d3da906a.js b/assets/en_US_guide_dashboard.md.7413067e.js
similarity index 99%
rename from assets/en_US_guide_dashboard.md.d3da906a.js
rename to assets/en_US_guide_dashboard.md.7413067e.js
index 7b1e193e0..ba9807d12 100644
--- a/assets/en_US_guide_dashboard.md.d3da906a.js
+++ b/assets/en_US_guide_dashboard.md.7413067e.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import{_ as e,o as a,c as t,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const y=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/dashboard.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/dashboard.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),s={name:"en_US/guide/dashboard.md"},n=o(`Preparations
To setup a Nezha monitorning Dashboard, you need these things:
- A VPS that can connect to the Internet, firewall and security policies need to open ports 8008 and 5555, otherwise it will be inaccessible and unable to receive data. A 1 core 512MB RAM server is sufficient for most usage scenarios
- A domain name that has been set up with an A record that resolves to the Dashboard server IP
If you want to use CDN, please prepare two domains, one connect to CDN for public access, CDN needs to support WebSocket protocol; the other domain should not connect to CDN, use it as Agent to send data to Dashboard.
This document uses "cdn.example.com" and "data.example.com" domains to demonstrate respectively
- A Github or Gitlab account
This document will use the aaPanel as an example, with future versions of the changes, some of the features may change, this document is for reference only
This project does not rely on aaPanel, you can choose to use any server panel you like, and if you are capable enough, you can manually install NginX or Caddy to configure SSL and reverse proxy.
If you don't think it's necessary to use port 80 or 443 to access Dashboard, you don't even need to install NginX and you can just use the install script.
Get the Client ID and Client Secret on Github/Gitlab
Nezha Monitor uses a Github account as the login account for the admin panel
- First we need to create a new authentication application, after logging into Github, open https://github.com/settings/developers and select "OAuth Apps" - "New OAuth App "
Application name
- Fill in as you like
Homepage URL
- Fill in the panel's access domain name, such as: "http://cdn.example.com"
Authorization callback URL
- Fill in the callback address, e.g., "http://cdn.example.com/oauth2/callback" - Click on "Registration Application"
- Remember the Client ID in the page, then click "Generate a new client secret" to create a new Client Secret, the new secret will be displayed only once, please save it properly
- If you're using Gitlab, you'll need to go to https://gitlab.com/-/profile/applications to create a new application
- Fill in
Redirect URL
with the callback address - In
, select read_user
and read_api
- Once created, save the Application ID and Secret
Installing Dashboard on the server
- In the panel server, run the installation script:
bashcurl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/naiba/nezha/master/script/install_en.sh -o nezha.sh && chmod +x nezha.sh && sudo ./nezha.sh
After waiting for the Docker installation to complete, input the following settings:
OAuth2 provider
- Github or Gitlab
Client ID
- Previously saved Client ID
Client Secret
- Previously saved secret
GitHub/Gitee login name
- Github o Gitlab username
Site title
- Custom site title
Site access port
- Public access port, customizable, default 8008
RPC port
- The communication port between Agent and Dashboard, default 5555
After the input is complete, wait to pull the mirror
After the installation, if everything is fine, you can visit the domain + port number, such as "http://cdn.example.com:8008" to view the Dashboard
In the future, if you need to run the script again, you can run:
to open the management script
Configure reverse proxy
Create a new site in the aaPanel, fill in the public access domain name, such as "http://cdn.example.com", then click "Settings" to enter the site settings option, select " Reverse proxy" - "New reverse proxy"
Customize a proxy name, fill in
in the "Target URL" and click "Save"
Open the " configuration" to the right of the new reverse proxy you just created and replace the configuration file with the following:
+import{_ as e,o as a,c as t,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const y=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/dashboard.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/dashboard.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),s={name:"en_US/guide/dashboard.md"},n=o(`Preparations
To setup a Nezha monitorning Dashboard, you need these things:
- A VPS that can connect to the Internet, firewall and security policies need to open ports 8008 and 5555, otherwise it will be inaccessible and unable to receive data. A 1 core 512MB RAM server is sufficient for most usage scenarios
- A domain name that has been set up with an A record that resolves to the Dashboard server IP
If you want to use CDN, please prepare two domains, one connect to CDN for public access, CDN needs to support WebSocket protocol; the other domain should not connect to CDN, use it as Agent to send data to Dashboard.
This document uses "cdn.example.com" and "data.example.com" domains to demonstrate respectively
- A Github or Gitlab account
This document will use the aaPanel as an example, with future versions of the changes, some of the features may change, this document is for reference only
This project does not rely on aaPanel, you can choose to use any server panel you like, and if you are capable enough, you can manually install NginX or Caddy to configure SSL and reverse proxy.
If you don't think it's necessary to use port 80 or 443 to access Dashboard, you don't even need to install NginX and you can just use the install script.
Get the Client ID and Client Secret on Github/Gitlab
Nezha Monitor uses a Github account as the login account for the admin panel
- First we need to create a new authentication application, after logging into Github, open https://github.com/settings/developers and select "OAuth Apps" - "New OAuth App "
Application name
- Fill in as you like
Homepage URL
- Fill in the panel's access domain name, such as: "http://cdn.example.com"
Authorization callback URL
- Fill in the callback address, e.g., "http://cdn.example.com/oauth2/callback" - Click on "Registration Application"
- Remember the Client ID in the page, then click "Generate a new client secret" to create a new Client Secret, the new secret will be displayed only once, please save it properly
- If you're using Gitlab, you'll need to go to https://gitlab.com/-/profile/applications to create a new application
- Fill in
Redirect URL
with the callback address - In
, select read_user
and read_api
- Once created, save the Application ID and Secret
Installing Dashboard on the server
- In the panel server, run the installation script:
bashcurl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/naiba/nezha/master/script/install_en.sh -o nezha.sh && chmod +x nezha.sh && sudo ./nezha.sh
After waiting for the Docker installation to complete, input the following settings:
OAuth2 provider
- Github or Gitlab
Client ID
- Previously saved Client ID
Client Secret
- Previously saved secret
GitHub/Gitee login name
- Github o Gitlab username
Site title
- Custom site title
Site access port
- Public access port, customizable, default 8008
RPC port
- The communication port between Agent and Dashboard, default 5555
After the input is complete, wait to pull the mirror
After the installation, if everything is fine, you can visit the domain + port number, such as "http://cdn.example.com:8008" to view the Dashboard
In the future, if you need to run the script again, you can run:
to open the management script
Configure reverse proxy
Create a new site in the aaPanel, fill in the public access domain name, such as "http://cdn.example.com", then click "Settings" to enter the site settings option, select " Reverse proxy" - "New reverse proxy"
Customize a proxy name, fill in
in the "Target URL" and click "Save"
Open the " configuration" to the right of the new reverse proxy you just created and replace the configuration file with the following:
location / {
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
diff --git a/assets/en_US_guide_dashboard.md.d3da906a.lean.js b/assets/en_US_guide_dashboard.md.7413067e.lean.js
similarity index 85%
rename from assets/en_US_guide_dashboard.md.d3da906a.lean.js
rename to assets/en_US_guide_dashboard.md.7413067e.lean.js
index be9aa0b28..82e9e817a 100644
--- a/assets/en_US_guide_dashboard.md.d3da906a.lean.js
+++ b/assets/en_US_guide_dashboard.md.7413067e.lean.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as e,o as a,c as t,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const y=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/dashboard.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/dashboard.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),s={name:"en_US/guide/dashboard.md"},n=o("",41),l=[n];function r(i,p,c,d,h,u){return a(),t("div",null,l)}const m=e(s,[["render",r]]);export{y as __pageData,m as default};
+import{_ as e,o as a,c as t,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const y=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/dashboard.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/dashboard.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),s={name:"en_US/guide/dashboard.md"},n=o("",41),l=[n];function r(i,p,c,d,h,u){return a(),t("div",null,l)}const m=e(s,[["render",r]]);export{y as __pageData,m as default};
diff --git a/assets/en_US_guide_dashboardq.md.60106923.js b/assets/en_US_guide_dashboardq.md.ac655fb7.js
similarity index 98%
rename from assets/en_US_guide_dashboardq.md.60106923.js
rename to assets/en_US_guide_dashboardq.md.ac655fb7.js
index d5724c499..a04a6eaf2 100644
--- a/assets/en_US_guide_dashboardq.md.60106923.js
+++ b/assets/en_US_guide_dashboardq.md.ac655fb7.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import{_ as e,o as a,c as s,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const b=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/dashboardq.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/dashboardq.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),t={name:"en_US/guide/dashboardq.md"},n=o(`Why the IP displayed in the admin panel and the actual IP of the Agent are not the same?
First of all, explain how the IP displayed in the admin panel is gotten: the Agent will request the IP-API every once in a while, get the IP information and report it to the Dashboard, the IP-API currently used can be viewed here: myip.go
If you find that the IP displayed in the admin panel is not the same as the IP provided to you by the service provider, the biggest possibility is that the service provider gave you the entry IP, but the Agent tested out your exit IP. This problem may also occur in BGP servers and Leased line.
To take a simple and very common example, the service provider to provide you a anti-DDoS server, in order to meet the goals of both DDoS protection and low network disruption rate, the IP provided to you may be the mapped anti-DDoS IP and not the real exit IP of your server
You can also test the exit IP by running the following command in the Agent server:
shellcurl https://ipapi.co/ip/
+import{_ as e,o as a,c as s,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const b=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/dashboardq.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/dashboardq.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),t={name:"en_US/guide/dashboardq.md"},n=o(`Why the IP displayed in the admin panel and the actual IP of the Agent are not the same?
First of all, explain how the IP displayed in the admin panel is gotten: the Agent will request the IP-API every once in a while, get the IP information and report it to the Dashboard, the IP-API currently used can be viewed here: myip.go
If you find that the IP displayed in the admin panel is not the same as the IP provided to you by the service provider, the biggest possibility is that the service provider gave you the entry IP, but the Agent tested out your exit IP. This problem may also occur in BGP servers and Leased line.
To take a simple and very common example, the service provider to provide you a anti-DDoS server, in order to meet the goals of both DDoS protection and low network disruption rate, the IP provided to you may be the mapped anti-DDoS IP and not the real exit IP of your server
You can also test the exit IP by running the following command in the Agent server:
shellcurl https://ipapi.co/ip/
curl ip.sb
curl ip-api.com
Forgot your access password or deleted your access password
Please view or edit the /opt/nezha/dashboard/data/config.yaml
The password is located in the site-viewpassword item.
Dashboard install/restart/update failed: iptables ......
First, try restarting docker and retrying again
shellsystemctl status docker
systemctl restart docker
diff --git a/assets/en_US_guide_dashboardq.md.60106923.lean.js b/assets/en_US_guide_dashboardq.md.ac655fb7.lean.js
similarity index 70%
rename from assets/en_US_guide_dashboardq.md.60106923.lean.js
rename to assets/en_US_guide_dashboardq.md.ac655fb7.lean.js
index e40ecbc2d..6b9cc9585 100644
--- a/assets/en_US_guide_dashboardq.md.60106923.lean.js
+++ b/assets/en_US_guide_dashboardq.md.ac655fb7.lean.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as e,o as a,c as s,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const b=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/dashboardq.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/dashboardq.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),t={name:"en_US/guide/dashboardq.md"},n=o("",18),l=[n];function r(i,p,c,d,h,y){return a(),s("div",null,l)}const g=e(t,[["render",r]]);export{b as __pageData,g as default};
+import{_ as e,o as a,c as s,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const b=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/dashboardq.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/dashboardq.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),t={name:"en_US/guide/dashboardq.md"},n=o("",18),l=[n];function r(i,p,c,d,h,y){return a(),s("div",null,l)}const g=e(t,[["render",r]]);export{b as __pageData,g as default};
diff --git a/assets/en_US_guide_loginq.md.6e1954e3.js b/assets/en_US_guide_loginq.md.2cd38989.js
similarity index 98%
rename from assets/en_US_guide_loginq.md.6e1954e3.js
rename to assets/en_US_guide_loginq.md.2cd38989.js
index a07462b99..e5983ee6a 100644
--- a/assets/en_US_guide_loginq.md.6e1954e3.js
+++ b/assets/en_US_guide_loginq.md.2cd38989.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as e,o,c as t,R as a}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const b=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/loginq.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/loginq.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),r={name:"en_US/guide/loginq.md"},i=a('Page refuses to connect or timeout after login callback
- Your server cannot connect to Github, consider trying several times or switching to Gitlab.
- You have configured the wrong callback URL, make sure your callback URL is correct and port and protocol are correct!
- An unknown error occurred in Dashboard, you can use the script to check the logs.
What is a protocol?
In the browser, your domain name ending with ://
is the protocol, usually http
and https
. Since the Dashboard may be accessible by multiple protocols + domain + port combinations under normal deployment, please make sure to choose the most appropriate one as the callback.
How do I check if my callback URL is wrong?
Please make sure the protocol+domain+port displayed by your browser before login and the protocol+domain+port you jump to after login are the same.
Please make sure your path is /oauth2/callback
, all lowercase.
Dashboard errors after login
http: named cookie not present
- Clear your browser cookies and log in again, or change your browser.
- Check the callback address to ensure that your callback address is correct and that both the port and protocol are correct! The address from which the request is initiated needs to be in the same domain as the callback address, and the port, protocol, and domain name (or IP) all need to be consistent.
lookup xxx
DNS resolution failure, in most cases, is due to iptables-related configuration changes.
It is recommended to restart docker first, sudo systemctl restart docker
, and then use the script to restart the Dashboard.
If the lookup error still occurs, it is recommended to check whether there are other tools to control iptables, such as Aapanel Firewall.
This problem may also be related to the kernel, please try to change the official kernel.
The authorization method is invalid, or the login callback URL is invalid, expired, or has been revoked
Suggest changing the authentication method to Github/Gitlab.
oauth2: server response missing access_token
It may be caused by a number of factors, the most likely is a network problem, we suggest to check the network and retry.
If you can't solve it, we suggest changing the authentication method to Github/Gitlab.
This user is not the administrator or cannot login
You have logged into the wrong account or configured the wrong username, note that username is not email, you can use a script to modify it.
dial tcp xxx:443 i/o timeout
If the server has network problems, you can restart docker first, sudo systemctl restart docker
, and then use the script to restart the Dashboard.
You can also change to another OAuth method if necessary.
net/http: TLS handshake timeout
Same as above.
',20),s=[i];function n(l,c,h,d,u,m){return o(),t("div",null,s)}const k=e(r,[["render",n]]);export{b as __pageData,k as default};
+import{_ as e,o,c as t,R as a}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const b=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/loginq.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/loginq.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),r={name:"en_US/guide/loginq.md"},i=a('Page refuses to connect or timeout after login callback
- Your server cannot connect to Github, consider trying several times or switching to Gitlab.
- You have configured the wrong callback URL, make sure your callback URL is correct and port and protocol are correct!
- An unknown error occurred in Dashboard, you can use the script to check the logs.
What is a protocol?
In the browser, your domain name ending with ://
is the protocol, usually http
and https
. Since the Dashboard may be accessible by multiple protocols + domain + port combinations under normal deployment, please make sure to choose the most appropriate one as the callback.
How do I check if my callback URL is wrong?
Please make sure the protocol+domain+port displayed by your browser before login and the protocol+domain+port you jump to after login are the same.
Please make sure your path is /oauth2/callback
, all lowercase.
Dashboard errors after login
http: named cookie not present
- Clear your browser cookies and log in again, or change your browser.
- Check the callback address to ensure that your callback address is correct and that both the port and protocol are correct! The address from which the request is initiated needs to be in the same domain as the callback address, and the port, protocol, and domain name (or IP) all need to be consistent.
lookup xxx
DNS resolution failure, in most cases, is due to iptables-related configuration changes.
It is recommended to restart docker first, sudo systemctl restart docker
, and then use the script to restart the Dashboard.
If the lookup error still occurs, it is recommended to check whether there are other tools to control iptables, such as Aapanel Firewall.
This problem may also be related to the kernel, please try to change the official kernel.
The authorization method is invalid, or the login callback URL is invalid, expired, or has been revoked
Suggest changing the authentication method to Github/Gitlab.
oauth2: server response missing access_token
It may be caused by a number of factors, the most likely is a network problem, we suggest to check the network and retry.
If you can't solve it, we suggest changing the authentication method to Github/Gitlab.
This user is not the administrator or cannot login
You have logged into the wrong account or configured the wrong username, note that username is not email, you can use a script to modify it.
dial tcp xxx:443 i/o timeout
If the server has network problems, you can restart docker first, sudo systemctl restart docker
, and then use the script to restart the Dashboard.
You can also change to another OAuth method if necessary.
net/http: TLS handshake timeout
Same as above.
',20),s=[i];function n(l,c,h,d,u,m){return o(),t("div",null,s)}const k=e(r,[["render",n]]);export{b as __pageData,k as default};
diff --git a/assets/en_US_guide_loginq.md.6e1954e3.lean.js b/assets/en_US_guide_loginq.md.2cd38989.lean.js
similarity index 84%
rename from assets/en_US_guide_loginq.md.6e1954e3.lean.js
rename to assets/en_US_guide_loginq.md.2cd38989.lean.js
index 81228a035..00ae94b7c 100644
--- a/assets/en_US_guide_loginq.md.6e1954e3.lean.js
+++ b/assets/en_US_guide_loginq.md.2cd38989.lean.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as e,o,c as t,R as a}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const b=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/loginq.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/loginq.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),r={name:"en_US/guide/loginq.md"},i=a("",20),s=[i];function n(l,c,h,d,u,m){return o(),t("div",null,s)}const k=e(r,[["render",n]]);export{b as __pageData,k as default};
+import{_ as e,o,c as t,R as a}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const b=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/loginq.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/loginq.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),r={name:"en_US/guide/loginq.md"},i=a("",20),s=[i];function n(l,c,h,d,u,m){return o(),t("div",null,s)}const k=e(r,[["render",n]]);export{b as __pageData,k as default};
diff --git a/assets/en_US_guide_notifications.md.88d86f03.js b/assets/en_US_guide_notifications.md.c66257b2.js
similarity index 99%
rename from assets/en_US_guide_notifications.md.88d86f03.js
rename to assets/en_US_guide_notifications.md.c66257b2.js
index 1284d5f0c..8bd34afe0 100644
--- a/assets/en_US_guide_notifications.md.88d86f03.js
+++ b/assets/en_US_guide_notifications.md.c66257b2.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import{_ as o,o as s,c as e,R as n}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const F=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/notifications.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/notifications.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),t={name:"en_US/guide/notifications.md"},a=n(`Nezha Monitoring supports monitoring of server load, CPU, memory, hard disk, data transfer, monthly data transfer, number of processes, number of connections, and sends alarm notifications when one of these items reaches a user-set limit.
Flexible notification methods
In panel messages, the placeholder #DATETIME#
represents the timestamp of when an event occurs. When the notification is triggered, the panel automatically replaces #DATETIME# with the actual time of the event.
is the panel message placeholder, the panel will automatically replace the placeholder with the actual message when it triggers the notification
The content of Body is in JSON
format:When the request type is FORM,the value is in the form of key:value
can contain placeholders that will be automatically replaced when notified. When the request type is JSON It will only do string substitution and submit to the URL
Placeholders can also be placed inside the URL, and it will perform a simple string substitution when requested.
Refer to the example below, it is very flexible.
Bark Example
Name: Bark
URL: The first part is the key, followed by three matches/: key/: body or/: key/: title/: body or/: key/: category/: title/: body
Request method: GET
Request Type: Default
Body: null
Name: Bark
Request method: POST
Request type: FORM
Body: {"title": "#SERVER.NAME#","device_key":"xxxxxxxxx","body":"#NEZHA#","icon":" https://xxxxxxxx/nz.png "}
Telegram Example, contributed by @haitau
- Name:Telegram Robot message notification
- URL:https://api.telegram.org/botXXXXXX/sendMessage?chat_id=YYYYYY&text=#NEZHA#
- Request method: GET
- Request type: default
- Body: null
- Notes for this method:The XXXXXX in botXXXXXX is the token provided when you follow the official @Botfather in Telegram and enter /newbot to create a new bot. (In the line after Use this token to access the HTTP API). The 'bot' are essential. After creating a bot, you need to talk to the BOT in Telegram (send a random message) before you can send a message by using API. YYYYYY is Telegram user's ID, you can get it by talking to the bot @userinfobot.
Email notification example - Outlook
- Name: MS Mail Notification
- URL:https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/microsoft.graph.sendMail
- Request method: POST
- Request type: JSON
- Header:
{"Content-type":"application/json", "Authorization":"Bearer {Token}"}
- Body:
+import{_ as o,o as s,c as e,R as n}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const F=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/notifications.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/notifications.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),t={name:"en_US/guide/notifications.md"},a=n(`Nezha Monitoring supports monitoring of server load, CPU, memory, hard disk, data transfer, monthly data transfer, number of processes, number of connections, and sends alarm notifications when one of these items reaches a user-set limit.
Flexible notification methods
In panel messages, the placeholder #DATETIME#
represents the timestamp of when an event occurs. When the notification is triggered, the panel automatically replaces #DATETIME# with the actual time of the event.
is the panel message placeholder, the panel will automatically replace the placeholder with the actual message when it triggers the notification
The content of Body is in JSON
format:When the request type is FORM,the value is in the form of key:value
can contain placeholders that will be automatically replaced when notified. When the request type is JSON It will only do string substitution and submit to the URL
Placeholders can also be placed inside the URL, and it will perform a simple string substitution when requested.
Refer to the example below, it is very flexible.
Bark Example
Name: Bark
URL: The first part is the key, followed by three matches/: key/: body or/: key/: title/: body or/: key/: category/: title/: body
Request method: GET
Request Type: Default
Body: null
Name: Bark
Request method: POST
Request type: FORM
Body: {"title": "#SERVER.NAME#","device_key":"xxxxxxxxx","body":"#NEZHA#","icon":" https://xxxxxxxx/nz.png "}
Telegram Example, contributed by @haitau
- Name:Telegram Robot message notification
- URL:https://api.telegram.org/botXXXXXX/sendMessage?chat_id=YYYYYY&text=#NEZHA#
- Request method: GET
- Request type: default
- Body: null
- Notes for this method:The XXXXXX in botXXXXXX is the token provided when you follow the official @Botfather in Telegram and enter /newbot to create a new bot. (In the line after Use this token to access the HTTP API). The 'bot' are essential. After creating a bot, you need to talk to the BOT in Telegram (send a random message) before you can send a message by using API. YYYYYY is Telegram user's ID, you can get it by talking to the bot @userinfobot.
Email notification example - Outlook
- Name: MS Mail Notification
- URL:https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/microsoft.graph.sendMail
- Request method: POST
- Request type: JSON
- Header:
{"Content-type":"application/json", "Authorization":"Bearer {Token}"}
- Body:
"message": {
"subject": "Server Status Notification",
"body": {
diff --git a/assets/en_US_guide_notifications.md.88d86f03.lean.js b/assets/en_US_guide_notifications.md.c66257b2.lean.js
similarity index 71%
rename from assets/en_US_guide_notifications.md.88d86f03.lean.js
rename to assets/en_US_guide_notifications.md.c66257b2.lean.js
index c26579abd..b39c71772 100644
--- a/assets/en_US_guide_notifications.md.88d86f03.lean.js
+++ b/assets/en_US_guide_notifications.md.c66257b2.lean.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as o,o as s,c as e,R as n}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const F=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/notifications.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/notifications.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),t={name:"en_US/guide/notifications.md"},a=n("",28),l=[a];function p(r,c,i,u,D,y){return s(),e("div",null,l)}const C=o(t,[["render",p]]);export{F as __pageData,C as default};
+import{_ as o,o as s,c as e,R as n}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const F=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/notifications.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/notifications.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),t={name:"en_US/guide/notifications.md"},a=n("",28),l=[a];function p(r,c,i,u,D,y){return s(),e("div",null,l)}const C=o(t,[["render",p]]);export{F as __pageData,C as default};
diff --git a/assets/en_US_guide_q2.md.d795499d.js b/assets/en_US_guide_q2.md.ef5213fa.js
similarity index 96%
rename from assets/en_US_guide_q2.md.d795499d.js
rename to assets/en_US_guide_q2.md.ef5213fa.js
index afecef394..336712018 100644
--- a/assets/en_US_guide_q2.md.d795499d.js
+++ b/assets/en_US_guide_q2.md.ef5213fa.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as e,o as t,c as o,R as n}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const m=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/q2.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/q2.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),r={name:"en_US/guide/q2.md"},a=n('Let the Agent start/on-line, and the self-test process of the problem
- Run
//opt/nezha/agent/nezha-agent -s IP/Domin(Panel IP or Domain not connected to CDN):port(Panel RPC port) -p secret(Agent Secret) -d
Check the logs to see if the timeout is due to a DNS problem or poor network nc -v domain/IP port(Panel RPC port)
or telnet domain/IP port(Panel RPC port)
to check if it' s a network problem, check the inbound and outbound firewall between the local machine and the panel server, if you can' t determine the problem you can check it with the port checking tool provided by https://port.ping.pe/- If the above steps work and the Agent is online, please try to turn off SELinux on the panel server. How to close SELinux?
',2),s=[a];function l(i,c,h,p,d,_){return t(),o("div",null,s)}const u=e(r,[["render",l]]);export{m as __pageData,u as default};
+import{_ as e,o as t,c as o,R as n}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const m=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/q2.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/q2.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),r={name:"en_US/guide/q2.md"},a=n('Let the Agent start/on-line, and the self-test process of the problem
- Run
//opt/nezha/agent/nezha-agent -s IP/Domin(Panel IP or Domain not connected to CDN):port(Panel RPC port) -p secret(Agent Secret) -d
Check the logs to see if the timeout is due to a DNS problem or poor network nc -v domain/IP port(Panel RPC port)
or telnet domain/IP port(Panel RPC port)
to check if it' s a network problem, check the inbound and outbound firewall between the local machine and the panel server, if you can' t determine the problem you can check it with the port checking tool provided by https://port.ping.pe/- If the above steps work and the Agent is online, please try to turn off SELinux on the panel server. How to close SELinux?
',2),s=[a];function l(i,c,h,p,d,_){return t(),o("div",null,s)}const u=e(r,[["render",l]]);export{m as __pageData,u as default};
diff --git a/assets/en_US_guide_q2.md.d795499d.lean.js b/assets/en_US_guide_q2.md.ef5213fa.lean.js
similarity index 84%
rename from assets/en_US_guide_q2.md.d795499d.lean.js
rename to assets/en_US_guide_q2.md.ef5213fa.lean.js
index bf74c32c4..a318ef30b 100644
--- a/assets/en_US_guide_q2.md.d795499d.lean.js
+++ b/assets/en_US_guide_q2.md.ef5213fa.lean.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as e,o as t,c as o,R as n}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const m=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/q2.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/q2.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),r={name:"en_US/guide/q2.md"},a=n("",2),s=[a];function l(i,c,h,p,d,_){return t(),o("div",null,s)}const u=e(r,[["render",l]]);export{m as __pageData,u as default};
+import{_ as e,o as t,c as o,R as n}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const m=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/q2.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/q2.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),r={name:"en_US/guide/q2.md"},a=n("",2),s=[a];function l(i,c,h,p,d,_){return t(),o("div",null,s)}const u=e(r,[["render",l]]);export{m as __pageData,u as default};
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rename to assets/en_US_guide_q3.md.9878dfb9.js
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--- a/assets/en_US_guide_q3.md.0d779386.js
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-import{_ as s,o as n,c as a,R as e}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const d=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/q3.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/q3.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),l={name:"en_US/guide/q3.md"},o=e(`Reverse Proxy gRPC Port (support Cloudflare CDN)
Use Nginx or Caddy to reverse proxy gRPC
- Nginx configuration files
nginxserver {
+import{_ as s,o as n,c as a,R as e}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const d=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/q3.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/q3.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),l={name:"en_US/guide/q3.md"},o=e(`Reverse Proxy gRPC Port (support Cloudflare CDN)
Use Nginx or Caddy to reverse proxy gRPC
- Nginx configuration files
nginxserver {
listen 443 ssl http2;
listen [::]:443 ssl http2;
server_name data.example.com; # The domain name where the Agent connects to Dashboard
diff --git a/assets/en_US_guide_q3.md.0d779386.lean.js b/assets/en_US_guide_q3.md.9878dfb9.lean.js
similarity index 84%
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@@ -1 +1 @@
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@@ -1 +1 @@
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@@ -1 +1 @@
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@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as a,o,c as r,z as e,a as t}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const w=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/q5.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/q5.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),s={name:"en_US/guide/q5.md"},n=e("h4",{id:"how-do-i-migrate-my-data-to-the-new-server-and-restore-my-backups",tabindex:"-1"},[t("How do I migrate my data to the new server and restore my backups? "),e("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#how-do-i-migrate-my-data-to-the-new-server-and-restore-my-backups","aria-label":'Permalink to "How do I migrate my data to the new server and restore my backups?"'},"")],-1),d=e("ol",null,[e("li",null,[t("First use the one-click script and select "),e("code",null,"Stop Panel")]),e("li",null,[t("Compress the "),e("code",null,"/opt/nezha"),t(" folder to the same path as the new server")]),e("li",null,[t("Run the one-click script in the new server, select "),e("code",null,"Launch Panel")])],-1),l=[n,d];function c(i,h,m,p,u,_){return o(),r("div",null,l)}const k=a(s,[["render",c]]);export{w as __pageData,k as default};
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--- a/assets/en_US_guide_q6.md.fe3100ad.js
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@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as t,o as e,c as s,R as a}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const m=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/q6.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/q6.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),o={name:"en_US/guide/q6.md"},i=a('How to set up a monthly reset of transfer statistics?
In the home page, the traffic statistics will be reset when the server is restarted.
If you want to set the traffic statistics to be reset once a month, you can do it like this:
- Go to the
page of the admin panel - Refer to this document to create a monthly transfer statistics notification
- Return to the home page and you can see the monthly transfer statistics in the
page, where the statistics will not be reset when the server is restarted
This method can be set to any period, including and not limited to hourly/daily/weekly/monthly/yearly reset transfer statistics, very flexible!
',4),n=[i];function r(c,l,h,d,f,_){return e(),s("div",null,n)}const u=t(o,[["render",r]]);export{m as __pageData,u as default};
+import{_ as t,o as e,c as s,R as a}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const m=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/q6.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/q6.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),o={name:"en_US/guide/q6.md"},i=a('How to set up a monthly reset of transfer statistics?
In the home page, the traffic statistics will be reset when the server is restarted.
If you want to set the traffic statistics to be reset once a month, you can do it like this:
- Go to the
page of the admin panel - Refer to this document to create a monthly transfer statistics notification
- Return to the home page and you can see the monthly transfer statistics in the
page, where the statistics will not be reset when the server is restarted
This method can be set to any period, including and not limited to hourly/daily/weekly/monthly/yearly reset transfer statistics, very flexible!
',4),n=[i];function r(c,l,h,d,f,_){return e(),s("div",null,n)}const u=t(o,[["render",r]]);export{m as __pageData,u as default};
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@@ -1 +1 @@
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--- a/assets/en_US_guide_q7.md.5d20e21a.js
+++ b/assets/en_US_guide_q7.md.1a0316cc.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as e,o as t,c as o,R as a}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const p=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/q7.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/q7.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),i={name:"en_US/guide/q7.md"},n=a('Customize Agent
Customize the NIC and hard drive partitions to be monitored
- Run
/opt/nezha/agent/nezha-agent --edit-agent-config
to select a custom NIC and partition, and then restart Agent
Other Flags
Run ./nezha-agent --help
to view supported flags,if you are already using the one-click script, you can edit /etc/systemd/system/nezha-agent.service
,at the end of this line ExecStart=
System information reporting interval, default is 1 second, can be set to 3 to reduce the system resource usage on the agent side (configuration range 1-4)--skip-conn
Not monitoring the number of connections, if it is a server with a large number of connections, the CPU usage will be high. It is recommended to set this to reduce CPU usage--skip-procs
Disable monitoring the number of processes can also reduce CPU and memory usage--disable-auto-update
Disable Automatic Update Agent (security feature)--disable-force-update
Disable Forced Update Agent (security feature)--disable-command-execute
Disable execution of scheduled tasks, disallow WebShell (security feature)--tls
Enable SSL/TLS encryption (If you are using nginx to reverse proxy Agent´s grpc connections, and if nginx has SSL/TLS enabled, you need to enable this configuration)
',6),s=[n];function r(d,c,l,u,h,g){return t(),o("div",null,s)}const f=e(i,[["render",r]]);export{p as __pageData,f as default};
+import{_ as e,o as t,c as o,R as a}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const p=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/q7.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/q7.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),i={name:"en_US/guide/q7.md"},n=a('Customize Agent
Customize the NIC and hard drive partitions to be monitored
- Run
/opt/nezha/agent/nezha-agent --edit-agent-config
to select a custom NIC and partition, and then restart Agent
Other Flags
Run ./nezha-agent --help
to view supported flags,if you are already using the one-click script, you can edit /etc/systemd/system/nezha-agent.service
,at the end of this line ExecStart=
System information reporting interval, default is 1 second, can be set to 3 to reduce the system resource usage on the agent side (configuration range 1-4)--skip-conn
Not monitoring the number of connections, if it is a server with a large number of connections, the CPU usage will be high. It is recommended to set this to reduce CPU usage--skip-procs
Disable monitoring the number of processes can also reduce CPU and memory usage--disable-auto-update
Disable Automatic Update Agent (security feature)--disable-force-update
Disable Forced Update Agent (security feature)--disable-command-execute
Disable execution of scheduled tasks, disallow WebShell (security feature)--tls
Enable SSL/TLS encryption (If you are using nginx to reverse proxy Agent´s grpc connections, and if nginx has SSL/TLS enabled, you need to enable this configuration)
',6),s=[n];function r(d,c,l,u,h,g){return t(),o("div",null,s)}const f=e(i,[["render",r]]);export{p as __pageData,f as default};
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@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as e,o as t,c as o,R as a}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const p=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/q7.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/q7.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),i={name:"en_US/guide/q7.md"},n=a("",6),s=[n];function r(d,c,l,u,h,g){return t(),o("div",null,s)}const f=e(i,[["render",r]]);export{p as __pageData,f as default};
+import{_ as e,o as t,c as o,R as a}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const p=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/q7.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/q7.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),i={name:"en_US/guide/q7.md"},n=a("",6),s=[n];function r(d,c,l,u,h,g){return t(),o("div",null,s)}const f=e(i,[["render",r]]);export{p as __pageData,f as default};
diff --git a/assets/en_US_guide_servers.md.a92b7c67.js b/assets/en_US_guide_servers.md.19b9de10.js
similarity index 96%
rename from assets/en_US_guide_servers.md.a92b7c67.js
rename to assets/en_US_guide_servers.md.19b9de10.js
index deb84dc6e..d084d668f 100644
--- a/assets/en_US_guide_servers.md.a92b7c67.js
+++ b/assets/en_US_guide_servers.md.19b9de10.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as e,o as t,c as a,R as n}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const m=JSON.parse('{"title":"Servers","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/servers.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/servers.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),r={name:"en_US/guide/servers.md"},o=n('Servers
The Servers area is responsible for managing the Agent, the most basic area in Nezha Monitoring, and the basis for other functions.
Add a server
The first step is to add a servers, which can be customized with names, groups, display index and notes.
Servers in the same group will be displayed in groups in supported themes, and notes will only be displayed in the admin panel, no need to worry about leaking information.
Install Agent
Please refer to the previous article: Install Agent
We recommend using one-click installation, that is, after configuring the communication domain name, click the button on the column one-click installation and copy it to the monitored servers for installation.
Forced Updates
The flags related to the update of the Agent are: --disable-auto-update
and --disable-force-update
. Please refer to Customize Agent
By default, the Agent is updated automatically, but when the user turns off automatic updates, the specified servers can also be selected for forced updates.
This feature does not take effect when -disable-force-update
is turned on.
Data List
- Version number: Record the current version of Agent
- Secret: Used when configuring the Agent
- One-Click Installation: A more convenient way to install Agent
- Manage: WebShell on the left, Edit in the middle, Delete on the right
This feature does not take effect when disable-command-execute
is turned on.
Both Linux and Windows are available and can be pasted using Ctrl+Shift+V.
For connection failure, please refer to Real-time channel disconnection/online terminal connection failure.
Note that in theWebShell function, the Agent also connects to the Domain names for public access via WebSocket, not via grpc.
',13),i=[o];function s(l,d,c,h,u,f){return t(),a("div",null,i)}const b=e(r,[["render",s]]);export{m as __pageData,b as default};
+import{_ as e,o as t,c as a,R as n}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const m=JSON.parse('{"title":"Servers","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/servers.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/servers.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),r={name:"en_US/guide/servers.md"},o=n('Servers
The Servers area is responsible for managing the Agent, the most basic area in Nezha Monitoring, and the basis for other functions.
Add a server
The first step is to add a servers, which can be customized with names, groups, display index and notes.
Servers in the same group will be displayed in groups in supported themes, and notes will only be displayed in the admin panel, no need to worry about leaking information.
Install Agent
Please refer to the previous article: Install Agent
We recommend using one-click installation, that is, after configuring the communication domain name, click the button on the column one-click installation and copy it to the monitored servers for installation.
Forced Updates
The flags related to the update of the Agent are: --disable-auto-update
and --disable-force-update
. Please refer to Customize Agent
By default, the Agent is updated automatically, but when the user turns off automatic updates, the specified servers can also be selected for forced updates.
This feature does not take effect when -disable-force-update
is turned on.
Data List
- Version number: Record the current version of Agent
- Secret: Used when configuring the Agent
- One-Click Installation: A more convenient way to install Agent
- Manage: WebShell on the left, Edit in the middle, Delete on the right
This feature does not take effect when disable-command-execute
is turned on.
Both Linux and Windows are available and can be pasted using Ctrl+Shift+V.
For connection failure, please refer to Real-time channel disconnection/online terminal connection failure.
Note that in theWebShell function, the Agent also connects to the Domain names for public access via WebSocket, not via grpc.
',13),i=[o];function s(l,d,c,h,u,f){return t(),a("div",null,i)}const b=e(r,[["render",s]]);export{m as __pageData,b as default};
diff --git a/assets/en_US_guide_servers.md.a92b7c67.lean.js b/assets/en_US_guide_servers.md.19b9de10.lean.js
similarity index 70%
rename from assets/en_US_guide_servers.md.a92b7c67.lean.js
rename to assets/en_US_guide_servers.md.19b9de10.lean.js
index d541963ed..38e5a968d 100644
--- a/assets/en_US_guide_servers.md.a92b7c67.lean.js
+++ b/assets/en_US_guide_servers.md.19b9de10.lean.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as e,o as t,c as a,R as n}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const m=JSON.parse('{"title":"Servers","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/servers.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/servers.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),r={name:"en_US/guide/servers.md"},o=n("",13),i=[o];function s(l,d,c,h,u,f){return t(),a("div",null,i)}const b=e(r,[["render",s]]);export{m as __pageData,b as default};
+import{_ as e,o as t,c as a,R as n}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const m=JSON.parse('{"title":"Servers","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/servers.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/servers.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),r={name:"en_US/guide/servers.md"},o=n("",13),i=[o];function s(l,d,c,h,u,f){return t(),a("div",null,i)}const b=e(r,[["render",s]]);export{m as __pageData,b as default};
diff --git a/assets/en_US_guide_services.md.c882e01a.js b/assets/en_US_guide_services.md.88b6205c.js
similarity index 98%
rename from assets/en_US_guide_services.md.c882e01a.js
rename to assets/en_US_guide_services.md.88b6205c.js
index 751fdacb1..a48d514ff 100644
--- a/assets/en_US_guide_services.md.c882e01a.js
+++ b/assets/en_US_guide_services.md.88b6205c.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as e,o as t,c as o,R as i}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const m=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/services.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/services.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),n={name:"en_US/guide/services.md"},a=i('Service area is a function setting area for setting up Agents to monitor external websites or servers
The monitoring results can be viewed on the "Services" page in the home page
How to use
To add a new monitor, you can go to the "Services" page in the administration panel and click "Add Service Monitor".
To add a service monitor, you need to complete the following settings:
- Customize a name
- Select a monitoring type. Nezha currently supports three monitoring types: "HTTP-GET", "ICMP-Ping" and "TCP-Ping".
- Depending on the type you choose, the target is set in different ways
: Selecting this type, you should enter a URL as the target, the URL should be added with http://
or https://
If your target URL is https://
, it will also monitor the SSL certificate of that URL and trigger a notification when the SSL certificate expires or changes.
For example: https://example.com
: When selecting this type, you should enter a domain name or IP without a port number
For example: or example.com
: When selecting this type, you should enter a domain name or IP and include the port number
For example: or example.com:22
: Sets the time interval in seconds between each time Agent sends requests to the target
: Select a rule to determine which Agents to use to send requests to the target
Specific Servers
: Use with coverage to select the Agent to be excluded from the rule
Notification Group
: Select the notification method you have set up on the "Notification" page. Click here for more information
Enable Failure Notification
: Select whether to receive target failure notifications as needed, default is inactive
After setting, click "Add" and you are done.
Wait for a moment to go to the "Services" page on the home page to view the monitoring results
Notification of delay changes
Nezha Monitoring monitors and statistics the delay between the Agent and the target server, and sends notifications in case of significant changes
Use this feature to help you monitor your server's routes for changes
Enable delay notifications
:When enabled, notifications will be sent when the Agent to target server delay is higher than the Max delay
or lower than the Min delay
Management Monitor
To manage existing service monitoring, you can go to the "Services" page in the administration panel
Select a monitoring configuration and click the icon on the right to edit or delete it
',15),r=[a];function c(s,l,d,h,u,p){return t(),o("div",null,r)}const f=e(n,[["render",c]]);export{m as __pageData,f as default};
+import{_ as e,o as t,c as o,R as i}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const m=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/services.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/services.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),n={name:"en_US/guide/services.md"},a=i('Service area is a function setting area for setting up Agents to monitor external websites or servers
The monitoring results can be viewed on the "Services" page in the home page
How to use
To add a new monitor, you can go to the "Services" page in the administration panel and click "Add Service Monitor".
To add a service monitor, you need to complete the following settings:
- Customize a name
- Select a monitoring type. Nezha currently supports three monitoring types: "HTTP-GET", "ICMP-Ping" and "TCP-Ping".
- Depending on the type you choose, the target is set in different ways
: Selecting this type, you should enter a URL as the target, the URL should be added with http://
or https://
If your target URL is https://
, it will also monitor the SSL certificate of that URL and trigger a notification when the SSL certificate expires or changes.
For example: https://example.com
: When selecting this type, you should enter a domain name or IP without a port number
For example: or example.com
: When selecting this type, you should enter a domain name or IP and include the port number
For example: or example.com:22
: Sets the time interval in seconds between each time Agent sends requests to the target
: Select a rule to determine which Agents to use to send requests to the target
Specific Servers
: Use with coverage to select the Agent to be excluded from the rule
Notification Group
: Select the notification method you have set up on the "Notification" page. Click here for more information
Enable Failure Notification
: Select whether to receive target failure notifications as needed, default is inactive
After setting, click "Add" and you are done.
Wait for a moment to go to the "Services" page on the home page to view the monitoring results
Notification of delay changes
Nezha Monitoring monitors and statistics the delay between the Agent and the target server, and sends notifications in case of significant changes
Use this feature to help you monitor your server's routes for changes
Enable delay notifications
:When enabled, notifications will be sent when the Agent to target server delay is higher than the Max delay
or lower than the Min delay
Management Monitor
To manage existing service monitoring, you can go to the "Services" page in the administration panel
Select a monitoring configuration and click the icon on the right to edit or delete it
',15),r=[a];function c(s,l,d,h,u,p){return t(),o("div",null,r)}const f=e(n,[["render",c]]);export{m as __pageData,f as default};
diff --git a/assets/en_US_guide_services.md.c882e01a.lean.js b/assets/en_US_guide_services.md.88b6205c.lean.js
similarity index 85%
rename from assets/en_US_guide_services.md.c882e01a.lean.js
rename to assets/en_US_guide_services.md.88b6205c.lean.js
index ada66f085..65d347d74 100644
--- a/assets/en_US_guide_services.md.c882e01a.lean.js
+++ b/assets/en_US_guide_services.md.88b6205c.lean.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as e,o as t,c as o,R as i}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const m=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/services.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/services.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),n={name:"en_US/guide/services.md"},a=i("",15),r=[a];function c(s,l,d,h,u,p){return t(),o("div",null,r)}const f=e(n,[["render",c]]);export{m as __pageData,f as default};
+import{_ as e,o as t,c as o,R as i}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const m=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/services.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/services.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),n={name:"en_US/guide/services.md"},a=i("",15),r=[a];function c(s,l,d,h,u,p){return t(),o("div",null,r)}const f=e(n,[["render",c]]);export{m as __pageData,f as default};
diff --git a/assets/en_US_guide_settings.md.7d38802c.js b/assets/en_US_guide_settings.md.1abc055b.js
similarity index 99%
rename from assets/en_US_guide_settings.md.7d38802c.js
rename to assets/en_US_guide_settings.md.1abc055b.js
index 76c054053..177acbb1b 100644
--- a/assets/en_US_guide_settings.md.7d38802c.js
+++ b/assets/en_US_guide_settings.md.1abc055b.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import{_ as s,o as a,c as n,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const d=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/settings.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/settings.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),e={name:"en_US/guide/settings.md"},l=o(`Site Title
You can customize your site title here
Admin List
If you have changed your Github, Gitlab, Jihulab, Gitee username, you can change it in this item, otherwise you can't log in, please separate multiple users with commas: user1,user2
To change your administrator account, please go to /opt/nezha/dashboard/data/config.yaml
to set the new administrator Client ID
and Client Secret
Select the home page theme here, and update the panel if there is not an existing theme in the options
Nezha Monitoring currently supports the following languages:
- 简体中文
- English
- Español

We welcome corrections to translations and contributions of additional languages
Custom code (style, script)
Change logo, change color tone, add statistics code, etc.
The custom code only takes effect in the visitor's home page, not in the admin panel.
Since the code of different themes is different, if you really need to modify the content of the admin panel, please enter Docker to changes it by yourself.
Example of changing the default theme progress bar color
+import{_ as s,o as a,c as n,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const d=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/settings.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/settings.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),e={name:"en_US/guide/settings.md"},l=o(`Site Title
You can customize your site title here
Admin List
If you have changed your Github, Gitlab, Jihulab, Gitee username, you can change it in this item, otherwise you can't log in, please separate multiple users with commas: user1,user2
To change your administrator account, please go to /opt/nezha/dashboard/data/config.yaml
to set the new administrator Client ID
and Client Secret
Select the home page theme here, and update the panel if there is not an existing theme in the options
Nezha Monitoring currently supports the following languages:
- 简体中文
- English
- Español

We welcome corrections to translations and contributions of additional languages
Custom code (style, script)
Change logo, change color tone, add statistics code, etc.
The custom code only takes effect in the visitor's home page, not in the admin panel.
Since the code of different themes is different, if you really need to modify the content of the admin panel, please enter Docker to changes it by yourself.
Example of changing the default theme progress bar color
.ui.fine.progress> .bar {
background-color: pink !important;
diff --git a/assets/en_US_guide_settings.md.7d38802c.lean.js b/assets/en_US_guide_settings.md.1abc055b.lean.js
similarity index 85%
rename from assets/en_US_guide_settings.md.7d38802c.lean.js
rename to assets/en_US_guide_settings.md.1abc055b.lean.js
index 1db55d573..1bdc1da58 100644
--- a/assets/en_US_guide_settings.md.7d38802c.lean.js
+++ b/assets/en_US_guide_settings.md.1abc055b.lean.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as s,o as a,c as n,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const d=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/settings.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/settings.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),e={name:"en_US/guide/settings.md"},l=o("",37),t=[l];function p(r,c,i,y,D,F){return a(),n("div",null,t)}const u=s(e,[["render",p]]);export{d as __pageData,u as default};
+import{_ as s,o as a,c as n,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const d=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/settings.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/settings.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),e={name:"en_US/guide/settings.md"},l=o("",37),t=[l];function p(r,c,i,y,D,F){return a(),n("div",null,t)}const u=s(e,[["render",p]]);export{d as __pageData,u as default};
diff --git a/assets/en_US_guide_tasks.md.e1820240.js b/assets/en_US_guide_tasks.md.dfe9cb41.js
similarity index 98%
rename from assets/en_US_guide_tasks.md.e1820240.js
rename to assets/en_US_guide_tasks.md.dfe9cb41.js
index aeaf3c0f1..9674fa47f 100644
--- a/assets/en_US_guide_tasks.md.e1820240.js
+++ b/assets/en_US_guide_tasks.md.dfe9cb41.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as e,o as t,c as o,R as a}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const g=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/tasks.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/tasks.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),i={name:"en_US/guide/tasks.md"},s=a('In the task area, you can set up scheduled tasks, Trigger tasks, and multi-server batch execution tasks
Nezha monitoring supports pushing commands to the Agent for execution, so this feature is very flexible and can be used to periodically back up the server in conjunction with restic, rclone. Periodically restart a service to reset the network connection. It can also be used with notifications to perform a task when a notification is triggered, such as running a script when the CPU is at high occupancy for a long period of time.
How to use
Go to the "Tasks" page of the admin panel and click "Add Scheduled Task"
To add a scheduled task you need to make the following settings:
- Customize a task name
Task Type
- select the type of task
Scheduled Tasks - Tasks are executed periodically at the scheduled time set below
Trigger Tasks - Tasks that are triggered only by API or notification rules and are executed once per trigger
Cron Expression
- (Not valid when using the trigger task type) Set schedule time, the Cron Expression is like:: * * * * * *
sec min hour day month week
, see details in CRON Expression Format
For example: 0 0 3 * * *
is Every day at 3 o'clock
- Just like writing shell/bat scripts, but line wrap is not recommended, Multiple Commands should be connected with &&/&
For example, to execute a periodic reboot command, you can type reboot
and Specific Servers
- Similar to the settings on the Services page, select rules to determine which Agents need to execute scheduled tasks
When using the trigger task type, you can select Only servers that are included in the notification rule
Notification Group
- Select the notification method you have set up on the "Notification" page. Click here for more information
Send Success Notification
- When this item is activated, a message notification will be triggered when the task is successfully executed
Manage tasks
To manage existing scheduled tasks, you can go to the "Tasks" page in the administration panel
Select a task configuration and the three icons on the right, which are:
Execute Now
- When clicked, the scheduled time will be ignored and the task will be executed immediatelyEdit
- Click to modify the task configurationDelete
- Delete this scheduled task
- Command not found
Command not found may cause by missing PATH environment variable, for Linux Server, you may try adding source ~/.bashrc
at beginning of your command or execute by absolute path.
',10),n=[s];function r(c,d,l,h,u,p){return t(),o("div",null,n)}const k=e(i,[["render",r]]);export{g as __pageData,k as default};
+import{_ as e,o as t,c as o,R as a}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const g=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/tasks.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/tasks.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),i={name:"en_US/guide/tasks.md"},s=a('In the task area, you can set up scheduled tasks, Trigger tasks, and multi-server batch execution tasks
Nezha monitoring supports pushing commands to the Agent for execution, so this feature is very flexible and can be used to periodically back up the server in conjunction with restic, rclone. Periodically restart a service to reset the network connection. It can also be used with notifications to perform a task when a notification is triggered, such as running a script when the CPU is at high occupancy for a long period of time.
How to use
Go to the "Tasks" page of the admin panel and click "Add Scheduled Task"
To add a scheduled task you need to make the following settings:
- Customize a task name
Task Type
- select the type of task
Scheduled Tasks - Tasks are executed periodically at the scheduled time set below
Trigger Tasks - Tasks that are triggered only by API or notification rules and are executed once per trigger
Cron Expression
- (Not valid when using the trigger task type) Set schedule time, the Cron Expression is like:: * * * * * *
sec min hour day month week
, see details in CRON Expression Format
For example: 0 0 3 * * *
is Every day at 3 o'clock
- Just like writing shell/bat scripts, but line wrap is not recommended, Multiple Commands should be connected with &&/&
For example, to execute a periodic reboot command, you can type reboot
and Specific Servers
- Similar to the settings on the Services page, select rules to determine which Agents need to execute scheduled tasks
When using the trigger task type, you can select Only servers that are included in the notification rule
Notification Group
- Select the notification method you have set up on the "Notification" page. Click here for more information
Send Success Notification
- When this item is activated, a message notification will be triggered when the task is successfully executed
Manage tasks
To manage existing scheduled tasks, you can go to the "Tasks" page in the administration panel
Select a task configuration and the three icons on the right, which are:
Execute Now
- When clicked, the scheduled time will be ignored and the task will be executed immediatelyEdit
- Click to modify the task configurationDelete
- Delete this scheduled task
- Command not found
Command not found may cause by missing PATH environment variable, for Linux Server, you may try adding source ~/.bashrc
at beginning of your command or execute by absolute path.
',10),n=[s];function r(c,d,l,h,u,p){return t(),o("div",null,n)}const k=e(i,[["render",r]]);export{g as __pageData,k as default};
diff --git a/assets/en_US_guide_tasks.md.e1820240.lean.js b/assets/en_US_guide_tasks.md.dfe9cb41.lean.js
similarity index 84%
rename from assets/en_US_guide_tasks.md.e1820240.lean.js
rename to assets/en_US_guide_tasks.md.dfe9cb41.lean.js
index 5f007a191..f3c3302c4 100644
--- a/assets/en_US_guide_tasks.md.e1820240.lean.js
+++ b/assets/en_US_guide_tasks.md.dfe9cb41.lean.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as e,o as t,c as o,R as a}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const g=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/tasks.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/tasks.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),i={name:"en_US/guide/tasks.md"},s=a("",10),n=[s];function r(c,d,l,h,u,p){return t(),o("div",null,n)}const k=e(i,[["render",r]]);export{g as __pageData,k as default};
+import{_ as e,o as t,c as o,R as a}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const g=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/guide/tasks.md","filePath":"en_US/guide/tasks.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),i={name:"en_US/guide/tasks.md"},s=a("",10),n=[s];function r(c,d,l,h,u,p){return t(),o("div",null,n)}const k=e(i,[["render",r]]);export{g as __pageData,k as default};
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similarity index 95%
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-import{_ as e,o as t,c as a}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const u=JSON.parse('{"title":"Nezha Monitoring","titleTemplate":"User Manual","description":"","frontmatter":{"layout":"home","title":"Nezha Monitoring","titleTemplate":"User Manual","hero":{"name":"Nezha Monitoring","text":"A open source, lightweight server and website monitoring and O&M tool","image":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/naiba/nezha/master/resource/static/brand.svg","actions":[{"theme":"brand","text":"Preview","link":"https://ops.naibahq.com"},{"theme":"alt","text":"Learn More →","link":"/en_US/guide/dashboard"}]},"features":[{"title":"One-Click Installation","details":"Support one-click script installation Dashboard and Agent services for easy use; mainstream systems such as Linux, Windows, MacOS, OpenWRT, etc. are all supported."},{"title":"Real-time monitoring","details":"Supports monitoring the system status of multiple servers simultaneously, including monitoring the status of web pages, ports, and SSL certificates. It also supports sending notifications when there are failures or when data reaches the limit. Multiple notification methods are supported, such as Telegram, email, and WeChat."},{"title":"Easy O&M","details":"Support WebSSH, support data monitoring, support setting scheduled tasks, and support batch execution of tasks on servers."}]},"headers":[],"relativePath":"en_US/index.md","filePath":"en_US/index.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),s={name:"en_US/index.md"};function n(i,o,r,l,p,d){return t(),a("div")}const m=e(s,[["render",n]]);export{u as __pageData,m as default};
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-import{_ as s,o as n,c as a,R as l}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const A=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/agent.md","filePath":"guide/agent.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),p={name:"guide/agent.md"},o=l(`哪吒监控的被控端服务被称为 Agent,本文档将介绍如何在被控端服务器上安装 Agent,并与 Dashboard 连接
Agent 二进制文件仓库地址为:https://github.com/nezhahq/agent/releases
一键安装 Agent
目前哪吒监控已支持在 Windows 和 Linux上一键安装 Agent,遵循本文档的步骤,你可以很轻松的在服务器上部署它
你需要提前在管理面板中设置好通信域名,此域名不可以接入CDN,这里以前面提到过的示例通信域名 “data.example.com” 来做演示
进入后台管理面板,转到“设置”页,在“未接入 CDN 的面板服务器域名/IP”项中填入通信域名,然后点击"保存"
在 Linux 中一键安装 (Ubuntu、Debian、CentOS)
- 首先在管理面板中添加一台服务器
- 点击新添加的服务器旁,绿色的 Linux 图标按钮,复制一键安装命令
- 在被控端服务器中运行复制的一键安装命令,等待安装完成后返回到 Dashboard 主页查看服务器是否上线
在 Windows 中一键安装
- 首先在管理面板中添加一台服务器
- 点击新添加的服务器旁,绿色的 Windows 图标按钮,复制一键安装命令
- 进入 Windows 服务器,运行 PowerShell,在 PowerShell 中运行复制的安装命令
- 如遇到确认「执行策略变更」请选择 Y
- 等待安装完成后返回 Dashboard 主页查看服务器是否上线
其他方式安装 Agent
在 Linux 中安装 Agent (Ubuntu、Debian、CentOS)
- 首先在管理面板中添加一台服务器
- 在被控服务器中,运行脚本(位于中国大陆的服务器请使用镜像):
bashcurl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/naiba/nezha/master/script/install.sh -o nezha.sh && chmod +x nezha.sh && sudo ./nezha.sh
bashcurl -L https://jihulab.com/nezha/dashboard/-/raw/master/script/install.sh -o nezha.sh && chmod +x nezha.sh && sudo CN=true ./nezha.sh
- 选择“安装监控 Agent”
- 输入通信域名,如:”data.example.com“
- 输入面板通信端口(RPC端口),默认为 5555
- 输入 Agent 密钥,Agent 密钥在管理面板中添加服务器时生成,可以在管理面板中的“主机”页中找到
- 等待安装完成后返回 Dashboard 主页查看服务器是否上线
在 其他 Linux 如 Alpine 使用 Openrc 的发行版 安装 Agent
本节内容由 unknown0054 贡献
- 修改 SERVER、SECRET、TLS 然后在 shell 中执行
shellcat >/etc/init.d/nezha-agent<< EOF
+import{_ as s,o as n,c as a,R as l}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const A=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/agent.md","filePath":"guide/agent.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),p={name:"guide/agent.md"},o=l(`哪吒监控的被控端服务被称为 Agent,本文档将介绍如何在被控端服务器上安装 Agent,并与 Dashboard 连接
Agent 二进制文件仓库地址为:https://github.com/nezhahq/agent/releases
一键安装 Agent
目前哪吒监控已支持在 Windows 和 Linux上一键安装 Agent,遵循本文档的步骤,你可以很轻松的在服务器上部署它
你需要提前在管理面板中设置好通信域名,此域名不可以接入CDN,这里以前面提到过的示例通信域名 “data.example.com” 来做演示
进入后台管理面板,转到“设置”页,在“未接入 CDN 的面板服务器域名/IP”项中填入通信域名,然后点击"保存"
在 Linux 中一键安装 (Ubuntu、Debian、CentOS)
- 首先在管理面板中添加一台服务器
- 点击新添加的服务器旁,绿色的 Linux 图标按钮,复制一键安装命令
- 在被控端服务器中运行复制的一键安装命令,等待安装完成后返回到 Dashboard 主页查看服务器是否上线
在 Windows 中一键安装
- 首先在管理面板中添加一台服务器
- 点击新添加的服务器旁,绿色的 Windows 图标按钮,复制一键安装命令
- 进入 Windows 服务器,运行 PowerShell,在 PowerShell 中运行复制的安装命令
- 如遇到确认「执行策略变更」请选择 Y
- 等待安装完成后返回 Dashboard 主页查看服务器是否上线
其他方式安装 Agent
在 Linux 中安装 Agent (Ubuntu、Debian、CentOS)
- 首先在管理面板中添加一台服务器
- 在被控服务器中,运行脚本(位于中国大陆的服务器请使用镜像):
bashcurl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/naiba/nezha/master/script/install.sh -o nezha.sh && chmod +x nezha.sh && sudo ./nezha.sh
bashcurl -L https://jihulab.com/nezha/dashboard/-/raw/master/script/install.sh -o nezha.sh && chmod +x nezha.sh && sudo CN=true ./nezha.sh
- 选择“安装监控 Agent”
- 输入通信域名,如:”data.example.com“
- 输入面板通信端口(RPC端口),默认为 5555
- 输入 Agent 密钥,Agent 密钥在管理面板中添加服务器时生成,可以在管理面板中的“主机”页中找到
- 等待安装完成后返回 Dashboard 主页查看服务器是否上线
在 其他 Linux 如 Alpine 使用 Openrc 的发行版 安装 Agent
本节内容由 unknown0054 贡献
- 修改 SERVER、SECRET、TLS 然后在 shell 中执行
shellcat >/etc/init.d/nezha-agent<< EOF
SERVER="" #Dashboard 地址 ip:port
diff --git a/assets/guide_agent.md.1cf2f21a.lean.js b/assets/guide_agent.md.85008d4e.lean.js
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-import{_ as e,o as t,c as a,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const p=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/agentq.md","filePath":"guide/agentq.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),n={name:"guide/agentq.md"},r=o('后台显示的 IP 和 Agent 实际 IP 不一致?
请查看 Dashboard 相关-为什么管理面板中显示的 IP 和 Agent 实际 IP 不一致?
curl: Failed to connect to raw.githubusercontent.com......
多出现在国内主机中,目前一键脚本只从 Github 直接获取安装脚本,您可以多尝试几次,或者手动安装 Agent,别忘了使用镜像。
sudo: command not found
请先手动安装 sudo。
',7),d=[r];function c(i,s,u,h,l,m){return t(),a("div",null,d)}const g=e(n,[["render",c]]);export{p as __pageData,g as default};
+import{_ as e,o as t,c as a,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const p=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/agentq.md","filePath":"guide/agentq.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),n={name:"guide/agentq.md"},r=o('后台显示的 IP 和 Agent 实际 IP 不一致?
请查看 Dashboard 相关-为什么管理面板中显示的 IP 和 Agent 实际 IP 不一致?
curl: Failed to connect to raw.githubusercontent.com......
多出现在国内主机中,目前一键脚本只从 Github 直接获取安装脚本,您可以多尝试几次,或者手动安装 Agent,别忘了使用镜像。
sudo: command not found
请先手动安装 sudo。
',7),d=[r];function c(i,s,u,h,l,m){return t(),a("div",null,d)}const g=e(n,[["render",c]]);export{p as __pageData,g as default};
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-import{_ as e,o as t,c as a,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const p=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/agentq.md","filePath":"guide/agentq.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),n={name:"guide/agentq.md"},r=o("",7),d=[r];function c(i,s,u,h,l,m){return t(),a("div",null,d)}const g=e(n,[["render",c]]);export{p as __pageData,g as default};
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-import{_ as s,o as n,c as a,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const y=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/api.md","filePath":"guide/api.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),l={name:"guide/api.md"},p=o(`哪吒面板现在已经支持使用 API 接口查询面板中 Agent 的状态信息
创建 Token
哪吒面板的 API 接口允许使用 Token 认证与 Cookies 认证
要新建一个 Token,在进入管理面板后,点击右上角的头像,选择 “API Token”,进入 Token 管理页面
点击 “添加 Token”,自定义备注后,点击 “添加”
如需删除一个 Token,请选择相应的 Token,点击右侧的删除图标
Token 是 API 接口的鉴权工具,它对你的面板的信息安全非常重要,请不要泄漏你的 Token 给他人
Token 认证方式:
Request Headers:
+import{_ as s,o as n,c as a,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const y=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/api.md","filePath":"guide/api.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),l={name:"guide/api.md"},p=o(`哪吒面板现在已经支持使用 API 接口查询面板中 Agent 的状态信息
创建 Token
哪吒面板的 API 接口允许使用 Token 认证与 Cookies 认证
要新建一个 Token,在进入管理面板后,点击右上角的头像,选择 “API Token”,进入 Token 管理页面
点击 “添加 Token”,自定义备注后,点击 “添加”
如需删除一个 Token,请选择相应的 Token,点击右侧的删除图标
Token 是 API 接口的鉴权工具,它对你的面板的信息安全非常重要,请不要泄漏你的 Token 给他人
Token 认证方式:
Request Headers:
Authorization: Token
目前表示 Dashboard 上线后该 Agent 从未汇报过
请求方式为 Get
,返回格式为 JSON
- 获取服务器列表:
GET /api/v1/server/list?tag=
query: tag (ServerTag 是服务器的分组,提供此参数则仅查询该分组中的服务器)
JSON 返回示例:
"code": 0,
"message": "success",
diff --git a/assets/guide_api.md.b4d4c043.lean.js b/assets/guide_api.md.10955d00.lean.js
similarity index 84%
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import{_ as a,o as s,c as e,R as l}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const b=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/dashboard.md","filePath":"guide/dashboard.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),o={name:"guide/dashboard.md"},n=l(`准备工作
- 一台可以连接公网的 VPS,防火墙和安全策略需要放行 8008 和 5555 端口,否则会无法访问和无法接收数据。单核 512MB 内存的服务器配置就足以满足大多数使用场景
- 一个已经设置好 A 记录,指向 Dashboard 服务器 ip 的域名
如果你想使用 CDN,请准备两个域名,一个配置好 CDN 用作公开访问,CDN 需要支持WebSocket 协议;另一个域名不要使用 CDN,用作 Agent 端与 Dashboard 的通信
本文档分别以 "cdn.example.com" 和 "data.example.com" 两个域名来演示
- 一个 Github 账号(或:Gitlab、Jihulab、Gitee)
如果您位于中国大陆,访问 Github 有困难,我们建议您选择 Jihulab 作为 OAuth 提供商
本项目并不依赖宝塔,你可以选择使用你喜欢的任何服务器面板,如果你能力足够,可以手动安装 NginX 或 Caddy 来配置 SSL 和反代。
如果你认为没有必要使用 80、443 端口来访问 Dashboard,你甚至不需要安装 NginX 就可以直接使用安装脚本。
获取 Github/Jihulab 的 Client ID 和密钥
哪吒监控接入 Github、Gitlab、Jihulab、Gitee 作为后台管理员账号
- 首先我们需要新建一个验证应用,以 Github 为例,登录 Github 后,打开 https://github.com/settings/developers ,依次选择“OAuth Apps” - “New OAuth App”
Application name
- 随意填写
Homepage URL
- 填写面板的访问域名,如:"http://cdn.example.com"
Authorization callback URL
- 填写回调地址,如:"http://cdn.example.com/oauth2/callback" - 点击 “Register application”
- 保存页面中的 Client ID,然后点击 “Generate a new client secret“,创建一个新的 Client Secret,新建的密钥仅会显示一次,请妥善保存
- JihuLab 的应用创建入口为:https://jihulab.com/-/profile/applications
Redirect URL
中应填入回调地址- 在下方
中勾选 read_user
和 read_api
- 创建完成后,保存好应用程序 ID 和密码
在服务器中安装 Dashboard
- 在面板服务器中,运行安装脚本:
bashcurl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/naiba/nezha/master/script/install.sh -o nezha.sh && chmod +x nezha.sh && sudo ./nezha.sh
bashcurl -L https://jihulab.com/nezha/dashboard/-/raw/master/script/install.sh -o nezha.sh && chmod +x nezha.sh && sudo CN=true ./nezha.sh
- Github,Gitlab,Jihulab,Gitee 中选择一个
Client ID
- 之前保存的 Client ID
Client Secret
- 之前保存的密钥
- OAuth 提供商中的用户名
- 自定义站点标题
- 公开访问端口,可自定义,默认 8008
- Agent与Dashboard的通信端口,默认 5555
安装结束后,如果一切正常,此时你可以访问域名+端口号,如 “http://cdn.example.com:8008” 来查看面板
在宝塔面板中新建一个站点,域名填写公开访问域名,如 “http://cdn.example.com“ ,然后点击“设置”进入站点设置选项,选择“反向代理” - “新建反向代理”
自定义一个代理名称,在下方“目标 URL”中填入
+import{_ as a,o as s,c as e,R as l}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const b=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/dashboard.md","filePath":"guide/dashboard.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),o={name:"guide/dashboard.md"},n=l(`准备工作
- 一台可以连接公网的 VPS,防火墙和安全策略需要放行 8008 和 5555 端口,否则会无法访问和无法接收数据。单核 512MB 内存的服务器配置就足以满足大多数使用场景
- 一个已经设置好 A 记录,指向 Dashboard 服务器 ip 的域名
如果你想使用 CDN,请准备两个域名,一个配置好 CDN 用作公开访问,CDN 需要支持WebSocket 协议;另一个域名不要使用 CDN,用作 Agent 端与 Dashboard 的通信
本文档分别以 "cdn.example.com" 和 "data.example.com" 两个域名来演示
- 一个 Github 账号(或:Gitlab、Jihulab、Gitee)
如果您位于中国大陆,访问 Github 有困难,我们建议您选择 Jihulab 作为 OAuth 提供商
本项目并不依赖宝塔,你可以选择使用你喜欢的任何服务器面板,如果你能力足够,可以手动安装 NginX 或 Caddy 来配置 SSL 和反代。
如果你认为没有必要使用 80、443 端口来访问 Dashboard,你甚至不需要安装 NginX 就可以直接使用安装脚本。
获取 Github/Jihulab 的 Client ID 和密钥
哪吒监控接入 Github、Gitlab、Jihulab、Gitee 作为后台管理员账号
- 首先我们需要新建一个验证应用,以 Github 为例,登录 Github 后,打开 https://github.com/settings/developers ,依次选择“OAuth Apps” - “New OAuth App”
Application name
- 随意填写
Homepage URL
- 填写面板的访问域名,如:"http://cdn.example.com"
Authorization callback URL
- 填写回调地址,如:"http://cdn.example.com/oauth2/callback" - 点击 “Register application”
- 保存页面中的 Client ID,然后点击 “Generate a new client secret“,创建一个新的 Client Secret,新建的密钥仅会显示一次,请妥善保存
- JihuLab 的应用创建入口为:https://jihulab.com/-/profile/applications
Redirect URL
中应填入回调地址- 在下方
中勾选 read_user
和 read_api
- 创建完成后,保存好应用程序 ID 和密码
在服务器中安装 Dashboard
- 在面板服务器中,运行安装脚本:
bashcurl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/naiba/nezha/master/script/install.sh -o nezha.sh && chmod +x nezha.sh && sudo ./nezha.sh
bashcurl -L https://jihulab.com/nezha/dashboard/-/raw/master/script/install.sh -o nezha.sh && chmod +x nezha.sh && sudo CN=true ./nezha.sh
- Github,Gitlab,Jihulab,Gitee 中选择一个
Client ID
- 之前保存的 Client ID
Client Secret
- 之前保存的密钥
- OAuth 提供商中的用户名
- 自定义站点标题
- 公开访问端口,可自定义,默认 8008
- Agent与Dashboard的通信端口,默认 5555
安装结束后,如果一切正常,此时你可以访问域名+端口号,如 “http://cdn.example.com:8008” 来查看面板
在宝塔面板中新建一个站点,域名填写公开访问域名,如 “http://cdn.example.com“ ,然后点击“设置”进入站点设置选项,选择“反向代理” - “新建反向代理”
自定义一个代理名称,在下方“目标 URL”中填入
location / {
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
diff --git a/assets/guide_dashboard.md.b839f029.lean.js b/assets/guide_dashboard.md.cf138dd1.lean.js
similarity index 70%
rename from assets/guide_dashboard.md.b839f029.lean.js
rename to assets/guide_dashboard.md.cf138dd1.lean.js
index 29725a58a..4d7e33986 100644
--- a/assets/guide_dashboard.md.b839f029.lean.js
+++ b/assets/guide_dashboard.md.cf138dd1.lean.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as a,o as s,c as e,R as l}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const b=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/dashboard.md","filePath":"guide/dashboard.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),o={name:"guide/dashboard.md"},n=l("",44),t=[n];function p(r,c,i,h,d,C){return s(),e("div",null,t)}const A=a(o,[["render",p]]);export{b as __pageData,A as default};
+import{_ as a,o as s,c as e,R as l}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const b=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/dashboard.md","filePath":"guide/dashboard.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),o={name:"guide/dashboard.md"},n=l("",44),t=[n];function p(r,c,i,h,d,C){return s(),e("div",null,t)}const A=a(o,[["render",p]]);export{b as __pageData,A as default};
diff --git a/assets/guide_dashboardq.md.5a078e44.js b/assets/guide_dashboardq.md.9e79f90f.js
similarity index 98%
rename from assets/guide_dashboardq.md.5a078e44.js
rename to assets/guide_dashboardq.md.9e79f90f.js
index 5ee7aedd5..4c00e8fa9 100644
--- a/assets/guide_dashboardq.md.5a078e44.js
+++ b/assets/guide_dashboardq.md.9e79f90f.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import{_ as s,o as a,c as n,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const b=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/dashboardq.md","filePath":"guide/dashboardq.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),l={name:"guide/dashboardq.md"},e=o(`为什么管理面板中显示的 IP 和 Agent 实际 IP 不一致?
首先解释管理面板中显示的IP是怎么得到的:Agent 会每隔一段时间请求一遍 IP-API,获取到 IP 信息后上报到 Dashboard,目前使用的 IP-API 可在此查看:myip.go。
如您发现管理面板中显示的 IP 和服务商提供给您的 IP 不一致,最大的可能是服务商给您的是入口 IP,但Agent测试的是您的出口 IP。这个问题也可能会出现在多线服务器和 IPLC 专线中。
举个简单也十分常见的例子,服务商给您提供的是一台高防服务器,为了同时满足高防和低网络中断率的目标,提供给您的 IP 可能是经过映射后的高防 IP 而并非您服务器的真实出口 IP
您也可以在 Agent 服务器中运行以下命令测试出口IP:
shellcurl https://ipapi.co/ip/
+import{_ as s,o as a,c as n,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const b=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/dashboardq.md","filePath":"guide/dashboardq.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),l={name:"guide/dashboardq.md"},e=o(`为什么管理面板中显示的 IP 和 Agent 实际 IP 不一致?
首先解释管理面板中显示的IP是怎么得到的:Agent 会每隔一段时间请求一遍 IP-API,获取到 IP 信息后上报到 Dashboard,目前使用的 IP-API 可在此查看:myip.go。
如您发现管理面板中显示的 IP 和服务商提供给您的 IP 不一致,最大的可能是服务商给您的是入口 IP,但Agent测试的是您的出口 IP。这个问题也可能会出现在多线服务器和 IPLC 专线中。
举个简单也十分常见的例子,服务商给您提供的是一台高防服务器,为了同时满足高防和低网络中断率的目标,提供给您的 IP 可能是经过映射后的高防 IP 而并非您服务器的真实出口 IP
您也可以在 Agent 服务器中运行以下命令测试出口IP:
shellcurl https://ipapi.co/ip/
curl ip.sb
curl ip-api.com
请查看或编辑 /opt/nezha/dashboard/data/config.yaml
密码位于 site-viewpassword 项中。
面板安装/重启/更新失败: iptables ......
首先尝试重启 Docker 再操作
shellsystemctl status docker
systemctl restart docker
diff --git a/assets/guide_dashboardq.md.5a078e44.lean.js b/assets/guide_dashboardq.md.9e79f90f.lean.js
similarity index 70%
rename from assets/guide_dashboardq.md.5a078e44.lean.js
rename to assets/guide_dashboardq.md.9e79f90f.lean.js
index 9a3a72dc7..f1b28ad08 100644
--- a/assets/guide_dashboardq.md.5a078e44.lean.js
+++ b/assets/guide_dashboardq.md.9e79f90f.lean.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as s,o as a,c as n,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const b=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/dashboardq.md","filePath":"guide/dashboardq.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),l={name:"guide/dashboardq.md"},e=o("",18),p=[e];function t(r,c,i,d,h,y){return a(),n("div",null,p)}const D=s(l,[["render",t]]);export{b as __pageData,D as default};
+import{_ as s,o as a,c as n,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const b=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/dashboardq.md","filePath":"guide/dashboardq.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),l={name:"guide/dashboardq.md"},e=o("",18),p=[e];function t(r,c,i,d,h,y){return a(),n("div",null,p)}const D=s(l,[["render",t]]);export{b as __pageData,D as default};
diff --git a/assets/guide_loginq.md.c4973bfb.js b/assets/guide_loginq.md.dd090780.js
similarity index 98%
rename from assets/guide_loginq.md.c4973bfb.js
rename to assets/guide_loginq.md.dd090780.js
index 9bb71ec17..266acf9bf 100644
--- a/assets/guide_loginq.md.c4973bfb.js
+++ b/assets/guide_loginq.md.dd090780.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as e,o as t,c as a,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const m=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/loginq.md","filePath":"guide/loginq.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),i={name:"guide/loginq.md"},r=o('登录回调后页面卡住\\拒绝连接\\响应时间过长
- 您的服务器无法连接到 Github/Gitee,最常见于国内服务器配置 Github 情况下,可以考虑多尝试几次或者切换到 Jihulab/Gitee。
- 您配置错了回调地址,确保您的回调地址正确且端口与协议均正确!
- Dashboard 发生未知错误,您可以使用脚本查看日志,但此项可能性较低。
结尾的字符串即为协议,通常为 http
和 https
http: named cookie not present
- 清理cookies后重新登录,或换个浏览器
- 检查回调地址,确保您的回调地址正确且端口与协议均正确!发起请求的地址需要和回调地址处于同域,端口、协议和域名(或IP)都需要一致。
lookup xxx
建议先重启docker,sudo systemctl restart docker
只出现在 Gitee 登录方式中,原因不明,建议更换到 Jihulab。
oauth2: server response missing access_token
无法解决的话建议更换 Github/Jihulab 等。
dial tcp xxx:443 i/o timeout
网络问题,可先重启 Docker,sudo systemctl restart docker
如为国内服务器配置 Github 登陆方式,则建议切换到Jihulab以避免网络干扰。
net/http: TLS handshake timeout
',21),s=[r];function l(n,h,c,d,p,u){return t(),a("div",null,s)}const k=e(i,[["render",l]]);export{m as __pageData,k as default};
+import{_ as e,o as t,c as a,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const m=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/loginq.md","filePath":"guide/loginq.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),i={name:"guide/loginq.md"},r=o('登录回调后页面卡住\\拒绝连接\\响应时间过长
- 您的服务器无法连接到 Github/Gitee,最常见于国内服务器配置 Github 情况下,可以考虑多尝试几次或者切换到 Jihulab/Gitee。
- 您配置错了回调地址,确保您的回调地址正确且端口与协议均正确!
- Dashboard 发生未知错误,您可以使用脚本查看日志,但此项可能性较低。
结尾的字符串即为协议,通常为 http
和 https
http: named cookie not present
- 清理cookies后重新登录,或换个浏览器
- 检查回调地址,确保您的回调地址正确且端口与协议均正确!发起请求的地址需要和回调地址处于同域,端口、协议和域名(或IP)都需要一致。
lookup xxx
建议先重启docker,sudo systemctl restart docker
只出现在 Gitee 登录方式中,原因不明,建议更换到 Jihulab。
oauth2: server response missing access_token
无法解决的话建议更换 Github/Jihulab 等。
dial tcp xxx:443 i/o timeout
网络问题,可先重启 Docker,sudo systemctl restart docker
如为国内服务器配置 Github 登陆方式,则建议切换到Jihulab以避免网络干扰。
net/http: TLS handshake timeout
',21),s=[r];function l(n,h,c,d,p,u){return t(),a("div",null,s)}const k=e(i,[["render",l]]);export{m as __pageData,k as default};
diff --git a/assets/guide_loginq.md.c4973bfb.lean.js b/assets/guide_loginq.md.dd090780.lean.js
similarity index 84%
rename from assets/guide_loginq.md.c4973bfb.lean.js
rename to assets/guide_loginq.md.dd090780.lean.js
index 766ff8eda..a4980e142 100644
--- a/assets/guide_loginq.md.c4973bfb.lean.js
+++ b/assets/guide_loginq.md.dd090780.lean.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as e,o as t,c as a,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const m=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/loginq.md","filePath":"guide/loginq.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),i={name:"guide/loginq.md"},r=o("",21),s=[r];function l(n,h,c,d,p,u){return t(),a("div",null,s)}const k=e(i,[["render",l]]);export{m as __pageData,k as default};
+import{_ as e,o as t,c as a,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const m=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/loginq.md","filePath":"guide/loginq.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),i={name:"guide/loginq.md"},r=o("",21),s=[r];function l(n,h,c,d,p,u){return t(),a("div",null,s)}const k=e(i,[["render",l]]);export{m as __pageData,k as default};
diff --git a/assets/guide_notifications.md.e73d0084.js b/assets/guide_notifications.md.f36c695a.js
similarity index 99%
rename from assets/guide_notifications.md.e73d0084.js
rename to assets/guide_notifications.md.f36c695a.js
index 2d1e33e7c..91f038475 100644
--- a/assets/guide_notifications.md.e73d0084.js
+++ b/assets/guide_notifications.md.f36c695a.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import{_ as o,o as s,c as l,R as n}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const q=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/notifications.md","filePath":"guide/notifications.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),a={name:"guide/notifications.md"},t=n(`哪吒监控支持对服务器的负载、CPU、内存、硬盘、流量、月流量、进程数、连接数进行监控,并在其中某项达到用户设定值时发送报警通知
在面板消息中,占位符 #DATETIME#
代表事件发生的时间戳。当通知被触发时,面板会自动将 #DATETIME#
Body 内容是JSON
格式的:当请求类型为 FORM 时,值为 key:value
里面可放置占位符,通知时会自动替换。当请求类型为 JSON 时 只会简单进行字符串替换后直接提交到URL
URL 里面也可放置占位符,请求时会进行简单的字符串替换。
Bark 示例
- 名称:Bark
- URL 组成: 第一个部分是 key,之后有三个匹配 /:key/:body or /:key/:title/:body or /:key/:category/:title/:body
- 请求方式: GET
- 请求类型: 默认
- Body: 空
- 名称:Bark
- URL 组成: /push
- 请求方式: POST
- 请求类型: form
- Body:
{"title": "#SERVER.NAME#","device_key":"xxxxxxxxx","body":"#NEZHA#","icon":"https://xxxxxxxx/nz.png"}
Server 酱示例
- 名称:Server 酱
- URL:https://sc.ftqq.com/SCUrandomkeys.send?title=哪吒报警信息&desp=#NEZHA#
- 请求方式: GET
- 请求类型: 默认
- Body: 空
Server 酱进阶
- 名称:Server 酱
- URL:https://sc.ftqq.com/SCUrandomkeys.send
- 请求方式: POST
- 请求类型: FORM
- Body:
+import{_ as o,o as s,c as l,R as n}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const q=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/notifications.md","filePath":"guide/notifications.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),a={name:"guide/notifications.md"},t=n(`哪吒监控支持对服务器的负载、CPU、内存、硬盘、流量、月流量、进程数、连接数进行监控,并在其中某项达到用户设定值时发送报警通知
在面板消息中,占位符 #DATETIME#
代表事件发生的时间戳。当通知被触发时,面板会自动将 #DATETIME#
Body 内容是JSON
格式的:当请求类型为 FORM 时,值为 key:value
里面可放置占位符,通知时会自动替换。当请求类型为 JSON 时 只会简单进行字符串替换后直接提交到URL
URL 里面也可放置占位符,请求时会进行简单的字符串替换。
Bark 示例
- 名称:Bark
- URL 组成: 第一个部分是 key,之后有三个匹配 /:key/:body or /:key/:title/:body or /:key/:category/:title/:body
- 请求方式: GET
- 请求类型: 默认
- Body: 空
- 名称:Bark
- URL 组成: /push
- 请求方式: POST
- 请求类型: form
- Body:
{"title": "#SERVER.NAME#","device_key":"xxxxxxxxx","body":"#NEZHA#","icon":"https://xxxxxxxx/nz.png"}
Server 酱示例
- 名称:Server 酱
- URL:https://sc.ftqq.com/SCUrandomkeys.send?title=哪吒报警信息&desp=#NEZHA#
- 请求方式: GET
- 请求类型: 默认
- Body: 空
Server 酱进阶
- 名称:Server 酱
- URL:https://sc.ftqq.com/SCUrandomkeys.send
- 请求方式: POST
- 请求类型: FORM
- Body:
"title": "#SERVER.NAME#",
平均负载: \\"#SERVER.LOAD1#\\",\\"#SERVER.LOAD5#\\",\\"#SERVER.LOAD15#\\"\\n\\n
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-import{_ as o,o as s,c as l,R as n}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const q=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/notifications.md","filePath":"guide/notifications.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),a={name:"guide/notifications.md"},t=n("",28),p=[t];function e(r,c,D,u,i,y){return s(),l("div",null,p)}const F=o(a,[["render",e]]);export{q as __pageData,F as default};
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-import{_ as s,o as a,c as n,R as l}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const F=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/q1.md","filePath":"guide/q1.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),p={name:"guide/q1.md"},o=l(`准备工作
你可以选择 CloudFlare 的 workers 进行反代,但大陆的网络你懂的,这里介绍用你自己服务器反代方式
搭建一个 TGbot api 反代,你需要:
1.一个不受 GFW 封锁的服务器(且安装好 Nginx)
2.一个域名(提前申请 SSL 证书)
编辑你 Nginx 的配置文件,在 http{} 中加上如下配置
nginx# http强制跳转到htpps
+import{_ as s,o as a,c as n,R as l}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const F=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/q1.md","filePath":"guide/q1.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),p={name:"guide/q1.md"},o=l(`准备工作
你可以选择 CloudFlare 的 workers 进行反代,但大陆的网络你懂的,这里介绍用你自己服务器反代方式
搭建一个 TGbot api 反代,你需要:
1.一个不受 GFW 封锁的服务器(且安装好 Nginx)
2.一个域名(提前申请 SSL 证书)
编辑你 Nginx 的配置文件,在 http{} 中加上如下配置
nginx# http强制跳转到htpps
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
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-import{_ as s,o as a,c as n,R as l}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const F=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/q1.md","filePath":"guide/q1.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),p={name:"guide/q1.md"},o=l("",11),e=[o];function t(r,c,C,y,D,A){return a(),n("div",null,e)}const d=s(p,[["render",t]]);export{F as __pageData,d as default};
+import{_ as s,o as a,c as n,R as l}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const F=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/q1.md","filePath":"guide/q1.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),p={name:"guide/q1.md"},o=l("",11),e=[o];function t(r,c,C,y,D,A){return a(),n("div",null,e)}const d=s(p,[["render",t]]);export{F as __pageData,d as default};
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-import{_ as e,o as t,c as a,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const f=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/q2.md","filePath":"guide/q2.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),n={name:"guide/q2.md"},r=o('Agent 启动/上线 问题自检流程
- 直接执行
/opt/nezha/agent/nezha-agent -s 面板IP或非CDN域名:面板RPC端口 -p Agent密钥 -d
查看日志是否是因为 DNS、网络不佳导致超时(timeout) nc -v 域名/IP 面板RPC端口
或者 telnet 域名/IP 面板RPC端口
来检验是否是网络问题,检查本机与面板服务器的出入站防火墙,如果无法判断问题可借助 https://port.ping.pe/ 提供的端口检查工具进行检测。- 如果上面步骤检测正常,Agent 正常上线,尝试关闭 SELinux,如何关闭 SELinux?
',2),i=[r];function c(s,_,d,l,p,h){return t(),a("div",null,i)}const u=e(n,[["render",c]]);export{f as __pageData,u as default};
+import{_ as e,o as t,c as a,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const f=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/q2.md","filePath":"guide/q2.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),n={name:"guide/q2.md"},r=o('Agent 启动/上线 问题自检流程
- 直接执行
/opt/nezha/agent/nezha-agent -s 面板IP或非CDN域名:面板RPC端口 -p Agent密钥 -d
查看日志是否是因为 DNS、网络不佳导致超时(timeout) nc -v 域名/IP 面板RPC端口
或者 telnet 域名/IP 面板RPC端口
来检验是否是网络问题,检查本机与面板服务器的出入站防火墙,如果无法判断问题可借助 https://port.ping.pe/ 提供的端口检查工具进行检测。- 如果上面步骤检测正常,Agent 正常上线,尝试关闭 SELinux,如何关闭 SELinux?
',2),i=[r];function c(s,_,d,l,p,h){return t(),a("div",null,i)}const u=e(n,[["render",c]]);export{f as __pageData,u as default};
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+import{_ as e,o as t,c as a,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const f=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/q2.md","filePath":"guide/q2.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),n={name:"guide/q2.md"},r=o("",2),i=[r];function c(s,_,d,l,p,h){return t(),a("div",null,i)}const u=e(n,[["render",c]]);export{f as __pageData,u as default};
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-import{_ as s,o as a,c as n,R as l}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const d=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/q3.md","filePath":"guide/q3.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),p={name:"guide/q3.md"},o=l(`反向代理 gRPC 端口(支持 Cloudflare CDN)
使用 Nginx 或者 Caddy 反向代理 gRPC
- Nginx 配置
nginxserver {
+import{_ as s,o as a,c as n,R as l}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const d=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/q3.md","filePath":"guide/q3.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),p={name:"guide/q3.md"},o=l(`反向代理 gRPC 端口(支持 Cloudflare CDN)
使用 Nginx 或者 Caddy 反向代理 gRPC
- Nginx 配置
nginxserver {
listen 443 ssl http2;
listen [::]:443 ssl http2;
server_name data.example.com; # 你的 Agent 连接 Dashboard 的域名
diff --git a/assets/guide_q3.md.ab30d47b.lean.js b/assets/guide_q3.md.ac1531fd.lean.js
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@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as s,o as a,c as n,R as l}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const d=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/q3.md","filePath":"guide/q3.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),p={name:"guide/q3.md"},o=l("",13),e=[o];function c(t,r,C,D,y,A){return a(),n("div",null,e)}const F=s(p,[["render",c]]);export{d as __pageData,F as default};
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+import{_ as a,o as l,c as o,z as e,a as t}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const x=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/q5.md","filePath":"guide/q5.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),n={name:"guide/q5.md"},s=e("h4",{id:"如何进行数据迁移、备份恢复",tabindex:"-1"},[t("如何进行数据迁移、备份恢复? "),e("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#如何进行数据迁移、备份恢复","aria-label":'Permalink to "如何进行数据迁移、备份恢复?"'},"")],-1),d=e("ol",null,[e("li",null,[t("先运行一键脚本,选择 "),e("code",null,"停止面板")]),e("li",null,[t("在旧服务器中打包 "),e("code",null,"/opt/nezha"),t(" 文件夹,复制到新环境相同位置解压")]),e("li",null,[t("在新环境中运行一键脚本,选择 "),e("code",null,"启动面板")])],-1),c=[s,d];function r(i,_,u,p,h,m){return l(),o("div",null,c)}const g=a(n,[["render",r]]);export{x as __pageData,g as default};
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-import{_ as e,o as t,c as a,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const u=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/q6.md","filePath":"guide/q6.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),i={name:"guide/q6.md"},c=o('如何每月重置流量统计?
- 进入管理面板的
页 - 参考这篇文档,创建一个月流量报警
- 返回主页,在
',4),s=[c];function d(l,_,r,n,p,h){return t(),a("div",null,s)}const f=e(i,[["render",d]]);export{u as __pageData,f as default};
+import{_ as e,o as t,c as a,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const u=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/q6.md","filePath":"guide/q6.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),i={name:"guide/q6.md"},c=o('如何每月重置流量统计?
- 进入管理面板的
页 - 参考这篇文档,创建一个月流量报警
- 返回主页,在
',4),s=[c];function d(l,_,r,n,p,h){return t(),a("div",null,s)}const f=e(i,[["render",d]]);export{u as __pageData,f as default};
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--- a/assets/guide_q7.md.6e5b4509.js
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-import{_ as e,o as t,c as a,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const u=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/q7.md","filePath":"guide/q7.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),n={name:"guide/q7.md"},d=o('自定义 Agent 监控项目
- 执行
/opt/nezha/agent/nezha-agent --edit-agent-config
来选择自定义的网卡和分区,然后重启 Agent 即可生效
通过执行 ./nezha-agent --help
查看支持的参数,如果你使用了一键脚本安装Agent,可以编辑 /etc/systemd/system/nezha-agent.service
,在 ExecStart=
控制系统信息上报的间隔,默认为 1 秒,可以设置为 3 来进一步降低 agent 端系统资源占用(配置区间 1-4)--skip-conn
不监控连接数,推荐 机场/连接密集型 服务器或CPU占用较高的服务器设置--skip-procs
不监控进程数,也可以降低 Agent 占用--disable-auto-update
禁止 自动更新 Agent(安全特性)--disable-force-update
禁止 强制更新 Agent(安全特性)--disable-command-execute
禁止在 Agent 上执行定时任务、打开在线终端(安全特性)--tls
启用 SSL/TLS 加密(使用 nginx 反向代理 Agent 的 grpc 连接,并且 nginx 开启 SSL/TLS 时,需要启用该项配置)
',6),c=[d];function i(l,r,s,g,_,h){return t(),a("div",null,c)}const m=e(n,[["render",i]]);export{u as __pageData,m as default};
+import{_ as e,o as t,c as a,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const u=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/q7.md","filePath":"guide/q7.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),n={name:"guide/q7.md"},d=o('自定义 Agent 监控项目
- 执行
/opt/nezha/agent/nezha-agent --edit-agent-config
来选择自定义的网卡和分区,然后重启 Agent 即可生效
通过执行 ./nezha-agent --help
查看支持的参数,如果你使用了一键脚本安装Agent,可以编辑 /etc/systemd/system/nezha-agent.service
,在 ExecStart=
控制系统信息上报的间隔,默认为 1 秒,可以设置为 3 来进一步降低 agent 端系统资源占用(配置区间 1-4)--skip-conn
不监控连接数,推荐 机场/连接密集型 服务器或CPU占用较高的服务器设置--skip-procs
不监控进程数,也可以降低 Agent 占用--disable-auto-update
禁止 自动更新 Agent(安全特性)--disable-force-update
禁止 强制更新 Agent(安全特性)--disable-command-execute
禁止在 Agent 上执行定时任务、打开在线终端(安全特性)--tls
启用 SSL/TLS 加密(使用 nginx 反向代理 Agent 的 grpc 连接,并且 nginx 开启 SSL/TLS 时,需要启用该项配置)
',6),c=[d];function i(l,r,s,g,_,h){return t(),a("div",null,c)}const m=e(n,[["render",i]]);export{u as __pageData,m as default};
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@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as e,o as t,c as a,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const u=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/q7.md","filePath":"guide/q7.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),n={name:"guide/q7.md"},d=o("",6),c=[d];function i(l,r,s,g,_,h){return t(),a("div",null,c)}const m=e(n,[["render",i]]);export{u as __pageData,m as default};
+import{_ as e,o as t,c as a,R as o}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const u=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/q7.md","filePath":"guide/q7.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),n={name:"guide/q7.md"},d=o("",6),c=[d];function i(l,r,s,g,_,h){return t(),a("div",null,c)}const m=e(n,[["render",i]]);export{u as __pageData,m as default};
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rename from assets/guide_servers.md.bf593d54.js
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--- a/assets/guide_servers.md.bf593d54.js
+++ b/assets/guide_servers.md.5c3323d1.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as e,o as a,c as t,R as r}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const p=JSON.parse('{"title":"主机","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/servers.md","filePath":"guide/servers.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),o={name:"guide/servers.md"},n=r('主机
Agent更新相关的参数是 自定义agent监控项目 中的 --disable-auto-update
和 --disable-force-update
- 版本号: 记录Agent当前版本
- 密钥: 即secret\\key,配置Agent时会用到
- 一键安装: 较为便捷的Agent安装方式
- 管理: 左为WebShell,中为编辑,右为删除
',13),i=[n];function l(d,s,h,c,u,g){return a(),t("div",null,i)}const _=e(o,[["render",l]]);export{p as __pageData,_ as default};
+import{_ as e,o as a,c as t,R as r}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const p=JSON.parse('{"title":"主机","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/servers.md","filePath":"guide/servers.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),o={name:"guide/servers.md"},n=r('主机
Agent更新相关的参数是 自定义agent监控项目 中的 --disable-auto-update
和 --disable-force-update
- 版本号: 记录Agent当前版本
- 密钥: 即secret\\key,配置Agent时会用到
- 一键安装: 较为便捷的Agent安装方式
- 管理: 左为WebShell,中为编辑,右为删除
',13),i=[n];function l(d,s,h,c,u,g){return a(),t("div",null,i)}const _=e(o,[["render",l]]);export{p as __pageData,_ as default};
diff --git a/assets/guide_servers.md.bf593d54.lean.js b/assets/guide_servers.md.5c3323d1.lean.js
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rename from assets/guide_servers.md.bf593d54.lean.js
rename to assets/guide_servers.md.5c3323d1.lean.js
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--- a/assets/guide_servers.md.bf593d54.lean.js
+++ b/assets/guide_servers.md.5c3323d1.lean.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as e,o as a,c as t,R as r}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const p=JSON.parse('{"title":"主机","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/servers.md","filePath":"guide/servers.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),o={name:"guide/servers.md"},n=r("",13),i=[n];function l(d,s,h,c,u,g){return a(),t("div",null,i)}const _=e(o,[["render",l]]);export{p as __pageData,_ as default};
+import{_ as e,o as a,c as t,R as r}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const p=JSON.parse('{"title":"主机","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/servers.md","filePath":"guide/servers.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),o={name:"guide/servers.md"},n=r("",13),i=[n];function l(d,s,h,c,u,g){return a(),t("div",null,i)}const _=e(o,[["render",l]]);export{p as __pageData,_ as default};
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similarity index 98%
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--- a/assets/guide_services.md.bc514a7e.js
+++ b/assets/guide_services.md.e571bf06.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-import{_ as e,o,c as t,R as c}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const b=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/services.md","filePath":"guide/services.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),l={name:"guide/services.md"},a=c('服务区域是设置 Agent 监控外部网站或服务器的功能设置区
设置好的服务监控可以在主页中的 “服务” 页查看监控结果
如需新增一个监控,可以进入管理面板中的 “服务” 页,点击“添加监控”
- 自定义一个名称
- 选择一个监控类型,目前哪吒监控支持三种监控类型,分别是 “HTTP-GET”、“ICMP-Ping” 和 “TCP-Ping”
- 根据你选择的类型不同,目标的设置方法也不同
: 选择此类型,你应该输入一个URL作为目标,URL需添加 http://
或 https://
如果你的目标URL是 https://
例如: https://example.com
: 选择此类型时,你应该输入一个域名或IP,不含端口号
例如: 或 example.com
: 选择此类型时,你应该输入一个域名或IP并包含端口号
例如: 或 example.com:22
: 设定 Agent 每次请求目标的时间间隔,以秒为单位
: 选择一条规则来确定要使用哪些 Agent 来请求目标
: 配合覆盖范围使用,选择规则内需要排除的 Agent
: 选择你已经在 “报警” 页设置好的通知方式,点击这里了解详情
: 根据需要选择是否接收目标故障通知,默认为不勾选
设置完成后,点击 “添加” 即可
稍等片刻前往主页的 “服务” 页,查看监控结果
哪吒监控可以监测并统计 Agent 到目标服务器之间的延迟,在发生较大变化的情况下发送通知
: 开启时,当 Agent 至目标服务器的延迟大于最高延迟
如需对已有的服务监控进行管理,可以前往管理面板中的 “服务” 页
',15),i=[a];function d(r,p,n,s,u,h){return o(),t("div",null,i)}const g=e(l,[["render",d]]);export{b as __pageData,g as default};
+import{_ as e,o,c as t,R as c}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const b=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/services.md","filePath":"guide/services.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),l={name:"guide/services.md"},a=c('服务区域是设置 Agent 监控外部网站或服务器的功能设置区
设置好的服务监控可以在主页中的 “服务” 页查看监控结果
如需新增一个监控,可以进入管理面板中的 “服务” 页,点击“添加监控”
- 自定义一个名称
- 选择一个监控类型,目前哪吒监控支持三种监控类型,分别是 “HTTP-GET”、“ICMP-Ping” 和 “TCP-Ping”
- 根据你选择的类型不同,目标的设置方法也不同
: 选择此类型,你应该输入一个URL作为目标,URL需添加 http://
或 https://
如果你的目标URL是 https://
例如: https://example.com
: 选择此类型时,你应该输入一个域名或IP,不含端口号
例如: 或 example.com
: 选择此类型时,你应该输入一个域名或IP并包含端口号
例如: 或 example.com:22
: 设定 Agent 每次请求目标的时间间隔,以秒为单位
: 选择一条规则来确定要使用哪些 Agent 来请求目标
: 配合覆盖范围使用,选择规则内需要排除的 Agent
: 选择你已经在 “报警” 页设置好的通知方式,点击这里了解详情
: 根据需要选择是否接收目标故障通知,默认为不勾选
设置完成后,点击 “添加” 即可
稍等片刻前往主页的 “服务” 页,查看监控结果
哪吒监控可以监测并统计 Agent 到目标服务器之间的延迟,在发生较大变化的情况下发送通知
: 开启时,当 Agent 至目标服务器的延迟大于最高延迟
如需对已有的服务监控进行管理,可以前往管理面板中的 “服务” 页
',15),i=[a];function d(r,p,n,s,u,h){return o(),t("div",null,i)}const g=e(l,[["render",d]]);export{b as __pageData,g as default};
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-import{_ as s,o as a,c as n,R as l}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const h=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/settings.md","filePath":"guide/settings.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),o={name:"guide/settings.md"},p=l(`站点标题
如果你修改了自己的 Github, Gitlab, Jihulab 或 Gitee 的用户名,可以在此项中同步修改,否则无法登录,多个用户请用逗号隔开: user1,user2
如需更改管理员账户,请前往 /opt/nezha/dashboard/data/config.yaml
,重新设置新的管理员 Client ID
和 Client Secret
- 简体中文
- English
- Español
改 LOGO、改色调、加统计代码等。
由于不同主题的代码不同,如确需修改管理面板中的内容,请自行前往 Docker 中研究修改
+import{_ as s,o as a,c as n,R as l}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const h=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/settings.md","filePath":"guide/settings.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),o={name:"guide/settings.md"},p=l(`站点标题
如果你修改了自己的 Github, Gitlab, Jihulab 或 Gitee 的用户名,可以在此项中同步修改,否则无法登录,多个用户请用逗号隔开: user1,user2
如需更改管理员账户,请前往 /opt/nezha/dashboard/data/config.yaml
,重新设置新的管理员 Client ID
和 Client Secret
- 简体中文
- English
- Español
改 LOGO、改色调、加统计代码等。
由于不同主题的代码不同,如确需修改管理面板中的内容,请自行前往 Docker 中研究修改
.ui.fine.progress> .bar {
background-color: pink !important;
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-import{_ as e,o,c as a,R as c}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const u=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/tasks.md","filePath":"guide/tasks.md","lastUpdated":1698375851000}'),d={name:"guide/tasks.md"},t=c('在任务区域中,可以设置计划任务,触发任务,多服务器批量执行任务
哪吒监控支持推送命令到 Agent 执行,因此此功能非常灵活,使用此功能可以定期结合 restic、rclone 给服务器备份,定期重启某项服务来重置网络连接。也可以配合报警通知,在触发报警时执行某项任务,如 CPU 在长时期处于高占用的情况下运行某个脚本。
进入管理面板的 “任务” 页,点击 “添加计划任务”
- 自定义一个任务名称
- 选择任务的类型
计划任务 - 按下方设置的计划时间,周期性执行任务
触发任务 - 仅被 API 或报警规则触发的任务,每次触发执行一次
- (使用触发任务类型时不生效)设置计划时间,时间的格式为: * * * * * *
分别对应 秒 分 时 天 月 星期
如:0 0 3 * * *
对应为 每天3点
- 你可以在这里设置需要执行的命令,就像写 Shell/Bat 脚本一样,但是不推荐换行,多个命令使用 &&/&
例如执行定期重启命令,可以在这里输入 reboot
和 特定服务器
- 跟“服务”页中的设置类似,选择规则来确定哪些 Agent 执行计划任务
- 选择你已经在 “报警” 页设置好的通知方式,点击这里了解详情
- 勾选此项,任务执行成功后会触发消息通知
如需对已有的计划任务进行管理,可以前往管理面板中的 “任务” 页
- 点击后将忽略计划时间,立刻执行任务编辑
- 点击可以修改任务配置删除
- 删除这条计划任务
- xxx 命令找不到
如果运行失败,提示 xxx 命令找不到,可能是 PATH 环境变量的问题,Linux 服务器在命令开头加入 source ~/.bashrc
',10),r=[t];function i(l,s,n,p,_,h){return o(),a("div",null,r)}const m=e(d,[["render",i]]);export{u as __pageData,m as default};
+import{_ as e,o,c as a,R as c}from"./chunks/framework.44fd0451.js";const u=JSON.parse('{"title":"","description":"","frontmatter":{"outline":"deep"},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/tasks.md","filePath":"guide/tasks.md","lastUpdated":1701534410000}'),d={name:"guide/tasks.md"},t=c('在任务区域中,可以设置计划任务,触发任务,多服务器批量执行任务
哪吒监控支持推送命令到 Agent 执行,因此此功能非常灵活,使用此功能可以定期结合 restic、rclone 给服务器备份,定期重启某项服务来重置网络连接。也可以配合报警通知,在触发报警时执行某项任务,如 CPU 在长时期处于高占用的情况下运行某个脚本。
进入管理面板的 “任务” 页,点击 “添加计划任务”
- 自定义一个任务名称
- 选择任务的类型
计划任务 - 按下方设置的计划时间,周期性执行任务
触发任务 - 仅被 API 或报警规则触发的任务,每次触发执行一次
- (使用触发任务类型时不生效)设置计划时间,时间的格式为: * * * * * *
分别对应 秒 分 时 天 月 星期
如:0 0 3 * * *
对应为 每天3点
- 你可以在这里设置需要执行的命令,就像写 Shell/Bat 脚本一样,但是不推荐换行,多个命令使用 &&/&
例如执行定期重启命令,可以在这里输入 reboot
和 特定服务器
- 跟“服务”页中的设置类似,选择规则来确定哪些 Agent 执行计划任务
- 选择你已经在 “报警” 页设置好的通知方式,点击这里了解详情
- 勾选此项,任务执行成功后会触发消息通知
如需对已有的计划任务进行管理,可以前往管理面板中的 “任务” 页
- 点击后将忽略计划时间,立刻执行任务编辑
- 点击可以修改任务配置删除
- 删除这条计划任务
- xxx 命令找不到
如果运行失败,提示 xxx 命令找不到,可能是 PATH 环境变量的问题,Linux 服务器在命令开头加入 source ~/.bashrc
',10),r=[t];function i(l,s,n,p,_,h){return o(),a("div",null,r)}const m=e(d,[["render",i]]);export{u as __pageData,m as default};
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A open source, lightweight server and website monitoring and O&M tool
Support one-click script installation Dashboard and Agent services for easy use; mainstream systems such as Linux, Windows, MacOS, OpenWRT, etc. are all supported.
Supports monitoring the system status of multiple servers simultaneously, including monitoring the status of web pages, ports, and SSL certificates. It also supports sending notifications when there are failures or when data reaches the limit. Multiple notification methods are supported, such as Telegram, email, and WeChat.
Support WebSSH, support data monitoring, support setting scheduled tasks, and support batch execution of tasks on servers.