diff --git a/meta/HowTo.adoc b/meta/HowTo.adoc
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-= How to create a GraphGist
-:neo4j-version: 2.0.0
-:author: Anders Nawroth
-:twitter: @nawroth
-You create a GraphGist by creating a https://gist.github.com/[GitHub Gist] in http://asciidoctor.org/docs/asciidoc-quick-reference/[AsciiDoc] and enter the URL to it in the form on this page.
-Alternatively, you can put an AsciiDoc document in https://www.dropbox.com/[Dropbox] and enter the public URL in the form.
-This GraphGist shows the basics of using AsciiDoc syntax and a few additions for GraphGists.
-The additions are entered as comments on their own line.
-They are: +//console+ for a query console; +//hide+, +//setup+ and +//output+ to configure a query; +//graph+ and +//table+ to visualize queries and show a result table.
-Click on the Page Source button in the menu to see the source for this GraphGist.
-Read below to get the full details.
-== Include a query console
-== Define a http://docs.neo4j.org/chunked/snapshot/cypher-query-lang.html[Cypher] query
- [source,cypher]
- ----
- CREATE (n{name:'cypher'})-[r:LIKES]->({name:'icecream'})
- RETURN n.name, r
- ----
-CREATE (n{name:'cypher'})-[r:LIKES]->({name:'icecream'})
-RETURN n.name, r
-_Queries are executed in the order they appear on the page during rendering, so make sure they can be performed in that order._
-If you have a _setup query,_ it normally makes most sense to define it as the first query on the page.
-If it takes up too much space, hide it (see below for information on this).
-Each query has a green or red button to indicate if the query was successful or not.
-The console is set up after the executions, with an empty database, for the reader to play around with the queries.
-There's three additional settings you can use for queries.
-They all go as comments, on their own lines, before the query.
-The settings are:
-| hide | Hide the query. The reader can still expand it to see it.
- Useful for long queries like setting up initial data.
-| setup | Initialize the console with this query.
-| output | Show the output from the query.
- The output is always there, but this option makes it visible at page load for this query.
-Let's try all the settings together, which means this query will be used to initialize the console, it will be hidden, and the raw output will be shown:
- //hide
- //setup
- //output
- [source,cypher]
- ----
- CREATE (n{name:'neo4j'})-[:LIKES]->({name:'complex data'})
- RETURN n.name
- ----
-which becomes:
-CREATE (n{name:'neo4j'})-[:LIKES]->({name:'complex data'})
-RETURN n.name
-The test run will always run the queries from top to bottom, so it usually makes sense to have the setup query as the first query.
-== Show a graph visualization
-The visualization is based on the database contents after the preceding query in the page.
-== Show a result table for a query
-This will show a result table for the preceding query.
-== Basic AsciiDoc formatting
-| \_Italic_ | _Italic_
-| \*Bold* | *Bold*
-| \`Monospace` | `Monospace`
-| `http://www.neo4j.org/` | http://www.neo4j.org/
-| `http://www.neo4j.org/[neo4j.org]` | http://www.neo4j.org/[neo4j.org]
-| `link:./?5956246[Link to a GraphGist]` | link:./?5956246[Link to a GraphGist]
-=== Headings:
- = Heading 1
- == Heading 2
- === Heading 3
-=== Images:
-Static images:
- image::http://assets.neo4j.org/img/still/cineasts.gif[]
-Dynamically generated image (using http://yuml.me/[yUML]):
- image::http://yuml.me/diagram/scruffy/class/[Order]-billing%20%3E[Address%7Cname=hej],%20[Order]-shipping%20%3E[Address],[Order]-has%3E[Item][test]
-=== Lists:
-* Item 1
-** Item 1.1
-* Item 2
-* Item 1
-** Item 1.1
-* Item 2
-. First
-. Second
-. First
-. Second
-Monospaced block: indent lines with one space.
-Tables are well supported.
-See http://asciidoctor.org/docs/asciidoc-quick-reference/[AsciiDoc Quick Reference] for information on that and more.
-== Mathematical formulas
-When using Math formulas, put them into a source block using LaTex syntax with `\(` as a start delimiter.
-The end delimiter is `\)`.
-The delimiters and the content between them should be placed in a AsciiDoc passthrough block without attribute substitution.
-The formulas are rendered through http://www.mathjax.org/demos/tex-samples/[MathJAX], supported commands are http://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/tex.html#supported-latex-commands[here].
- [subs=none]
- ++++
- \(ax^2 + bx + c \ne 0\)
- ++++
-\(ax^2 + bx + c \ne 0\)
-Below are some more examples.
-{\bf X} + {\rm a} \ \geq\
-\underline{\hat a} \sum_i^N \lim_{x \rightarrow k} \delta C
-2. \(ax^2 + bx + c \ne 0\)
-4. \(x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}\)
-5. \(\sin^{-1} \theta\)
-6. \(\int_a^b f(x)~dx\)
-7.\(\sum\limits_{i=1}^n X_i\)
-for more examples, see http://gist.neo4j.org/?6725918[Some GraphGist Latex Examples]
diff --git a/meta/phuongtest.adoc b/meta/phuongtest.adoc
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+CREATE (n{name:'Phuong'})-[:LIKES]->({name:'Neo4J'})
+RETURN n as node
+== This cool