Releases: nasa/opera-sds-pcm
Official PCM release 3.1.4 for DISP-S1.
The release incorporates PGE releases as
• 1.0.3 DSWX-HLS PGE
• 2.1.1 RTC-S1 & CSLC-S1 PGEs
• 3.0.2 DSWx-S1 PGE release (Final v1.1 of the DSWx-S1 SAS)
• 3.0.4 DISP-S1 PGE (Final v0.5.5 SAS)
• 4.0.0-er.3.0 DSWx-NI PGE
• 6.0.0-er.1.0 DIST-S1 PGE
What's Changed
- DISP-S1 PGE v3.0.3 Integration by @collinss-jpl in #1103
- DISP-S1 PGE v3.0.4 Integration by @collinss-jpl in #1111
- Issue 1088: Tool to fix already-produced disp s1 iso.xml file in-place in S3 by @philipjyoon in #1090
- Issue 1032: feat(ecmwf): pin eccodes version to test compatibi… by @chrisjrd and @hhlee445 in #1084
- Issue 1095 1096: cslc download fixes by @philipjyoon in #1098
- Issue 1093: disp s1 status view improvements by @philipjyoon in #1094
- Consolidate ecmwf merger docker creation into opera-pcm by @hhlee445 in #1105
- Tool to validate the job end result of historical cslc download jobs by @philipjyoon in #1109
- DISP-S1 historical processing query and download job final improvements by @philipjyoon in #1107
Full Changelog: 3.1.3...3.1.4
Official PCM release 3.1.3 for DISP-S1.
PCM release incorporates PGE releases as
• 1.0.3 DSWX-HLS PGE
• 2.1.1 RTC-S1 & CSLC-S1 PGEs
• 3.0.2 DSWx-S1 PGE release (Final v1.1 of the DSWx-S1 SAS)
• 3.0.2 DISP-S1 PGE (v0.5.3 SAS)
• 4.0.0-er.3.0 DSWx-NI PGE
• 6.0.0-er.1.0 DIST-S1 PGE
What's Changed
- DSWx-HLS PGE v1.0.3 Integration by @collinss-jpl in #1074
- Issue 1071: Fixed 'view all' feature of to work with non-DISP… by @philipjyoon in #1072
- DIST-S1 ER 1.0 Integration by @RKuttruff in #1060
- Issue 1076 & 1077 disp s1 sciflo num processes and asg celery late ack by @philipjyoon in #1078
- Add tag to worker instances to filter for them in cost queries by @RKuttruff in #1083
- Issue 1075: Increased swap size for DISP and DIST SCIFLO verdi workers fro… by @philipjyoon in #1085
- Issue 1086: Added LPCLOUDUAT to the list of providers. Use explicitly pass… by @philipjyoon in #1087
- Add EARTHDATA_UAT_USER and EARTHDATA_UAT_PASS by @hhlee445 in #1089
Full Changelog: 3.1.2...3.1.3
What's Changed
- DISP-S1 v3.0.2 Integration by @collinss-jpl in #1069
- Issue 1048: Perform check to see if the sensing datetime position is same … by @philipjyoon in #1049
- Issue 1050: Set disk_usage to be 400GB to be conservative and set the EC2 … by @philipjyoon in #1051
- Issue 1053: tasks ack late false by @philipjyoon in #1055
- Issue 1056: capability to download from daac to s3 by @philipjyoon in #1061
- Issue 1063: Updated consistent db file to 2025-01-22-2016-07-01_to_2024-12… by @philipjyoon in #1064
- Issue 1062: disp s1 validator inputs by @philipjyoon in #1066
- Issue 1067: Refactored so that and deploy_pcm_and… by @philipjyoon in #1068
- Initial DISP-S1 Validator Tool by @riverma in #981
- Data Subscriber RTC Download Code Refactor by @collinss-jpl in #1059
- Improve CMR audit capabilities by @LucaCinquini in #1057
New Contributors
- @LucaCinquini made their first contribution in #1057
Full Changelog: 3.1.1...3.1.2
Official PCM release 3.1.1 for DISP-S1.
This Release incorporates the 3.0.2 DSWx-S1 PGE release (Final v1.1 of the DSWx-S1 SAS), 3.0.1 DISP-S1 PGE (v0.5.2 SAS) and 4.0.0-er.3.0 DSWx-NI PGE.
What's Changed
- DISP-S1 PGE v3.0.1 Integration by @collinss-jpl in #1040
- Add support for propagation of soft time out to Sciflo worker by @collinss-jpl in #1036
- Empty orbit file check during SLC ingest by @collinss-jpl in #1045
- L2_NISAR_GCOV Query Support and Logging Improvements by @collinss-jpl in #1022
- Issue 1037: fix(audit): fix typo causing RTC results to be ignored by @chrisjrd in #1038
- Issue 1041: feat(audit): logging improvements by @chrisjrd in #1043
- Issue 1035: reduce disp s1 product metadata grq by @philipjyoon in #1042
- Issue 1041: feat(audit): query improvements by @chrisjrd in #1044
- Sentinel-1 Dataspace Downloader Script by @RKuttruff in #1025
- Cleaned up unused files that was inherited from NISAR by @RKuttruff in #1029
- Disabled AZReblance option
- Updated DISP-S1 EC2 instance types with 8xlarge
New Contributors
- @RKuttruff made their first contribution in #1025
Full Changelog: 3.1.0...3.1.1
Official PCM release 3.1.0 for DISP-S1.
This Release incorporates the 3.0.2 DSWx-S1 PGE release (Final v1.1 of the DSWx-S1 SAS), 3.0.0 DISP-S1 PGE (v0.5.1 SAS) and 4.0.0-er.3.0 DSWx-NI PGE.
What's Changed
- Issue 1018: install DSWx-S1 validator tool on metrics. by @chrisjrd in #1019
- DISP-S1 PGE v3.0.0 Integration by @collinss-jpl in #1023
Full Changelog: 3.1.0-rc.7.0...3.1.0
Release Candidate 7 for the R3 DISP-S1.
This Release incorporates the 3.0.2 DSWx-S1 PGE release (Final v1.1 of the DSWx-S1 SAS), 3.0.0-rc.4.2 DISP-S1 PGE (v0.4.6 SAS) and 4.0.0-er.2.0 DSWx-NI PGE.
What's Changed
- DISP-S1 PGE v3.0.0 rc.4.1 Integration by @collinss-jpl in #1009
- DISP-S1 PGE v3.0.0 rc.4.2 Integration by @collinss-jpl in #1016
- Disp s1 blackout dates by @philipjyoon in #1010
- Issue 982: compressed cslc ilm and others by @philipjyoon in #986
- Issue 991: Be tolerant of more than one c-cslc and just pick the first one by @philipjyoon in #992
- DSWx-NI v4.0.0 er.3.0 Integration by @collinss-jpl in #995
- Issue 993: cloud watch launch templates by @philipjyoon in #999
- Issue 997: disp s1 hist operator features by @philipjyoon in #1008
- Issue 1011 disp s1 operator features 2 by @philipjyoon in #1013
- Issue 914: hysds job to merge and compress grib files by @chrisjrd in #979
- Remove mock that breaks unit tests by @chrisjrd in #1006
Full Changelog: 3.1.0-rc.6.0...3.1.0-rc.7.0
Release Candidate 6 for the R3 DISP-S1.
This Release incorporates the 3.0.2 DSWx-S1 PGE release (Final v1.1 of the DSWx-S1 SAS), 3.0.0-rc.4.0 DISP-S1 PGE ("CalVal" point release v0.4.3 SAS) and 4.0.0-er.2.0 DSWx-NI PGE.
What's Changed
- Issue 984 disp s1 v3.0.0 rc.4.0 integration by @hhlee445 in #985
- Issue 971 survey disp s1 frame only by @philipjyoon in #973
- Issue 978: Names of the two DISP-S1 reference files 1) burst db and 2) fra… by @philipjyoon in #983
- Revert disabling inclusion of water mask by @hhlee445 in #976
- Change EPOCH from 20190101 to 20140101 by @hhlee445 in #980
Full Changelog: 3.0.1...3.1.0-rc.6.0
Official PCM release v3.0.1 for DSWx-S1.
This Release incorporates the 3.0.2 DSWx-S1 PGE release (Final v1.1 of the DSWx-S1 SAS), 3.0.0-rc.3.0 DISP-S1 PGE ("CalVal" point release v0.4.2 SAS) and 4.0.0-er.2.0 DSWx-NI PGE.
What's Changed
- Issue 970 dswx s1 v3.0.2 integration by @hhlee445 in #972
- Changes the BROWSE.tif type to metadata from browse to avoid Thumbnails collision by @hhlee445 in #972
- Disable inclusion of water mask with DISP-S1 workflow by @collinss-jpl in #969
Full Changelog: 3.0.0...3.0.1
Official PCM release v3.0.0 for DSWx-S1.
This Release incorporates the 3.0.1 DSWx-S1 PGE release (Final v1.1 of the DSWx-S1 SAS), 3.0.0-rc.3.0 DISP-S1 PGE ("CalVal" point release v0.4.2 SAS) and 4.0.0-er.2.0 DSWx-NI PGE.
What's Changed
- DSWx-S1 PGE v3.0.1 Integration by @collinss-jpl in #963
- DSWx-S1 Validator Updates by @riverma in #959
Full Changelog: 3.1.0-rc.5.0...3.0.0
Release Candidate 5 for the R3 DISP-S1.
This Release incorporates the 3.0.0 DSWx-S1 PGE release (Final v1.0 of the DSWx-S1 SAS), 3.0.0-rc.3.0 DISP-S1 PGE ("CalVal" point release v0.4.2 SAS) and 4.0.0-er.2.0 DSWx-NI PGE.
What's Changed
- DISP-S1 v3.0.0-rc.3.0 integration by @collinss-jpl in #956
- 925 compressed cslc satiety checking and running by @philipjyoon in #935
- 943 disp s1 db update tool by @philipjyoon in #945
- 923 disp s1 forward processing by @philipjyoon in #947
- Issue 914: feat(ecmwf): ECMWF subset as a HySDS job by @chrisjrd in #929
- 927: Removed LTS deletion from terraform on most venues and instead … by @philipjyoon in #960
- 961: Unbroke historical chunking logic for disp-s1. See associated b… by @philipjyoon in #962
- Change AMIs with 240812 version by @hhlee445 in #949
Full Changelog: 3.0.0-rc.7.0...3.1.0-rc.5.0