Added FrameDynamics models to the scripts.
Added FrameDynamics models to the scripts.
Merge branch 'develop' into IMSim_dev
Merge branch 'develop' into IMSim_dev
Added FrameDynamics models to the scripts.
Added FrameDynamics models to the scripts.
Testing the frame transformation code.
Testing the frame transformation code.
Merge branch 'jeod_examples' into IMSim_dev
Merge branch 'jeod_examples' into IMSim_dev
Testing the frame transformation code.
Testing the frame transformation code.
Merge branch 'develop', v3.1.11 release.
Merge branch 'develop', v3.1.11 release.
Updated v3.1.11 release date.
Updated v3.1.11 release date.
Merge branch 'develop' into IMSim_dev
Merge branch 'develop' into IMSim_dev
Added the time constraints presentation.
Added the time constraints presentation.
Merge branch 'develop' into IMSim_dev
Merge branch 'develop' into IMSim_dev
Added the SISO SIW Time Contraints paper.
Added the SISO SIW Time Contraints paper.
Merge branch 'develop' into IMSim_dev
Merge branch 'develop' into IMSim_dev
Added the SISO SIW Time Contraints paper.
Added the SISO SIW Time Contraints paper.
Merge branch 'develop' into IMSim_dev
Merge branch 'develop' into IMSim_dev
Merge branch 'jeod_examples' into develop
Merge branch 'jeod_examples' into develop
Merge branch 'jeod_examples' into IMSim_dev
Merge branch 'jeod_examples' into IMSim_dev
Fixed interface issue with JEODRefFrameState.
Fixed interface issue with JEODRefFrameState.
Merge branch 'jeod_examples' into develop
Merge branch 'jeod_examples' into develop
Merge branch 'jeod_examples' into IMSim_dev
Merge branch 'jeod_examples' into IMSim_dev
Continued testing of relative state code.
Continued testing of relative state code.
Merge branch 'develop' into IMSim_dev
Merge branch 'develop' into IMSim_dev