diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 887fea31..16c4996d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -6,9 +6,24 @@ NamSor API v2
NamSor API v2 : enpoints to process personal names (gender, cultural origin or ethnicity) in all alphabets or languages. Use GET methods for small tests, but prefer POST methods for higher throughput (batch processing of up to 100 names at a time). Need something you can't find here? We have many more features coming soon. Let us know, we'll do our best to add it!
- For more information, please visit [http://www.namsor.com/](http://www.namsor.com/)
+Refer to the [NamSor API Doc](https://v2.namsor.com/NamSorAPIv2/apidoc.html) for detailed API documentation.
-*Automatically generated by the [OpenAPI Generator](https://openapi-generator.tech)*
+Also, have a look at the Wiki [NamSor Wiki Doc](https://github.com/namsor/namsor-tools-v2/wiki/NamSor-Tools-V2) for release notes and taxonomies.
+For more information, please visit [http://www.namsor.com/](http://www.namsor.com/)
+*Automatically generated by the [OpenAPI Generator](https://openapi-generator.tech)*11
+## Release Notes
+NamSorAPIv2.0.12 (2021-01-31)
+-Improvements for gender classification of full names
+-Split Diaspora taxonomy classes Irish,British -> Irish,English,Scottish,Welsh (British remains as first/second best alternative for now)
+-Improve Diaspora classification with non LATIN names
+-Added Corridor API for classifying names in cross-border contexts (relevant for : diaspora remittances, international travel, foreign direct investment, crowdfunding etc.)
+-Added a general name classification API (nameType), accuracy in range 90-95%
+-[BETA] UI : added an online CSV tool to process files from JavaScript client, append gender, origin, country, diaspora or US 'race'/ethnicity to a list of names in Excel/CSV format.
## Requirements
@@ -72,16 +87,17 @@ Then manually install the following JARs:
Please follow the [installation](#installation) instruction and execute the following Java code:
+package com.namsor.namsorsample;
import com.namsor.sdk2.invoke.*;
import com.namsor.sdk2.invoke.auth.*;
import com.namsor.sdk2.model.*;
-import com.namsor.sdk2.api.AdminApi;
+import com.namsor.sdk2.api.PersonalApi;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;
-public class AdminApiExample {
+public class PersonalApiSample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
@@ -92,21 +108,75 @@ public class AdminApiExample {
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
- AdminApi apiInstance = new AdminApi();
- String apiKey = "apiKey_example"; // String |
- Long usageCredits = 56L; // Long |
- String userMessage = "userMessage_example"; // String |
+ PersonalApi apiInstance = new PersonalApi();
+ // should contain 10 to 100 names at a time, per API call
+ BatchFirstLastNameIn batchFirstLastNameIn = new BatchFirstLastNameIn(); // BatchFirstLastNameIn | A list of personal names
+ batchFirstLastNameIn.setPersonalNames(new ArrayList());
+ FirstLastNameIn name1 = new FirstLastNameIn();
+ name1.setId("123");
+ name1.setFirstName("Mary");
+ name1.setLastName("O'Neil");
+ batchFirstLastNameIn.getPersonalNames().add(name1);
+ FirstLastNameIn name2 = new FirstLastNameIn();
+ name2.setId("234");
+ name2.setFirstName("Roberto");
+ name2.setLastName("Rossini");
+ batchFirstLastNameIn.getPersonalNames().add(name2);
try {
- SystemMetricsOut result = apiInstance.addCredits(apiKey, usageCredits, userMessage);
+ BatchFirstLastNameOriginedOut result = apiInstance.originBatch(batchFirstLastNameIn);
} catch (ApiException e) {
- System.err.println("Exception when calling AdminApi#addCredits");
+ System.err.println("Exception when calling PersonalApi#originBatch");
+This will output the following :
+class BatchFirstLastNameOriginedOut {
+ personalNames: [class FirstLastNameOriginedOut {
+ id: 123
+ firstName: Mary
+ lastName: O'Neil
+ countryOrigin: IE
+ countryOriginAlt: GB
+ countriesOriginTop: [IE, GB, KE, GH, LR, FR, TZ, NG, IL, EG]
+ score: 26.729154354675913
+ regionOrigin: Europe
+ topRegionOrigin: Europe
+ subRegionOrigin: Northern Europe
+ probabilityCalibrated: 0.9303604468868103
+ probabilityAltCalibrated: 0.9930598411485871
+ }, class FirstLastNameOriginedOut {
+ id: 123
+ firstName: Roberto
+ lastName: Rossini
+ countryOrigin: IT
+ countryOriginAlt: ES
+ countriesOriginTop: [IT, ES, CH, ID, PT, ZA, IL, AT, FI, FR]
+ score: 36.490714227516584
+ regionOrigin: Europe
+ topRegionOrigin: Europe
+ subRegionOrigin: Southern Europe
+ probabilityCalibrated: 0.9824811693994274
+ probabilityAltCalibrated: 0.9930598411485871
+ }]
+## Documentation for Authorization
+Authentication schemes defined for the API:
+### api_key
+- **Type**: API key
+- **API key parameter name**: X-API-KEY
+- **Location**: HTTP header
## Documentation for API Endpoints
@@ -114,12 +184,43 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://v2.namsor.com/NamSorAPIv2*
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-*AdminApi* | [**addCredits**](docs/AdminApi.md#addCredits) | **GET** /api2/json/addCredits/{apiKey}/{usageCredits}/{userMessage} | Add usage credits to an API Key.
-*AdminApi* | [**anonymize**](docs/AdminApi.md#anonymize) | **GET** /api2/json/anonymize/{source}/{anonymized} | Activate/deactivate anonymization for a source.
+*PersonalApi* | [**corridor**](docs/PersonalApi.md#corridor) | **GET** /api2/json/corridor/{countryIso2From}/{firstNameFrom}/{lastNameFrom}/{countryIso2To}/{firstNameTo}/{lastNameTo} | [USES 20 UNITS PER NAME COUPLE] Infer several classifications for a cross border interaction between names (ex. remit, travel, intl com)
+*PersonalApi* | [**corridorBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#corridorBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/corridorBatch | [USES 20 UNITS PER NAME PAIR] Infer several classifications for up to 100 cross border interaction between names (ex. remit, travel, intl com)
+*PersonalApi* | [**country**](docs/PersonalApi.md#country) | **GET** /api2/json/country/{personalNameFull} | [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country of residence of a personal full name, or one surname. Assumes names as they are in the country of residence OR the country of origin.
+*PersonalApi* | [**countryBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#countryBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/countryBatch | [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country of residence of up to 100 personal full names, or surnames. Assumes names as they are in the country of residence OR the country of origin.
+*PersonalApi* | [**diaspora**](docs/PersonalApi.md#diaspora) | **GET** /api2/json/diaspora/{countryIso2}/{firstName}/{lastName} | [USES 20 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely ethnicity/diaspora of a personal name, given a country of residence ISO2 code (ex. US, CA, AU, NZ etc.)
+*PersonalApi* | [**diasporaBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#diasporaBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/diasporaBatch | [USES 20 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely ethnicity/diaspora of up to 100 personal names, given a country of residence ISO2 code (ex. US, CA, AU, NZ etc.)
+*PersonalApi* | [**gender**](docs/PersonalApi.md#gender) | **GET** /api2/json/gender/{firstName}/{lastName} | Infer the likely gender of a name.
+*PersonalApi* | [**genderBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#genderBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/genderBatch | Infer the likely gender of up to 100 names, detecting automatically the cultural context.
+*PersonalApi* | [**genderFull**](docs/PersonalApi.md#genderFull) | **GET** /api2/json/genderFull/{fullName} | Infer the likely gender of a full name, ex. John H. Smith
+*PersonalApi* | [**genderFullBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#genderFullBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/genderFullBatch | Infer the likely gender of up to 100 full names, detecting automatically the cultural context.
+*PersonalApi* | [**genderFullGeo**](docs/PersonalApi.md#genderFullGeo) | **GET** /api2/json/genderFullGeo/{fullName}/{countryIso2} | Infer the likely gender of a full name, given a local context (ISO2 country code).
+*PersonalApi* | [**genderFullGeoBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#genderFullGeoBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/genderFullGeoBatch | Infer the likely gender of up to 100 full names, with a given cultural context (country ISO2 code).
+*PersonalApi* | [**genderGeo**](docs/PersonalApi.md#genderGeo) | **GET** /api2/json/genderGeo/{firstName}/{lastName}/{countryIso2} | Infer the likely gender of a name, given a local context (ISO2 country code).
+*PersonalApi* | [**genderGeoBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#genderGeoBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/genderGeoBatch | Infer the likely gender of up to 100 names, each given a local context (ISO2 country code).
+*PersonalApi* | [**origin**](docs/PersonalApi.md#origin) | **GET** /api2/json/origin/{firstName}/{lastName} | [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country of origin of a personal name. Assumes names as they are in the country of origin. For US, CA, AU, NZ and other melting-pots : use 'diaspora' instead.
+*PersonalApi* | [**originBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#originBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/originBatch | [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country of origin of up to 100 names, detecting automatically the cultural context.
+*PersonalApi* | [**parseName**](docs/PersonalApi.md#parseName) | **GET** /api2/json/parseName/{nameFull} | Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. John Smith or SMITH, John or SMITH; John.
+*PersonalApi* | [**parseNameBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#parseNameBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/parseNameBatch | Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. John Smith or SMITH, John or SMITH; John.
+*PersonalApi* | [**parseNameGeo**](docs/PersonalApi.md#parseNameGeo) | **GET** /api2/json/parseName/{nameFull}/{countryIso2} | Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. John Smith or SMITH, John or SMITH; John. For better accuracy, provide a geographic context.
+*PersonalApi* | [**parseNameGeoBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#parseNameGeoBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/parseNameGeoBatch | Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. John Smith or SMITH, John or SMITH; John. Giving a local context improves precision.
+*PersonalApi* | [**parsedGenderBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#parsedGenderBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/parsedGenderBatch | Infer the likely gender of up to 100 fully parsed names, detecting automatically the cultural context.
+*PersonalApi* | [**parsedGenderGeoBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#parsedGenderGeoBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/parsedGenderGeoBatch | Infer the likely gender of up to 100 fully parsed names, detecting automatically the cultural context.
+*PersonalApi* | [**usRaceEthnicity**](docs/PersonalApi.md#usRaceEthnicity) | **GET** /api2/json/usRaceEthnicity/{firstName}/{lastName} | [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer a US resident's likely race/ethnicity according to US Census taxonomy W_NL (white, non latino), HL (hispano latino), A (asian, non latino), B_NL (black, non latino).
+*PersonalApi* | [**usRaceEthnicityBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#usRaceEthnicityBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/usRaceEthnicityBatch | [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer up-to 100 US resident's likely race/ethnicity according to US Census taxonomy.
+*PersonalApi* | [**usRaceEthnicityZIP5**](docs/PersonalApi.md#usRaceEthnicityZIP5) | **GET** /api2/json/usRaceEthnicityZIP5/{firstName}/{lastName}/{zip5Code} | [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer a US resident's likely race/ethnicity according to US Census taxonomy, using (optional) ZIP5 code info. Output is W_NL (white, non latino), HL (hispano latino), A (asian, non latino), B_NL (black, non latino).
+*PersonalApi* | [**usZipRaceEthnicityBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#usZipRaceEthnicityBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/usZipRaceEthnicityBatch | [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer up-to 100 US resident's likely race/ethnicity according to US Census taxonomy, with (optional) ZIP code.
+*SocialApi* | [**phoneCode**](docs/SocialApi.md#phoneCode) | **GET** /api2/json/phoneCode/{firstName}/{lastName}/{phoneNumber} | [USES 11 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country and phone prefix, given a personal name and formatted / unformatted phone number.
+*SocialApi* | [**phoneCodeBatch**](docs/SocialApi.md#phoneCodeBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/phoneCodeBatch | [USES 11 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country and phone prefix, of up to 100 personal names, detecting automatically the local context given a name and formatted / unformatted phone number.
+*SocialApi* | [**phoneCodeGeo**](docs/SocialApi.md#phoneCodeGeo) | **GET** /api2/json/phoneCodeGeo/{firstName}/{lastName}/{phoneNumber}/{countryIso2} | [USES 11 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely phone prefix, given a personal name and formatted / unformatted phone number, with a local context (ISO2 country of residence).
+*SocialApi* | [**phoneCodeGeoBatch**](docs/SocialApi.md#phoneCodeGeoBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/phoneCodeGeoBatch | [USES 11 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country and phone prefix, of up to 100 personal names, with a local context (ISO2 country of residence).
+*SocialApi* | [**phoneCodeGeoFeedbackLoop**](docs/SocialApi.md#phoneCodeGeoFeedbackLoop) | **GET** /api2/json/phoneCodeGeoFeedbackLoop/{firstName}/{lastName}/{phoneNumber}/{phoneNumberE164}/{countryIso2} | [CREDITS 1 UNIT] Feedback loop to better infer the likely phone prefix, given a personal name and formatted / unformatted phone number, with a local context (ISO2 country of residence).
*AdminApi* | [**apiStatus**](docs/AdminApi.md#apiStatus) | **GET** /api2/json/apiStatus | Prints the current status of the classifiers.
*AdminApi* | [**apiUsage**](docs/AdminApi.md#apiUsage) | **GET** /api2/json/apiUsage | Print current API usage.
*AdminApi* | [**apiUsageHistory**](docs/AdminApi.md#apiUsageHistory) | **GET** /api2/json/apiUsageHistory | Print historical API usage.
*AdminApi* | [**apiUsageHistoryAggregate**](docs/AdminApi.md#apiUsageHistoryAggregate) | **GET** /api2/json/apiUsageHistoryAggregate | Print historical API usage (in an aggregated view, by service, by day/hour/min).
+*AdminApi* | [**addCredits**](docs/AdminApi.md#addCredits) | **GET** /api2/json/addCredits/{apiKey}/{usageCredits}/{userMessage} | Add usage credits to an API Key.
+*AdminApi* | [**anonymize**](docs/AdminApi.md#anonymize) | **GET** /api2/json/anonymize/{source}/{anonymized} | Activate/deactivate anonymization for a source.
*AdminApi* | [**availablePlans**](docs/AdminApi.md#availablePlans) | **GET** /api2/json/availablePlans/{token} | List all available plans in the user's preferred currency.
*AdminApi* | [**availablePlans1**](docs/AdminApi.md#availablePlans1) | **GET** /api2/json/availablePlans | List all available plans in the default currency (usd).
*AdminApi* | [**availableServices**](docs/AdminApi.md#availableServices) | **GET** /api2/json/apiServices | List of API services and usage cost in Units (default is 1=ONE Unit).
@@ -183,37 +284,6 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
*JapaneseApi* | [**japaneseNameMatchFeedbackLoop**](docs/JapaneseApi.md#japaneseNameMatchFeedbackLoop) | **GET** /api2/json/japaneseNameMatchFeedbackLoop/{japaneseSurnameLatin}/{japaneseGivenNameLatin}/{japaneseName} | [CREDITS 1 UNIT] Feedback loop to better perform matching Japanese name in KANJI ex. 山本 早苗 with a romanized name ex. Yamamoto Sanae
*JapaneseApi* | [**parseJapaneseName**](docs/JapaneseApi.md#parseJapaneseName) | **GET** /api2/json/parseJapaneseName/{japaneseName} | Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. 山本 早苗 or Yamamoto Sanae
*JapaneseApi* | [**parseJapaneseNameBatch**](docs/JapaneseApi.md#parseJapaneseNameBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/parseJapaneseNameBatch | Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. 山本 早苗 or Yamamoto Sanae
-*PersonalApi* | [**corridor**](docs/PersonalApi.md#corridor) | **GET** /api2/json/corridor/{countryIso2From}/{firstNameFrom}/{lastNameFrom}/{countryIso2To}/{firstNameTo}/{lastNameTo} | [USES 20 UNITS PER NAME COUPLE] Infer several classifications for a cross border interaction between names (ex. remit, travel, intl com)
-*PersonalApi* | [**corridorBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#corridorBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/corridorBatch | [USES 20 UNITS PER NAME PAIR] Infer several classifications for up to 100 cross border interaction between names (ex. remit, travel, intl com)
-*PersonalApi* | [**country**](docs/PersonalApi.md#country) | **GET** /api2/json/country/{personalNameFull} | [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country of residence of a personal full name, or one surname. Assumes names as they are in the country of residence OR the country of origin.
-*PersonalApi* | [**countryBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#countryBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/countryBatch | [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country of residence of up to 100 personal full names, or surnames. Assumes names as they are in the country of residence OR the country of origin.
-*PersonalApi* | [**diaspora**](docs/PersonalApi.md#diaspora) | **GET** /api2/json/diaspora/{countryIso2}/{firstName}/{lastName} | [USES 20 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely ethnicity/diaspora of a personal name, given a country of residence ISO2 code (ex. US, CA, AU, NZ etc.)
-*PersonalApi* | [**diasporaBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#diasporaBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/diasporaBatch | [USES 20 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely ethnicity/diaspora of up to 100 personal names, given a country of residence ISO2 code (ex. US, CA, AU, NZ etc.)
-*PersonalApi* | [**gender**](docs/PersonalApi.md#gender) | **GET** /api2/json/gender/{firstName}/{lastName} | Infer the likely gender of a name.
-*PersonalApi* | [**genderBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#genderBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/genderBatch | Infer the likely gender of up to 100 names, detecting automatically the cultural context.
-*PersonalApi* | [**genderFull**](docs/PersonalApi.md#genderFull) | **GET** /api2/json/genderFull/{fullName} | Infer the likely gender of a full name, ex. John H. Smith
-*PersonalApi* | [**genderFullBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#genderFullBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/genderFullBatch | Infer the likely gender of up to 100 full names, detecting automatically the cultural context.
-*PersonalApi* | [**genderFullGeo**](docs/PersonalApi.md#genderFullGeo) | **GET** /api2/json/genderFullGeo/{fullName}/{countryIso2} | Infer the likely gender of a full name, given a local context (ISO2 country code).
-*PersonalApi* | [**genderFullGeoBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#genderFullGeoBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/genderFullGeoBatch | Infer the likely gender of up to 100 full names, with a given cultural context (country ISO2 code).
-*PersonalApi* | [**genderGeo**](docs/PersonalApi.md#genderGeo) | **GET** /api2/json/genderGeo/{firstName}/{lastName}/{countryIso2} | Infer the likely gender of a name, given a local context (ISO2 country code).
-*PersonalApi* | [**genderGeoBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#genderGeoBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/genderGeoBatch | Infer the likely gender of up to 100 names, each given a local context (ISO2 country code).
-*PersonalApi* | [**origin**](docs/PersonalApi.md#origin) | **GET** /api2/json/origin/{firstName}/{lastName} | [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country of origin of a personal name. Assumes names as they are in the country of origin. For US, CA, AU, NZ and other melting-pots : use 'diaspora' instead.
-*PersonalApi* | [**originBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#originBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/originBatch | [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country of origin of up to 100 names, detecting automatically the cultural context.
-*PersonalApi* | [**parseName**](docs/PersonalApi.md#parseName) | **GET** /api2/json/parseName/{nameFull} | Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. John Smith or SMITH, John or SMITH; John.
-*PersonalApi* | [**parseNameBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#parseNameBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/parseNameBatch | Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. John Smith or SMITH, John or SMITH; John.
-*PersonalApi* | [**parseNameGeo**](docs/PersonalApi.md#parseNameGeo) | **GET** /api2/json/parseName/{nameFull}/{countryIso2} | Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. John Smith or SMITH, John or SMITH; John. For better accuracy, provide a geographic context.
-*PersonalApi* | [**parseNameGeoBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#parseNameGeoBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/parseNameGeoBatch | Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. John Smith or SMITH, John or SMITH; John. Giving a local context improves precision.
-*PersonalApi* | [**parsedGenderBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#parsedGenderBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/parsedGenderBatch | Infer the likely gender of up to 100 fully parsed names, detecting automatically the cultural context.
-*PersonalApi* | [**parsedGenderGeoBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#parsedGenderGeoBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/parsedGenderGeoBatch | Infer the likely gender of up to 100 fully parsed names, detecting automatically the cultural context.
-*PersonalApi* | [**usRaceEthnicity**](docs/PersonalApi.md#usRaceEthnicity) | **GET** /api2/json/usRaceEthnicity/{firstName}/{lastName} | [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer a US resident's likely race/ethnicity according to US Census taxonomy W_NL (white, non latino), HL (hispano latino), A (asian, non latino), B_NL (black, non latino).
-*PersonalApi* | [**usRaceEthnicityBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#usRaceEthnicityBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/usRaceEthnicityBatch | [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer up-to 100 US resident's likely race/ethnicity according to US Census taxonomy.
-*PersonalApi* | [**usRaceEthnicityZIP5**](docs/PersonalApi.md#usRaceEthnicityZIP5) | **GET** /api2/json/usRaceEthnicityZIP5/{firstName}/{lastName}/{zip5Code} | [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer a US resident's likely race/ethnicity according to US Census taxonomy, using (optional) ZIP5 code info. Output is W_NL (white, non latino), HL (hispano latino), A (asian, non latino), B_NL (black, non latino).
-*PersonalApi* | [**usZipRaceEthnicityBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#usZipRaceEthnicityBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/usZipRaceEthnicityBatch | [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer up-to 100 US resident's likely race/ethnicity according to US Census taxonomy, with (optional) ZIP code.
-*SocialApi* | [**phoneCode**](docs/SocialApi.md#phoneCode) | **GET** /api2/json/phoneCode/{firstName}/{lastName}/{phoneNumber} | [USES 11 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country and phone prefix, given a personal name and formatted / unformatted phone number.
-*SocialApi* | [**phoneCodeBatch**](docs/SocialApi.md#phoneCodeBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/phoneCodeBatch | [USES 11 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country and phone prefix, of up to 100 personal names, detecting automatically the local context given a name and formatted / unformatted phone number.
-*SocialApi* | [**phoneCodeGeo**](docs/SocialApi.md#phoneCodeGeo) | **GET** /api2/json/phoneCodeGeo/{firstName}/{lastName}/{phoneNumber}/{countryIso2} | [USES 11 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely phone prefix, given a personal name and formatted / unformatted phone number, with a local context (ISO2 country of residence).
-*SocialApi* | [**phoneCodeGeoBatch**](docs/SocialApi.md#phoneCodeGeoBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/phoneCodeGeoBatch | [USES 11 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country and phone prefix, of up to 100 personal names, with a local context (ISO2 country of residence).
-*SocialApi* | [**phoneCodeGeoFeedbackLoop**](docs/SocialApi.md#phoneCodeGeoFeedbackLoop) | **GET** /api2/json/phoneCodeGeoFeedbackLoop/{firstName}/{lastName}/{phoneNumber}/{phoneNumberE164}/{countryIso2} | [CREDITS 1 UNIT] Feedback loop to better infer the likely phone prefix, given a personal name and formatted / unformatted phone number, with a local context (ISO2 country of residence).
## Documentation for Models
@@ -306,15 +376,6 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [UserInfoOut](docs/UserInfoOut.md)
-## Documentation for Authorization
-Authentication schemes defined for the API:
-### api_key
-- **Type**: API key
-- **API key parameter name**: X-API-KEY
-- **Location**: HTTP header
## Recommendation
diff --git a/README_v211.md b/README_v211.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f094e876
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README_v211.md
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+# namsor-sdk2
+NamSor API v2
+- API version: 2.0.11
+ - Build date: 2020-11-01T10:54:33.640+01:00[Europe/Berlin]
+NamSor API v2 : enpoints to process personal names (gender, cultural origin or ethnicity) in all alphabets or languages. Use GET methods for small tests, but prefer POST methods for higher throughput (batch processing of up to 100 names at a time). Need something you can't find here? We have many more features coming soon. Let us know, we'll do our best to add it!
+Refer to the [NamSor API Doc](https://v2.namsor.com/NamSorAPIv2/apidoc.html) for detailed API documentation.
+Also, have a look at the Wiki [NamSor Wiki Doc](https://github.com/namsor/namsor-tools-v2/wiki/NamSor-Tools-V2) for release notes and taxonomies.
+For more information, please visit [http://www.namsor.com/](http://www.namsor.com/)
+*Automatically generated by the [OpenAPI Generator](https://openapi-generator.tech)*11
+## Requirements
+Building the API client library requires:
+1. Java 1.7+
+2. Maven/Gradle
+## Installation
+To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:
+mvn clean install
+To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:
+mvn clean deploy
+Refer to the [OSSRH Guide](http://central.sonatype.org/pages/ossrh-guide.html) for more information.
+### Maven users
+Add this dependency to your project's POM:
+ com.namsor
+ namsor-sdk2
+ 2.0.11
+ compile
+### Gradle users
+Add this dependency to your project's build file:
+compile "com.namsor:namsor-sdk2:2.0.11"
+### Others
+At first generate the JAR by executing:
+mvn clean package
+Then manually install the following JARs:
+* `target/namsor-sdk2-2.0.11.jar`
+* `target/lib/*.jar`
+## Getting Started
+Please follow the [installation](#installation) instruction and execute the following Java code:
+package com.namsor.namsorsample;
+import com.namsor.sdk2.invoke.*;
+import com.namsor.sdk2.invoke.auth.*;
+import com.namsor.sdk2.model.*;
+import com.namsor.sdk2.api.PersonalApi;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.util.*;
+public class PersonalApiSample {
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
+ // Configure API key authorization: api_key
+ ApiKeyAuth api_key = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("api_key");
+ api_key.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY");
+ // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
+ //api_key.setApiKeyPrefix("Token");
+ PersonalApi apiInstance = new PersonalApi();
+ // should contain 10 to 100 names at a time, per API call
+ BatchFirstLastNameIn batchFirstLastNameIn = new BatchFirstLastNameIn(); // BatchFirstLastNameIn | A list of personal names
+ batchFirstLastNameIn.setPersonalNames(new ArrayList());
+ FirstLastNameIn name1 = new FirstLastNameIn();
+ name1.setId("123");
+ name1.setFirstName("Mary");
+ name1.setLastName("O'Neil");
+ batchFirstLastNameIn.getPersonalNames().add(name1);
+ FirstLastNameIn name2 = new FirstLastNameIn();
+ name2.setId("234");
+ name2.setFirstName("Roberto");
+ name2.setLastName("Rossini");
+ batchFirstLastNameIn.getPersonalNames().add(name2);
+ try {
+ BatchFirstLastNameOriginedOut result = apiInstance.originBatch(batchFirstLastNameIn);
+ System.out.println(result);
+ } catch (ApiException e) {
+ System.err.println("Exception when calling PersonalApi#originBatch");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+This will output the following :
+class BatchFirstLastNameOriginedOut {
+ personalNames: [class FirstLastNameOriginedOut {
+ id: 123
+ firstName: Mary
+ lastName: O'Neil
+ countryOrigin: IE
+ countryOriginAlt: GB
+ countriesOriginTop: [IE, GB, KE, GH, LR, FR, TZ, NG, IL, EG]
+ score: 26.729154354675913
+ regionOrigin: Europe
+ topRegionOrigin: Europe
+ subRegionOrigin: Northern Europe
+ probabilityCalibrated: 0.9303604468868103
+ probabilityAltCalibrated: 0.9930598411485871
+ }, class FirstLastNameOriginedOut {
+ id: 123
+ firstName: Roberto
+ lastName: Rossini
+ countryOrigin: IT
+ countryOriginAlt: ES
+ countriesOriginTop: [IT, ES, CH, ID, PT, ZA, IL, AT, FI, FR]
+ score: 36.490714227516584
+ regionOrigin: Europe
+ topRegionOrigin: Europe
+ subRegionOrigin: Southern Europe
+ probabilityCalibrated: 0.9824811693994274
+ probabilityAltCalibrated: 0.9930598411485871
+ }]
+## Documentation for Authorization
+Authentication schemes defined for the API:
+### api_key
+- **Type**: API key
+- **API key parameter name**: X-API-KEY
+- **Location**: HTTP header
+## Documentation for API Endpoints
+All URIs are relative to *https://v2.namsor.com/NamSorAPIv2*
+Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+*PersonalApi* | [**gender**](docs/PersonalApi.md#gender) | **GET** /api2/json/gender/{firstName}/{lastName} | Infer the likely gender of a name.
+*PersonalApi* | [**genderBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#genderBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/genderBatch | Infer the likely gender of up to 100 names, detecting automatically the cultural context.
+*PersonalApi* | [**genderFull**](docs/PersonalApi.md#genderFull) | **GET** /api2/json/genderFull/{fullName} | Infer the likely gender of a full name, ex. John H. Smith
+*PersonalApi* | [**genderFullBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#genderFullBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/genderFullBatch | Infer the likely gender of up to 100 full names, detecting automatically the cultural context.
+*PersonalApi* | [**genderFullGeo**](docs/PersonalApi.md#genderFullGeo) | **GET** /api2/json/genderFullGeo/{fullName}/{countryIso2} | Infer the likely gender of a full name, given a local context (ISO2 country code).
+*PersonalApi* | [**genderFullGeoBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#genderFullGeoBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/genderFullGeoBatch | Infer the likely gender of up to 100 full names, with a given cultural context (country ISO2 code).
+*PersonalApi* | [**genderGeo**](docs/PersonalApi.md#genderGeo) | **GET** /api2/json/genderGeo/{firstName}/{lastName}/{countryIso2} | Infer the likely gender of a name, given a local context (ISO2 country code).
+*PersonalApi* | [**genderGeoBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#genderGeoBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/genderGeoBatch | Infer the likely gender of up to 100 names, each given a local context (ISO2 country code).
+*PersonalApi* | [**country**](docs/PersonalApi.md#country) | **GET** /api2/json/country/{personalNameFull} | [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country of residence of a personal full name, or one surname. Assumes names as they are in the country of residence OR the country of origin.
+*PersonalApi* | [**countryBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#countryBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/countryBatch | [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country of residence of up to 100 personal full names, or surnames. Assumes names as they are in the country of residence OR the country of origin.
+*PersonalApi* | [**origin**](docs/PersonalApi.md#origin) | **GET** /api2/json/origin/{firstName}/{lastName} | [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country of origin of a personal name. Assumes names as they are in the country of origin. For US, CA, AU, NZ and other melting-pots : use 'diaspora' instead.
+*PersonalApi* | [**originBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#originBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/originBatch | [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country of origin of up to 100 names, detecting automatically the cultural context.
+*PersonalApi* | [**diaspora**](docs/PersonalApi.md#diaspora) | **GET** /api2/json/diaspora/{countryIso2}/{firstName}/{lastName} | [USES 20 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely ethnicity/diaspora of a personal name, given a country of residence ISO2 code (ex. US, CA, AU, NZ etc.)
+*PersonalApi* | [**diasporaBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#diasporaBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/diasporaBatch | [USES 20 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely ethnicity/diaspora of up to 100 personal names, given a country of residence ISO2 code (ex. US, CA, AU, NZ etc.)
+*PersonalApi* | [**usRaceEthnicity**](docs/PersonalApi.md#usRaceEthnicity) | **GET** /api2/json/usRaceEthnicity/{firstName}/{lastName} | [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer a US resident's likely race/ethnicity according to US Census taxonomy W_NL (white, non latino), HL (hispano latino), A (asian, non latino), B_NL (black, non latino).
+*PersonalApi* | [**usRaceEthnicityBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#usRaceEthnicityBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/usRaceEthnicityBatch | [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer up-to 100 US resident's likely race/ethnicity according to US Census taxonomy.
+*PersonalApi* | [**usRaceEthnicityZIP5**](docs/PersonalApi.md#usRaceEthnicityZIP5) | **GET** /api2/json/usRaceEthnicityZIP5/{firstName}/{lastName}/{zip5Code} | [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer a US resident's likely race/ethnicity according to US Census taxonomy, using (optional) ZIP5 code info. Output is W_NL (white, non latino), HL (hispano latino), A (asian, non latino), B_NL (black, non latino).
+*PersonalApi* | [**usZipRaceEthnicityBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#usZipRaceEthnicityBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/usZipRaceEthnicityBatch | [USES 10 UNITS PER NAME] Infer up-to 100 US resident's likely race/ethnicity according to US Census taxonomy, with (optional) ZIP code.
+*PersonalApi* | [**parseName**](docs/PersonalApi.md#parseName) | **GET** /api2/json/parseName/{nameFull} | Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. John Smith or SMITH, John or SMITH; John.
+*PersonalApi* | [**parseNameBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#parseNameBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/parseNameBatch | Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. John Smith or SMITH, John or SMITH; John.
+*PersonalApi* | [**parseNameGeo**](docs/PersonalApi.md#parseNameGeo) | **GET** /api2/json/parseName/{nameFull}/{countryIso2} | Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. John Smith or SMITH, John or SMITH; John. For better accuracy, provide a geographic context.
+*PersonalApi* | [**parseNameGeoBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#parseNameGeoBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/parseNameGeoBatch | Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. John Smith or SMITH, John or SMITH; John. Giving a local context improves precision.
+*PersonalApi* | [**parsedGenderBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#parsedGenderBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/parsedGenderBatch | Infer the likely gender of up to 100 fully parsed names, detecting automatically the cultural context.
+*PersonalApi* | [**parsedGenderGeoBatch**](docs/PersonalApi.md#parsedGenderGeoBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/parsedGenderGeoBatch | Infer the likely gender of up to 100 fully parsed names, detecting automatically the cultural context.
+*AdminApi* | [**apiStatus**](docs/AdminApi.md#apiStatus) | **GET** /api2/json/apiStatus | Prints the current status of the classifiers.
+*AdminApi* | [**apiUsage**](docs/AdminApi.md#apiUsage) | **GET** /api2/json/apiUsage | Print current API usage.
+*AdminApi* | [**apiUsageHistory**](docs/AdminApi.md#apiUsageHistory) | **GET** /api2/json/apiUsageHistory | Print historical API usage.
+*AdminApi* | [**apiUsageHistoryAggregate**](docs/AdminApi.md#apiUsageHistoryAggregate) | **GET** /api2/json/apiUsageHistoryAggregate | Print historical API usage (in an aggregated view, by service, by day/hour/min).
+*AdminApi* | [**softwareVersion**](docs/AdminApi.md#softwareVersion) | **GET** /api2/json/softwareVersion | Get the current software version
+*ChineseApi* | [**chineseNameCandidates**](docs/ChineseApi.md#chineseNameCandidates) | **GET** /api2/json/chineseNameCandidates/{chineseSurnameLatin}/{chineseGivenNameLatin} | Identify Chinese name candidates, based on the romanized name ex. Wang Xiaoming
+*ChineseApi* | [**chineseNameCandidatesBatch**](docs/ChineseApi.md#chineseNameCandidatesBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/chineseNameCandidatesBatch | Identify Chinese name candidates, based on the romanized name (firstName = chineseGivenName; lastName=chineseSurname), ex. Wang Xiaoming
+*ChineseApi* | [**chineseNameCandidatesGenderBatch**](docs/ChineseApi.md#chineseNameCandidatesGenderBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/chineseNameCandidatesGenderBatch | Identify Chinese name candidates, based on the romanized name (firstName = chineseGivenName; lastName=chineseSurname) ex. Wang Xiaoming.
+*ChineseApi* | [**chineseNameGenderCandidates**](docs/ChineseApi.md#chineseNameGenderCandidates) | **GET** /api2/json/chineseNameGenderCandidates/{chineseSurnameLatin}/{chineseGivenNameLatin}/{knownGender} | Identify Chinese name candidates, based on the romanized name ex. Wang Xiaoming - having a known gender ('male' or 'female')
+*ChineseApi* | [**chineseNameMatch**](docs/ChineseApi.md#chineseNameMatch) | **GET** /api2/json/chineseNameMatch/{chineseSurnameLatin}/{chineseGivenNameLatin}/{chineseName} | Return a score for matching Chinese name ex. 王晓明 with a romanized name ex. Wang Xiaoming
+*ChineseApi* | [**chineseNameMatchBatch**](docs/ChineseApi.md#chineseNameMatchBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/chineseNameMatchBatch | Identify Chinese name candidates, based on the romanized name (firstName = chineseGivenName; lastName=chineseSurname), ex. Wang Xiaoming
+*ChineseApi* | [**genderChineseName**](docs/ChineseApi.md#genderChineseName) | **GET** /api2/json/genderChineseName/{chineseName} | Infer the likely gender of a Chinese full name ex. 王晓明
+*ChineseApi* | [**genderChineseNameBatch**](docs/ChineseApi.md#genderChineseNameBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/genderChineseNameBatch | Infer the likely gender of up to 100 full names ex. 王晓明
+*ChineseApi* | [**genderChineseNamePinyin**](docs/ChineseApi.md#genderChineseNamePinyin) | **GET** /api2/json/genderChineseNamePinyin/{chineseSurnameLatin}/{chineseGivenNameLatin} | Infer the likely gender of a Chinese name in LATIN (Pinyin).
+*ChineseApi* | [**genderChineseNamePinyinBatch**](docs/ChineseApi.md#genderChineseNamePinyinBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/genderChineseNamePinyinBatch | Infer the likely gender of up to 100 Chinese names in LATIN (Pinyin).
+*ChineseApi* | [**parseChineseName**](docs/ChineseApi.md#parseChineseName) | **GET** /api2/json/parseChineseName/{chineseName} | Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. 王晓明 -> 王(surname) 晓明(given name)
+*ChineseApi* | [**parseChineseNameBatch**](docs/ChineseApi.md#parseChineseNameBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/parseChineseNameBatch | Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. 王晓明 -> 王(surname) 晓明(given name).
+*ChineseApi* | [**pinyinChineseName**](docs/ChineseApi.md#pinyinChineseName) | **GET** /api2/json/pinyinChineseName/{chineseName} | Romanize the Chinese name to Pinyin, ex. 王晓明 -> Wang (surname) Xiaoming (given name)
+*ChineseApi* | [**pinyinChineseNameBatch**](docs/ChineseApi.md#pinyinChineseNameBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/pinyinChineseNameBatch | Romanize a list of Chinese name to Pinyin, ex. 王晓明 -> Wang (surname) Xiaoming (given name).
+*GeneralApi* | [**nameType**](docs/GeneralApi.md#nameType) | **GET** /api2/json/nameType/{properNoun} | Infer the likely type of a proper noun (personal name, brand name, place name etc.)
+*GeneralApi* | [**nameType1**](docs/GeneralApi.md#nameType1) | **GET** /api2/json/nameType/{properNoun}/{countryIso2} | Infer the likely type of a proper noun (personal name, brand name, place name etc.)
+*JapaneseApi* | [**genderJapaneseNameFull**](docs/JapaneseApi.md#genderJapaneseNameFull) | **GET** /api2/json/genderJapaneseNameFull/{japaneseName} | Infer the likely gender of a Japanese full name ex. 王晓明
+*JapaneseApi* | [**genderJapaneseNameFullBatch**](docs/JapaneseApi.md#genderJapaneseNameFullBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/genderJapaneseNameFullBatch | Infer the likely gender of up to 100 full names
+*JapaneseApi* | [**genderJapaneseNamePinyin**](docs/JapaneseApi.md#genderJapaneseNamePinyin) | **GET** /api2/json/genderJapaneseName/{japaneseSurname}/{japaneseGivenName} | Infer the likely gender of a Japanese name in LATIN (Pinyin).
+*JapaneseApi* | [**genderJapaneseNamePinyinBatch**](docs/JapaneseApi.md#genderJapaneseNamePinyinBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/genderJapaneseNameBatch | Infer the likely gender of up to 100 Japanese names in LATIN (Pinyin).
+*JapaneseApi* | [**japaneseNameKanjiCandidates**](docs/JapaneseApi.md#japaneseNameKanjiCandidates) | **GET** /api2/json/japaneseNameKanjiCandidates/{japaneseSurnameLatin}/{japaneseGivenNameLatin} | Identify japanese name candidates in KANJI, based on the romanized name ex. Yamamoto Sanae
+*JapaneseApi* | [**japaneseNameKanjiCandidatesBatch**](docs/JapaneseApi.md#japaneseNameKanjiCandidatesBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/japaneseNameKanjiCandidatesBatch | Identify japanese name candidates in KANJI, based on the romanized name (firstName = japaneseGivenName; lastName=japaneseSurname), ex. Yamamoto Sanae
+*JapaneseApi* | [**japaneseNameLatinCandidates**](docs/JapaneseApi.md#japaneseNameLatinCandidates) | **GET** /api2/json/japaneseNameLatinCandidates/{japaneseSurnameKanji}/{japaneseGivenNameKanji} | Romanize japanese name, based on the name in Kanji.
+*JapaneseApi* | [**japaneseNameLatinCandidatesBatch**](docs/JapaneseApi.md#japaneseNameLatinCandidatesBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/japaneseNameLatinCandidatesBatch | Romanize japanese names, based on the name in KANJI
+*JapaneseApi* | [**japaneseNameMatch**](docs/JapaneseApi.md#japaneseNameMatch) | **GET** /api2/json/japaneseNameMatch/{japaneseSurnameLatin}/{japaneseGivenNameLatin}/{japaneseName} | Return a score for matching Japanese name in KANJI ex. 山本 早苗 with a romanized name ex. Yamamoto Sanae
+*JapaneseApi* | [**japaneseNameMatchBatch**](docs/JapaneseApi.md#japaneseNameMatchBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/japaneseNameMatchBatch | Return a score for matching a list of Japanese names in KANJI ex. 山本 早苗 with romanized names ex. Yamamoto Sanae
+*JapaneseApi* | [**japaneseNameMatchFeedbackLoop**](docs/JapaneseApi.md#japaneseNameMatchFeedbackLoop) | **GET** /api2/json/japaneseNameMatchFeedbackLoop/{japaneseSurnameLatin}/{japaneseGivenNameLatin}/{japaneseName} | [CREDITS 1 UNIT] Feedback loop to better perform matching Japanese name in KANJI ex. 山本 早苗 with a romanized name ex. Yamamoto Sanae
+*JapaneseApi* | [**parseJapaneseName**](docs/JapaneseApi.md#parseJapaneseName) | **GET** /api2/json/parseJapaneseName/{japaneseName} | Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. 山本 早苗 or Yamamoto Sanae
+*JapaneseApi* | [**parseJapaneseNameBatch**](docs/JapaneseApi.md#parseJapaneseNameBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/parseJapaneseNameBatch | Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. 山本 早苗 or Yamamoto Sanae
+*SocialApi* | [**phoneCode**](docs/SocialApi.md#phoneCode) | **GET** /api2/json/phoneCode/{firstName}/{lastName}/{phoneNumber} | [USES 11 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country and phone prefix, given a personal name and formatted / unformatted phone number.
+*SocialApi* | [**phoneCodeBatch**](docs/SocialApi.md#phoneCodeBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/phoneCodeBatch | [USES 11 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country and phone prefix, of up to 100 personal names, detecting automatically the local context given a name and formatted / unformatted phone number.
+*SocialApi* | [**phoneCodeGeo**](docs/SocialApi.md#phoneCodeGeo) | **GET** /api2/json/phoneCodeGeo/{firstName}/{lastName}/{phoneNumber}/{countryIso2} | [USES 11 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely phone prefix, given a personal name and formatted / unformatted phone number, with a local context (ISO2 country of residence).
+*SocialApi* | [**phoneCodeGeoBatch**](docs/SocialApi.md#phoneCodeGeoBatch) | **POST** /api2/json/phoneCodeGeoBatch | [USES 11 UNITS PER NAME] Infer the likely country and phone prefix, of up to 100 personal names, with a local context (ISO2 country of residence).
+*SocialApi* | [**phoneCodeGeoFeedbackLoop**](docs/SocialApi.md#phoneCodeGeoFeedbackLoop) | **GET** /api2/json/phoneCodeGeoFeedbackLoop/{firstName}/{lastName}/{phoneNumber}/{phoneNumberE164}/{countryIso2} | [CREDITS 1 UNIT] Feedback loop to better infer the likely phone prefix, given a personal name and formatted / unformatted phone number, with a local context (ISO2 country of residence).
+## Documentation for Models
+ - [APIBillingPeriodUsageOut](docs/APIBillingPeriodUsageOut.md)
+ - [APIClassifierOut](docs/APIClassifierOut.md)
+ - [APIClassifierTaxonomyOut](docs/APIClassifierTaxonomyOut.md)
+ - [APIClassifiersStatusOut](docs/APIClassifiersStatusOut.md)
+ - [APICounterV2Out](docs/APICounterV2Out.md)
+ - [APIKeyOut](docs/APIKeyOut.md)
+ - [APIPeriodUsageOut](docs/APIPeriodUsageOut.md)
+ - [APIPlanOut](docs/APIPlanOut.md)
+ - [APIPlanSubscriptionOut](docs/APIPlanSubscriptionOut.md)
+ - [APIPlansOut](docs/APIPlansOut.md)
+ - [APIServiceOut](docs/APIServiceOut.md)
+ - [APIServicesOut](docs/APIServicesOut.md)
+ - [APIUsageAggregatedOut](docs/APIUsageAggregatedOut.md)
+ - [BatchFirstLastNameDiasporaedOut](docs/BatchFirstLastNameDiasporaedOut.md)
+ - [BatchFirstLastNameGenderIn](docs/BatchFirstLastNameGenderIn.md)
+ - [BatchFirstLastNameGenderedOut](docs/BatchFirstLastNameGenderedOut.md)
+ - [BatchFirstLastNameGeoIn](docs/BatchFirstLastNameGeoIn.md)
+ - [BatchFirstLastNameGeoZippedIn](docs/BatchFirstLastNameGeoZippedIn.md)
+ - [BatchFirstLastNameIn](docs/BatchFirstLastNameIn.md)
+ - [BatchFirstLastNameOriginedOut](docs/BatchFirstLastNameOriginedOut.md)
+ - [BatchFirstLastNamePhoneCodedOut](docs/BatchFirstLastNamePhoneCodedOut.md)
+ - [BatchFirstLastNamePhoneNumberGeoIn](docs/BatchFirstLastNamePhoneNumberGeoIn.md)
+ - [BatchFirstLastNamePhoneNumberIn](docs/BatchFirstLastNamePhoneNumberIn.md)
+ - [BatchFirstLastNameUSRaceEthnicityOut](docs/BatchFirstLastNameUSRaceEthnicityOut.md)
+ - [BatchMatchPersonalFirstLastNameIn](docs/BatchMatchPersonalFirstLastNameIn.md)
+ - [BatchNameMatchCandidatesOut](docs/BatchNameMatchCandidatesOut.md)
+ - [BatchNameMatchedOut](docs/BatchNameMatchedOut.md)
+ - [BatchParsedFullNameGeoIn](docs/BatchParsedFullNameGeoIn.md)
+ - [BatchParsedFullNameIn](docs/BatchParsedFullNameIn.md)
+ - [BatchPersonalNameGenderedOut](docs/BatchPersonalNameGenderedOut.md)
+ - [BatchPersonalNameGeoIn](docs/BatchPersonalNameGeoIn.md)
+ - [BatchPersonalNameGeoOut](docs/BatchPersonalNameGeoOut.md)
+ - [BatchPersonalNameIn](docs/BatchPersonalNameIn.md)
+ - [BatchPersonalNameParsedOut](docs/BatchPersonalNameParsedOut.md)
+ - [BillingHistoryOut](docs/BillingHistoryOut.md)
+ - [BillingInfoInOut](docs/BillingInfoInOut.md)
+ - [CacheMetricsOut](docs/CacheMetricsOut.md)
+ - [ClassifierMetricsOut](docs/ClassifierMetricsOut.md)
+ - [CurrenciesOut](docs/CurrenciesOut.md)
+ - [DeployUIOut](docs/DeployUIOut.md)
+ - [ExpectedClassMetricsOut](docs/ExpectedClassMetricsOut.md)
+ - [FeedbackLoopOut](docs/FeedbackLoopOut.md)
+ - [FirstLastNameDiasporaedOut](docs/FirstLastNameDiasporaedOut.md)
+ - [FirstLastNameGenderIn](docs/FirstLastNameGenderIn.md)
+ - [FirstLastNameGenderedOut](docs/FirstLastNameGenderedOut.md)
+ - [FirstLastNameGeoIn](docs/FirstLastNameGeoIn.md)
+ - [FirstLastNameGeoZippedIn](docs/FirstLastNameGeoZippedIn.md)
+ - [FirstLastNameIn](docs/FirstLastNameIn.md)
+ - [FirstLastNameOriginedOut](docs/FirstLastNameOriginedOut.md)
+ - [FirstLastNameOut](docs/FirstLastNameOut.md)
+ - [FirstLastNamePhoneCodedOut](docs/FirstLastNamePhoneCodedOut.md)
+ - [FirstLastNamePhoneNumberGeoIn](docs/FirstLastNamePhoneNumberGeoIn.md)
+ - [FirstLastNamePhoneNumberIn](docs/FirstLastNamePhoneNumberIn.md)
+ - [FirstLastNameUSRaceEthnicityOut](docs/FirstLastNameUSRaceEthnicityOut.md)
+ - [InlineObject](docs/InlineObject.md)
+ - [InvoiceItemOut](docs/InvoiceItemOut.md)
+ - [InvoiceOut](docs/InvoiceOut.md)
+ - [MatchPersonalFirstLastNameIn](docs/MatchPersonalFirstLastNameIn.md)
+ - [NamSorCounterOut](docs/NamSorCounterOut.md)
+ - [NameMatchCandidateOut](docs/NameMatchCandidateOut.md)
+ - [NameMatchCandidatesOut](docs/NameMatchCandidatesOut.md)
+ - [NameMatchedOut](docs/NameMatchedOut.md)
+ - [ParsedFullNameGeoIn](docs/ParsedFullNameGeoIn.md)
+ - [ParsedFullNameIn](docs/ParsedFullNameIn.md)
+ - [PersonalNameGenderedOut](docs/PersonalNameGenderedOut.md)
+ - [PersonalNameGeoIn](docs/PersonalNameGeoIn.md)
+ - [PersonalNameGeoOut](docs/PersonalNameGeoOut.md)
+ - [PersonalNameIn](docs/PersonalNameIn.md)
+ - [PersonalNameParsedOut](docs/PersonalNameParsedOut.md)
+ - [ProperNounCategorizedOut](docs/ProperNounCategorizedOut.md)
+ - [RomanizedNameOut](docs/RomanizedNameOut.md)
+ - [SoftwareVersionOut](docs/SoftwareVersionOut.md)
+ - [SourceDetailedMetricsOut](docs/SourceDetailedMetricsOut.md)
+ - [SourceMetricsOut](docs/SourceMetricsOut.md)
+ - [StripeCardOut](docs/StripeCardOut.md)
+ - [StripeCustomerOut](docs/StripeCustomerOut.md)
+ - [SystemMetricsOut](docs/SystemMetricsOut.md)
+ - [UserInfoOut](docs/UserInfoOut.md)
+## Recommendation
+It's recommended to create an instance of `ApiClient` per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.
+## Author
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 46e8f471..b3e7e11c 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@
- https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator
- OpenAPI Java
+ https://github.com/namsor/namsor-java-sdk2/
+ NamSor OpenAPI Java Client SDKscm:git:git@github.com:openapitools/openapi-generator.gitscm:git:git@github.com:openapitools/openapi-generator.git
@@ -23,6 +24,13 @@
+ NamSor
+ contact@namsor.com
+ NamSor
+ https://www.namsor.com/
+ OpenAPIteam@openapitools.org
@@ -30,7 +38,12 @@
+ ossrh
+ https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots
@@ -159,19 +172,55 @@
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-gpg-plugin
+ 1.5
+ C2DED53433BC8503EB737AF7CBCEA4F2104CD621
+ sign-artifacts
+ verify
+ sign
+ org.sonatype.plugins
+ nexus-staging-maven-plugin
+ 1.6.7
+ true
+ ossrh
+ https://oss.sonatype.org/
+ true
- sign-artifacts
+ sign-artifacts-deployorg.apache.maven.pluginsmaven-gpg-plugin1.5
+ C2DED53433BC8503EB737AF7CBCEA4F2104CD621
+ sign-artifacts
diff --git a/pom.xml.bak b/pom.xml.bak
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..46e8f471
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pom.xml.bak
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+ 4.0.0
+ com.namsor
+ namsor-sdk2
+ jar
+ namsor-sdk2
+ 2.0.12
+ https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator
+ OpenAPI Java
+ scm:git:git@github.com:openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ scm:git:git@github.com:openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator
+ Unlicense
+ https://v2.namsor.com/NamSorAPIv2/assets/pdf/201803_NamSor_API_Terms_v007.pdf
+ repo
+ OpenAPI
+ team@openapitools.org
+ OpenAPI
+ http://openapitools.org
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-enforcer-plugin
+ 3.0.0-M1
+ enforce-maven
+ enforce
+ 2.2.0
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-plugin
+ 2.12
+ loggerPath
+ conf/log4j.properties
+ -Xms512m -Xmx1500m
+ methods
+ pertest
+ maven-dependency-plugin
+ package
+ copy-dependencies
+ ${project.build.directory}/lib
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-jar-plugin
+ 2.2
+ jar
+ test-jar
+ org.codehaus.mojo
+ build-helper-maven-plugin
+ 1.10
+ add_sources
+ generate-sources
+ add-source
+ add_test_sources
+ generate-test-sources
+ add-test-source
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-javadoc-plugin
+ 2.10.4
+ attach-javadocs
+ jar
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-source-plugin
+ 2.2.1
+ attach-sources
+ jar-no-fork
+ sign-artifacts
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-gpg-plugin
+ 1.5
+ sign-artifacts
+ verify
+ sign
+ io.swagger
+ swagger-annotations
+ ${swagger-core-version}
+ com.squareup.okhttp
+ okhttp
+ ${okhttp-version}
+ com.squareup.okhttp
+ logging-interceptor
+ ${okhttp-version}
+ com.google.code.gson
+ gson
+ ${gson-version}
+ io.gsonfire
+ gson-fire
+ ${gson-fire-version}
+ org.apache.oltu.oauth2
+ org.apache.oltu.oauth2.client
+ 1.0.1
+ org.apache.commons
+ commons-lang3
+ ${commons-lang3-version}
+ org.threeten
+ threetenbp
+ ${threetenbp-version}
+ junit
+ junit
+ ${junit-version}
+ test
+ 1.7
+ ${java.version}
+ ${java.version}
+ 1.8.0
+ 1.5.18
+ 2.7.5
+ 2.8.1
+ 3.8.1
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/api/ChineseApi.html
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/api/PersonalApi.html
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@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
PersonalApi (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/api/SocialApi.html
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SocialApi (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/api/class-use/AdminApi.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/api/class-use/AdminApi.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Uses of Class com.namsor.sdk2.api.AdminApi (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/api/class-use/ChineseApi.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/api/class-use/ChineseApi.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Uses of Class com.namsor.sdk2.api.ChineseApi (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
diff --git a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/api/class-use/PersonalApi.html b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/api/class-use/PersonalApi.html
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/api/class-use/PersonalApi.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/api/class-use/PersonalApi.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Uses of Class com.namsor.sdk2.api.PersonalApi (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/api/class-use/SocialApi.html
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@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Uses of Class com.namsor.sdk2.api.SocialApi (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/api/package-summary.html
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com.namsor.sdk2.api (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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com.namsor.sdk2.api Class Hierarchy (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/api/package-use.html
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@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Uses of Package com.namsor.sdk2.api (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/ApiCallback.html
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ApiCallback (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/ApiClient.html
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@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
ApiClient (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/ApiException.html
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@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
ApiException (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/ApiResponse.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/ApiResponse.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
ApiResponse (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/Configuration.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/Configuration.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Configuration (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/JSON.ByteArrayAdapter.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/JSON.ByteArrayAdapter.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
JSON.ByteArrayAdapter (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/JSON.DateTypeAdapter.html
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@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
JSON.DateTypeAdapter (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/JSON.LocalDateTypeAdapter.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/JSON.LocalDateTypeAdapter.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
JSON.LocalDateTypeAdapter (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/JSON.OffsetDateTimeTypeAdapter.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/JSON.OffsetDateTimeTypeAdapter.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
JSON.OffsetDateTimeTypeAdapter (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/JSON.SqlDateTypeAdapter.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/JSON.SqlDateTypeAdapter.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
JSON.SqlDateTypeAdapter (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/JSON.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/JSON.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
JSON (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/Pair.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/Pair.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Pair (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/ProgressRequestBody.ProgressRequestListener.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/ProgressRequestBody.ProgressRequestListener.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
ProgressRequestBody.ProgressRequestListener (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/ProgressRequestBody.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/ProgressRequestBody.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
ProgressRequestBody (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/ProgressResponseBody.ProgressListener.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/ProgressResponseBody.ProgressListener.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
ProgressResponseBody.ProgressListener (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/ProgressResponseBody.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/ProgressResponseBody.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
ProgressResponseBody (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/StringUtil.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/StringUtil.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
StringUtil (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/ApiKeyAuth.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/ApiKeyAuth.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
ApiKeyAuth (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/Authentication.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/Authentication.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Authentication (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/HttpBasicAuth.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/HttpBasicAuth.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
HttpBasicAuth (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/OAuth.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/OAuth.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
OAuth (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/OAuthFlow.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/OAuthFlow.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
OAuthFlow (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/OAuthOkHttpClient.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/OAuthOkHttpClient.html
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OAuthOkHttpClient (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/RetryingOAuth.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/RetryingOAuth.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
RetryingOAuth (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/class-use/ApiKeyAuth.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/class-use/ApiKeyAuth.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Uses of Class com.namsor.sdk2.invoke.auth.ApiKeyAuth (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
diff --git a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/class-use/Authentication.html b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/class-use/Authentication.html
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/class-use/Authentication.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/class-use/Authentication.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Uses of Interface com.namsor.sdk2.invoke.auth.Authentication (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
diff --git a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/class-use/HttpBasicAuth.html b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/class-use/HttpBasicAuth.html
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/class-use/HttpBasicAuth.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/class-use/HttpBasicAuth.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Uses of Class com.namsor.sdk2.invoke.auth.HttpBasicAuth (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
diff --git a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/class-use/OAuth.html b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/class-use/OAuth.html
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/class-use/OAuth.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/class-use/OAuth.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Uses of Class com.namsor.sdk2.invoke.auth.OAuth (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
diff --git a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/class-use/OAuthFlow.html b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/class-use/OAuthFlow.html
index 5fc70912..555ff21a 100644
--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/class-use/OAuthFlow.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/class-use/OAuthFlow.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Uses of Class com.namsor.sdk2.invoke.auth.OAuthFlow (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/class-use/OAuthOkHttpClient.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/class-use/OAuthOkHttpClient.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Uses of Class com.namsor.sdk2.invoke.auth.OAuthOkHttpClient (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
diff --git a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/class-use/RetryingOAuth.html b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/class-use/RetryingOAuth.html
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--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/class-use/RetryingOAuth.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/class-use/RetryingOAuth.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Uses of Class com.namsor.sdk2.invoke.auth.RetryingOAuth (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
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+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/package-summary.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
com.namsor.sdk2.invoke.auth (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
diff --git a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/package-tree.html b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/package-tree.html
index 138203a5..308701e2 100644
--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/package-tree.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/package-tree.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
com.namsor.sdk2.invoke.auth Class Hierarchy (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
diff --git a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/package-use.html b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/package-use.html
index e6375a63..ba487adf 100644
--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/package-use.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/auth/package-use.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Uses of Package com.namsor.sdk2.invoke.auth (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
diff --git a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/class-use/ApiCallback.html b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/class-use/ApiCallback.html
index c9a7b395..2bf2cf55 100644
--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/class-use/ApiCallback.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/class-use/ApiCallback.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Uses of Interface com.namsor.sdk2.invoke.ApiCallback (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
diff --git a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/class-use/ApiClient.html b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/class-use/ApiClient.html
index 36c8d453..6e5f27ad 100644
--- a/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/class-use/ApiClient.html
+++ b/target/apidocs/com/namsor/sdk2/invoke/class-use/ApiClient.html
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Uses of Class com.namsor.sdk2.invoke.ApiClient (namsor-sdk2 2.0.12 API)
@@ -109,15 +109,15 @@