The library has been tested using Agda version 2.6.1.
First instance modules
New standardised numeric predicates
, especially designed to work as instance arguments.
- Fixed various algebraic bundles not correctly re-exporting
Following the study of the closure operator
dual to the□
we originally provided, the set of modules has been reorganised. We have- Added the
closure operator to.Base
- Moved all of the
-related functions in submodules called□
- Added all of the corresponding
-related functions in submodules called◇
- Added the
We also provide functions converting back and forth between
-based and◇
-based statements in.Base
:curry : (∀ {x} → ◇ T x → P x) → (∀ {x} → T x → □ P x) uncurry : (∀ {x} → T x → □ P x) → (∀ {x} → ◇ T x → P x)
argument to_⊜_
has been made implict rather than explicit. -
were rewritten to explicitly useLift
rather that defining new types. This means that these are now compatible with⊥
from the rest of the library. This allowed them to be used in the rest of library where explicitLift
was used.
and all of its submodules have been moved toData.Tree.AVL
The module
has been deprecated. The proofsaccessible
have been moved toRelation.Binary.Construct.On
. -
The proofs
have been deprecated in favour of the proofs in the newAlgebra.Construct.Subst.Equality
module. -
In order to be consistent in usage of \prime character and apostrophe in identifiers, the following three names were deprecated in favor of their replacement that ends with a \prime character.
the typeMorphism A B
were recovered by publicly importing its definition fromFunction.Core
. See discussion in issue #1206. -
:*-+-isSemiring ↦ +-*-isSemiring *-+-isCommutativeSemiring ↦ +-*-isCommutativeSemiring *-+-semiring ↦ +-*-semiring *-+-commutativeSemiring ↦ +-*-commutativeSemiring
:*-+-isSemiring ↦ +-*-isSemiring *-+-isCommutativeSemiring ↦ +-*-isCommutativeSemiring *-+-semiring ↦ +-*-semiring *-+-commutativeSemiring ↦ +-*-commutativeSemiring *-+-isSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero ↦ +-*-isSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero
Instance modules:
Category.Monad.Partiality.Instances Codata.Stream.Instances Codata.Covec.Instances Data.List.Instances Data.List.NonEmpty.Instances Data.Maybe.Instances Data.Vec.Instances Function.Identity.Instances
Symmetric transitive closures of binary relations:
Composition of binary relations:
Type-checking monads
Reflection.TypeChecking.Monad Reflection.TypeChecking.Monad.Categorical Reflection.TypeChecking.Monad.Instances Reflection.TypeChecking.Format
Predicate for lists that are sorted with respect to a total order
Data.List.Relation.Unary.Sorted.TotalOrder Data.List.Relation.Unary.Sorted.TotalOrder.Properties
Substituting the notion of equality for various structures
Algebra.Construct.Subst.Equality Relation.Binary.Construct.Subst.Equality
Consequences for basic morphism properties
Subtraction for binary naturals:
Symmetry of various functional properties
structures forInverse
inFunction.Properties.Inverse Function.Properties.Equivalence
Indexed nullary relations/sets:
Properties for functional vectors:
Generic printf
Text.Format.Generic Text.Printf.Generic
A predicate for vectors in which every pair of elements is related.
Data.Vec.Relation.Unary.AllPairs Data.Vec.Relation.Unary.AllPairs.Properties
A predicate for vectors in which every element is unique.
Data.Vec.Relation.Unary.Unique.Propositional Data.Vec.Relation.Unary.Unique.Propositional.Properties Data.Vec.Relation.Unary.Unique.Setoid Data.Vec.Relation.Unary.Unique.Setoid.Properties
Added new proof to
:<-wellFounded : WellFounded _<_ ```
Added new properties to
:toℕ≤n : (i : Fin n) → toℕ i ℕ.≤ n ≤fromℕ : (i : Fin (ℕ.suc n)) → i ≤ fromℕ n fromℕ<-irrelevant : m ≡ n → (m<o : m ℕ.< o) → (n<o : n ℕ.< o) → fromℕ< m<o ≡ fromℕ< n<o fromℕ<-injective : fromℕ< m<o ≡ fromℕ< n<o → m ≡ n inject₁ℕ< : (i : Fin n) → toℕ (inject₁ i) ℕ.< n inject₁ℕ≤ : (i : Fin n) → toℕ (inject₁ i) ℕ.≤ n ≤̄⇒inject₁< : i' ≤ i → inject₁ i' < suc i ℕ<⇒inject₁< : toℕ i' ℕ.< toℕ i → inject₁ i' < i toℕ-lower₁ : (p : m ≢ toℕ x) → toℕ (lower₁ x p) ≡ toℕ x inject₁≡⇒lower₁≡ : (≢p : n ≢ (toℕ i')) → inject₁ i ≡ i' → lower₁ i' ≢p ≡ i pred< : pred i < i
Added new types and constructors to
:NonZero : Pred ℤ 0ℓ Positive : Pred ℤ 0ℓ Negative : Pred ℤ 0ℓ NonPositive : Pred ℤ 0ℓ NonNegative : Pred ℤ 0ℓ ≢-nonZero : p ≢ 0ℤ → NonZero p >-nonZero : p > 0ℤ → NonZero p <-nonZero : p < 0ℤ → NonZero p positive : p > 0ℤ → Positive p negative : p < 0ℤ → Negative p nonPositive : p ≤ 0ℤ → NonPositive p nonNegative : p ≥ 0ℤ → NonNegative p
Add new properties to
:map-injective : Injective _≡_ _≡_ f → Injective _≡_ _≡_ (map f)
Added new function to
∸-magma : Magma _ _
pred[m∸n]≡m∸[1+n] : pred (m ∸ n) ≡ m ∸ suc n
The module
now re-exportsAcc
. -
Added new functions (proofs) to
+-isSemigroup : IsSemigroup _+_
+-semigroup : Semigroup 0ℓ 0ℓ
+-isCommutativeSemigroup : IsCommutativeSemigroup _+_
+-commutativeSemigroup : CommutativeSemigroup 0ℓ 0ℓ
x≡0⇒double[x]≡0 : x ≡ 0ᵇ → double x ≡ 0ᵇ
double-suc : double (suc x) ≡ 2ᵇ + double x
pred[x]+y≡x+pred[y] : x ≢ 0ᵇ → y ≢ 0ᵇ → (pred x) + y ≡ x + pred y
x+suc[y]≡suc[x]+y : x + suc y ≡ suc x + y
The module
now re-exportsAcc
. -
Added proofs to
:trans-cong : trans (cong f p) (cong f q) ≡ cong f (trans p q) cong₂-reflˡ : cong₂ _∙_ refl p ≡ cong (x ∙_) p cong₂-reflʳ : cong₂ _∙_ p refl ≡ cong (_∙ u) p
Made first argument of
explicit -
Added new functions to
:wordsBy : Decidable P → List A → List (List A) cartesianProductWith : (A → B → C) → List A → List B → List C cartesianProduct : List A → List B → List (A × B)
Added new proofs to
:reverse-injective : reverse xs ≡ reverse ys → xs ≡ ys
Added new proofs to
:∈-cartesianProductWith⁺ : a ∈ xs → b ∈ ys → f a b ∈ cartesianProductWith f xs ys ∈-cartesianProductWith⁻ : v ∈ cartesianProductWith f xs ys → ∃₂ λ a b → a ∈ xs × b ∈ ys × v ≡ f a b ∈-cartesianProduct⁺ : x ∈ xs → y ∈ ys → (x , y) ∈ cartesianProduct xs ys ∈-cartesianProduct⁻ : ∀ xs ys {xy@(x , y) : A × B} → xy ∈ cartesianProduct xs ys → x ∈ xs × y ∈ ys
Added new proofs to
:∈-cartesianProductWith⁺ : a ∈₁ xs → b ∈₂ ys → f a b ∈₃ cartesianProductWith f xs ys ∈-cartesianProductWith⁻ : v ∈₃ cartesianProductWith f xs ys → ∃₂ λ a b → a ∈₁ xs × b ∈₂ ys × v ≈₃ f a b ∈-cartesianProduct⁺ : x ∈₁ xs → y ∈₂ ys → (x , y) ∈₁₂ cartesianProduct xs ys ∈-cartesianProduct⁻ : (x , y) ∈₁₂ cartesianProduct xs ys → x ∈₁ xs
Added new operations to
:tabulateₛ : (S : Setoid a ℓ) → ∀ {xs} → (∀ {x} → x ∈ xs → P x) → All P xs
Added new proofs to
:cartesianProductWith⁺ : (∀ {x y} → x ∈₁ xs → y ∈₂ ys → P (f x y)) → All P (cartesianProductWith f xs ys) cartesianProduct⁺ : (∀ {x y} → x ∈₁ xs → y ∈₂ ys → P (x , y)) → All P (cartesianProduct xs ys)
Added new proofs to
:cartesianProductWith⁺ : (∀ {x y} → P x → Q y → R (f x y)) → Any P xs → Any Q ys → Any R (cartesianProductWith f xs ys) cartesianProductWith⁻ : (∀ {x y} → R (f x y) → P x × Q y) → Any R (cartesianProductWith f xs ys) → Any P xs × Any Q ys cartesianProduct⁺ : Any P xs → Any Q ys → Any (P ⟨×⟩ Q) (cartesianProduct xs ys) cartesianProduct⁻ : Any (P ⟨×⟩ Q) (cartesianProduct xs ys) → Any P xs × Any Q ys reverseAcc⁺ : ∀ acc xs → Any P acc ⊎ Any P xs → Any P (reverseAcc acc xs) reverseAcc⁻ : ∀ acc xs → Any P (reverseAcc acc xs) -> Any P acc ⊎ Any P xs reverse⁺ : Any P xs → Any P (reverse xs) reverse⁻ : Any P (reverse xs) → Any P xs
Added new proofs to
:cartesianProductWith⁺ : (∀ {w x y z} → f w y ≡ f x z → w ≡ x × y ≡ z) → Unique xs → Unique ys → Unique (cartesianProductWith f xs ys) cartesianProduct⁺ : Unique xs → Unique ys → Unique (cartesianProduct xs ys)
Added new proofs to
:cartesianProductWith⁺ : (∀ {w x y z} → f w y ≈₃ f x z → w ≈₁ x × y ≈₂ z) → Unique S xs → Unique T ys → Unique U (cartesianProductWith f xs ys) cartesianProduct⁺ : Unique S xs → Unique T ys → Unique (S ×ₛ T) (cartesianProduct xs ys)
Added new properties to
:↭-empty-inv : xs ↭ [] → xs ≡ [] ¬x∷xs↭[] : ¬ (x ∷ xs ↭ []) ↭-singleton-inv : xs ↭ [ x ] → xs ≡ [ x ] ↭-map-inv : map f xs ↭ ys → ∃ λ ys′ → ys ≡ map f ys′ × xs ↭ ys′ ↭-length : xs ↭ ys → length xs ≡ length ys
Added new proofs to
:map⁻ : Linked R (map f xs) → Linked (λ x y → R (f x) (f y)) xs filter⁺ : Transitive R → Linked R xs → Linked R (filter P? xs)
Added new proofs to
:map-id : map id id ≗ id map₁₂-commute : map₁ f ∘ map₂ g ≗ map₂ g ∘ map₁ f [,]-cong : f ≗ f′ → g ≗ g′ → [ f , g ] ≗ [ f′ , g′ ] [-,]-cong : f ≗ f′ → [ f , g ] ≗ [ f′ , g ] [,-]-cong : g ≗ g′ → [ f , g ] ≗ [ f , g′ ] map-cong : f ≗ f′ → g ≗ g′ → map f g ≗ map f′ g′ map₁-cong : f ≗ f′ → map₁ f ≗ map₁ f′ map₂-cong : g ≗ g′ → map₂ g ≗ map₂ g′
Added new proofs to
:nothing-inv : Pointwise R nothing x → x ≡ nothing just-inv : Pointwise R (just x) y → ∃ λ z → y ≡ just z × R x z
Added new functions to
:wordsBy : Decidable P → String → List String words : String → List String
Added new types and constructors to
:NonZero : ℕ → Set ≢-nonZero : n ≢ 0 → NonZero n >-nonZero : n > 0 → NonZero n
The function
has been redefined aspred n = n ∸ 1
. Consequently proofs aboutpred
are now just special cases of proofs for_∸_
. The change is fully backwards compatible. -
Added new proof to
:¬0-coprimeTo-2+ : ¬ Coprime 0 (2 + n) recompute : .(Coprime n d) → Coprime n d
Add proof to
isCommutativeRing : IsCommutativeRing _≈₂_ _⊕_ _⊛_ ⊝_ 0#₂ 1#₂ →
IsCommutativeRing _≈₁_ _+_ _*_ -_ 0# 1#
Added new types and constructors to
:NonZero : Pred ℚ 0ℓ Positive : Pred ℚ 0ℓ Negative : Pred ℚ 0ℓ NonPositive : Pred ℚ 0ℓ NonNegative : Pred ℚ 0ℓ ≢-nonZero : p ≢ 0ℚ → NonZero p >-nonZero : p > 0ℚ → NonZero p <-nonZero : p < 0ℚ → NonZero p positive : p > 0ℚ → Positive p negative : p < 0ℚ → Negative p nonPositive : p ≤ 0ℚ → NonPositive p nonNegative : p ≥ 0ℚ → NonNegative p
Exposed some proofs in
+-*-isCommutativeRing : IsCommutativeRing _+_ _*_ -_ 0ℚ 1ℚ
+-*-commutativeRing : CommutativeRing 0ℓ 0ℓ
*-zeroˡ : LeftZero 0ℚ _*_
*-zeroʳ : RightZero 0ℚ _*_
*-zero : Zero 0ℚ _*_
Added new types and constructors to
:_≠_ : Rel ℚᵘ 0ℓ NonZero : Pred ℚᵘ 0ℓ Positive : Pred ℚᵘ 0ℓ Negative : Pred ℚᵘ 0ℓ NonPositive : Pred ℚᵘ 0ℓ NonNegative : Pred ℚᵘ 0ℓ ≢-nonZero : p ≠ 0ℚᵘ → NonZero p >-nonZero : p > 0ℚᵘ → NonZero p <-nonZero : p < 0ℚᵘ → NonZero p positive : p > 0ℚᵘ → Positive p negative : p < 0ℚᵘ → Negative p nonPositive : p ≤ 0ℚᵘ → NonPositive p nonNegative : p ≥ 0ℚᵘ → NonNegative p
Added new functions to
:_∘₂_ : (f : {x : A₁} → {y : A₂ x} → (z : B x y) → C z) → (g : (x : A₁) → (y : A₂ x) → B x y) → ((x : A₁) → (y : A₂ x) → C (g x y)) _∘₂′_ : (C → D) → (A → B → C) → (A → B → D)
Added new operator to
:_⇔_ : REL A B ℓ₁ → REL A B ℓ₂ → Set _
Added new functions to
:quotRem : ∀ {n} k → Fin (n ℕ.* k) → Fin k × Fin n opposite : ∀ {n} → Fin n → Fin n
Added new proofs to
:splitAt-< : ∀ m {n} i → (i<m : toℕ i ℕ.< m) → splitAt m {n} i ≡ inj₁ (fromℕ< i<m) splitAt-≥ : ∀ m {n} i → (i≥m : toℕ i ℕ.≥ m) → splitAt m {n} i ≡ inj₂ (reduce≥ i i≥m) inject≤-injective : (n≤m : n ℕ.≤ m) x y → inject≤ x n≤m ≡ inject≤ y n≤m → x ≡ y
Added new proofs to
:unfold-take : ∀ n {m} x (xs : Vec A (n + m)) → take (suc n) (x ∷ xs) ≡ x ∷ take n xs unfold-drop : ∀ n {m} x (xs : Vec A (n + m)) → drop (suc n) (x ∷ xs) ≡ drop n xs lookup-inject≤-take : ∀ m {n} (m≤m+n : m ≤ m + n) (i : Fin m) (xs : Vec A (m + n)) → lookup xs (Fin.inject≤ i m≤m+n) ≡ lookup (take m xs) i
Added new functions to
:length : ∀ {n} → Vector A n → ℕ insert : ∀ {n} → Vector A n → Fin (suc n) → A → Vector A (suc n) updateAt : ∀ {n} → Fin n → (A → A) → Vector A n → Vector A n _++_ : ∀ {m n} → Vector A m → Vector A n → Vector A (m ℕ.+ n) concat : ∀ {m n} → Vector (Vector A m) n → Vector A (n ℕ.* m) _>>=_ : ∀ {m n} → Vector A m → (A → Vector B n) → Vector B (m ℕ.* n) unzipWith : ∀ {n} → (A → B × C) → Vector A n → Vector B n × Vector C n unzip : ∀ {n} → Vector (A × B) n → Vector A n × Vector B n take : ∀ m {n} → Vector A (m ℕ.+ n) → Vector A m drop : ∀ m {n} → Vector A (m ℕ.+ n) → Vector A n reverse : ∀ {n} → Vector A n → Vector A n init : ∀ {n} → Vector A (suc n) → Vector A n last : ∀ {n} → Vector A (suc n) → A transpose : ∀ {m n} → Vector (Vector A n) m → Vector (Vector A m) n
Added new functions to
:reduce : (f : ∀ {x} → P x → B) → All P xs → Vec B n
Added new proofs to
:All-swap : ∀ {xs ys} → All (λ x → All (x ~_) ys) xs → All (λ y → All (_~ y) xs) ys tabulate⁺ : ∀ {f : Fin n → A} → (∀ i → P (f i)) → All P (tabulate f) tabulate⁻ : ∀ {f : Fin n → A} → All P (tabulate f) → (∀ i → P (f i)) drop⁺ : ∀ {n} m {xs} → All P {m + n} xs → All P {n} (drop m xs) take⁺ : ∀ {n} m {xs} → All P {m + n} xs → All P {m} (take m xs)
Added new proofs to
:index-∈-lookup : (i : Fin n) (xs : Vec A n) → Any.index (∈-lookup i xs) ≡ i
These changes should be invisble to current users, but can be useful to authors of large libraries.
was getting large and depended on a lot of other parts of the library, even though its basic functionality did not.Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core
already existed. Added arewhich factor out some of the dependencies.Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Properties Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Algebra