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We will start with the Fed-TCGA-BRCA dataset because it requires no downloading or preprocessing and is very lightweight. Therefore it provides a good introduction to navigating Flamby. This tutorial does not require the use of a GPU.

Dataset example

We do provide users with two dataset abstractions: RawDataset and FedDataset. The recommended one is FedDataset: it is compatible with the rest of the repository's code. This class allows to instantiate either the single-centric version of the dataset using the argument pooled = True, or the different local datasets belonging to each client by providing the client index in the arguments (e.g. center = 2, pooled = False). The arguments train = True and train = False allow to instantiate train or test sets (in both pooled or local cases). We also provide RawDataset objects which are less easy to work with but that should provide all metadata required for experienced users that find the FedDataset abstraction not flexible enough for their specific use-cases.

To instantiate the raw TCGA-BRCA or the Fed-TCGA-BRCA dataset, install FLamby and execute the following lines either in the python console, a notebook or a python script:

from flamby.datasets.fed_tcga_brca import TcgaBrcaRaw, FedTcgaBrca

# Raw dataset
mydataset_raw = TcgaBrcaRaw()

# Pooled test dataset
mydataset_pooled = FedTcgaBrca(train=False, pooled=True)

# Center 2 train dataset
mydataset_local2= FedTcgaBrca(center=2, train=True, pooled=False)

Local training example

Below is an example of how to train the chosen baseline model with default settings on one local train set and evaluate it on all the local test sets:

import torch
from flamby.utils import evaluate_model_on_tests

# 2 lines of code to change to switch to another dataset
from flamby.datasets.fed_tcga_brca import (
from flamby.datasets.fed_tcga_brca import FedTcgaBrca as FedDataset

# Instantiation of local train set (and data loader)), baseline loss function, baseline model, default optimizer
train_dataset = FedDataset(center=0, train=True, pooled=False)
train_dataloader =, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, num_workers=0)
lossfunc = BaselineLoss()
model = Baseline()
optimizer = Optimizer(model.parameters(), lr=LR)

# Traditional pytorch training loop
for epoch in range(0, NUM_EPOCHS_POOLED):
    for idx, (X, y) in enumerate(train_dataloader):
        outputs = model(X)
        loss = lossfunc(outputs, y)

# Evaluation
# Instantiation of a list of the local test sets
test_dataloaders = [
                FedDataset(center=i, train=False, pooled=False),
            for i in range(NUM_CLIENTS)
# Function performing the evaluation
dict_cindex = evaluate_model_on_tests(model, test_dataloaders, metric)

Federated Learning training example

See below an example of how to train a baseline model on the Fed-TCGA-BRCA dataset in a federated way using the FedAvg strategy and evaluate it on the pooled test set:

import torch
from flamby.utils import evaluate_model_on_tests

# 2 lines of code to change to switch to another dataset
from flamby.datasets.fed_tcga_brca import (
from flamby.datasets.fed_tcga_brca import FedTcgaBrca as FedDataset

# 1st line of code to change to switch to another strategy
from flamby.strategies.fed_avg import FedAvg as strat

# We loop on all the clients of the distributed dataset and instantiate associated data loaders
train_dataloaders = [
                FedDataset(center = i, train = True, pooled = False),
                batch_size = BATCH_SIZE,
                shuffle = True,
                num_workers = 0
            for i in range(NUM_CLIENTS)

lossfunc = BaselineLoss()
m = Baseline()

# Federated Learning loop
# 2nd line of code to change to switch to another strategy (feed the FL strategy the right HPs)
args = {
            "training_dataloaders": train_dataloaders,
            "model": m,
            "loss": lossfunc,
            "optimizer_class": torch.optim.SGD,
            "learning_rate": LR / 10.0,
            "num_updates": 100,
# This helper function returns the number of rounds necessary to perform approximately as many
# epochs on each local dataset as with the pooled training
            "nrounds": get_nb_max_rounds(100),
s = strat(**args)
m =[0]

# Evaluation
# We only instantiate one test set in this particular case: the pooled one
test_dataloaders = [
                FedDataset(train = False, pooled = True),
                batch_size = BATCH_SIZE,
                shuffle = False,
                num_workers = 0,
dict_cindex = evaluate_model_on_tests(m, test_dataloaders, metric)

Note that other models and loss functions compatible with the dataset can be used as long as they inherit from torch.nn.Module.

Downloading a dataset

We will follow up on how to download datasets that are not hosted on this repository. We will use the example of Fed-Heart-Disease as its download process is simple and it requires no preprocessing. Please run:

cd flamby/datasets/fed_heart_disease/dataset_creation_scripts
python --output-folder ./heart_disease_dataset

You can instantiate this dataset as you did FedTcgaBrca by executing:

from flamby.datasets.fed_heart_disease import HeartDiseaseRaw, FedHeartDisease
# Raw dataset
mydataset_raw = HeartDiseaseRaw()
# Pooled train dataset
mydataset_pooled = FedHeartDisease(train=True, pooled=True)
# Center 1 train dataset
mydataset_local1= FedHeartDisease(center=1, train=True, pooled=False)

Other datasets downloads and instantiations follow a similar pattern, please find instructions for each of the dataset in their corresponding sections.

Training and evaluation in a pooled setting

To train and evaluate the baseline model for the pooled Heart Disease dataset using a helper script, run:

cd flamby/datasets/fed_heart_disease
python --num-workers-torch 0

Benchmarking FL strategies

The command below allows to reproduce the article's results for a given seed:

  • train a model on the pooled dataset and evaluate it on all test sets (local and pooled)
  • train models on all local datasets and evaluate them on all test sets (local and pooled)
  • train models in a federated way for all FL strategies with associated hyperparameters and evaluate them on all test sets (local and pooled)

The config files given in the repository (flamby/config_*.json) hold the different HPs sets used in the companion article for the FL strategies on the different datasets. The results are stored in the csv file specified either in the config file or with the --results-file-path option.

cd flamby/benchmarks
python --config-file-path ../config_heart_disease.json --results-file-path ./test_res_0.csv --seed 0

FL training and evaluation

In order to train and evaluate the baseline model with a specific FL strategy and associated hyperparameters, one can run the following command (in this case the strategy specific HPs in the config file are ignored and the HPs used are given by the user or take the default values given in this script):

python --strategy FedProx --mu 1.0 --learning_rate 0.05 --config-file-path ../config_heart_disease.json \
 --results-file-path ./test_res1.csv --seed 1