Cryptocheck is a web application that allows the user to convert real and cryptocurrencies to all other real and cryptocurrencies. This web application uses live end points from the poloniex cryptocurrency exchange and a real world currency endpoint. You can visit cryptocheck here
- Choose any real world currency
- Choose any cryptocurrency
- select the value amount of the currency you have selected.
- Receive visual feedback showing if the value has increased or decrease in real time.
- Change your selection at anytime.
Cryptocheck uses:
Open a command line, copy and paste the following. Press enter to excute the last line "npm start" after all of the previous commands have finished. It will take a couple of minutes to install of the necessary files.
git clone
cd cryptocheck
npm install
npm start
One everything has completed open up a brower and go to http://localhost:4200/ and enjoy.
- The ability for new cryptocurrencies to be added at run time.
- Option to swap the values being compared.
- See a graph showing the history of the currency selected.