This is a sample written using Ninja WebSocket library that allows you to make WebSocket connections as a client or to respond to WebSocket requests as a server.
Ninja.WebSockets.DemoServer.exe [pipe|pb|load] [MessageSize] WebSockets.DemoClient.exe uri numThreads numItemsPerThread minNumBytesPerMessage maxNumBytesPerMessage
Ninja.WebSockets.DemoServer.exe pipe 1024 WebSockets.DemoClient.exe ws://localhost:27416/echo 5 1000 1024 1024
Ninja.WebSockets.DemoServer.exe 1024 WebSockets.DemoClient.exe ws://localhost:27416/echo 5 1000 1024 1024
Ninja.WebSockets.DemoServer.exe load WebSockets.DemoClient.exe load
Message Size | Time takesn in Stream (ms) | Time takesn in Pipeline (ms) |
32 | 22 | 23 |
128 | 26 | 26 |
512 | 23 | 26 |
1024 | 26 | 29 |
2048 | 25 | 28 |
4096 | 26 | 27 |
Time is in milliseconds - Time taken for sending test bytes (created as per the inputted maxNumberOfBytesPerMessage) to the server 100 times and receiving them back.
Here I could see Stream performed better in comparison to Pipelines when we have ProtoBuf deserialization also in place in the server.