All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
10.0.1 (2023-01-13)
10.0.0 (2022-01-05)
- use stylelint v14
- use stylelint v14 (66f7b82)
9.0.1 (2021-07-30)
- allow usage of css vars inside rgb(a) and hsl(a) (e28656d)
9.0.0 (2021-01-19)
- stylelint v13.7 or higher is now required
- fix deprecated rules (7ded1e4)
8.1.0 (2020-01-24)
8.0.0 (2020-01-24)
- changed order for margin, padding and border directions
- enforce use of variables for colors (hex, rgb, hsl and named) (#58) (5a93a92)
- promote use of em instead of rem and px in media queries (#57) (7f9deab)
7.2.0 (2020-01-18)
- add compatibility with stylelint 13 (7ac2b72)
7.1.0 (2019-11-19)
7.0.1 (2019-11-19)
7.0.0 (2019-11-18)
- we now enforce the use of css variables on certain properties
- add stylelint-declaration-strict-value and rule for color (f7b0cc0)
6.3.0 (2019-10-12)
- add compatibility with stylelint 11 (1fec158)
6.2.1 (2019-07-25)
6.2.0 (2019-07-09)
- lax empty line rule (b51ce31)
6.1.0 (2019-05-09)
- lax empty line before rules (6dca1ec)
6.0.0 (2019-04-27)
- upgrade to stylelint v10 (5177687)
- upgrade to stylelint v10
5.0.0 (2018-02-25)
4.0.0 (2018-02-01)
- minimum required nodejs version is now v6.0.0
- the order of some longhand properties has changed
3.0.0 (2017-11-14)
- update to stylelint v8 (766ef60)
- this update might break some builds
Also update tooling.