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Symfony Bundle to interact with Lemon Way API


To install this bundle, simply run the following command:

$ composer require mpp/lemon-way-client-bundle


First create a guzzle client:

            base_url: '%env(LEMON_WAY_BASE_URL)%'
                    PSU-Accept-Language: '%env(LEMON_WAY_PSU_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE)%' # optional (default: English)
                    PSU-IP-Address: '%env(LEMON_WAY_PSU_IP_ADRESS)%'
                    PSU-User-Agent: '%env(LEMON_WAY_PSU_USER_AGENT)%' # optional

Then configure this client to be used by the bundle:

    http_client: 'eight_points_guzzle.client.my_lemon_way_client'
    # Generate one from backoffice (Developers > Access Token)
    auth_access_token: '%env(LEMON_WAY_ACCESS_TOKEN)%'
    # SandBox URL :
    # Production URL :
    auth_access_token_url: '%env(LEMON_WAY_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL)%'

(Recommanded) Create the mpp lemon way cache pool in config/packages/cache.yaml:

According to Lemon Way specification:
⚠️ You must not create a token for every API call you perform. We strongly advise you to create one only when your current token has expired, to replace it.

        # ...
        cache.mpp_lemon_way_client: ~

(Optional) If you want to use WebHooks configure the following routes in config/routes/mpp_lemon_way_client.yaml:

    path: /mpp/lemon-way/webhooks # make sure it is the same as defined in Lemonway backoffice
    controller: Mpp\LemonWayClientBundle\Controller\WebHooksController::callbackAction


Here is the mapping of client for each specification name

Group Base path Client Client domain alias
Accounts /v2/accounts LemonWayAccountClient account
MoneyIns /v2/moneyins LemonWayMoneyInClient money_in
MoneyOuts /v2/moneyouts LemonWayMoneyOutClient money_out
P2Ps /v2/p2p LemonWayP2PClient p2p
Refunds /v2/refunds LemonWayRefundClient refund
Disputes /v2/disputes LemonWayDisputeClient dispute


Group Event id Event name
Accounts 8 Account status change
9 Document status change
13 Freeze/unfreeze wallet
MoneyIns 10 MoneyIn : by wire received
11 MoneyIn : by SDD received
12 MoneyIn : by cheque received
17 MoneyIn by SDD canceled
MoneyOuts 15 MoneyOut canceled
Disputes 14 Chargeback received

How to use ?

How to get a specific client ?

Here is a sample controller on how to get a specific client from registry:


namespace App\Controller;

use Mpp\LemonWayClientBundle\Client\LemonWayAccountClient;
use Mpp\LemonWayClientBundle\Client\LemonWayClientRegistryInterface;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;

class ExampleController extends AbstractController
    public function exampleAction(LemonWayClientRegistryInterface $lemonWayClientRegistry)
        // Example with LemonWayAccountClient
        $myClient = $lemonWayClientRegistry->get('account');

    // You can also inject the client directly
    public function exampleAction(LemonWayAccountClient $lemonWayAccountClient)


How to use each clients ?

You'll find an exemple of usage of each client below

How to use webhooks ?

First you must configure the following routes in config/routes/mpp_lemon_way_client.yaml:

    path: /mpp/lemon-way/webhooks # make sure it is the same as defined in Lemonway backoffice
    controller: Mpp\LemonWayClientBundle\Controller\WebHooksController::callbackAction

Then, you can attach to webhooks events in a custom subscriber:


namespace App\Event\Subscriber;

use Mpp\LemonWayClientBundle\Event\WebHooksEvents;
use Mpp\LemonWayClientBundle\Event\AccountStatusChangeEvent;
use Mpp\LemonWayClientBundle\Event\DocumentStatusChangeEvent;
use Mpp\LemonWayClientBundle\Event\FreezeUnfreezeWalletEvent;
use Mpp\LemonWayClientBundle\Event\MoneyInByWireReceivedEvent;
use Mpp\LemonWayClientBundle\Event\MoneyInBySddReceivedEvent;
use Mpp\LemonWayClientBundle\Event\MoneyInByChequeReceivedEvent;
use Mpp\LemonWayClientBundle\Event\MoneyInBySddCanceledEvent;
use Mpp\LemonWayClientBundle\Event\MoneyOutCanceledEvent;
use Mpp\LemonWayClientBundle\Event\ChargebackReceivedEvent;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;

class LemonWayWebHooksEventSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
    public static function getSubscribedEvents()
        return [
            WebHooksEvents::ACCOUNT_STATUS_CHANGE => [
                ['handleAccountStatusChangeEvent', 0],
            WebHooksEvents::DOCUMENT_STATUS_CHANGE => [
                ['handleDocumentStatusChangeEvent', 0],
            WebHooksEvents::FREEZE_UNFREEZE_WALLET => [
                ['handleFreezeUnfreezeWalletEvent', 0],
            WebHooksEvents::MONEY_IN_BY_WIRE_RECEIVED => [
                ['handleMoneyInByWireReceivedEvent', 0],
            WebHooksEvents::MONEY_IN_BY_SDD_RECEIVED => [
                ['handleMoneyInBySddReceivedEvent', 0],
            WebHooksEvents::MONEY_IN_BY_CHEQUE_RECEIVED => [
                ['handleMoneyInByChequeReceivedEvent', 0],
            WebHooksEvents::MONEY_IN_BY_SDD_CANCELED => [
                ['handleMoneyInBySddCanceledEvent', 0],
            WebHooksEvents::MONEY_OUT_CANCELED => [
                ['handleMoneyOutCanceledEvent', 0],
            WebHooksEvents::CHARGEBACK_RECEIVED => [
                ['handleChargebackReceivedEvent', 0],

    public function handleAccountStatusChangeEvent(AccountStatusChangeEvent $event)
        // Do something

    public function handleDocumentStatusChangeEvent(DocumentStatusChangeEvent $event)
        // Do something

    public function handleFreezeUnfreezeWalletEvent(FreezeUnfreezeWalletEvent $event)
        // Do something

    public function handleMoneyInByWireReceivedEvent(MoneyInByWireReceivedEvent $event)
        // Do something

    public function handleMoneyInBySddReceivedEvent(MoneyInBySddReceivedEvent $event)
        // Do something

    public function handleMoneyInByChequeReceivedEvent(MoneyInByChequeReceivedEvent $event)
        // Do something

    public function handleMoneyInBySddCanceledEvent(MoneyInBySddCanceledEvent $event)
        // Do something

    public function handleMoneyOutCanceledEvent(MoneyOutCanceledEvent $event)
        // Do something

    public function handleChargebackReceivedEvent(ChargebackReceivedEvent $event)
        // Do something


Update the environment variables in phpunit.xml.dist:

<!-- ... -->
    <!-- ... -->
    <env name="APP_ENV" value="test" />
    <env name="LEMON_WAY_BASE_URL" value="" />
    <env name="LEMON_WAY_AUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" value="" />
    <env name="LEMON_WAY_AUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL" value="" />
    <!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->

Then, use the following commands if you want to run the tests suite

$ make composer-install # once

$ make phpunit


  • Find a way to better handle ApiResponse by remplacing the $classNameMapping argument of requestAndPopulate -> For example by creating model object for each client response to simplify deserialization, so, LemonWayMoneyInClient::getAccountCards() method return a GetAccountCardsApiResponse instead of an array
  • Implement tests