-The related entry feature is enabled by default by the package option \opt{related} from \secref{use:opt:pre:gen}. The related information entry data from the related entries is included via a \cmd{usebibmacro\{related\}} call. Standard styles call this macro towards the end of each driver. Style authors should ensure the existence of (or take note of existing) localisation strings which are useful as values for the \bibfield{relatedtype} field, such as \texttt{translationof} or perhaps \texttt{translatedas}. A plural variant can be identified with the localisation key \prm{relatedtype}\texttt{s}. This key's corresponding string is printed whenever more than one entry is specified in \bibfield{related}. Bibliography macros and formatting directives for printing entries related by \prm{relatedtype} should be defined using the name \texttt{related:\prm{relatedtype}}. The file \path{biblatex.def} contains macros and formats for some common relation types which can be used as templates. In particular, the \cmd{entrydata*} command is essential in such macros in order to make the data of the related entries available. Examples of entries using this feature can be found in the \biblatex distribution examples file \path{biblatex-examples.bib}. There are some specific formatting macros for this feature which control delimiters and separators in related entry information, see \secref{aut:fmt:fmt}.
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