A multiway tree is composed of a root element and a (possibly empty) set of successors which are multiway trees themselves. A multiway tree is never empty. The set of successor trees is sometimes called a forest.
The code to represent these (also available in mtree/src/lib.rs) is somewhat simpler than the code for binary trees, partly because we don't separate classes for nodes and terminators, and partly because we don't need the restriction that the value type be ordered. Also, for simplicity, we suppose the information in the nodes is a single letter.
/// Multiway Tree
pub struct MTree {
value: char,
children: Vec<MTree>,
impl MTree {
/// Creates a leaf node
pub fn leaf(value: char) -> Self {
MTree::node(value, vec![])
/// Creates a node with children
pub fn node(value: char, children: Vec<MTree>) -> Self {
MTree {
value: value,
children: vec![],
The example tree is, thus:
MTree::node('f', vec![MTree::leaf('g')]),
MTree::node('b', vec![MTree::leaf('d'), MTree::leaf('e')])
Omitted; our tree representation will only allow well-formed trees.
P70C (*) Count the nodes of a multiway tree.
Write a function node_count()
which counts the nodes of a given multiway tree.
Example: examples/node_count.rs
let tree = MTree::node('a', vec![MTree::leaf('f')]);
println!("node count = {}", node_count(&tree));
P70C $ cargo run -q --example node_count
node count = 2
P70 (**) Tree construction from a node string.
We suppose that the nodes of a multiway tree contain single characters. In the depth-first order sequence of its nodes, a special character ^ has been inserted whenever, during the tree traversal, the move is a backtrack to the previous level.
By this rule, the tree in the figure above is represented as:
Define the syntax of the string and write a function str_to_tree()
to construct an MTree from a String. Also write the reverse function tree_to_str()
Example: examples/str_to_tree.rs
let s = "afg^^c^bd^e^^^";
println!("{:?}", str_to_tree(s));
P70 $ cargo run -q --example str_to_tree
MTree { value: 'a', children: [MTree { value: 'f', children: [MTree { value: 'g', children: [] }] }, MTree { value: 'c', children: [] }, MTree { value: 'b', children: [MTree { value: 'd', children: [] }, MTree { value: 'e', children: [] }] }] }
Example: examples/tree_to_str.rs
let tree = MTree::node(
MTree::node('f', vec![MTree::leaf('g')]),
MTree::node('b', vec![MTree::leaf('d'), MTree::leaf('e')]),
println!("{}", tree_to_str(&tree));
P70 $ cargo run -q --example tree_to_str
P71 (*) Determine the internal path length of a tree.
We define the internal path length of a multiway tree as the total sum of the path lengths from the root to all nodes of the tree. By this definition, the tree in the figure of problem P70 has an internal path length of 9. Write a function internal_path_length()
to return that sum.
Example: examples/internal_path_length.rs
println!("{}", internal_path_length(&str_to_tree("afg^^c^bd^e^^^")));
P71 $ cargo run -q --example internal_path_length
P72 (*) Construct the postorder sequence of the tree nodes.
Write a function postorder()
which constructs the postorder sequence of the nodes of a multiway tree. The result should be a vector.
Example: examples/postorder.rs
let tree = str_to_tree("afg^^c^bd^e^^^");
println!("{:?}", postorder(&tree));
P72 $ cargo run -q --example postorder
['g', 'f', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'b', 'a']
P73 (**) Lisp-like tree representation.
There is a particular notation for multiway trees in Lisp. Lisp is a prominent functional programming language. In Lisp almost everything is a list.
Our example tree would be represented in Lisp as (a (f g) c (b d e)). The following pictures give some more examples.
Note that in the "lispy" notation a node with successors (children) in the tree is always the first element in a list, followed by its children. The "lispy" representation of a multiway tree is a sequence of atoms and parentheses '(' and ')', with the atoms separated by spaces. We can represent this syntax as a string. Write a function lispy_tree()
which constructs a "lispy string" from an MTree.
Example: examples/lispy_tree.rs
let tree = MTree::node(
MTree::node('f', vec![MTree::leaf('g')]),
MTree::node('b', vec![MTree::leaf('d'), MTree::leaf('e')]),
println!("{}", lispy_tree(&tree));
P73 $ cargo run -q --example lispy_tree
(a (f g) c (b d e))
As a second, even more interesting, exercise try to write a function that takes a "lispy" string and turns it into a multiway tree.
Hint: Can you define a BNF syntax for "lispy" string?
Example: examples/lispy_str_to_tree.rs
let s = "(a (f g) c (b d e))";
println!("{:?}", lispy_str_to_tree(&s));
P73 $ cargo run -q --example lispy_str_to_tree
MTree { value: 'a', children: [MTree { value: 'f', children: [MTree { value: 'g', children: [] }] }, MTree { value: 'c', children: [] }, MTree { value: 'b', children: [MTree { value: 'd', children: [] }, MTree { value: 'e', children: [] }] }] }