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Typescript: Type of Action Parameter in Union #2150

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Since I've been picking up some of the TS work, I can pitch in.

Both MST and TS are doing the right thing. In updateItemPayload, item.updatePayload is going to be of this type:

type F = ((payload: boolean[][]) => void) | ((payload: string) => void)

It doesn't know which of those two the function is, so what happens if we give F a string and the underlying instance is actually the function that takes a boolean[][]? That's why you're seeing boolean[][] & string, because if the payload you're providing is both possible types at the same time, it'll work for all members of the union. A simplified version of this in the TS playground:

Given your example, you'd unfortunately have to narrow bot…

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Answer selected by coolsoftwaretyler

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help/PR welcome Help/Pull request from contributors to fix the issue is welcome Typescript Issue related to Typescript typings
3 participants
Converted from issue

This discussion was converted from issue #1371 on February 24, 2024 23:11.