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283 lines (195 loc) · 13.2 KB

Arkime Parliament

Arkime Parliament is a Vue.js web app to view and monitor multiple Arkime clusters.

This project was generated with Vue CLI.

What is Parliament and how can I use it?

The Parliament dashboard contains a grouped list of your Arkime clusters with links, ES health, and issues for each. You can search for Arkimes in your Parliament, change the data refresh time (15 seconds is the default), and hover over issues and ES health statuses for more information.

Parliament Page

The main Parliament page allows any user in the users database to view Arkimes in your Parliament. If a user has a parliamentUser or parliamentAdmin role assigned they can interact with the Arkimes in your Parliament. These users can acknowledge and ignore issues for each cluster. A user with a parliamentAdmin role assigned can also update the Parliament when in Edit Mode. To enter this mode, toggle the switch on the top right (below the navbar). Now you can add, update, delete, or reorder groups and clusters in your Parliament.

Issues Page

The issues page contains a list of issues that your Parliament is experiencing. Here, you can ignore, acknowledge, and remove acknowledged issues if you are a parliamentUser.

Acknowledged issues will not show up on the main Parliament page, but will remain here (but grayed out) to be removed (via the trashcan button or waiting 15 minutes for them to be removed automatically).

Ignored issues will not show up on the main Parliament page, but will remain here (but grayed out) to be unignored (via the ignore dropdown button or automatically after the set ignore time has expired).

Settings Page

If you are a parliamentAdmin, you can view and edit the Parliament settings. The settings page has 3 sections as described below:

General: this section has a few settings that pertain to issues in your Parliament.

  1. The capture nodes must check in this often setting controls how behind a node's cluster's timestamp can be from the current time. If the timestamp exceeds this time setting, an Out Of Date issue is added to the cluster. The default for this setting is 30 seconds.
  2. The Elasticsearch query timeout setting controls the maximum Elasticsearch status query duration. If the query exceeds this time setting, an ES Down issue is added to the cluster. The default for this setting is 5 seconds.
  3. The Low Packets Threshold setting controls the minimum number of packets that the capture node must receive. If the capture node is not receiving enough packets, a Low Packets issue is added to the cluster. You can set this value to -1 to ignore this issue altogether. This setting also includes a time range for how long this problem must persist before adding an issue to the cluster. The default for this setting is 0 packets for 10 seconds.
  4. The remove all issues after setting controls when an issue is removed if it has not occurred again. The issue is removed from the cluster after this time expires as long as the issue has not occurred again. The default for this setting is 60 minutes.
  5. The remove acknowledged issues after setting controls when an acknowledged issue is removed. The issue is removed from the cluster after this time expires (so you don't have to remove issues manually with the trashcan button). The default for this setting is 15 minutes.

Auth (v4): Here you can configure Parliament access using the Arkime User's database. See the Arkime User Authentication section for more information.

Notifiers: this section provides the ability to configure alerts for your Parliament. Users can be alerted via:

  1. Slack
  2. Twilio
  3. Email

Each different notifier can alert on different types of issues.

Running from RPM/DEB

If using a prepackaged version of Arkime, use "Configure --parliament" to setup. It will use port 8008 by default.

It is meant to sit behind a reverse proxy such as apache, with config like the following added.

ProxyPassMatch   ^/$ http://localhost:8008/parliament retry=0
ProxyPass        /parliament/ http://localhost:8008/parliament/ retry=0

Install Dependencies

The app uses dependencies that are all bundled and minified using webpack via npm run build. This compiles the application into an output directory, in this case parliament/vueapp/dist. This is done automatically when starting the application with npm start.

The app uses a number of node.js tools for initialization. You must have node.js and its package manager (npm) installed. You can get them from

In the parliament app directory, execute:

npm install

You should find that you have a new folder:

  • node_modules - contains the npm packages for the dependencies

Run the Application


To start the app for production, simply run:

npm start -s -- -c ./absolute/path/to/config.ini

This command starts the app and passes in the config file location. It also bundles the application files into the parliament/vueapp/dist folder.

Important: when using npm start the leading --, before the parameters is essential.

You can also run the app by building then starting the app. Like so:

  • Move to the top level Arkime directory
  • run npm run parliament:build
  • Move to the parliament directory
  • run node server.js -c ./absolute/path/to/config.ini

The parameters are defined as follows:

Parameter Default Description
-c, --config /opt/arkime/etc/parliament.ini Path to the config file
--port 8008 Deprecated! Must supply this in the config file (see Port for the web app to listen on.
--key EMPTY Deprecated! Must supply this in the config file (see Private certificate to use for https, if not set then http will be used. certfile must also be set.
--cert EMPTY Deprecated! Must supply this in the config file (see Public certificate to use for https, if not set then http will be used. keyFile must also be set.

Important: Upgrading from v4 to v5 requires port/key/cert parameters to be included in the config file, not supplied as command line arguments!

Now browse to the app at http://localhost:8008 (or whichever port you included in the config file).

Arkime User Authentication

You can configure Parliament access using the Auth section on the Settings page (v4) or the config file (v5). Auth uses the Arkime User's database for Parliament access.

Note: When upgrading form v4 to v5, Auth settings configured in the UI will be automatically transferred to the config file.

  • All Arkime users can view the Parliament.
  • Users with the "parliamentUser" role can ack, ignore, and delete issues within the Parliament.
  • Users with the "parliamentAdmin" role can do everything a "parliamentUser" can, plus they can configure the Parliament by adding/removing/updating groups/clusters and manage the Parliament settings.


To start the app for development and testing:

  • Move to the top level Arkime directory
  • run npm run parliament:dev

This command starts the app with the necessary config options set (-c ../parliament/parliament.ini) and bundles the unminified application files into the parliament/vueapp/dist folder.

npm run parliament:dev uses webpack to package the files then watches for changes to relevant files, and re-bundles the app after each save.

Now browse to the app at http://localhost:8008.

Further help with running the application

For a detailed explanation on how things work, check out the vue webpack guide and docs for vue-loader.


Check out our contributing guide for more information about contributing to Arkime.

Before submitting a pull request with your contribution, please move to the top level Arkime directory and run npm run lint, and correct any errors. This runs eslint, a static code analysis tool for finding problematic patterns or code that doesn’t adhere to our style guidelines. Check out parliament/.eslintrc.js to view this project's rules.

Please use a fork to submit a pull request for your contribution.

Parliament Definition

parliament.json (or whatever you supply as file= in the config when starting Parliament) is the file that describes your parliament. You can create this by hand or use the Parliament UI to create, edit, and delete groups and clusters. View the supplied parliament.example.json to view an example parliament configuration.


parliament.issues.json will be created to store issues pertaining to the clusters in your parliament.

Parliament model:
{                   // parliament object
  version: x,       // version (number)
  groups: [ ... ],  // list of groups in the parliament
  settings: {       // parliament settings
    general: {      // general settings

      // capture nodes need to check in at least this often (number of seconds)
      // if a capture node has not checked in, an Out Of Date issue will be added to the node's cluster
      outOfDate: 30,

      // Elasticsearch query timeout (number of seconds)
      // Aborts the queries and adds an ES Down issue if no response is received
      esQueryTimeout: 5,

      // Remove all issues after (number of minutes)
      // Removes issues that have not been seen again after the specified time
      removeIssuesAfter: 60,

      // Remove acknowledged issues after (number of minutes)
      // Removes acknowledged issues that have not been seen again after the specified time
      removeAcknowledgedAfter: 15

    notifiers: {    // notifiers (defined in parliament/notifiers/provider.notifme.js)
      notifierX: {  // notifier (object)

        // name of the notifier displayed in the UI (string)
        name: 'slack',

        // turns on/off this notifier (boolean)
        on: false,

        // fields necessary to notify via this notifier (object)
        // (defined in parliament/notifiers/provider.notifme.js)
        fields: {},

        // which issues to alert on via this notifier (object)
        alerts: {}

Group model:
{                                   // group object
  title: 'Group Title',             // group title (string, *required)
  description: 'Group description', // group description (string)
  clusters: [ ... ]                 // list of clusters in the group
Cluster model:
{ // cluster object

  // cluster title (string, *required)
  title: 'Cluster title',

  // cluster description (string)
  description: 'Cluster description',

  // cluster external url for links in the UI (string, *required)
  url: '',

  // cluster local url for fetching health/stats data (string, defaults to url if not supplied)
  localUrl: 'https://localhost:port',

  // which type of cluster this is. types include:
  // noAlerts - no alerts, stats, health, link to cluster
  // multiviewer - no alerts, no stats, health, link to cluster
  // disabled - no alerts, no stats, no health, no link to cluster
  // (defaults to undefined)
  type: 'multiviewer',

  // whether to hide delta bytes per second stats (defaults to false)
  hideDeltaBPS: false,

  // whether to hide delta packet drops per second (defaults to false)
  hideDeltaTDPS: false,

  // whether to hide number of nodes (defaults to false)
  hideDataNodes: false,

  // whether to hide the total number of nodes (defaults to false)
  hideTotalNodes: false

Issue model:
{ // issue object

  // the type of issue: esDown, esRed, esDropped, outOfDate, or noPackets (string)
  type: 'esDown',

  // the specific error encountered (string)
  value: 'Error: Issue Error',

  // human readable text to describe the type of issue (string)
  text: 'ES is down',

  // human readable title to be displayed in the UI instead of type (string)
  title: 'ES Down',

  // how severe the issue is: red or yellow (string)
  severity: 'red',

  // the ID of the cluster that the issue pertains to (string)
  clusterId: '1',

  // more verbose info to be displayed in the UI (string)
  // concatenation of issue title and value
  message: 'ES is down: Error: Issue error',

  // time that the issue was first noticed in ms (number)
  firstNoticed: 1234567890,

  // time that the issue was last noticed in ms (number)
  lastNoticed: 1234567890,

  // time that parliament issued an alert in ms (number)
  alerted: 1234567890,

  // time that the issue was acknowledged by a user in ms (number)
  acknowledged: 1234567890,

  // time that the issue will be ignored until in ms (number)
  // once the current time has passed this value, the issue will alert again
  ignoreUntil: 1234567890