Explore these recommended books to enhance your understanding :
"Calculus Online Textbook" by Prof. Gilbert Strang (MIT) Corresponding course page Calculus Course MIT
"Convex Optimization" by Stephen Boyd and Lieven Vandenberghe
Course to deepen your knowledge:
- "IITM NPTEL Course: Data Science for Engineers" Single Variablle Optimization for Data Science
- " NPTEL Course:Optimization for Machine Learning" Optimisation for Machine Learning: Theory and Implementation (Hindi)
Review these comprehensive notes to reinforce your grasp :
- "Harvard Calculus Course Notes " As suggested by Arjun Suresh (Gate Overflow): Sufficient for GATE
- "Optimization Notes COL774 IIT DELHI" By Prof. Parag Singla IIT DELHI - COL774 Course
Read insightful articles to gain additional insights:
"Khan Academy Caculus" A comprehensive resource for calculus theory and its applications.
Test your knowledge and skills with these practice problems:
NOC:Essential Mathematics for Machine Learning, IIT Roorkee Week 5 and Week 6 Assignments of the course.
Paul's Online Notes Practice Problems - Optimization simple Optimization problems with solutions.
Paul's Online Notes Practice Problems - Calculus Calculus problems with solutions.