- ARROW-112 - [C++] Style fix for constants/enums
- ARROW-202 - [C++] Integrate with appveyor ci for windows support and get arrow building on windows
- ARROW-220 - [C++] Build conda artifacts in a build environment with better cross-linux ABI compatibility
- ARROW-224 - [C++] Address static linking of boost dependencies
- ARROW-230 - Python: Do not name modules like native ones (i.e. rename pyarrow.io)
- ARROW-239 - [Python] HdfsFile.read called with no arguments should read remainder of file
- ARROW-261 - [C++] Refactor BinaryArray/StringArray classes to not inherit from ListArray
- ARROW-275 - Add tests for UnionVector in Arrow File
- ARROW-294 - [C++] Do not use fopen / fclose / etc. methods for memory mapped file implementation
- ARROW-322 - [C++] Do not build HDFS IO interface optionally
- ARROW-323 - [Python] Opt-in to PyArrow parquet build rather than skipping silently on failure
- ARROW-334 - [Python] OS X rpath issues on some configurations
- ARROW-337 - UnionListWriter.list() is doing more than it should, this can cause data corruption
- ARROW-339 - Make merge_arrow_pr script work with Python 3
- ARROW-340 - [C++] Opening a writeable file on disk that already exists does not truncate to zero
- ARROW-342 - Set Python version on release
- ARROW-345 - libhdfs integration doesn't work for Mac
- ARROW-346 - Python API Documentation
- ARROW-348 - [Python] CMake build type should be configurable on the command line
- ARROW-349 - Six is missing as a requirement in the python setup.py
- ARROW-351 - Time type has no unit
- ARROW-354 - Connot compare an array of empty strings to another
- ARROW-357 - Default Parquet chunk_size of 64k is too small
- ARROW-358 - [C++] libhdfs can be in non-standard locations in some Hadoop distributions
- ARROW-362 - Python: Calling to_pandas on a table read from Parquet leaks memory
- ARROW-371 - Python: Table with null timestamp becomes float in pandas
- ARROW-375 - columns parameter in parquet.read_table() raises KeyError for valid column
- ARROW-384 - Align Java and C++ RecordBatch data and metadata layout
- ARROW-386 - [Java] Respect case of struct / map field names
- ARROW-387 - [C++] arrow::io::BufferReader does not permit shared memory ownership in zero-copy reads
- ARROW-390 - C++: CMake fails on json-integration-test with ARROW_BUILD_TESTS=OFF
- ARROW-392 - Fix string/binary integration tests
- ARROW-393 - [JAVA] JSON file reader fails to set the buffer size on String data vector
- ARROW-395 - Arrow file format writes record batches in reverse order.
- ARROW-398 - [Java] Java file format requires bitmaps of all 1's to be written when there are no nulls
- ARROW-399 - [Java] ListVector.loadFieldBuffers ignores the ArrowFieldNode length metadata
- ARROW-400 - [Java] ArrowWriter writes length 0 for Struct types
- ARROW-401 - [Java] Floating point vectors should do an approximate comparison in integration tests
- ARROW-402 - [Java] "refCnt gone negative" error in integration tests
- ARROW-403 - [JAVA] UnionVector: Creating a transfer pair doesn't transfer the schema to destination vector
- ARROW-404 - [Python] Closing an HdfsClient while there are still open file handles results in a crash
- ARROW-405 - [C++] Be less stringent about finding include/hdfs.h in HADOOP_HOME
- ARROW-406 - [C++] Large HDFS reads must utilize the set file buffer size when making RPCs
- ARROW-408 - [C++/Python] Remove defunct conda recipes
- ARROW-414 - [Java] "Buffer too large to resize to ..." error
- ARROW-420 - Align Date implementation between Java and C++
- ARROW-421 - [Python] Zero-copy buffers read by pyarrow::PyBytesReader must retain a reference to the parent PyBytes to avoid premature garbage collection issues
- ARROW-422 - C++: IPC should depend on rapidjson_ep if RapidJSON is vendored
- ARROW-429 - git-archive SHA-256 checksums are changing
- ARROW-433 - [Python] Date conversion is locale-dependent
- ARROW-434 - Segfaults and encoding issues in Python Parquet reads
- ARROW-435 - C++: Spelling mistake in if(RAPIDJSON_VENDORED)
- ARROW-437 - [C++] clang compiler warnings from overridden virtual functions
- ARROW-445 - C++: arrow_ipc is built before arrow/ipc/Message_generated.h was generated
- ARROW-447 - Python: Align scalar/pylist string encoding with pandas' one.
- ARROW-455 - [C++] BufferOutputStream dtor does not call Close()
- ARROW-469 - C++: Add option so that resize doesn't decrease the capacity
- ARROW-481 - [Python] Fix Python 2.7 regression in patch for PARQUET-472
- ARROW-486 - [C++] arrow::io::MemoryMappedFile can't be casted to arrow::io::FileInterface
- ARROW-487 - Python: ConvertTableToPandas segfaults if ObjectBlock::Write fails
- ARROW-494 - [C++] When MemoryMappedFile is destructed, memory is unmapped even if buffer referecnes still exist
- ARROW-499 - Update file serialization to use streaming serialization format
- ARROW-505 - [C++] Fix compiler warnings in release mode
- ARROW-511 - [Python] List[T] conversions not implemented for single arrays
- ARROW-513 - [C++] Fix Appveyor build
- ARROW-519 - [C++] Missing vtable in libarrow.dylib on Xcode 6.4
- ARROW-523 - Python: Account for changes in PARQUET-834
- ARROW-533 - [C++] arrow::TimestampArray / TimeArray has a broken constructor
- ARROW-535 - [Python] Add type mapping for NPY_LONGLONG
- ARROW-537 - [C++] StringArray/BinaryArray comparisons may be incorrect when values with non-zero length are null
- ARROW-540 - [C++] Fix build in aftermath of ARROW-33
- ARROW-543 - C++: Lazily computed null_counts counts number of non-null entries
- ARROW-544 - [C++] ArrayLoader::LoadBinary fails for length-0 arrays
- ARROW-545 - [Python] Ignore files without .parq or .parquet prefix when reading directory of files
- ARROW-548 - [Python] Add nthreads option to pyarrow.Filesystem.read_parquet
- ARROW-551 - C++: Construction of Column with nullptr Array segfaults
- ARROW-556 - [Integration] Can not run Integration tests if different cpp build path
- ARROW-561 - Update java & python dependencies to improve downstream packaging experience
- ARROW-189 - C++: Use ExternalProject to build thirdparty dependencies
- ARROW-191 - Python: Provide infrastructure for manylinux1 wheels
- ARROW-328 - [C++] Return shared_ptr by value instead of const-ref?
- ARROW-330 - [C++] CMake functions to simplify shared / static library configuration
- ARROW-333 - Make writers update their internal schema even when no data is written.
- ARROW-335 - Improve Type apis and toString() by encapsulating flatbuffers better
- ARROW-336 - Run Apache Rat in Travis builds
- ARROW-338 - [C++] Refactor IPC vector "loading" and "unloading" to be based on cleaner visitor pattern
- ARROW-350 - Add Kerberos support to HDFS shim
- ARROW-355 - Add tests for serialising arrays of empty strings to Parquet
- ARROW-356 - Add documentation about reading Parquet
- ARROW-360 - C++: Add method to shrink PoolBuffer using realloc
- ARROW-361 - Python: Support reading a column-selection from Parquet files
- ARROW-365 - Python: Provide Array.to_pandas()
- ARROW-366 - [java] implement Dictionary vector
- ARROW-374 - Python: clarify unicode vs. binary in API
- ARROW-379 - Python: Use setuptools_scm/setuptools_scm_git_archive to provide the version number
- ARROW-380 - [Java] optimize null count when serializing vectors.
- ARROW-382 - Python: Extend API documentation
- ARROW-396 - Python: Add pyarrow.schema.Schema.equals
- ARROW-409 - Python: Change pyarrow.Table.dataframe_from_batches API to create Table instead
- ARROW-411 - [Java] Move Intergration.compare and Intergration.compareSchemas to a public utils class
- ARROW-423 - C++: Define BUILD_BYPRODUCTS in external project to support non-make CMake generators
- ARROW-425 - Python: Expose a C function to convert arrow::Table to pyarrow.Table
- ARROW-426 - Python: Conversion from pyarrow.Array to a Python list
- ARROW-430 - Python: Better version handling
- ARROW-432 - [Python] Avoid unnecessary memory copy in to_pandas conversion by using low-level pandas internals APIs
- ARROW-450 - Python: Fixes for PARQUET-818
- ARROW-457 - Python: Better control over memory pool
- ARROW-458 - Python: Expose jemalloc MemoryPool
- ARROW-463 - C++: Support jemalloc 4.x
- ARROW-466 - C++: ExternalProject for jemalloc
- ARROW-468 - Python: Conversion of nested data in pd.DataFrames to/from Arrow structures
- ARROW-474 - Create an Arrow streaming file fomat
- ARROW-479 - Python: Test for expected schema in Pandas conversion
- ARROW-485 - [Java] Users are required to initialize VariableLengthVectors.offsetVector before calling VariableLengthVectors.mutator.getSafe
- ARROW-490 - Python: Update manylinux1 build scripts
- ARROW-524 - [java] provide apis to access nested vectors and buffers
- ARROW-525 - Python: Add more documentation to the package
- ARROW-529 - Python: Add jemalloc and Python 3.6 to manylinux1 build
- ARROW-546 - Python: Account for changes in PARQUET-867
- ARROW-553 - C++: Faster valid bitmap building
- ARROW-108 - [C++] Add IPC round trip for union types
- ARROW-221 - Add switch for writing Parquet 1.0 compatible logical types
- ARROW-227 - [C++/Python] Hook arrow_io generic reader / writer interface into arrow_parquet
- ARROW-228 - [Python] Create an Arrow-cpp-compatible interface for reading bytes from Python file-like objects
- ARROW-243 - [C++] Add "driver" option to HdfsClient to choose between libhdfs and libhdfs3 at runtime
- ARROW-303 - [C++] Also build static libraries for leaf libraries
- ARROW-312 - [Python] Provide Python API to read/write the Arrow IPC file format
- ARROW-317 - [C++] Implement zero-copy Slice method on arrow::Buffer that retains reference to parent
- ARROW-33 - C++: Implement zero-copy array slicing
- ARROW-332 - [Python] Add helper function to convert RecordBatch to pandas.DataFrame
- ARROW-363 - Set up Java/C++ integration test harness
- ARROW-369 - [Python] Add ability to convert multiple record batches at once to pandas
- ARROW-373 - [C++] Implement C++ version of JSON file format for testing
- ARROW-377 - Python: Add support for conversion of Pandas.Categorical
- ARROW-381 - [C++] Simplify primitive array type builders to use a default type singleton
- ARROW-383 - [C++] Implement C++ version of ARROW-367 integration test validator
- ARROW-389 - Python: Write Parquet files to pyarrow.io.NativeFile objects
- ARROW-394 - Add integration tests for boolean, list, struct, and other basic types
- ARROW-410 - [C++] Add Flush method to arrow::io::OutputStream
- ARROW-415 - C++: Add Equals implementation to compare Tables
- ARROW-416 - C++: Add Equals implementation to compare Columns
- ARROW-417 - C++: Add Equals implementation to compare ChunkedArrays
- ARROW-418 - [C++] Consolidate array container and builder code, remove arrow/types
- ARROW-419 - [C++] Promote util/{status.h, buffer.h, memory-pool.h} to top level of arrow/ source directory
- ARROW-427 - [C++] Implement dictionary-encoded array container
- ARROW-428 - [Python] Deserialize from Arrow record batches to pandas in parallel using a thread pool
- ARROW-438 - [Python] Concatenate Table instances with equal schemas
- ARROW-440 - [C++] Support pkg-config
- ARROW-441 - [Python] Expose Arrow's file and memory map classes as NativeFile subclasses
- ARROW-442 - [Python] Add public Python API to inspect Parquet file metadata
- ARROW-444 - [Python] Avoid unnecessary memory copies from use of PyBytes_* C APIs
- ARROW-449 - Python: Conversion from pyarrow.{Table,RecordBatch} to a Python dict
- ARROW-456 - C++: Add jemalloc based MemoryPool
- ARROW-461 - [Python] Implement conversion between arrow::DictionaryArray and pandas.Categorical
- ARROW-467 - [Python] Run parquet-cpp unit tests in Travis CI
- ARROW-470 - [Python] Add "FileSystem" abstraction to access directories of files in a uniform way
- ARROW-471 - [Python] Enable ParquetFile to pass down separately-obtained file metadata
- ARROW-472 - [Python] Expose parquet::{SchemaDescriptor, ColumnDescriptor}::Equals
- ARROW-475 - [Python] High level support for reading directories of Parquet files (as a single Arrow table) from supported file system interfaces
- ARROW-476 - [Integration] Add integration tests for Binary / Varbytes type
- ARROW-477 - [Java] Add support for second/microsecond/nanosecond timestamps in-memory and in IPC/JSON layer
- ARROW-478 - [Python] Accept a PyBytes object in the pyarrow.io.BufferReader ctor
- ARROW-484 - Add more detail about what of technology can be found in the Arrow implementations to README
- ARROW-495 - [C++] Add C++ implementation of streaming serialized format
- ARROW-497 - [Java] Integration test harness for streaming format
- ARROW-498 - [C++] Integration test harness for streaming format
- ARROW-503 - [Python] Interface to streaming binary format
- ARROW-508 - [C++] Make file/memory-mapped file interfaces threadsafe
- ARROW-509 - [Python] Add support for PARQUET-835 (parallel column reads)
- ARROW-512 - C++: Add method to check for primitive types
- ARROW-514 - [Python] Accept pyarrow.io.Buffer as input to StreamReader, FileReader classes
- ARROW-515 - [Python] Add StreamReader/FileReader methods that read all record batches as a Table
- ARROW-521 - [C++/Python] Track peak memory use in default MemoryPool
- ARROW-531 - Python: Document jemalloc, extend Pandas section, add Getting Involved
- ARROW-538 - [C++] Set up AddressSanitizer (ASAN) builds
- ARROW-547 - [Python] Expose Array::Slice and RecordBatch::Slice
- ARROW-81 - [Format] Add a Category logical type (distinct from dictionary-encoding)
- ARROW-268 - [C++] Flesh out union implementation to have all required methods for IPC
- ARROW-327 - [Python] Remove conda builds from Travis CI processes
- ARROW-353 - Arrow release 0.2
- ARROW-359 - Need to document ARROW_LIBHDFS_DIR
- ARROW-367 - [java] converter csv/json <=> Arrow file format for Integration tests
- ARROW-368 - Document use of LD_LIBRARY_PATH when using Python
- ARROW-372 - Create JSON arrow file format for integration tests
- ARROW-506 - Implement Arrow Echo server for integration testing
- ARROW-527 - clean drill-module.conf file
- ARROW-558 - Add KEYS files
- ARROW-96 - C++: API documentation using Doxygen
- ARROW-97 - Python: API documentation via sphinx-apidoc
- ARROW-103 - Missing patterns from .gitignore
- ARROW-104 - Update Layout.md based on discussion on the mailing list
- ARROW-105 - Unit tests fail if assertions are disabled
- ARROW-113 - TestValueVector test fails if cannot allocate 2GB of memory
- ARROW-16 - Building cpp issues on XCode 7.2.1
- ARROW-17 - Set some vector fields to default access level for Drill compatibility
- ARROW-18 - Fix bug with decimal precision and scale
- ARROW-185 - [C++] Make sure alignment and memory padding conform to spec
- ARROW-188 - Python: Add numpy as install requirement
- ARROW-193 - For the instruction, typos "int his" should be "in this"
- ARROW-194 - C++: Allow read-only memory mapped source
- ARROW-200 - [Python] Convert Values String looks like it has incorrect error handling
- ARROW-209 - [C++] Broken builds: llvm.org apt repos are unavailable
- ARROW-210 - [C++] Tidy up the type system a little bit
- ARROW-211 - Several typos/errors in Layout.md examples
- ARROW-217 - Fix Travis w.r.t conda 4.1.0 changes
- ARROW-219 - [C++] Passed CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS are being dropped, fix compiler warnings
- ARROW-223 - Do not link against libpython
- ARROW-225 - [C++/Python] master Travis CI build is broken
- ARROW-244 - [C++] Some global APIs of IPC module should be visible to the outside
- ARROW-246 - [Java] UnionVector doesn't call allocateNew() when creating it's vectorType
- ARROW-247 - [C++] Missing explicit destructor in RowBatchReader causes an incomplete type error
- ARROW-250 - Fix for ARROW-246 may cause memory leaks
- ARROW-259 - Use flatbuffer fields in java implementation
- ARROW-265 - Negative decimal values have wrong padding
- ARROW-266 - [C++] Fix the broken build
- ARROW-274 - Make the MapVector nullable
- ARROW-278 - [Format] Struct type name consistency in implementations and metadata
- ARROW-283 - [C++] Update arrow_parquet to account for API changes in PARQUET-573
- ARROW-284 - [C++] Triage builds by disabling Arrow-Parquet module
- ARROW-287 - [java] Make nullable vectors use a BitVecor instead of UInt1Vector for bits
- ARROW-297 - Fix Arrow pom for release
- ARROW-304 - NullableMapReaderImpl.isSet() always returns true
- ARROW-308 - UnionListWriter.setPosition() should not call startList()
- ARROW-309 - Types.getMinorTypeForArrowType() does not work for Union type
- ARROW-313 - XCode 8.0 breaks builds
- ARROW-314 - JSONScalar is unnecessary and unused.
- ARROW-320 - ComplexCopier.copy(FieldReader, FieldWriter) should not start a list if reader is not set
- ARROW-321 - Fix Arrow licences
- ARROW-36 - Remove fixVersions from patch tool (until we have them)
- ARROW-46 - Port DRILL-4410 to Arrow
- ARROW-5 - Error when run maven install
- ARROW-51 - Move ValueVector test from Drill project
- ARROW-55 - Python: fix legacy Python (2.7) tests and add to Travis CI
- ARROW-62 - Format: Are the nulls bits 0 or 1 for null values?
- ARROW-63 - C++: ctest fails if Python 3 is the active Python interpreter
- ARROW-65 - Python: FindPythonLibsNew does not work in a virtualenv
- ARROW-69 - Change permissions for assignable users
- ARROW-72 - FindParquet searches for non-existent header
- ARROW-75 - C++: Fix handling of empty strings
- ARROW-77 - C++: conform null bit interpretation to match ARROW-62
- ARROW-80 - Segmentation fault on len(Array) for empty arrays
- ARROW-88 - C++: Refactor given PARQUET-572
- ARROW-93 - XCode 7.3 breaks builds
- ARROW-94 - Expand list example to clarify null vs empty list
- ARROW-10 - Fix mismatch of javadoc names and method parameters
- ARROW-15 - Fix a naming typo for memory.AllocationManager.AllocationOutcome
- ARROW-190 - Python: Provide installable sdist builds
- ARROW-199 - [C++] Refine third party dependency
- ARROW-206 - [C++] Expose an equality API for arrays that compares a range of slots on two arrays
- ARROW-212 - [C++] Clarify the fact that PrimitiveArray is now abstract class
- ARROW-213 - Exposing static arrow build
- ARROW-218 - Add option to use GitHub API token via environment variable when merging PRs
- ARROW-234 - [C++] Build with libhdfs support in arrow_io in conda builds
- ARROW-238 - C++: InternalMemoryPool::Free() should throw an error when there is insufficient allocated memory
- ARROW-245 - [Format] Clarify Arrow's relationship with big endian platforms
- ARROW-252 - Add implementation guidelines to the documentation
- ARROW-253 - Int types should only have width of 8*2^n (8, 16, 32, 64)
- ARROW-254 - Remove Bit type as it is redundant with boolean
- ARROW-255 - Finalize Dictionary representation
- ARROW-256 - Add versioning to the arrow spec.
- ARROW-257 - Add a typeids Vector to Union type
- ARROW-264 - Create an Arrow File format
- ARROW-270 - [Format] Define more generic Interval logical type
- ARROW-271 - Update Field structure to be more explicit
- ARROW-279 - rename vector module to arrow-vector for consistency
- ARROW-280 - [C++] Consolidate file and shared memory IO interfaces
- ARROW-285 - Allow for custom flatc compiler
- ARROW-286 - Build thirdparty dependencies in parallel
- ARROW-289 - Install test-util.h
- ARROW-290 - Specialize alloc() in ArrowBuf
- ARROW-292 - [Java] Upgrade Netty to 4.041
- ARROW-299 - Use absolute namespace in macros
- ARROW-305 - Add compression and use_dictionary options to Parquet interface
- ARROW-306 - Add option to pass cmake arguments via environment variable
- ARROW-315 - Finalize timestamp type
- ARROW-319 - Add canonical Arrow Schema json representation
- ARROW-324 - Update arrow metadata diagram
- ARROW-325 - make TestArrowFile not dependent on timezone
- ARROW-50 - C++: Enable library builds for 3rd-party users without having to build thirdparty googletest
- ARROW-54 - Python: rename package to "pyarrow"
- ARROW-64 - Add zsh support to C++ build scripts
- ARROW-66 - Maybe some missing steps in installation guide
- ARROW-68 - Update setup_build_env and third-party script to be more userfriendly
- ARROW-71 - C++: Add script to run clang-tidy on codebase
- ARROW-73 - Support CMake 2.8
- ARROW-78 - C++: Add constructor for DecimalType
- ARROW-79 - Python: Add benchmarks
- ARROW-8 - Set up Travis CI
- ARROW-85 - C++: memcmp can be avoided in Equal when comparing with the same Buffer
- ARROW-86 - Python: Implement zero-copy Arrow-to-Pandas conversion
- ARROW-87 - Implement Decimal schema conversion for all ways supported in Parquet
- ARROW-89 - Python: Add benchmarks for Arrow<->Pandas conversion
- ARROW-9 - Rename some unchanged "Drill" to "Arrow"
- ARROW-91 - C++: First draft of an adapter class for parquet-cpp's ParquetFileReader that produces Arrow table/row batch objects
- ARROW-100 - [C++] Computing RowBatch size
- ARROW-106 - Add IPC round trip for string types (string, char, varchar, binary)
- ARROW-107 - [C++] add ipc round trip for struct types
- ARROW-13 - Add PR merge tool similar to that used in Parquet
- ARROW-19 - C++: Externalize memory allocations and add a MemoryPool abstract interface to builder classes
- ARROW-197 - [Python] Add conda dev recipe for pyarrow
- ARROW-2 - Post Simple Website
- ARROW-20 - C++: Add null count member to Array containers, remove nullable member
- ARROW-201 - C++: Initial ParquetWriter implementation
- ARROW-203 - Python: Basic filename based Parquet read/write
- ARROW-204 - [Python] Automate uploading conda build artifacts for libarrow and pyarrow
- ARROW-21 - C++: Add in-memory schema metadata container
- ARROW-214 - C++: Add String support to Parquet I/O
- ARROW-215 - C++: Support other integer types in Parquet I/O
- ARROW-22 - C++: Add schema adapter routines for converting flat Parquet schemas to in-memory Arrow schemas
- ARROW-222 - [C++] Create prototype file-like interface to HDFS (via libhdfs) and begin defining more general IO interface for Arrow data adapters
- ARROW-23 - C++: Add logical "Column" container for chunked data
- ARROW-233 - [C++] Add visibility defines for limiting shared library symbol visibility
- ARROW-236 - [Python] Enable Parquet read/write to work with HDFS file objects
- ARROW-237 - [C++] Create Arrow specializations of Parquet allocator and read interfaces
- ARROW-24 - C++: Add logical "Table" container
- ARROW-242 - C++/Python: Support Timestamp Data Type
- ARROW-26 - C++: Add developer instructions for building parquet-cpp integration
- ARROW-262 - [Format] Add a new format document for metadata and logical types for messaging and IPC / on-wire/file representations
- ARROW-267 - [C++] C++ implementation of file-like layout for RPC / IPC
- ARROW-28 - C++: Add google/benchmark to the 3rd-party build toolchain
- ARROW-293 - [C++] Implementations of IO interfaces for operating system files
- ARROW-296 - [C++] Remove arrow_parquet C++ module and related parts of build system
- ARROW-3 - Post Initial Arrow Format Spec
- ARROW-30 - Python: pandas/NumPy to/from Arrow conversion routines
- ARROW-301 - [Format] Add some form of user field metadata to IPC schemas
- ARROW-302 - [Python] Add support to use the Arrow file format with file-like objects
- ARROW-31 - Python: basic PyList <-> Arrow marshaling code
- ARROW-318 - [Python] Revise README to reflect current state of project
- ARROW-37 - C++: Represent boolean array data in bit-packed form
- ARROW-4 - Initial Arrow CPP Implementation
- ARROW-42 - Python: Add to Travis CI build
- ARROW-43 - Python: Add rudimentary console repr for array types
- ARROW-44 - Python: Implement basic object model for scalar values (i.e. results of arrow_arr[i])
- ARROW-48 - Python: Add Schema object wrapper
- ARROW-49 - Python: Add Column and Table wrapper interface
- ARROW-53 - Python: Fix RPATH and add source installation instructions
- ARROW-56 - Format: Specify LSB bit ordering in bit arrays
- ARROW-57 - Format: Draft data headers IDL for data interchange
- ARROW-58 - Format: Draft type metadata ("schemas") IDL
- ARROW-59 - Python: Boolean data support for builtin data structures
- ARROW-60 - C++: Struct type builder API
- ARROW-67 - C++: Draft type metadata conversion to/from IPC representation
- ARROW-7 - Add Python library build toolchain
- ARROW-70 - C++: Add "lite" DCHECK macros used in parquet-cpp
- ARROW-76 - Revise format document to include null count, defer non-nullable arrays to the domain of metadata
- ARROW-82 - C++: Implement IPC exchange for List types
- ARROW-90 - Apache Arrow cpp code does not support power architecture
- ARROW-92 - C++: Arrow to Parquet Schema conversion
- ARROW-1 - Import Initial Codebase
- ARROW-101 - Fix java warnings emitted by java compiler
- ARROW-102 - travis-ci support for java project
- ARROW-11 - Mirror JIRA activity to [email protected]
- ARROW-14 - Add JIRA components
- ARROW-251 - [C++] Expose APIs for getting code and message of the status
- ARROW-272 - Arrow release 0.1
- ARROW-298 - create release scripts
- ARROW-35 - Add a short call-to-action / how-to-get-involved to the main README.md
- ARROW-260 - TestValueVector.testFixedVectorReallocation and testVariableVectorReallocation are flaky
- ARROW-83 - Add basic test infrastructure for DecimalType