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Chris edited this page Dec 29, 2018 · 20 revisions

UESVON (UnrealEngine Sparse Voxel Octree Navigation)

Basic Setup

  1. Install the plugin (either in your project or engine Plugins/ folder)
  2. Add an SVONVolume to your level (this is the navigable bounds)
  3. Add a SVONNavigationComponent to your AI Controller or Pawn
  4. Call the task AITask_SVONMoveTo, easiest by using the SVON Move To behaviour tree node

Detailed Configuration


The SVONVolume is the navigable volume, your AI will only be able to navigate within it. It contains the octree data that is used for navigation, and is the main thing you'll need to tweak the settings of. Settings are contained in the 'SVO Navigation' section of the details panel.


The number of layers in the octree (well, the number is actually this + 1, but whatever). The higher this value, the higher the resolution of the octree voxels.

I suggest starting with a value of 4 or 5, and experimenting. You may want to work with lower values during development and debugging, and increase the value for production.

Collision Channel

The collision channel used for testing the blocking of each voxel. Note that the plugin currently just uses the built-in function OverlapBlockingTestByChannel. Setting this to 'Pawn' is probably a good starting point if you aren't sure.


The amount of clearance (in extents) required around a leaf voxel.

If your pawn collision is larger than a leaf voxel, and the clearance is 0, then the pathfinder will find paths that the pawn is physically unable to fit through. If your pawn is getting 'stuck' while navigating, try increasing this.

Generation Strategy

Either generate the octree on BeginPlay, or use the saved octree that you generated while in the editor.

This should always be 'Use Baked', unless you really, really want to have your game freeze during loading.

Num Layers

The number of layers in the current octree for this volume

Num Bytes

The number of bytes consumed by the current octree for this volume


This is where the magic happens. Clicking this will generate the octree.

Note that this is not currently a multi-threaded operation. The editor will freeze while the process runs. This may be for a fraction of a second, or minutes, depending on the number of layers and complexity of your scene.

Debug Distance

This settings limits the distance at which the following debug visualizations will be rendered. Trying to render the whole octree for a large scene will not be fun.

Note that these debug settings are only rendered up generating the octree.

Debug Voxels

Renders wireframe boxes for the 'above leaf' level voxels.

Debug Leaf Voxels

Renders wireframe boxes (red) for the leaf voxels

Debug Morton Codes

Renders the morton codes for all voxels (only works in-game, not the editor, as it requires a HUD).

Debug Links

Renders lines representing the neighbour links between 'above leaf' voxels

Parent Child Links

Renders lines representing the links between parent and child voxels

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