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Releases: microsoft/vscode-cpptools

1.21.1 (release candidate)

16 Jul 00:07
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Install it via using the Extensions view in VS Code and choosing the option "Switch to Pre-Release Version" or download a vsix that matches your OS from the "Download" dropdown in the "Version History" tab section on the Marketplace website) and then use the Extensions: Install from VSIX... command in VS Code (don't double-click the vsix or another app like VS might try to open it incorrectly).


  • VS Code 1.67.0 or later (April, 2022).
  • Platforms:
    • Windows (7+): x64, arm64. (x86 is only available via the non-pre-release vsix on GitHub).
    • Linux (Ubuntu 16+, etc.): x64, arm64, arm.
    • macOS (10.12+): x64, arm64.



  • Add see and sa to the C_Cpp.doxygen.sectionTags setting. #12384
  • Update the vcpkg header database. PR #12430
  • Disable the pre-release prompt if the extensions.ignoreRecommendations setting is true. #12438
  • Switch to an alternative workspace symbol search implementation (performance and results will be slightly different from previous versions).
  • Various IntelliSense engine updates/fixes.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix a crash if the Ryzen 3000 doesn't have updated drivers. #12201
  • Fix relative paths in compile_commands.json to be relative to the compile_commands.json's directory. #12290
  • Fix a tag parser performance regression. #12292
  • Fix code analysis, find all references, and rename from getting the wrong configuration for non-open files on the first run when using a configuration provider. #12313
  • Fix potential crashes. #12354
  • Fix the language status not showing it's busy while the tag parser is initializing. #12403
  • Fix the vcpkg code action not appearing for missing headers available via vcpkg. #12413
  • Fix custom configurations sometimes not getting used. PR #12427
  • Fix a code analysis error when using gcc 14. #12428
  • Fix a cause of colorization, inactive regions, and inlay hints getting cleared when an update is pending.
  • Fix a cause of semantic tokens transiently being placed in the wrong location.
  • Fix a potential deadlock when configured using compile commands.


17 Jun 23:36
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1.21.0 Pre-release


Install it via using the Extensions view in VS Code and choosing the option "Switch to Pre-Release Version" or download a vsix that matches your OS from the "Download" dropdown in the "Version History" tab section on the Marketplace website) and then use the Extensions: Install from VSIX... command in VS Code (don't double-click the vsix or another app like VS might try to open it incorrectly).


  • VS Code 1.67.0 or later (April, 2022).
  • Platforms:
    • Windows (7+): x64, arm64. (x86 is only available via the non-pre-release vsix on GitHub).
    • Linux (Ubuntu 16+, etc.): x64, arm64, arm.
    • macOS (10.12+): x64, arm64.


Bug Fixes

  • Stop logging file watch events for excluded files. #11455
  • Fix handling of -isystem and -iquote for IntelliSense configuration. #12207
  • Fix doxygen comment generation when /** comments are used. #12249
  • Fix a code analysis crash on Linux if the message is too long. #12285
  • Fix a regression with cl.exe system include path detection. #12293
  • Fix handling of doxygen comment blocks with *//* in them. #12316
  • Fix a crash during IntelliSense process shutdown. #12354
  • Update the default clang/gcc versions used for IntelliSense if an unknown version is found.
  • Update clang-format and clang-tidy from 18.1.2 to 18.1.7 (for the bug fixes).


08 May 03:27
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Install it via using the Extensions view in VS Code or download a vsix that matches your OS from Assets section below (or the "Download" dropdown in the "Version History" tab section on the Marketplace website) and then use the Extensions: Install from VSIX... command in VS Code (don't double-click the vsix or another app like VS might try to open it incorrectly).


  • VS Code 1.67.0 or later (April, 2022).
  • Windows 7+, macOS 10.12+, Linux (Ubuntu 16+, etc.).



  • Add support for C++ modules IFC version 0.43. #10843
  • Add support for ${userHome} in c_cpp_properties.json. #11756
  • Reduce the default max workspace symbol search results and add C_Cpp.maxSymbolSearchResults. PR #12131
  • Update clang-format/clang-tidy to 18.1.2. PR #12135
  • Log cpptools and cpptools-srv crash call stacks in the 'C/C++ Crash Call Stacks' Output channel for bug reporting (on x64 Linux and x64/arm64 Mac).
  • Increase the fuzzy symbol character limit from 16 to 28.
  • Update the IntelliSense engine.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix an IntelliSense parsing issue. #6183
  • Fix 'Copy Declaration / Definition' code not being formatted. #10956
  • Fix semantic colorization of certain macro arguments. #11416
  • Fix 'Add #include' code actions for code scoped by a namespace or class. #11541
  • Fix 'Create Declaration / Definition' not working if the cursor isn't on the function name. #11834
  • Fix duplicate 'Add #include' code actions. #11989
  • Fix directories being incorrectly recursively traversed in certain cases. #11993
  • Fix forcedInclude resolution for relative paths. PR #12035
  • Fix 'Add Configuration...' in launch.json when editor.suggest.showSnippets is false. #12059
  • Fix c_cpp_properties.json warnings for includePaths with ** wildcard glob patterns. #12070
  • Fix non-existent relative path variables not showing a warning in c_cpp_properties.json (and other related issues). #12089
  • Fix call stacks for cpptools and cpptools-srv not being available on Linux. #12091
  • Fix IntelliSense processes shutting down immediately if not enough memory is detected. #12126
  • Fix code analysis aborting after encountering an excluded file (instead of just skipping it). #12127
  • Fix "Cannot open source" errors on missing includes not appearing if C_Cpp.errorSquiggles is enabled. #12134
  • Fix the IntelliSense server not starting when a completion, signature help, or document highlight occurs from external commands. #12143
  • Fix the IntelliSense configuration not falling back to the c_cpp_properties.json configuration for a file not handled by a configuration provider. #12144
  • Fix duplicate URIs in calls to provideConfigurations. #12177
  • Fix a crash and deadlock with a high C_Cpp.loggingLevel. #12194
  • Fix handling of -iquote for code analysis and #include completions. #12198
  • Fix a crash during startup. #12237
  • Fix IntelliSense configuration on Windows ARM64. #12253
  • Fix a cpptools process crash and deadlock during shutdown.

1.20.4 (release candidate 3)

02 May 21:19
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Install it via using the Extensions view in VS Code and choosing the option "Switch to Pre-Release Version" or download a vsix that matches your OS from the "Download" dropdown in the "Version History" tab section on the Marketplace website) and then use the Extensions: Install from VSIX... command in VS Code (don't double-click the vsix or another app like VS might try to open it incorrectly).


  • VS Code 1.67.0 or later.


Bug Fixes

  • Fix a couple crashes.

1.20.3 (release candidate 2)

01 May 00:55
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Install it via using the Extensions view in VS Code and choosing the option "Switch to Pre-Release Version" or download a vsix that matches your OS from the "Download" dropdown in the "Version History" tab section on the Marketplace website) and then use the Extensions: Install from VSIX... command in VS Code (don't double-click the vsix or another app like VS might try to open it incorrectly).


  • VS Code 1.67.0 or later.



  • Log cpptools and cpptool-srv crash call stacks in the 'C/C++ Crash Call Stacks' Output channel for bug reporting (on x64 Linux and x64/arm64 Mac).

Bug Fixes

  • Fix directories being incorrectly recursively traversed in certain cases. #11993
  • Fix a crash during startup. #12237
  • Fix IntelliSense configuration on Windows ARM64. #12253

1.20.2 (release candidate)

22 Apr 21:16
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Install it via using the Extensions view in VS Code and choosing the option "Switch to Pre-Release Version" or download a vsix that matches your OS from the "Download" dropdown in the "Version History" tab section on the Marketplace website) and then use the Extensions: Install from VSIX... command in VS Code (don't double-click the vsix or another app like VS might try to open it incorrectly).


  • VS Code 1.67.0 or later.


Bug Fixes

  • Fix non-existent relative path variables not showing a warning in c_cpp_properties.json (and other related issues). #12089
  • Fix duplicate URIs in calls to provideConfigurations. #12177
  • Fix a crash and deadlock with a high C_Cpp.loggingLevel. #12194
  • Fix handling of -iquote for code analysis and #include completions. #12198


10 Apr 01:19
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1.20.1 Pre-release


Install it via using the Extensions view in VS Code and choosing the option "Switch to Pre-Release Version" or download a vsix that matches your OS from the "Download" dropdown in the "Version History" tab section on the Marketplace website) and then use the Extensions: Install from VSIX... command in VS Code (don't double-click the vsix or another app like VS might try to open it incorrectly).


  • VS Code 1.67.0 or later.


Bug Fixes

  • Fix 'Add #include' code actions for code scoped by a namespace or class. #11541
  • Fix the IntelliSense server not starting when a completion, signature help, or document highlight occurs from external commands. #12143
  • Fix the IntelliSense configuration not falling back to the c_cpp_properties.json configuration for a file not handled by a configuration provider. #12144


26 Mar 22:40
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1.20.0 Pre-release


Install it via using the Extensions view in VS Code and choosing the option "Switch to Pre-Release Version" or download a vsix that matches your OS from the "Download" dropdown in the "Version History" tab section on the Marketplace website) and then use the Extensions: Install from VSIX... command in VS Code (don't double-click the vsix or another app like VS might try to open it incorrectly).


  • VS Code 1.67.0 or later.



  • Add support for C++ modules IFC version 0.43. #10843
  • Add support for ${userHome} in c_cpp_properties.json. #11756
  • Reduce the default max workspace symbol search results and add C_Cpp.maxSymbolSearchResults. PR #12131
  • Update to clang-format/clang-tidy 18.1.2. PR #12135
  • Update IntelliSense engine.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix IntelliSense parsing issues. #6183
  • Fix 'Copy Declaration / Definition' code not being formatted. #10956
  • Fix 'Create Declaration / Definition' not working if the cursor isn't on the function name. #11834
  • Fix duplicate 'Add #include' code actions. #11989
  • Fix forcedInclude resolution for relative paths. PR #12035
  • Fix 'Add Configuration...' in launch.json when editor.suggest.showSnippets is false. #12059
  • Fix c_cpp_properties.json warnings for includePaths with ** wildcard glob patterns. #12070
  • Fix call stacks for cpptools and cpptools-srv not being available on Linux. #12091
  • Fix IntelliSense processes shutting down immediately if not enough memory is detected. #12126
  • Fix code analysis aborting after encountering an excluded file (instead of just skipping it). #12127
  • Fix "Cannot open source" errors on missing includes not appearing if C_Cpp.errorSquiggles is enabled. #12134
  • Fix a cpptools process crash and deadlock during shutdown.


20 Mar 18:46
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Install it via using the Extensions view in VS Code or download a vsix that matches your OS from Assets section below (or the "Download" dropdown in the "Version History" tab section on the Marketplace website) and then use the Extensions: Install from VSIX... command in VS Code (don't double-click the vsix or another app like VS might try to open it incorrectly).


  • VS Code 1.67.0 or later.


Bug Fixes

  • Fix an issue with Cygwin system headers not being properly detected. #12113
  • Fix a crash in cpptools-srv when low on memory. #12121
  • Fix an issue preventing cpptools-srv from being relaunched after a crash.


14 Mar 03:33
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Install it via using the Extensions view in VS Code or download a vsix that matches your OS from Assets section below (or the "Download" dropdown in the "Version History" tab section on the Marketplace website) and then use the Extensions: Install from VSIX... command in VS Code (don't double-click the vsix or another app like VS might try to open it incorrectly).


  • VS Code 1.67.0 or later.


Bug Fixes

  • Fix an issue with applying the proper working directory from a compile_commands.json when a compilePath is also set. #12024
  • Fix a deadlock. #12051
  • Fix a crash that could occur when failing to query clang-cl.
  • Fix an issue with handling of winsysroot args for clang-cl.
  • Fix an issue with processing relative include paths returned by clang-cl.