diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci_mac.yml b/.github/workflows/ci_mac.yml index 100123ccb9..a80f659a8a 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/ci_mac.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/ci_mac.yml @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ jobs: node-version: 14.16.x - name: Install Dependencies - run: yarn install + run: yarn install --network-timeout 100000 working-directory: Extension - name: Generate hashes for runtime dependency packages diff --git a/Extension/CHANGELOG.md b/Extension/CHANGELOG.md index 84eb0688e8..87678ec3c9 100644 --- a/Extension/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/Extension/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,5 +1,12 @@ # C/C++ for Visual Studio Code Change Log +## Version 1.3.1: April 19, 2021 +### Bug Fixes +* Fix extension not activating when `/.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json` exists but no C/C++ file is open. [#7344](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-cpptools/issues/7344) +* Fix logging for an invalid provider configuration. + * Yonggang Luo (@lygstate) [PR #7350](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-cpptools/pull/7350) +* Fix extension activation with 32-bit Windows. [#7368](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-cpptools/issues/7368) + ## Version 1.3.0: April 13, 2021 ### New Features * Add language service support for CUDA. diff --git a/Extension/i18n/chs/package.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/chs/package.i18n.json index 5f7f4dac79..6a1ce4c3eb 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/chs/package.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/chs/package.i18n.json @@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.addNodeAddonIncludePaths.description": "当它们是依赖项时,从 nan 和 node-addon-api 添加 include 路径。", "c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.description": "如果为 true,则“重命名符号”将需要有效的 C/C++ 标识符。", "c_cpp.configuration.autocompleteAddParentheses.description": "如果为 true,则自动完成功能将在函数调用后自动添加 \"(\",这种情况下还可以添加 \")\",具体取决于 \"editor.autoClosingBrackets\" 设置的值。", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.description": "Configure glob patterns for excluding folders (and files if \"C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy\" is changed). These are specific to the C/C++ extension and are in addition to \"files.exclude\", but unlike \"files.exclude\" they are not removed from the Explorer view. Read more about glob patterns [here](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeBoolean.description": "The glob pattern to match file paths against. Set to true or false to enable or disable the pattern.", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeWhen.description": "Additional check on the siblings of a matching file. Use $(basename) as variable for the matching file name.", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.description": "为排除文件夹(和文件配置 glob 模式,如果 \"C_Cpp. exclusionPolicy\" 已更改)。这些是除了\"files.exclude\" 之外的 C/C + + 特定扩展,但与 \"files.exclude\" 不同,他们不从资源管理器视图中删除。了解 glob 模式的详细信息 [here] (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options)。", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeBoolean.description": "匹配文件路径所依据的 glob 模式。设置为 true 或 false 可启用或禁用该模式。", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeWhen.description": "对匹配文件的同级文件的其他检查。使用 $(basename) 作为匹配文件名的变量。", "c_cpp.configuration.debugger.useBacktickCommandSubstitution.description": "如果为 true,调试程序 shell 命令替换将使用过时的反引号(`)。", "c_cpp.contributes.views.cppReferencesView.title": "C/C++: 其他引用结果", "c_cpp.debuggers.pipeTransport.description": "如果存在,这会指示调试程序使用其他可执行文件作为管道来连接到远程计算机,此管道将在 VS Code 和已启用 MI 的调试程序后端可执行文件(如 gdb)之间中继标准输入/输入。", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/chs/src/main.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/chs/src/main.i18n.json index 7b68486013..878b99fd6e 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/chs/src/main.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/chs/src/main.i18n.json @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ "architecture.not.supported": "体系结构 {0} 不受支持。", "apline.containers.not.supported": "Alpine 容器不受支持。", "download.button": "转到下载页", - "native.binaries.mismatch.osx": "The macOS Intel version of the extension has been installed. Since you are on an Apple Silicon Mac, we recommend installing the Apple Silicon version of the extension.", - "native.binaries.not.supported": "This {0} {1} version of the extension is incompatible with your OS. Please download and install the \"{2}\" version of the extension.", + "native.binaries.mismatch.osx": "MacOS Intel 版本的扩展已安装。 由于你使用的是 Apple Silicon Mac,我们建议你安装 Apple Silicon 版本的扩展。", + "native.binaries.not.supported": "此 {0} {1} 版本的扩展与你的 OS 不兼容,请下载并安装 \"{2}\" 版本的扩展。", "extension.installation.failed": "C/C++ 扩展安装失败。为使函数正常工作,需要修复或重新安装 C/C++ 语言功能的扩展。", "remove.extension": "尝试修复", "jason.files.missing": "C/C++ 扩展安装失败。为使函数正常工作,需要重新安装 C/C++ 语言功能的扩展。", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/cht/package.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/cht/package.i18n.json index 67c35cfb36..1a1374cb92 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/cht/package.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/cht/package.i18n.json @@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.addNodeAddonIncludePaths.description": "當 nan 和 node-addon-api 為相依性時,從中新增 include 路徑。", "c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.description": "若為 true,則「重新命名符號」需要有效的 C/C++ 識別碼。", "c_cpp.configuration.autocompleteAddParentheses.description": "若為 true,自動完成將會在函式呼叫之後自動新增 \"(\",在這種情況下也可能會新增 \")\",取決於 \"editor.autoClosingBrackets\" 設定的值。", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.description": "Configure glob patterns for excluding folders (and files if \"C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy\" is changed). These are specific to the C/C++ extension and are in addition to \"files.exclude\", but unlike \"files.exclude\" they are not removed from the Explorer view. Read more about glob patterns [here](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeBoolean.description": "The glob pattern to match file paths against. Set to true or false to enable or disable the pattern.", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeWhen.description": "Additional check on the siblings of a matching file. Use $(basename) as variable for the matching file name.", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.description": "設定 Glob 模式以排除資料夾 (如果變更 \"C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy\",則排除檔案)。這些模式為 C/C++ 延伸模組所特有,是 \"files.exclude\" 的補充,但與 \"files.exclude\" 不同,系統不會將它們從 Explorer 檢視中移除。請在 [此處](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options) 了解 Glob 模式的詳細資訊。", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeBoolean.description": "要符合檔案路徑的 Glob 模式。設為 True 或 False 可啟用或停用模式。", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeWhen.description": "在相符檔案同層級上額外的檢查。請使用 $(basename) 作為相符檔案名稱的變數。", "c_cpp.configuration.debugger.useBacktickCommandSubstitution.description": "若為 true,偵錯工具殼層命令替代將會使用已淘汰的反引號 (`)。", "c_cpp.contributes.views.cppReferencesView.title": "C/C++: 其他參考結果", "c_cpp.debuggers.pipeTransport.description": "出現時,會指示偵錯工具使用另一個可執行檔來連線至遠端電腦,該管道會在 VS Code 與 MI 啟用偵錯工具後端可執行檔之間傳送標準輸入/輸出 (例如 gdb)。", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/cht/src/main.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/cht/src/main.i18n.json index b9a6c84347..4b831466d1 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/cht/src/main.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/cht/src/main.i18n.json @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ "architecture.not.supported": "不支援架構 {0}。 ", "apline.containers.not.supported": "不支援 Alpine 容器。", "download.button": "前往 [下載\ 頁面", - "native.binaries.mismatch.osx": "The macOS Intel version of the extension has been installed. Since you are on an Apple Silicon Mac, we recommend installing the Apple Silicon version of the extension.", - "native.binaries.not.supported": "This {0} {1} version of the extension is incompatible with your OS. Please download and install the \"{2}\" version of the extension.", + "native.binaries.mismatch.osx": "已安裝 macOS Intel 版延伸模組。因為您使用的是 Apple Silicon Mac,建議您安裝 Apple Silicon 版延伸模組。", + "native.binaries.not.supported": "此 {0} {1} 版延伸模組與您的作業系統不相容。請下載並安裝 \"{2}\" 版延伸模組。", "extension.installation.failed": "無法成功安裝 C/C++ 延伸模組。您必須修復或重新安裝 C/C++ 語言功能的延伸模組,才可正常運作。", "remove.extension": "嘗試修復", "jason.files.missing": "無法成功安裝 C/C++ 延伸模組。您必須重新安裝 C/C++ 語言功能的延伸模組,才可正常運作。", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/csy/package.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/csy/package.i18n.json index 8bf303fcd7..3470c5680e 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/csy/package.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/csy/package.i18n.json @@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.addNodeAddonIncludePaths.description": "Pokud existují závislosti, přidejte cesty pro zahrnuté soubory z nan a node-addon-api.", "c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.description": "Když se tato hodnota nastaví na true, operace Přejmenovat symbol bude vyžadovat platný identifikátor C/C++.", "c_cpp.configuration.autocompleteAddParentheses.description": "Pokud je true, automatické dokončování automaticky přidá za volání funkcí znak (. V takovém případě se může přidat i znak ), záleží na hodnotě nastavení editor.autoClosingBrackets.", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.description": "Configure glob patterns for excluding folders (and files if \"C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy\" is changed). These are specific to the C/C++ extension and are in addition to \"files.exclude\", but unlike \"files.exclude\" they are not removed from the Explorer view. Read more about glob patterns [here](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeBoolean.description": "The glob pattern to match file paths against. Set to true or false to enable or disable the pattern.", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeWhen.description": "Additional check on the siblings of a matching file. Use $(basename) as variable for the matching file name.", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.description": "Nakonfigurujte vzory glob pro vyloučení složek (a souborů, pokud se změní C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy). Ty jsou specifické pro rozšíření C/C++ a doplňují files.exclude, ale na rozdíl od files.exclude se neodebírají ze zobrazení Průzkumník. Přečtěte si další informace o vzorech glob [tady] (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeBoolean.description": "Vzor glob pro hledání shod s cestami k souborům. Pokud chcete vzor povolit, nastavte hodnotu true, pokud ho chcete zakázat, nastavte hodnotu false.", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeWhen.description": "Další kontrola položek na stejné úrovni u odpovídajícího souboru. Jako proměnnou názvu odpovídajícího souboru použijte $(basename).", "c_cpp.configuration.debugger.useBacktickCommandSubstitution.description": "Když se nastaví na true, nahrazování příkazů shellu ladicího programu bude používat starou verzi obrácené čárky (`).", "c_cpp.contributes.views.cppReferencesView.title": "C/C++: výsledky jiných odkazů", "c_cpp.debuggers.pipeTransport.description": "Pokud je k dispozici, předá ladicímu programu informaci, aby se připojil ke vzdálenému počítači pomocí dalšího spustitelného souboru jako kanál, který bude přenášet standardní vstup a výstup mezi nástrojem VS Code a spustitelným souborem back-endu ladicího programu s podporou MI (třeba gdb).", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/csy/src/main.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/csy/src/main.i18n.json index ad491f1d15..8a605834f5 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/csy/src/main.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/csy/src/main.i18n.json @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ "architecture.not.supported": "Architektura {0} se nepodporuje. ", "apline.containers.not.supported": "Kontejnery Alpine se nepodporují.", "download.button": "Přejít na stránku stahování", - "native.binaries.mismatch.osx": "The macOS Intel version of the extension has been installed. Since you are on an Apple Silicon Mac, we recommend installing the Apple Silicon version of the extension.", - "native.binaries.not.supported": "This {0} {1} version of the extension is incompatible with your OS. Please download and install the \"{2}\" version of the extension.", + "native.binaries.mismatch.osx": "Verze rozšíření macOSu pro Intel se nainstalovala. Vzhledem k tomu, že používáte Apple Silicon Mac, doporučujeme nainstalovat verzi rozšíření Apple Silicon.", + "native.binaries.not.supported": "Tato verze rozšíření pro {0} {1} není kompatibilní s vaším operačním systémem. Stáhněte a nainstalujte si prosím verzi rozšíření {2}.", "extension.installation.failed": "Nepovedlo se úspěšně nainstalovat rozšíření jazyka C/C++. Aby rozšíření pro funkce jazyka C/C++ fungovalo správně, bude nutné ho opravit nebo přeinstalovat.", "remove.extension": "Pokusit se o opravu", "jason.files.missing": "Nepovedlo se úspěšně nainstalovat rozšíření jazyka C/C++. Aby rozšíření pro funkce jazyka C/C++ fungovalo správně, bude nutné ho přeinstalovat.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/deu/package.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/deu/package.i18n.json index cf34ad3823..e0bb807c30 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/deu/package.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/deu/package.i18n.json @@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.addNodeAddonIncludePaths.description": "Fügen Sie Includepfade aus \"nan\" und \"node-addon-api\" hinzu, wenn es sich um Abhängigkeiten handelt.", "c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.description": "Bei TRUE ist für \"Symbol umbenennen\" ein gültiger C-/C++-Bezeichner erforderlich.", "c_cpp.configuration.autocompleteAddParentheses.description": "Bei TRUE fügt AutoVervollständigen automatisch \"(\" nach Funktionsaufrufen hinzu. In diesem Fall kann \")\" abhängig vom Wert der Einstellung \"editor.autoClosingBrackets\" ebenfalls hinzugefügt werden.", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.description": "Configure glob patterns for excluding folders (and files if \"C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy\" is changed). These are specific to the C/C++ extension and are in addition to \"files.exclude\", but unlike \"files.exclude\" they are not removed from the Explorer view. Read more about glob patterns [here](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeBoolean.description": "The glob pattern to match file paths against. Set to true or false to enable or disable the pattern.", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeWhen.description": "Additional check on the siblings of a matching file. Use $(basename) as variable for the matching file name.", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.description": "Konfigurieren Sie Globmuster für das Ausschließen von Ordnern (und Dateien, wenn \"C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy\" geändert wird). Diese sind spezifisch für die C/C++-Erweiterung und zusätzlich zu \"files.exclude\", aber im Gegensatz zu \"files.exclude\" werden sie nicht aus der Explorer-Ansicht entfernt. Weitere Informationen zu Globmustern finden Sie [hier](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeBoolean.description": "Das Globmuster, mit dem Dateipfade verglichen werden sollen. Legen Sie diesen Wert auf \"true\" oder \"false\" fest, um das Muster zu aktivieren bzw. zu deaktivieren.", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeWhen.description": "Zusätzliche Überprüfung der gleichgeordneten Elemente einer entsprechenden Datei. Verwenden Sie \"$(basename)\" als Variable für den entsprechenden Dateinamen.", "c_cpp.configuration.debugger.useBacktickCommandSubstitution.description": "Bei Festlegung auf TRUE verwendet die Befehlsersetzung der Debugger-Shell obsolete Backtick-Zeichen (`).", "c_cpp.contributes.views.cppReferencesView.title": "C/C++: andere Verweisergebnisse", "c_cpp.debuggers.pipeTransport.description": "Falls angegeben, weist diese Option den Debugger an, eine Verbindung mit einem Remotecomputer mithilfe einer anderen ausführbaren Datei als Pipe herzustellen, die Standardeingaben/-ausgaben zwischen VS Code und der ausführbaren Back-End-Datei für den MI-fähigen Debugger weiterleitet (z. B. gdb).", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/deu/src/main.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/deu/src/main.i18n.json index 161ea8268b..fa0c34ebe4 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/deu/src/main.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/deu/src/main.i18n.json @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ "architecture.not.supported": "Die Architektur \"{0}\" wird nicht unterstützt. ", "apline.containers.not.supported": "Alpine-Container werden nicht unterstützt.", "download.button": "Gehe zu Downloadseite", - "native.binaries.mismatch.osx": "The macOS Intel version of the extension has been installed. Since you are on an Apple Silicon Mac, we recommend installing the Apple Silicon version of the extension.", - "native.binaries.not.supported": "This {0} {1} version of the extension is incompatible with your OS. Please download and install the \"{2}\" version of the extension.", + "native.binaries.mismatch.osx": "Die macOS Intel-Version der Erweiterung wurde installiert. Da Sie sich auf einem Apple Silicon Mac befinden, empfehlen wir die Installation der Apple Silicon-Version der Erweiterung.", + "native.binaries.not.supported": "Diese Version {0} {1} der Erweiterung ist nicht mit Ihrem Betriebssystem kompatibel. Laden Sie Version \"{2}\" der Erweiterung herunter, und installieren Sie sie.", "extension.installation.failed": "Die C/C++-Erweiterung konnte nicht erfolgreich installiert werden. Sie müssen die Erweiterung für C/C++-Sprachfeatures reparieren oder neu installieren, damit die Erweiterung ordnungsgemäß funktioniert.", "remove.extension": "Reparaturversuch", "jason.files.missing": "Die C/C++-Erweiterung konnte nicht erfolgreich installiert werden. Sie müssen die Erweiterung für C/C++-Sprachfeatures neu installieren, damit die Erweiterung ordnungsgemäß funktioniert.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/esn/package.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/esn/package.i18n.json index f1097cee48..495bdbfd75 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/esn/package.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/esn/package.i18n.json @@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.addNodeAddonIncludePaths.description": "Agregue rutas de acceso de inclusión de nan y node-addon-api cuando sean dependencias.", "c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.description": "Si es true, \"Cambiar el nombre del símbolo\" requerirá un identificador de C/C++ válido.", "c_cpp.configuration.autocompleteAddParentheses.description": "Si es true, la opción de autocompletar agregará \"(\" de forma automática después de las llamadas a funciones, en cuyo caso puede que también se agregue \")\", en función del valor de la configuración de \"editor.autoClosingBrackets\".", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.description": "Configure glob patterns for excluding folders (and files if \"C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy\" is changed). These are specific to the C/C++ extension and are in addition to \"files.exclude\", but unlike \"files.exclude\" they are not removed from the Explorer view. Read more about glob patterns [here](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeBoolean.description": "The glob pattern to match file paths against. Set to true or false to enable or disable the pattern.", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeWhen.description": "Additional check on the siblings of a matching file. Use $(basename) as variable for the matching file name.", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.description": "Configure patrones globales para excluir carpetas (y archivos si se cambia \"C_Cpp. exclusionPolicy\"). Estos son específicos de la extensión de C/C++ y se agregan a \"files. Exclude\", pero a diferencia de \"files. Exclude\" no se quitan de la vista del explorador. Más información acerca de los patrones de globales [here] (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeBoolean.description": "El patrón global con el que se harán coincidir las rutas de acceso de los archivos. Establézcalo en true o false para habilitarlo o deshabilitarlo.", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeWhen.description": "Comprobación adicional de los elementos del mismo nivel de un archivo coincidente. Use $(nombreBase) como variable para el nombre de archivo que coincide.", "c_cpp.configuration.debugger.useBacktickCommandSubstitution.description": "Si es true, la sustitución de comandos del shell del depurador usará la marca de comilla simple (') obsoleta.", "c_cpp.contributes.views.cppReferencesView.title": "C/C++: resultados de otras referencias", "c_cpp.debuggers.pipeTransport.description": "Cuando se especifica, indica al depurador que se conecte a un equipo remoto usando otro archivo ejecutable como canalización que retransmitirá la entrada o la salida estándar entre VS Code y el archivo ejecutable del back-end del depurador habilitado para MI (por ejemplo, gdb).", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/esn/src/main.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/esn/src/main.i18n.json index d4ba894a09..af379f4659 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/esn/src/main.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/esn/src/main.i18n.json @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ "architecture.not.supported": "La arquitectura {0} no se admite. ", "apline.containers.not.supported": "Los contenedores de Alpine no se admiten.", "download.button": "Ir a la página de descarga", - "native.binaries.mismatch.osx": "The macOS Intel version of the extension has been installed. Since you are on an Apple Silicon Mac, we recommend installing the Apple Silicon version of the extension.", - "native.binaries.not.supported": "This {0} {1} version of the extension is incompatible with your OS. Please download and install the \"{2}\" version of the extension.", + "native.binaries.mismatch.osx": "Se ha instalado la versión de Intel de macOS de la extensión. Como se trata de un equipo multiusuario de Apple Silicon, se recomienda instalar la versión de Apple Silicon de la extensión.", + "native.binaries.not.supported": "La versión para {0} {1} de la extensión no es compatible con el sistema operativo. Descargue la versión \"{2}\" de la extensión e instálela.", "extension.installation.failed": "Error de instalación de la extensión de C/C++. Tendrá que reparar o reinstalar la extensión para que las características del lenguaje C/C++ funcionen correctamente.", "remove.extension": "Intentar reparar", "jason.files.missing": "Error de instalación de la extensión de C/C++. Tendrá que reinstalar la extensión para que las características del lenguaje C/C++ funcionen correctamente.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/fra/package.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/fra/package.i18n.json index d6f35b4516..0ee34a1cf1 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/fra/package.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/fra/package.i18n.json @@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.addNodeAddonIncludePaths.description": "Ajoute des chemins include à partir de nan et node-addon-api quand il s'agit de dépendances.", "c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.description": "Si la valeur est true, l'opération Renommer le symbole nécessite un identificateur C/C++ valide.", "c_cpp.configuration.autocompleteAddParentheses.description": "Si la valeur est true, l'autocomplétion ajoute automatiquement \"(\" après les appels de fonction. Dans ce cas \")\" peut également être ajouté, en fonction de la valeur du paramètre \"editor.autoClosingBrackets\".", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.description": "Configure glob patterns for excluding folders (and files if \"C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy\" is changed). These are specific to the C/C++ extension and are in addition to \"files.exclude\", but unlike \"files.exclude\" they are not removed from the Explorer view. Read more about glob patterns [here](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeBoolean.description": "The glob pattern to match file paths against. Set to true or false to enable or disable the pattern.", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeWhen.description": "Additional check on the siblings of a matching file. Use $(basename) as variable for the matching file name.", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.description": "Configurez des modèles Glob pour l’exclusion des dossiers (et des fichiers si « C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy » est modifié). Ceux-ci sont spécifiques à l’extension C/C++ et s’ajoutent à « files.exclude », mais contrairement à « files.exclude », ils ne sont pas supprimés de l’affichage de l’Explorateur. Vous pourrez en savoir plus sur les modèles Glob [ici] (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeBoolean.description": "Modèle Glob auquel les chemins de fichiers doivent correspondre. Affectez la valeur true ou false pour activer ou désactiver le modèle.", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeWhen.description": "Vérification supplémentaire des frères d'un fichier correspondant. Utilisez $(basename) comme variable pour le nom de fichier correspondant.", "c_cpp.configuration.debugger.useBacktickCommandSubstitution.description": "Si la valeur est true, le remplacement de la commande d'interpréteur de commandes du débogueur utilise un accent grave (`) obsolète.", "c_cpp.contributes.views.cppReferencesView.title": "C/C++ : Autres résultats des références", "c_cpp.debuggers.pipeTransport.description": "Quand ce paramètre est présent, indique au débogueur de se connecter à un ordinateur distant en se servant d'un autre exécutable comme canal de relais d'entrée/de sortie standard entre VS Code et l'exécutable du back-end du débogueur MI (par exemple, gdb).", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/fra/src/main.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/fra/src/main.i18n.json index 60ad6c6b33..5ddbe41155 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/fra/src/main.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/fra/src/main.i18n.json @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ "architecture.not.supported": "L'architecture {0} n'est pas prise en charge. ", "apline.containers.not.supported": "Les conteneurs Alpine ne sont pas pris en charge.", "download.button": "Accéder à la page de téléchargement", - "native.binaries.mismatch.osx": "The macOS Intel version of the extension has been installed. Since you are on an Apple Silicon Mac, we recommend installing the Apple Silicon version of the extension.", - "native.binaries.not.supported": "This {0} {1} version of the extension is incompatible with your OS. Please download and install the \"{2}\" version of the extension.", + "native.binaries.mismatch.osx": "La version macOS Intel de l’extension a été installée. Dans la mesure où vous êtes sur Apple Silicon Mac, nous vous recommandons d’installer la version Apple Silicon de l’extension.", + "native.binaries.not.supported": "Cette version {0} {1} de l'extension est incompatible avec votre système d'exploitation. Téléchargez et installez la version {2} de l'extension.", "extension.installation.failed": "Échec de l'installation de l'extension C/C++. Vous devez réparer ou réinstaller l'extension pour que les fonctionnalités du langage C/C++ fonctionnent correctement.", "remove.extension": "Tentative de réparation", "jason.files.missing": "Échec de l'installation de l'extension C/C++. Vous devez réinstaller l'extension pour que les fonctionnalités du langage C/C++ fonctionnent correctement.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/ita/package.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/ita/package.i18n.json index b8d316b813..1a97142f07 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/ita/package.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/ita/package.i18n.json @@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.addNodeAddonIncludePaths.description": "Aggiunge percorsi di inclusione da nan e node-addon-api quando sono dipendenze.", "c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.description": "Se è true, con 'Rinomina simbolo' sarà richiesto un identificatore C/C++ valido.", "c_cpp.configuration.autocompleteAddParentheses.description": "Se è true, il completamento automatico aggiungerà automaticamente \"(\" dopo le chiamate di funzione. In tal caso potrebbe essere aggiunto anche \")\", a seconda del valore dell'impostazione \"editor.autoClosingBrackets\".", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.description": "Configure glob patterns for excluding folders (and files if \"C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy\" is changed). These are specific to the C/C++ extension and are in addition to \"files.exclude\", but unlike \"files.exclude\" they are not removed from the Explorer view. Read more about glob patterns [here](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeBoolean.description": "The glob pattern to match file paths against. Set to true or false to enable or disable the pattern.", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeWhen.description": "Additional check on the siblings of a matching file. Use $(basename) as variable for the matching file name.", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.description": "Configura i criteri GLOB per escludere le cartelle (e i file, se \"C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy\" è modificato). Questi sono specifici dell'estensione C/C++ e si aggiungono a \"files.exclude\", ma a differenza di \"files.exclude\" non vengono rimossi dalla visualizzazione Esplora. Altre informazioni sui criteri GLOB [qui](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeBoolean.description": "Criterio GLOB da usare per trovare percorsi file. Impostare su True o False per abilitare o disabilitare il criterio.", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeWhen.description": "Controllo aggiuntivo sugli elementi di pari livello di un file corrispondente. Usare $(basename) come variabile del nome file corrispondente.", "c_cpp.configuration.debugger.useBacktickCommandSubstitution.description": "Se è true, per la sostituzione del comando della shell del debugger verrà usato il carattere backtick obsoleto (`).", "c_cpp.contributes.views.cppReferencesView.title": "C/C++: Risultati altri riferimenti", "c_cpp.debuggers.pipeTransport.description": "Se presente, indica al debugger di connettersi a un computer remoto usando come pipe un altro eseguibile che inoltra l'input/output standard tra VS Code e l'eseguibile back-end del debugger abilitato per MI, ad esempio gdb.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/ita/src/main.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/ita/src/main.i18n.json index 29c7412b27..717ed2fc0d 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/ita/src/main.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/ita/src/main.i18n.json @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ "architecture.not.supported": "L'architettura {0} non è supportata. ", "apline.containers.not.supported": "I contenitori Alpine non sono supportati.", "download.button": "Vai alla pagina di download", - "native.binaries.mismatch.osx": "The macOS Intel version of the extension has been installed. Since you are on an Apple Silicon Mac, we recommend installing the Apple Silicon version of the extension.", - "native.binaries.not.supported": "This {0} {1} version of the extension is incompatible with your OS. Please download and install the \"{2}\" version of the extension.", + "native.binaries.mismatch.osx": "La versione per macOS Intel dell'estensione è stata installata. Dal momento che stai usando una Mac Apple Silicon, ti raccomandiamo di installare la versione per Apple Silicon dell'estensione.", + "native.binaries.not.supported": "La versione {0} {1} dell'estensione non è compatibile con il sistema operativo. Scaricare e installare la versione \"{2}\" dell'estensione.", "extension.installation.failed": "Non è stato possibile installare l'estensione C/C++. Per funzionare correttamente, è necessario riparare o reinstallare l'estensione per le funzionalità del linguaggio C/C++.", "remove.extension": "Tentativo di riparazione", "jason.files.missing": "Non è stato possibile installare l'estensione C/C++. Per funzionare correttamente, sarà necessario reinstallare l'estensione per le funzionalità del linguaggio C/C++.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/jpn/package.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/jpn/package.i18n.json index 87bf75247d..c6a8efb486 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/jpn/package.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/jpn/package.i18n.json @@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.addNodeAddonIncludePaths.description": "依存関係にある場合は、nan および node-addon-api からのインクルード パスを追加します。", "c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.description": "true の場合、'シンボルの名前変更' には有効な C/C++ 識別子が必要です。", "c_cpp.configuration.autocompleteAddParentheses.description": "true の場合、関数呼び出しの後に \"(\" が自動的に追加されます。その場合は、\"editor.autoClosingBrackets\" 設定の値に応じて、\")\" も追加される場合があります。", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.description": "Configure glob patterns for excluding folders (and files if \"C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy\" is changed). These are specific to the C/C++ extension and are in addition to \"files.exclude\", but unlike \"files.exclude\" they are not removed from the Explorer view. Read more about glob patterns [here](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeBoolean.description": "The glob pattern to match file paths against. Set to true or false to enable or disable the pattern.", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeWhen.description": "Additional check on the siblings of a matching file. Use $(basename) as variable for the matching file name.", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.description": "フォルダー (\"C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy\" が変更された場合はファイルも) を除外するための glob パターンを構成します。これらは C/c + + の拡張機能に固有であり、\"files. exclude\" に加えて構成しますが、\"files. exclude\" とは異なり、[エクスプローラー] ビューからは削除されません。glob パターンの詳細については、[こちら] (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options) を参照してください。", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeBoolean.description": "ファイル パスの照合基準となる glob パターン。これを true または false に設定すると、パターンがそれぞれ有効/無効になります。", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeWhen.description": "一致するファイルの兄弟をさらにチェックします。一致するファイル名の変数として $(basename) を使用します。", "c_cpp.configuration.debugger.useBacktickCommandSubstitution.description": "True の場合、デバッガー シェルのコマンド置換では古いバックティック (') が使用されます。", "c_cpp.contributes.views.cppReferencesView.title": "C/C++: その他の参照結果", "c_cpp.debuggers.pipeTransport.description": "これを指定すると、デバッガーにより、別の実行可能ファイルをパイプとして使用してリモート コンピューターに接続され、VS Code と MI 対応のデバッガー バックエンド実行可能ファイル (gdb など) との間で標準入出力が中継されます。", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/jpn/src/main.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/jpn/src/main.i18n.json index f4c0ce2372..18461bed2c 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/jpn/src/main.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/jpn/src/main.i18n.json @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ "architecture.not.supported": "アーキテクチャ {0} はサポートされていません。", "apline.containers.not.supported": "Alpine コンテナーはサポートされていません。", "download.button": "ダウンロード ページへ移動", - "native.binaries.mismatch.osx": "The macOS Intel version of the extension has been installed. Since you are on an Apple Silicon Mac, we recommend installing the Apple Silicon version of the extension.", - "native.binaries.not.supported": "This {0} {1} version of the extension is incompatible with your OS. Please download and install the \"{2}\" version of the extension.", + "native.binaries.mismatch.osx": "MacOS Intel 版の拡張機能がインストールされました。Apple Silicon Mac を使用しているため、拡張機能の Apple Silicon バージョンをインストールすることをお勧めします。", + "native.binaries.not.supported": "この {0} {1} バージョンの拡張機能は、お使いの OS と互換性がありません。拡張機能の \"{2}\" バージョンをダウンロードしてインストールしてください。", "extension.installation.failed": "C/C++ の拡張機能を正常にインストールできませんでした。正常に機能させるには、C/C++ 言語機能の拡張機能を修復または再インストールする必要があります。", "remove.extension": "修復の試行", "jason.files.missing": "C/C++ の拡張機能を正常にインストールできませんでした。正常に機能させるには、C/C++ 言語機能の拡張機能を再インストールする必要があります。", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/kor/package.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/kor/package.i18n.json index 0d263ace4c..10395d5b00 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/kor/package.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/kor/package.i18n.json @@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.addNodeAddonIncludePaths.description": "nan 및 node-addon-api가 종속성일 때 해당 포함 경로를 추가합니다.", "c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.description": "true이면 '기호 이름 바꾸기'에 유효한 C/C++ 식별자가 필요합니다.", "c_cpp.configuration.autocompleteAddParentheses.description": "true이면 자동 완성에서 \"editor.autoClosingBrackets\" 설정 값에 따라 함수 호출 뒤에 \"(\"를 자동으로 추가하며, 이 경우 \")\"도 추가될 수 있습니다.", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.description": "Configure glob patterns for excluding folders (and files if \"C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy\" is changed). These are specific to the C/C++ extension and are in addition to \"files.exclude\", but unlike \"files.exclude\" they are not removed from the Explorer view. Read more about glob patterns [here](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeBoolean.description": "The glob pattern to match file paths against. Set to true or false to enable or disable the pattern.", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeWhen.description": "Additional check on the siblings of a matching file. Use $(basename) as variable for the matching file name.", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.description": "폴더(및 \"C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy\"가 변경된 경우 파일)를 제외하기 위한 GLOB 패턴을 구성하세요. 이는 C/C++ 확장에 고유하며 \"files.exclude\"에 추가되지만 \"files.exclude\"와 달리 탐색기 보기에서 제거되지 않습니다. [여기](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options)에서 GLOB 패턴에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeBoolean.description": "파일 경로를 일치시킬 GLOB 패턴입니다. 패턴을 사용하거나 사용하지 않도록 설정하려면 true 또는 false로 설정하세요.", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeWhen.description": "일치하는 파일의 형제에 대한 추가 검사입니다. $(basename)을 일치하는 파일 이름에 대한 변수로 사용하세요.", "c_cpp.configuration.debugger.useBacktickCommandSubstitution.description": "true인 경우 디버거 셸 명령 대체가 사용되지 않는 백틱(`)을 사용합니다.", "c_cpp.contributes.views.cppReferencesView.title": "C/C++: 기타 참조 결과", "c_cpp.debuggers.pipeTransport.description": "있을 경우 VS Code와 MI 지원 디버거 백 엔드 실행 파일(예: gdb) 사이에 표준 입출력을 릴레이하는 파이프로 다른 실행 파일을 사용하여 원격 컴퓨터에 연결되도록 디버거를 지정합니다.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/kor/src/main.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/kor/src/main.i18n.json index 312b799ded..26261429f1 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/kor/src/main.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/kor/src/main.i18n.json @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ "architecture.not.supported": "{0} 아키텍처는 지원되지 않습니다. ", "apline.containers.not.supported": "Alpine 컨테이너는 지원되지 않습니다.", "download.button": "다운로드 페이지로 이동", - "native.binaries.mismatch.osx": "The macOS Intel version of the extension has been installed. Since you are on an Apple Silicon Mac, we recommend installing the Apple Silicon version of the extension.", - "native.binaries.not.supported": "This {0} {1} version of the extension is incompatible with your OS. Please download and install the \"{2}\" version of the extension.", + "native.binaries.mismatch.osx": "macOS Intel 버전의 확장이 설치되었습니다. Apple Silicon Mac을 사용 중이므로 Apple Silicon 버전의 확장을 설치하는 것이 좋습니다.", + "native.binaries.not.supported": "이 확장의 {0} {1} 버전은 OS와 호환되지 않습니다. 확장의 \"{2}\" 버전을 다운로드하여 설치하세요.", "extension.installation.failed": "C/C++ 확장을 설치하지 못했습니다. C/C++ 언어 기능이 제대로 작동하려면 확장을 복구하거나 다시 설치해야 합니다.", "remove.extension": "복구 시도", "jason.files.missing": "C/C++ 확장을 설치하지 못했습니다. C/C++ 언어 기능이 제대로 작동하려면 확장을 다시 설치해야 합니다.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/plk/package.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/plk/package.i18n.json index 44aa0eebf9..60a613d9c3 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/plk/package.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/plk/package.i18n.json @@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.addNodeAddonIncludePaths.description": "Dodaj ścieżki dołączania z bibliotek nan i node-addon-api, gdy są one zależnościami.", "c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.description": "Jeśli ma wartość true, operacja „Zmień nazwę symbolu” będzie wymagać prawidłowego identyfikatora C/C++.", "c_cpp.configuration.autocompleteAddParentheses.description": "W przypadku podania wartości true Autouzupełnianie będzie automatycznie dodawać znak „(” po wywołaniach funkcji, co może też powodować dodawanie znaku „)” w zależności od ustawienia „editor.autoClosingBrackets”.", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.description": "Configure glob patterns for excluding folders (and files if \"C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy\" is changed). These are specific to the C/C++ extension and are in addition to \"files.exclude\", but unlike \"files.exclude\" they are not removed from the Explorer view. Read more about glob patterns [here](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeBoolean.description": "The glob pattern to match file paths against. Set to true or false to enable or disable the pattern.", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeWhen.description": "Additional check on the siblings of a matching file. Use $(basename) as variable for the matching file name.", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.description": "Skonfiguruj wzorce globalne do wykluczania folderów (i plików, jeśli zostanie zmienione ustawienie „C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy”). Są one charakterystyczne dla rozszerzenia C/C++ i występują poza ustawieniem „files. exclude”, ale w przeciwieństwie do tego ustawienia nie można ich usuwać z widoku Eksploratora. Przeczytaj więcej na temat wzorców globalnych [tutaj] (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeBoolean.description": "Wzorzec globalny do dopasowywania ścieżek do plików. Aby włączyć lub wyłączyć wzorzec, ustaw wartość true lub false.", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeWhen.description": "Dodatkowe sprawdzenie elementów równorzędnych pasującego pliku. Użyj ciągu $(basename) jako zmiennej dla nazwy pasującego pliku.", "c_cpp.configuration.debugger.useBacktickCommandSubstitution.description": "Jeśli wartość będzie równa true, podstawianie poleceń powłoki debugera będzie używać przestarzałego grawisa (`).", "c_cpp.contributes.views.cppReferencesView.title": "C/C++: inne wyniki odwołań", "c_cpp.debuggers.pipeTransport.description": "Jeśli jest obecny, zawiera instrukcje dla debugera, aby połączył się z komputerem zdalnym przy użyciu innego pliku wykonywalnego jako potoku, który będzie przekazywał standardowe wejście/wyjście między programem VS Code a plikiem wykonywalnym zaplecza debugera z włączoną obsługą indeksu MI (takim jak gdb).", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/plk/src/main.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/plk/src/main.i18n.json index 8688ee6db8..a9b501678e 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/plk/src/main.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/plk/src/main.i18n.json @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ "architecture.not.supported": "Architektura {0} nie jest obsługiwana.", "apline.containers.not.supported": "Kontenery Alpine nie są obsługiwane.", "download.button": "Przejdź do strony pobierania", - "native.binaries.mismatch.osx": "The macOS Intel version of the extension has been installed. Since you are on an Apple Silicon Mac, we recommend installing the Apple Silicon version of the extension.", - "native.binaries.not.supported": "This {0} {1} version of the extension is incompatible with your OS. Please download and install the \"{2}\" version of the extension.", + "native.binaries.mismatch.osx": "Zainstalowano wersję rozszerzenia systemu macOS Intel. Zalecamy zainstalowanie wersji rozszerzania systemu Apple Silicon Mac, ponieważ używasz wersji systemu Apple Silicon Mac.", + "native.binaries.not.supported": "Ta wersja rozszerzenia systemu {0} {1} jest niezgodna z Twoim systemem operacyjnym. Pobierz i zainstaluj wersję rozszerzenia „{2}”.", "extension.installation.failed": "Nie można pomyślnie zainstalować rozszerzenia języka C/C++. Aby umożliwić poprawne działanie, należy naprawić lub zainstalować ponownie rozszerzenie dla funkcji języka C/C++.", "remove.extension": "Spróbuj naprawić", "jason.files.missing": "Nie można pomyślnie zainstalować rozszerzenia języka C/C++. Aby umożliwić poprawne działanie, należy zainstalować ponownie rozszerzenie dla funkcji języka C/C++.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/ptb/package.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/ptb/package.i18n.json index 6c675adcff..89d779e791 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/ptb/package.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/ptb/package.i18n.json @@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.addNodeAddonIncludePaths.description": "Adicionar caminhos de inclusão de nan e node-addon-api quando eles forem dependências.", "c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.description": "Se for true, 'Renomear Símbolo' exigirá um identificador C/C++ válido.", "c_cpp.configuration.autocompleteAddParentheses.description": "Se esta opção for true, o recurso Preenchimento Automático adicionará automaticamente \"(\" após as chamadas de função e, nesse caso, \")\" também poderá ser adicionado, dependendo do valor da configuração \"editor.autoClosingBrackets\".", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.description": "Configure glob patterns for excluding folders (and files if \"C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy\" is changed). These are specific to the C/C++ extension and are in addition to \"files.exclude\", but unlike \"files.exclude\" they are not removed from the Explorer view. Read more about glob patterns [here](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeBoolean.description": "The glob pattern to match file paths against. Set to true or false to enable or disable the pattern.", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeWhen.description": "Additional check on the siblings of a matching file. Use $(basename) as variable for the matching file name.", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.description": "Configure os padrões glob para excluir pastas (e arquivos se \"C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy\" for alterado). Eles são específicos para a extensão C/C++ e são adicionais a \"files.exclude\", mas ao contrário de \"files.exclude\", eles não são removidos da visualização do Explorer. Leia mais sobre padrões glob [aqui](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeBoolean.description": "O padrão glob ao qual corresponder os caminhos do arquivo. Defina como true ou false para habilitar ou desabilitar o padrão.", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeWhen.description": "Verificação adicional nos irmãos de um arquivo correspondente. Use $(basename) como variável para o nome do arquivo correspondente.", "c_cpp.configuration.debugger.useBacktickCommandSubstitution.description": "Se esta configuração for true, a substituição do comando do shell do depurador usará o acento grave obsoleto (`).", "c_cpp.contributes.views.cppReferencesView.title": "C/C++: outros resultados de referências", "c_cpp.debuggers.pipeTransport.description": "Quando presente, isso instrui o depurador a conectar-se a um computador remoto usando outro executável como um pipe que retransmitirá a entrada/saída padrão entre o VS Code e o executável do back-end do depurador habilitado para MI (como gdb).", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/ptb/src/main.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/ptb/src/main.i18n.json index 411b81b57b..72da33c7b0 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/ptb/src/main.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/ptb/src/main.i18n.json @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ "architecture.not.supported": "Não há suporte para a arquitetura {0}. ", "apline.containers.not.supported": "Não há suporte para os contêineres do Alpine.", "download.button": "Ir para a Página de Download", - "native.binaries.mismatch.osx": "The macOS Intel version of the extension has been installed. Since you are on an Apple Silicon Mac, we recommend installing the Apple Silicon version of the extension.", - "native.binaries.not.supported": "This {0} {1} version of the extension is incompatible with your OS. Please download and install the \"{2}\" version of the extension.", + "native.binaries.mismatch.osx": "A versão macOS Intel da extensão foi instalada. Como você está em um Apple Silicon Mac, recomendamos instalar a versão Apple Silicon da extensão.", + "native.binaries.not.supported": "Esta versão {0} {1} da extensão é incompatível com seu sistema operacional. Baixe e instale a versão \"{2}\" da extensão.", "extension.installation.failed": "A extensão C/C++ não foi instalada com êxito. Será necessário reparar ou reinstalar a extensão dos recursos da linguagem C/C++ para que ela funcione corretamente.", "remove.extension": "Tentar Reparar", "jason.files.missing": "A extensão C/C++ não foi instalada com êxito. Será necessário reinstalar a extensão dos recursos da linguagem C/C++ para que ela funcione corretamente.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/rus/package.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/rus/package.i18n.json index 19cb209f30..916517dcfa 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/rus/package.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/rus/package.i18n.json @@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.addNodeAddonIncludePaths.description": "Добавить пути включения из nan и node-addon-api, если они являются зависимостями.", "c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.description": "Если этот параметр имеет значение true, для операции \"Переименование символов\" потребуется указать допустимый идентификатор C/C++.", "c_cpp.configuration.autocompleteAddParentheses.description": "Если значение — true, автозаполнение автоматически добавит \"(\" после вызовов функции, и в этом случае также может добавить \")\" в зависимости от значения параметра \"editor.autoClosingBrackets\".", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.description": "Configure glob patterns for excluding folders (and files if \"C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy\" is changed). These are specific to the C/C++ extension and are in addition to \"files.exclude\", but unlike \"files.exclude\" they are not removed from the Explorer view. Read more about glob patterns [here](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeBoolean.description": "The glob pattern to match file paths against. Set to true or false to enable or disable the pattern.", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeWhen.description": "Additional check on the siblings of a matching file. Use $(basename) as variable for the matching file name.", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.description": "Настройте стандартные маски для исключения папок (и файлов, если внесено изменение в \"C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy\"). Они специфичны для расширения C/C++ и дополняют \"files.exclude\", но в отличие от \"files.exclude\" они не удаляются из представления обозревателя. Дополнительные сведения о стандартных масках см. [здесь] (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeBoolean.description": "Стандартная маска, соответствующая путям к файлам. Задайте значение true или false, чтобы включить или отключить маску.", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeWhen.description": "Дополнительная проверка элементов того же уровня соответствующего файла. Используйте $(basename) в качестве переменной для соответствующего имени файла.", "c_cpp.configuration.debugger.useBacktickCommandSubstitution.description": "Если задано значение true, для подстановки команд оболочки отладчика будет использоваться устаревший обратный апостроф (`).", "c_cpp.contributes.views.cppReferencesView.title": "C/C++: результаты по другим ссылкам", "c_cpp.debuggers.pipeTransport.description": "При наличии сообщает отладчику о необходимости подключения к удаленному компьютеру с помощью другого исполняемого файла в качестве канала, который будет пересылать стандартный ввод и вывод между VS Code и исполняемым файлом отладчика с поддержкой MI в серверной части (например, gdb).", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/rus/src/main.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/rus/src/main.i18n.json index 0126ae04c7..6f5f53e9e0 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/rus/src/main.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/rus/src/main.i18n.json @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ "architecture.not.supported": "Архитектура {0} не поддерживается. ", "apline.containers.not.supported": "Контейнеры Alpine не поддерживаются.", "download.button": "Перейти к странице скачивания", - "native.binaries.mismatch.osx": "The macOS Intel version of the extension has been installed. Since you are on an Apple Silicon Mac, we recommend installing the Apple Silicon version of the extension.", - "native.binaries.not.supported": "This {0} {1} version of the extension is incompatible with your OS. Please download and install the \"{2}\" version of the extension.", + "native.binaries.mismatch.osx": "Установлена версия расширения для macOS Intel. Так как вы используете компьютер Apple Silicon Mac, рекомендуется установить версию расширения для Apple Silicon.", + "native.binaries.not.supported": "Версия расширения для {0} {1} несовместима с вашей ОС. Скачайте и установите версию расширения \"{2}\".", "extension.installation.failed": "Установить расширение C/C++ не удалось. Исправьте или переустановите расширение функций языка C/C++ для корректной работы.", "remove.extension": "Попытка исправления", "jason.files.missing": "Установить расширение C/C++ не удалось. Переустановите расширение функций языка C/C++ для корректной работы.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/trk/package.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/trk/package.i18n.json index c5c68e7fc1..a985c618c3 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/trk/package.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/trk/package.i18n.json @@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ "c_cpp.configuration.addNodeAddonIncludePaths.description": "nan ve node-addon-api bağımlılık olduğunda bunlardan ekleme yolları ekleyin.", "c_cpp.configuration.renameRequiresIdentifier.description": "True ise, 'Sembolü Yeniden Adlandır' işlemi için geçerli bir C/C++ tanımlayıcısı gerekir.", "c_cpp.configuration.autocompleteAddParentheses.description": "True ise otomatik tamamla özelliği, işlev çağrılarından sonra otomatik olarak \"(\" ekler. Bazı durumlarda \"editor.autoClosingBrackets\" ayarının değerine bağlı olarak \")\" karakteri de eklenebilir.", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.description": "Configure glob patterns for excluding folders (and files if \"C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy\" is changed). These are specific to the C/C++ extension and are in addition to \"files.exclude\", but unlike \"files.exclude\" they are not removed from the Explorer view. Read more about glob patterns [here](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options).", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeBoolean.description": "The glob pattern to match file paths against. Set to true or false to enable or disable the pattern.", - "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeWhen.description": "Additional check on the siblings of a matching file. Use $(basename) as variable for the matching file name.", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExclude.description": "Klasörleri (ve \"C_Cpp.exclusionPolicy\" değiştirilmişse dosyaları) dışlamak için glob desenlerini yapılandırın. Bunlar C/C++ uzantısına özgüdür ve \"files.exclude\" ayarına ektir ancak \"files.exclude\" ayarından farklı olarak Explorer görünümünden kaldırılmazlar. Glob desenleri hakkında [burada] (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/codebasics#_advanced-search-options) daha fazlasını okuyun.", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeBoolean.description": "Dosya yollarıyla eşleşecek glob deseni. Deseni etkinleştirmek veya devre dışı bırakmak için true ya da false olarak ayarlayın.", + "c_cpp.configuration.filesExcludeWhen.description": "Eşleşen bir dosyanın eşdüzey öğeleri üzerinde ek denetim. Eşleşen dosya adı için değişken olarak $(basename) kullanın.", "c_cpp.configuration.debugger.useBacktickCommandSubstitution.description": "True ise, hata ayıklayıcı kabuk komut değiştirme eski kesme işaretini (`) kullanır.", "c_cpp.contributes.views.cppReferencesView.title": "C/C++: Diğer başvuru sonuçları", "c_cpp.debuggers.pipeTransport.description": "Mevcut olduğunda, hata ayıklayıcısına, VS Code ile MI özellikli hata ayıklayıcısı arka uç yürütülebilir dosyası (gdb gibi) arasında standart giriş/çıkış geçişi sağlayan bir kanal olarak görev yapacak başka bir yürütülebilir dosya aracılığıyla uzak bilgisayara bağlanmasını söyler.", diff --git a/Extension/i18n/trk/src/main.i18n.json b/Extension/i18n/trk/src/main.i18n.json index a971fe9e07..8933d18172 100644 --- a/Extension/i18n/trk/src/main.i18n.json +++ b/Extension/i18n/trk/src/main.i18n.json @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ "architecture.not.supported": "{0} mimarisi desteklemiyor.", "apline.containers.not.supported": "Alpine kapsayıcıları desteklenmiyor.", "download.button": "İndirmeler Sayfasına Git", - "native.binaries.mismatch.osx": "The macOS Intel version of the extension has been installed. Since you are on an Apple Silicon Mac, we recommend installing the Apple Silicon version of the extension.", - "native.binaries.not.supported": "This {0} {1} version of the extension is incompatible with your OS. Please download and install the \"{2}\" version of the extension.", + "native.binaries.mismatch.osx": "Uzantının macOS Intel sürümü yüklendi. Bir Apple Silicon Mac bilgisayar kullandığınızdan, uzantının Apple Silicon sürümünü yüklemenizi öneririz.", + "native.binaries.not.supported": "Uzantının bu {0} {1} sürümü, işletim sisteminizle uyumlu değil. Lütfen uzantının \"{2}\" sürümünü indirip yükleyin.", "extension.installation.failed": "C/C++ uzantısı başarıyla yüklenemedi. C/C++ dil özelliklerinin düzgün çalışması için uzantıyı onarmanız veya yeniden yüklemeniz gerekir.", "remove.extension": "Onarmayı Dene", "jason.files.missing": "C/C++ uzantısı başarıyla yüklenemedi. C/C++ dil özelliklerinin düzgün çalışabilmesi için uzantıyı yeniden yüklemeniz gerekir.", diff --git a/Extension/package.json b/Extension/package.json index 4f6f882197..4432f12816 100644 --- a/Extension/package.json +++ b/Extension/package.json @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ "name": "cpptools", "displayName": "C/C++", "description": "C/C++ IntelliSense, debugging, and code browsing.", - "version": "1.3.0-main", + "version": "1.3.1-main", "publisher": "ms-vscode", "icon": "LanguageCCPP_color_128x.png", "readme": "README.md", diff --git a/Extension/src/LanguageServer/client.ts b/Extension/src/LanguageServer/client.ts index 2a952df3c7..43e733b7ce 100644 --- a/Extension/src/LanguageServer/client.ts +++ b/Extension/src/LanguageServer/client.ts @@ -2454,7 +2454,7 @@ export class DefaultClient implements Client { configuration: itemConfig }); } else { - console.warn("discarding invalid SourceFileConfigurationItem: " + item); + console.warn("discarding invalid SourceFileConfigurationItem: " + JSON.stringify(item)); } }); @@ -2511,7 +2511,7 @@ export class DefaultClient implements Client { sanitized = {...config}; if (!this.isWorkspaceBrowseConfiguration(sanitized)) { - console.log("Received an invalid browse configuration from configuration provider."); + console.log("Received an invalid browse configuration from configuration provider: " + JSON.stringify(sanitized)); const configValue: WorkspaceBrowseConfiguration | undefined = lastCustomBrowseConfiguration.Value; if (configValue) { sanitized = configValue; diff --git a/Extension/src/LanguageServer/extension.ts b/Extension/src/LanguageServer/extension.ts index 52a597f055..b51a4e2449 100644 --- a/Extension/src/LanguageServer/extension.ts +++ b/Extension/src/LanguageServer/extension.ts @@ -173,9 +173,9 @@ export function activate(activationEventOccurred: boolean): void { for (let i: number = 0; i < vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders.length; ++i) { const config: string = path.join(vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders[i].uri.fsPath, ".vscode/c_cpp_properties.json"); if (fs.existsSync(config)) { + cppPropertiesExists = true; vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(config).then((doc: vscode.TextDocument) => { vscode.languages.setTextDocumentLanguage(doc, "jsonc"); - cppPropertiesExists = true; }); } } diff --git a/Extension/src/main.ts b/Extension/src/main.ts index ee47ecec3f..8af94840a8 100644 --- a/Extension/src/main.ts +++ b/Extension/src/main.ts @@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ export async function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext): Promise