5 | 5 |
6 | 6 | # Keep these options sorted in ascending order to ease lookup with rustfmt documentation.
7 | 7 |
8 |
| -edition = "2021" # This would normally be picked up from Cargo.toml if not specified here |
9 |
| -force_explicit_abi = true # Always print the ABI for extern items (e.g. extern {... will become extern "C" {...) |
10 |
| -hard_tabs = false # Always uses spaces for indentation and alignment |
11 |
| -max_width = 120 # The maximum width of each line |
12 |
| -merge_derives = false # Do not merge derives into a single line (leave to author discretion). |
13 |
| -imports_granularity = "Crate" # Merge imports from a single crate into separate statements. |
14 |
| -newline_style = "Windows" # Always use Windows line endings '\r\n' |
15 |
| -reorder_impl_items = false # Do not force where type and const before macros and methods in impl blocks. |
16 |
| -reorder_imports = true # Do reorder import and extern crate statements alphabetically for readability. |
17 |
| -reorder_modules = true # Do reorder mod declarations alphabetically for readability. |
18 |
| -tab_spaces = 4 # Use 4 spaces for indentation (Rust default). |
19 |
| -unstable_features = false # Do not use unstable rustfmt features. |
20 |
| -use_small_heuristics = "Max" # Set all granular width settings to the same as max_width (do not use heuristics) |
21 |
| -wrap_comments = false # Leave comment formatting to author's discretion |
| 8 | +edition = "2021" # This would normally be picked up from Cargo.toml if not specified here |
| 9 | +enum_discrim_align_threshold = 8 # Vertically align enum discriminants |
| 10 | +force_explicit_abi = true # Always print the ABI for extern items (e.g. extern {... will become extern "C" {...) |
| 11 | +hard_tabs = false # Always uses spaces for indentation and alignment |
| 12 | +max_width = 120 # The maximum width of each line |
| 13 | +merge_derives = false # Do not merge derives into a single line (leave to author discretion). |
| 14 | +imports_granularity = "Crate" # Merge imports from a single crate into separate statements. |
| 15 | +newline_style = "Windows" # Always use Windows line endings '\r\n' |
| 16 | +reorder_impl_items = false # Do not force where type and const before macros and methods in impl blocks. |
| 17 | +reorder_imports = true # Do reorder import and extern crate statements alphabetically for readability. |
| 18 | +reorder_modules = true # Do reorder mod declarations alphabetically for readability. |
| 19 | +struct_field_align_threshold = 8 # Vertically align struct fields |
| 20 | +tab_spaces = 4 # Use 4 spaces for indentation (Rust default). |
| 21 | +unstable_features = false # Do not use unstable rustfmt features. |
| 22 | +use_small_heuristics = "Max" # Set all granular width settings to the same as max_width (do not use heuristics) |
| 23 | +wrap_comments = false # Leave comment formatting to author's discretion |
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