diff --git a/build/preparerelease.ps1 b/build/preparerelease.ps1 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..860e9d7e --- /dev/null +++ b/build/preparerelease.ps1 @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +<# + +.SYNOPSIS +Prepares a PR for release + +.DESCRIPTION +This script is used to do the edits required for preparing a release PR. + +.PARAMETER TargetBranch +This the branch to use as the base of the release. Defaults to 'main'. + +.PARAMETER UpdateVersion +This is a $true or $false value that indicates if the library version should be incremented. Defaults to $true. + +.LINK +https://github.com/microsoft/UVAtlas/wiki + +#> + +param( + [string]$TargetBranch = "main", + [bool]$UpdateVersion = $true +) + +$reporoot = Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent +$cmake = $reporoot + "\CMakeLists.txt" +$header = $reporoot + "\UVAtlas\inc\UVAtlas.h" +$readme = $reporoot + "\README.md" +$history = $reporoot + "\CHANGELOG.md" + +if ((-Not (Test-Path $cmake)) -Or (-Not (Test-Path $header)) -Or (-Not (Test-Path $readme)) -Or (-Not (Test-Path $history))) +{ + Write-Error "ERROR: Unexpected location of script file!" -ErrorAction Stop +} + +$branch = git branch --show-current +if ($branch -ne $TargetBranch) +{ + Write-Error "ERROR: Must be in the $TargetBranch branch!" -ErrorAction Stop +} + +git pull -q +if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) +{ + Write-Error "ERROR: Failed to sync branch!" -ErrorAction Stop +} + +$newreleasedate = Get-Date -Format "MMMM d, yyyy" +$newreleasetag = (Get-Date -Format "MMMyyyy").ToLower() + +$version = Get-Content ($cmake) | Select-String -Pattern "set\(UVATLAS_VERSION" -CaseSensitive +$version -match "([0-9]?\.[0-9]?\.[0-9]?)" > $null +$version = $Matches.0 +$rawversion = $version.replace('.','') + +if($UpdateVersion) { + [string]$newrawversion = ([int]$rawversion + 1) +} +else { + $newrawversion = $rawversion +} + +$newversion = $newrawversion[0] + "." + $newrawversion[1] + "." + $newrawversion[2] + +$rawreleasedate = $(Get-Content $readme) | Select-String -Pattern "\*\*[A-Z][a-z]+\S.\d+,?\S.\d\d\d\d\*\*" +$releasedate = $rawreleasedate -replace '\*','' + +Write-Host " Old Version: " $version +Write-Host "Old Release Date: " $releasedate +Write-Host "->" +Write-Host " Release Date: " $newreleasedate +Write-Host " Release Tag: " $newreleasetag +Write-Host " Release Version: " $newversion + +if($UpdateVersion) { + (Get-Content $cmake).Replace("set(UVATLAS_VERSION $version)","set(UVATLAS_VERSION $newversion)") | Set-Content $cmake + (Get-Content $header).Replace("#define UVATLAS_VERSION $rawversion","#define UVATLAS_VERSION $newrawversion") | Set-Content $header +} + +(Get-Content $readme).Replace("$rawreleasedate", "**$newreleasedate**") | Set-Content $readme + +Get-ChildItem -Path ($reporoot + "\.nuget") -Filter *.nuspec | Foreach-Object { + (Get-Content -Path $_.Fullname).Replace("$releasedate", "$newreleasedate") | Set-Content -Path $_.Fullname -Encoding utf8 + } + +[System.Collections.ArrayList]$file = Get-Content $history +$inserthere = @() + +for ($i=0; $i -lt $file.count; $i++) { + if ($file[$i] -match "## Release History") { + $inserthere += $i + 1 + } +} + +$file.insert($inserthere[0], "`n### $newreleasedate`n* change history here") +Set-Content -Path $history -Value $file