When requesting for a prediction you might receive back an error saying: 'No successfully finished runs were found'. This usually happens when the system cannot find a model that was successfully trained. This section will help you find the root cause for the error.
Verify model runner service is up and running:
- On a Kubernetes cluster:
kubectl get pods
- Locally:
docker ps
Verify env variables configuration defined for the model runner service:
To check env variables values locally (on a running docker container):
docker exec container_name bash -c 'echo "$ENV_VAR"'
To check env variables on a running kubernetes pod, the following command shows the pod spec where you should review the 'env' section:
kubectl get pod ${mypod} -oyaml
You can also check from inside the pod what is in effect:
kubectl exec ${mypod} -- sh -c env
If those parameters are not defined correctly, the model service will be looking for a model in a wrong experiment/databricks etc.
Verify training service is up and running:
- On a Kubernetes cluster:
kubectl get pods
- Locally:
docker ps
Verify env variables configuration defined for the training service:
(see how to check the env variables values in the first section ) If those parameters are not defined correctly the training service will train the model in a wrong databricks/notebook etc.
If the MLflow notebook run has failed in Databricks, those are the common reasons:
- Notebook parameters - verify that the parameters sent within request's json body have the same names and types in the notebook.
- Other errors - Try running notebook manually with the same parameters sent within request's json body and see if any error occurs.