Generating Shared Access Signature (Sas Uri / Saskey)
Kusto Commands
- download and extract latest release of collectsfdata
- open cmd/powershell prompt and navigate to extracted directory
- save configuration to extracted directory or generate new config with .\collectsfdata.exe -save collectsfdata.options.json or pass arguments on command line
- modify saskey, starttimestamp, endtimestamp, kustocluster, kustotable, and gathertype
- service fabric kusto cluster ingest url:
- 30 minutes is always added to EndTimeUtc due to the way sf uploads traces to storage account.
- service fabric kusto cluster ingest url:
- execute utility.
- analyze data
CollectSFData uses a sas uri similar to Traceviewer to connect to the 'sflogs' storage account used by the service fabric cluster to store data. This can be generated from the Azure portal.
From Azure portal https://portal.azure.com navigate to service fabric cluster resource. There will typically be two storage accounts created for service fabric. One is for windows azure diagnostics (wad) and the other for service fabric diagnostic logs and events. The service fabric storage account is usually prefixed with 'sflogs'. If not, the correct account can be verified by determining which storage account has the three containers:
Once correct storage account is identified, select 'Shared access signature' and then 'Generate SAS and connection string'. Copy 'Blob service SAS URL' or 'Connection Sting'. This is the value that will be used for CollectSFData argument 'SasKey'.
Ensure at least the following permissions are selected:
Allowed Services
- Blob
- Table
Allowed Resource Types
- Service
- Container
- Object
Allowed Permissions
- Read
- List
All gather types ingest into Kusto or Log Analytics as a single table per gather type except for gather type 'any'. Any will download files locally. The gather type is also prepended to the table name during ingestion. This is to allow different gather types to be collected without having to change configuration for table name and for table naming constraints.
Example: configured table name 'jagilber_0000000000000001' would be prepended with 'counter_' for gather type counter 'counter_jagilber_0000000000000001'.
- use perfmon kusto query from azure data explorer to graph results
- change value in query from '['counter_serviceFabricLogs']' to '['counter_<%user%>_<%case%>']' for table name to be graphed.
- to view results, uncomment one counter line in query and execute.
- // | where CounterName contains "Avg. Disk Queue Length" and CounterName contains "c:"
- | where CounterName contains "Avg. Disk Queue Length" and CounterName contains "c:"
"Timestamp": 2019-10-28T11:52:32.418Z,
"CounterName": \\nt0000002\Service Fabric TStore\Checkpoint File Write Bytes/sec,
"CounterValue": 0,
"NodeName": _nt0_2,
"FileType": counter,
"RelativeUri": fabriccounters-96b543e6-6444-462d-a4a6-6dd524a059b7/_nt0_2/fabric_counters_637068450074374168_000377.blg.perf.csv,
- sf fabric*.exe dumps.
- adds 'exception_' prefix to table name.
- creates table with records containing url, pid, and process name for dumps from storage account.
- console output lists download url with sas.
- can run for any time range.
"Timestamp": 2019-11-06T01:01:36Z,
"PID": 2732,
"Type": FabricDCA,
"Text": https://xxx.blob.core.windows.net/fabriccrashdumps-75c7a5b0-649b-4b8a-bbf5-39a28ed3ae93/_nt0_1/FabricDCA.exe.2732.dmp,
"NodeName": _nt0_1,
"FileType": fabriccrashdumps,
"RelativeUri": fabriccrashdumps-75c7a5b0-649b-4b8a-bbf5-39a28ed3ae93/_nt0_1/FabricDCA.exe.2732.dmp,
11/15/19 12:55:53 +00:00 https://xxx.blob.core.windows.net/fabriccrashdumps-75c7a5b0-649b-4b8a-bbf5-39a28ed3ae93/_nt0_1/Fabric.exe.6224.dmp?sv=2015-04-05&ss=bt&srt=sco&sp=rl&se=2019-12-04T21:16:27.0651279Z&sig=8vn550BtkQCBS2DXRQ%2B%2FmcBBxa%2FjeB7TNr05xO1EZig%3D
11/15/19 12:57:36 +00:00 https://xxx.blob.core.windows.net/fabriccrashdumps-75c7a5b0-649b-4b8a-bbf5-39a28ed3ae93/_nt0_1/Fabric.exe.13044.dmp?sv=2015-04-05&ss=bt&srt=sco&sp=rl&se=2019-12-04T21:16:27.0651279Z&sig=8vn550BtkQCBS2DXRQ%2B%2FmcBBxa%2FjeB7TNr05xO1EZig%3D
1:Execute:4024 files enumerated.
1:Execute:15 files matched.
1:Execute:0 files downloaded.
1:Execute:0 files skipped.
1:Execute:15 files formatted.
1:Execute:0 errors.
1:Execute:15 records.
1:Execute:total execution time in minutes: 0.41
- sf install .trace files.
- adds 'setup_' prefix to table name.
- can run for any time range as data is small but typically only needed for time of issue.
"Timestamp": 2019-11-06T01:06:55.85Z,
"Level": Info,
"PID": 2996,
"Type": ImageBuilder.FabricDeployer,
"Text": Network interface ip address: fe80::b841:872:f6fd:2205%7.,
"NodeName": _nt0_0,
"FileType": fabricdeployer,
"RelativeUri": fabriclogs-52290932-903d-4492-883d-5ae186f0c313/_nt0_0/Bootstrap/f45f24746c42cc2a6dd69da9e7797e2c_FabricDeployer-637085992157096945.trace,
data type: sf cluster and node storage account table events. same as available in sfx explorer events.
- best viewed with kusto function 'TableView('table_%user%_%case%')'.
- Example:
- TableView('table_jagilber_000000000000001') | facet by TaskName
- TableView('table_jagilber_000000000000001') | where TaskName contains "hosting"
"Timestamp": 2019-10-28T04:00:27.0397761Z,
"PartitionKey": Hosting.ProcessExitedOperational,
"RowKey": 02518300514278364702_f7887fc4eaa9252af2883c45b819a018_2_5724_9320,
"RelativeUri": fabriclog96b543e66444462da4a66dd524a059b7ApplicationsOps,
"ExeName": start.bat,
"ExitCode": 0,
"HostId": 554aae28-6b00-4303-8071-f5fac02ae72a,
"TaskName": Hosting,
"CodePackageName": Code,
"EventType": ProcessExitedOperational,
"EventVersion": 2,
"UnexpectedTermination": True,
"dca_version": -2147483648,
"EntryPointType": 1,
"IsExclusive": True,
"ServicePackageName": TaskRunnerPkg,
"ProcessId": 15144,
"ServiceName": fabric:/PeriodicScriptService/TaskRunner,
"ServicePackageActivationId": a2442698-3076-459d-8a9a-f9a57d2520cf,
"StartTime": 2019-10-28T07:56:17.552874Z,
"applicationName": fabric:/PeriodicScriptService,
"category": StateTransition,
"eventInstanceId": 7f32ac63-4eea-424b-ae9a-5413d8024893,
"eventName": ApplicationProcessExited,
"Timestamp": 2019-10-27T20:17:40.2919037Z,
"EventTimeStamp": 2019-10-28T00:16:18.658833Z,
"ETag": W/"datetime'2019-10-28T00%3A17%3A40.2919037Z'",
"PartitionKey": RE.PrimaryReplicationQueueWarningEvent,
"RowKey": 02518300790213411661_d35d5c46ea9c7a12a6c6b2629604e55f_5_16428_23244,
"PropertyName": EventType,
"PropertyValue": PrimaryReplicationQueueWarningEvent,
"RelativeUri": fabriclogdf933b6d7f704376a07ef1862f877fa3ReplicasOps
- use 'KustoUseBlobAsSource' for fastest ingest.
- use 'KustoCompressed' to reduce network traffic
- use 'UriFilter' and set to 'fabric_' for fabric only traces
- use 'UriFilter' and set to 'lease_' for lease only traces
- use 'NodeFilter' to ingest only certain nodes
- use regex / string based 'NodeFilter' and add name of node(s) to gather from if all nodes are not needed.
examples:- NodeFilter: "_nt_0" to collect data for only node 0
- NodeFilter: "_nt_0|_nt_1" to collect data for only nodes 0 and 1
- NodeFilter: "_nt_0|_nt_1|_nt_2" to collect data for only nodes 0 - 2
- NodeFilter: "_nt_[0-1]" to collect data for only nodes 0 - 1
- NodeFilter: "_nt_[135]" to collect data for only nodes 1, 3, and 5
- NodeFilter: "_nt_" to collect data for only nodes for nodetype 'nt'
use kusto functions. functions are viewable in tree view from azure data explorer or by typing '.show functions'
from azure data explorer console, type the name of the function and pass name of table in single quotes. -
Example: TraceSummary('trace_jagilber_000000000000001')
use kusto queries from azure data explorer to view results
- change value in queries from '%kusto table name%' to 'trace_<%user%>_<%case%>' for trace table name to be viewed.
"Timestamp": 2019-10-22T14:35:27.761Z,
"Level": Informational,
"TID": 1112,
"PID": 1272,
"Type": Lease.ApiEnd,
"NodeName": _nt0_0,
"FileType": lease,
"RelativeUri": fabriclogs-33cf5c42-a3ba-403c-9717-6aaadaa45a55/_nt0_0/Lease/c3daf3c2018074d5bd8d8b8fa7cbd7bc_lease_traces_6.5.676.9590_132161469049099725_8_00637073520242075217_2147483647.dtr
- use 'StartTimeUtc' and 'EndTimeUtc'
- use 'UriFilter' to filter files
- use 'NodeFilter' to ingest only certain nodes
- use regex / string based 'NodeFilter' and add name of node(s) to gather from if all nodes are not needed.
$apiResults = convertfrom-json (iwr "https://api.github.com/repos/microsoft/CollectServiceFabricData/releases/latest" -UseBasicParsing)
(new-object net.webclient).downloadFile($apiResults.assets.browser_download_url,"$pwd\collectsfdata.zip")
expand-archive .\collectsfdata.zip .\collectsfdata
cd .\collectsfdata
.\collectsfdata.exe `
--start "11/01/2019 08:00 +00:00" `
--stop "11/01/2019 10:30 +00:00" `
--gatherType trace `
--kustoCluster "https://ingest-{{cluster}}.{{location}}.kusto.windows.net/{{database}}" `
--kustoTable "jagilber_0000000000000001" `
--sasKey "https://XXX.blob.core.windows.net/containerName?sasToken"
.\collectsfdata.exe `
--start "11/01/2019 08:00 +00:00" `
--stop "11/01/2019 10:30 +00:00" `
--gatherType trace `
--nodeFilter "_nt0_0" `
--uriFilter "fabric_" `
--kustoCluster "https://ingest-{{cluster}}.{{location}}.kusto.windows.net/{{database}}" `
--kustoTable "jagilber_0000000000000001" `
--sasKey "https://XXX.blob.core.windows.net/containerName?sasToken"
.\collectsfdata.exe `
--start "11/01/2019 08:00 +00:00" `
--stop "11/01/2019 10:30 +00:00" `
--gatherType trace `
--nodeFilter "_nt0_0|_nt0_1" `
--uriFilter "fabric_" `
--kustoCluster "https://ingest-{{cluster}}.{{location}}.kusto.windows.net/{{database}}" `
--kustoTable "jagilber_0000000000000001" `
--sasKey "https://XXX.blob.core.windows.net/containerName?sasToken"
Creating a default configuration file named 'collectsfdata.options.json' in working directory eliminates having to specify a configuration file or configuration options on the command line.
.\collectsfdata.exe -save .\collectsfdata.options.json --kustoCluster "https://ingest-{{cluster}}.{{location}}.kusto.windows.net/{{database}}"
write-host "modify saskey, starttimestamp, endtimestamp, kustotable, and gathertype"
Creating a custom configuration json file in any directory allows multiple configurations that can be used from command line.
.\collectsfdata.exe -save $configurationFile --kustoCluster "https://ingest-{{cluster}}.{{location}}.kusto.windows.net/{{database}}"
. $configurationFile
write-host "modify saskey, starttimestamp, endtimestamp, kustotable, and gathertype"
.\collectsfdata.exe -config $configurationFile
"$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/CollectServiceFabricData/master/configurationFiles/collectsfdata.schema.json",
"CacheLocation": null,
"ContainerFilter": null,
"DeleteCache": false,
"EndTimeStamp": null, // enter end time or leave blank for now
"GatherType": "trace", // trace , counter, setup, exception, or table
"KustoCluster": "https://ingest-{{cluster}}.{{location}}.kusto.windows.net/{{database}}", // sf pg kusto db ingest url
"KustoCompressed": true,
"KustoRecreateTable": false, // true to drop and create table before ingest
"KustoTable": "<%username%>_<%case number%>", // enter username and case number for table name
"KustoUseBlobAsSource": false, // if sf is > 6.5 and gathertype 'trace' this can be set to true for faster processing (some traces still not working in 6.5)
"LogDebug": 4,
"LogFile": null,
"NodeFilter": null, // regex / string match for one or more nodes ex: '_nt0_[0-4]' or '_nt0_0|_nt0_1|_nt0_2|_nt0_3|_nt0_4'
"ResourceUri": null, // fill out for sf pg (future)
"SasKey": null, // enter customer sas uri for blob
"StartTimeStamp": null, // enter start time or leave blank for -2 hours
"Threads": 8,
"Unique": true, // true to prevent duplicate records on multiple ingests
"UriFilter": null, // set to 'fabric_' for only fabric traces. set to 'lease_' for only lease traces. default is all
"UseMemoryStream": true
- to view all tables: collectsfdata.exe -kp list
- to drop table: collectsfdata.exe -kp <%table name%>
ex: collectsfdata.exe -kp trace_jagilber_0000000000000001 - to verify table has been deleted / dropped (not necessary): collectsfdata.exe -kp list
- open url: https://dataexplorer.azure.com
- to view all tables: .show tables
- to view all tables with name match: .show tables | where TableName contains "<%filter%>"
ex: .show tables | where TableName contains "jagilber" - to drop table: .drop table <%table name%>
ex: .drop table trace_jagilber_0000000000000001
note: on success, output will display all tables remaining - to verify table has been deleted / dropped (not necessary): .show table <%table name%>
- to show all tables: .show tables
- query to display previous queries: .show queries
- drop table: .drop table <%table name%>
- ingestion failures: .show ingestion failures
- table ingestion time: <%table name%> | top 1 by Timestamp asc | project ingestion_time()
- E_WRONG_NUBER_OF_FIELDS. this can be caused by setting 'UseKustoBlobAsSource' to true. some events are still not csv compliant. to resolve, set 'UseKustoBlobAsSource' to false.
5:QueueMonitor:error: Ingestion error total:(46): {
"OperationId": "4d026446-2de4-4c29-b74e-37d021dfc33c",
"Database": "incidentlogs",
"Table": "trace_jagilber_test",
"FailedOn": "2019-11-04T00:57:13.6847693Z",
"IngestionSourceId": "5d608b78-2235-4885-911e-b16a84388a85",
"Details": "Stream_WrongNumberOfFields: Stream with id 'bc4316ec4b0814dcc367388a46d9903e_fabric_traces_6.5.676.9590_132172633687587976_4_00637083925242089496_0000000000.dtr' has a malformed Csv format, failing per ValidationOptions policy with errorCode='0x80DA0008 E_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_FIELDS'\r\nAdditional information: HRESULT=0x80da0008\nRecord=8709\n(E_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_FIELDS)\nValidator=struct Kusto::Csv::CsvFormatValidatingParserTraits\nFragment=\nKusto::Csv::Parser<>.PrepareFields: CSV has an inconsistent number of fields per line: -- Offending record: 8710 (start position in stream: 2663151), fieldsCount: 8, currentRecordFieldCount: 8, record: ...
[end record]",
"ErrorCode": "Stream_WrongNumberOfFields",
"FailureStatus": "Permanent",
"RootActivityId": "0e7d9608-64ca-460d-ad49-b5da22cfcbd0",
"OriginatesFromUpdatePolicy": false,
"ShouldRetry": false,
- Sas is not time valid. this is displayed when the generated sas uri (saskey) time range is no longer valid. a new sas uri will need to be generated.
1:ValidateSasKey:error: Sas is not time valid
"ApiVersion": null,
"IsServiceSas": false,
"Signature": "abcEdrmT0pU2vxkgHP6sHRztbmJ%2FwfKtJsTmXdwQkEs%3D",
"SignedExpiry": "2019-12-16T22:12:12.6989890Z",
"SignedExpiryLocal": "2019-12-16T17:12:12.698989-05:00",
"SignedExpiryUtc": "2019-12-16T22:12:12.698989Z",
"SignedIp": null,
"SignedPermission": "rl",
"SignedProtocol": null,
"SignedResourceTypes": "sco",
"SignedServices": "bt",
"SignedStart": null,
"SignedStartLocal": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"SignedStartUtc": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"SignedVersion": "2015-04-05"
- Permission denied to storage account. there may be a firewall preventing access that owner of storage account may need to open.
1:Execute:exception: System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.StorageException: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Shared.Protocol.HttpResponseParsers.ProcessExpectedStatusCodeNoException[T](HttpStatusCode expectedStatusCode, HttpStatusCode actualStatusCode, T retVal, StorageCommandBase`1 cmd, Exception ex) in c:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\release_dotnet_master\Lib\Common\Shared\Protocol\HttpResponseParsers.Common.cs:line 54
Verify configuration settings are correct:- azureClientId
- azureTenantId
- azureClientSecret
- azureClientCertificate
.net framework will use ADAL and .net core will use MSAL.
If using .net framework (net462), use cmd.exe or powershell.exe to execute collectsfdata.exe.
If using .net core (net6.0+), use pwsh.exe (powershell core) to execute collectsfdata.exe.
Authenticate:exception: AggregateException:System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalServiceException:
AADSTS50194: Application 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'(collectsfdata service fabric data collection) is not configured as a multi-tenant application.
Usage of the /common endpoint is not supported for such applications created after '10/15/2018'.
Use a tenant-specific endpoint or configure the application to be multi-tenant.
Trace ID: 952e918a-1414-4206-91bd-ad74eb1cbc00
Correlation ID: 56e0075d-cc4f-4974-a651-0b25e82faaee
Timestamp: 2024-03-08 22:05:00Z
Kusto / Azure Data Explorer / Kusto Query Language (KQL) documentation is available online. Azure Data Explorer