[X] Añadir funcion para saltar de 2 en 2 lines en nvim
[ ] Git merge conflicts
[ ] Set up vim debugger keybindings
[ ] Key bindign for moving between chunks during merge conflict
[X] Git octo nvim
[X] Improve dev icons
[ ] Fugitive: work with interactive rebase and rebase
[ ] Multi cursor: https://github.com/mg979/vim-visual-multi
[ ] Either a rst plugin to self-update the rst
[ ] Activate esbonio only for docstirngs
* Tasking
[X] VImwiki or norg to oragnize my notes
* Fixes
[ ] Make TAB in telescope go down and not up
[ ] Go to defintion
[ ] Ctrl + T
* Refactor
[ ] Implement something that actually works
* Coding
[ ] Implement my own rtw viewer that compiles documentation and opens google chrome with the file
[ ] Fix Vista (tag browser)
[ ] Better swapper (ctrl + a) as current one is modified for the buffer of the session, not for the buffer of my current split only
[ ] Implement in Python a better leadercr (coderunner). I could search a tag
RUNFROMHERE and then autocmd that executes the code from RUNFROMHERE to
RUNTILLHERE everytime an event is met (like writing buffer)
How to perform a command given a range of lines: https://vi.stackexchange.com/questions/11025/passing-visual-range-to-a-command-as-its-argument
* Linters
[ ] Fixing rst roles of flake8-rst-docstrings (sphinx)
[ ] Fixing rst roles of rstlint or rst linters in general (sphinx)
[ ] mardkwolint improve output
[ ] LSP for markdown that has keywords such as :ledger:, :information_source:...
[ ] Alternatives to LSP signature: https://github.com/hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp-signature-help
[ ] https://github.com/hrsh7th/cmp-git
[ ] https://github.com/hrsh7th/cmp-calc # Math calculation
[ ] https://github.com/hrsh7th/cmp-calc
[ ] WIP: https://github.com/ray-x/lsp_signature.nvim
* Misc
[ ] dirbuf.nvim
[ ] pounce.nvim
* Linters
[ ] Setup languagetool
* Portability
[ ] Perform vim orders from shell command
[ ] venv?
[ ] CPP Debugger
[ ] CPP Sniprun
[ ] Test coverage for cpp?
* Docs
[ ] Folding docstrings
* Postponed
[ ] Setup better refactoring by the primeagen
[ ] Patience diff mode not properly put at startup (no way to debug it which when I am using atm)
[ ] Dosctring visualizer? (nothing interesting found)
[ ] Take a look at https://github.com/petertriho/cmp-git
[ ] Nvim spotify (waiting for improvements in the repo)
[ ] Make the skip and pause functions work
[ ] Incremental volume
[ ] Task manager find. Vimwiki candidate
[ ] Nabla vim (maths mode visualizer)
[ ] Fix alternative between cpp and hpp
[ ] AI-based plugins (copilot or nvim magic from OpenAi)
[ ] Desactivar LSP + Añadir en status line