Releases: melchor629/node-flac-bindings
Includes libFLAC by default
Now the prebuilt images includes libFLAC
and libogg
so it is not longer needed to load an external library. No more flac.api.load('...')
If building manually or no prebuilt image is available for your platform, it will look for an already installed libFLAC
or compile it alongside the node bindings.
Improved code and N-API implementation
This version works only under N-API and has improved and stable code.
Crash fixes
This release includes a bag of crash fixes from the C++ code and the removal of the legacy-callback-async API which is useless having node 8 and higher support for promises.
Asynchronous operations
The library know bundles a set of asynchronous functions and operations in the Encoder, Decoder and Metadata APIs. Also metadata2 now has implemented the callbacks init method with support for sync and async callbacks :)
Type checks and test
This release includes general bug fixes, mainly focused in type checks.
Major refactor to base code + tests
This version includes a major refactor to the base code in which now all native objects and its functions are encapsulated into JS classes. Also, bigint
support was added for those values that does not fit in a number
. In addition, TypeScript typings were added so you can now use the library in TypeScript, or get fancy recommendations in Visual Studio Code or WebStorm.
A bunch of tests were added as well to test part of the library functionality. During the testing, many bugs were fixed, including one with 24bit audio in Encoder JS classes (which some of the samples were lost). There's room for new tests, but the existing ones are a bit exhaustive.
Nevertheless, new bugs could have been introduced during the refactor, or some olds still be around. If you found one, fill an issue.
Required node version has been changed to 8.x LTS, 10.x LTS or 11, but it is recommended to have 10.x LTS or higher to enable
Enjoy :)
Fix for 24bit encoding
v1.2.3 1.2.3
Window fixes
v1.2.2 1.2.2
Metadata APIs
Metadata APIs are completed and can be used easily.
Also fixed some crashes and lacks of bindings.