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Coding Standards

Taufik Nurrohman edited this page Oct 27, 2021 · 31 revisions

Mecha mostly contains CSS, HTML, JavaScript, JSON, PHP, and YAML files.



Always use HEX color code to declare a solid color, and RGBA color code to declare a color with opacity. Always use lower-case letter, and use the shortest color code version:

.button {
  background-color: #b4d455;
  border-color: rgba(255, 255, 0, .5);
  color: #def;


Sort declarations alphabetically, unless you want to override the previous declaration:

.button {
  border: 1px solid #000;
  border-top-width: 0;
  margin-left: 1px;
  margin-right: 1px;

Fraction Value

Always remove zero prefix in fractions:

.button {
  margin: 1.25em;
  padding: .25em .5em;


Use two <Space>s to represent single indent:

@media print {
  .hidden-print {
    display: none;

Key-Value Pairs

Add a <Space> after colon:

@media (max-width: 1024px) {
  body {
    font-size: 80%;

Pseudo Class

Pseudo classes don’t have to be in alphabetical order. In common, they will be ordered like this:

.button {}
.button:focus {}
.button:hover {}
.button:active {}

But you can also order them like this to make sure that focus state will remain as-is when hovered:

.button {}
.button:hover {}
.button:focus {}
.button:active {}

Be sure to put disabled states at the end, so it will be easier to override other states:

.input {}
.input:hover {}
.input:focus {}
.input:active {}

.input:valid {}
.input:invalid {}

.input:read-only {}
.input:disabled {} 


Add a line-break after comma, sort selectors alphabetically:

h6 {}

Use single quote for attribute selector value, and for non-empty string value. Use double quote for empty string value:

[rel='nofollow']::before {
  background-image: url('./image.jpg');
  content: "";


Ensure semi-colon at the end of declaration:

body {
  margin-bottom: 1px;
  margin-top: 1px;

Zero Value

Remove unit in zero values except 0% and 0deg:

body {
  margin: 0 0 1px 1px;
  margin-top: 0%;


Attribute and Name

Use lower-case letter, sort attributes alphabetically:

<input class="input" id="input-0" name="input-0" type="text">

Attribute’s Value

Always use double quote, even on empty value:

<img alt="" src="./image.jpg">

Exception for attribute that contains JSON or JavaScript commands:

<div class="gallery" data-state='{"caption":true,"overlay":true}'></div>

Boolean Attribute

Always remove values:

<button disabled type="submit">


Use two <Space>s to represent single indent:


Void Element

Do not add / before > in void elements:

<img alt="" src="/photo.jpg">



Use Yoda notation in equal/not-equal comparison to quickly detect typos:

if (-1 !== pairs.indexOf(pair)) {}


Use parseFloat() and parseInt() sparingly, simply prefix your variable with a + sign if you know that the value will always be a valid number:

const value = input.value;

// :(

// :)


Prefers pre-increment/decrement over post-increment/decrement; always cache the data length before iteration using for loop:

// :(
for (let i = 0, j = data.length; i < j; i++) {}

// :)
for (let i = 0, j = data.length; i < j; ++i) {}


Use four <Space>s to represent single indent:

function foo(bar = 'baz') {
    return bar ?? 'qux';


Always add a <Space> around operators:

let value = a + b * (1 / (c - 2));
let value = a + 'asdf' + b;

value += 'asdf';
value += 'asdf';


Use single quote for non-empty string or for string that contains " character, so you don’t have to escape. Use double quote for empty string or for string that contains ' character, so you don’t have to escape:


Only use backtick-style string for templating. E.g. to write a block of CSS and HTML snippet in a JavaScript file.


Join multiple variables, unless its indentation looks ugly such as when used with const, or when making undefined variables. Sort them aplhabetically where possible:

let bar = 1,
    baz = 2,
    x, y, z;

const bar = 1;
const baz = 2;



Order constants, methods and properties alphabetically, including the visibility state:

class Foo implements A, B, C {
    private function _internal() {}
    public function get() {}
    public function let() {}
    public function set() {}
    public function __construct() {}
    public static function __callStatic() {}


Use Yoda notation in equal/not-equal comparison to quickly detect typos:

if (false !== strpos($foo, $bar)) {}


Use is_dir or is_file instead of file_exists:

// :(
if (file_exists($path)) {}

// :)
if (is_file($path)) {}

If you just want to check whether a path does exist, use stream_resolve_include_path instead of file_exists:

// :(
if (file_exists($path)) {}

// :(
if (is_dir($path) || is_file($path)) {}

// :)
if (stream_resolve_include_path($path)) {}

Use strtr instead of str_replace:

// :(
echo str_replace('a', 'b', $value);
echo str_replace('a', "", $value);
echo str_replace(['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd'], $value);
echo str_replace(['aa', 'bb'], ["", ""], $value);

// :)
echo strtr($value, 'a', 'b');
echo strtr($value, ['a' => ""]);
echo strtr($value, 'ab', 'cd');
echo strtr($value, [
    'aa' => "",
    'bb' => ""

If you know that a path exists, use stream_resolve_include_path to normalize the path instead of realpath:

$path = stream_resolve_include_path($path);

If you just want to escape/un-escape HTML, use htmlspecialchars and htmlspecialchars_decode instead of htmlentities:

// :(
echo '<input value="' . htmlentities($value) . '">';

// :)
echo '<input value="' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '">';

Prefers static anonymous function if $this context is not used:

$map = static function(array $array, callable $fn) {
    foreach ($array as &$v) {
        $v = $fn($v);
    return $array;

Do not use count() to detect empty array, and strlen() to detect empty string. These should be enough:

if (!$array) {}
if ("" === $string) {}


Prefers pre-increment/decrement over post-increment/decrement; always cache the data length before iteration using for loop:

// :)
for ($i = 0, $j = count($data); $i < $j; $i++) {}

// :)
for ($i = 0, $j = count($data); $i < $j; ++$i) {}


Use four <Space>s to represent single indent:

function foo(string $bar = 'baz') {
    return $bar ?? 'qux';

Language Construct

Use isset() sparingly:

// :(
echo '<' . $m[1] . (isset($m[2]) ? $m[2] : "") . '>';

// :)
echo '<' . $m[1] . ($m[2] ?? "") . '>';

Do not use empty() to detect empty string. Use empty() as a shortcut for !(isset($var) && $var):

$name = $_POST['name'] ?? "";

// :(
// If `$name` contains `0` string, this will return `true`
if (empty($name)) {}

// :)
// Use `trim()` as a guard, since a single space is not considered empty
if ("" !== trim($name)) {}

// :)
// You don’t have to use `empty()` to detect empty array. This should be enough!
if (!$array) {}

Use empty() and isset() only to detect undefined variable as a whole.


Always add a <Space> around operators:

$value = $a + $b * (1 / ($c - 2));
$value = $a . 'asdf' . $b;

$value .= 'asdf';
$value .= 'asdf';


Use echo or not at all. Always add a semi-colon at the end of declaration, even if you are using the <?= syntax:


  $title  = do_task(1);
  $title .= do_task(2);
  $title .= do_task(3);

  echo $title;

  <?= $title; ?>


Use single quote for non-empty string or for string that contains " character, so you don’t have to escape. Use double quote for empty string or for string that contains ' character, so you don’t have to escape:


Only use HEREDOC-style string for templating. E.g. to write a block of CSS and HTML snippet in a PHP region.

Always store HEREDOC string in a variable to overcome our first home-made PHP minifier bug.

// :(
echo implode("\n", ['<b></b>', <<<HTML

// :)
$content = <<<HTML
echo implode("\n", ['<b></b>', $content]);


Combine all variables with the same predefined value into one line. Sort them alphabetically:

$current = $next = $prev = "";

To be continued… 🧠

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