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Releases: mdesalvo/RDFSharp


09 Jun 18:20
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(NEW) Added RDFAsyncGraph and RDFAsyncStore for extended async support (#291, thanks @iskandersierra)
(NEW) Added support for modeling GeoSPARQL expressions (#298)
(NEW) Added support for OWL-TIME namespace, vocabulary and datatypes (#292 )
(FIX) Incorrect parsing of xsd:gDay and xsd:gMonth literals (#293)
(FIX) Removed glitch affecting implementation of external RDFStore providers (#299)


29 Jan 10:44
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(NEW) Added support for modeling SPARQL Expressions (#283)
(NEW) Added support for modeling SPARQL Bind operator (#284)
(NEW) Added support for modeling SPARQL IsNumeric filter (#286)
(NEW) Added support for GeoSPARQL namespace, vocabulary and datatypes (#289)
(FIX) Missing collection of variables from SPARQL Values and PropertyPath (#287)
(MISC) Code cleanups and slight quality improvements


29 Dec 17:35
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(NEW) Added support for IDisposable in RDFGraph (#279)
(NEW) Added support for IDisposable in RDFMemoryStore (#280)
(MISC) Migrated test platform to .NET 6
(MISC) Code cleanups and slight performance optimizations


14 Aug 16:38
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Third major version of the library, celebrating 3.5 years of intense SPARQL and OWL-DL development done in our 2.X journey!

(NEW) Reduced memory footprint of RDFGraph and RDFMemoryStore (#269)
(NEW) Reduced memory footprint of RDFResource (#269)
(NEW) Improved performances of Mirella query engine when computing OUTER-JOIN operations
(NEW) Added static facilities for directly sending raw string queries to SPARQL endpoints (#276)
(NEW) Added support for reading and writing TriG dataset format (#277)
(NEW) Added support for this[S,P,O,L] index accessor on RDFGraph (#278)
(NEW) Added support for this[C,S,P,O,L] index accessor on RDFMemoryStore (#278)
(MISC) Moved Semantics to standalone project


09 Jul 21:52
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(NEW) Solution now integrates the long-awaited unit testing suite! (#241)
(NEW) Project now supports GitHub CI workflows and CodeCov action for coverage reporting (#241)
(NEW) Added ability to send basic/bearer authorization headers to SPARQL/SPARQL UPDATE endpoints (#263)
(FIX) Incorrect handling of Unicode surrogates when converting to ASCII (#243)
(FIX) Incorrect parsing of RDFCollection from graph in case of bad-formed rdf:first clause (#244)
(FIX) TriX parser crashes in case of bad-formed elements (#247)
(FIX) Improve compatibility of Turtle serializer with OS different from Windows (#249)
(FIX) Incorrect serialization of blank node items of RDF/XML resource collections (#250)
(FIX) Long-standing issue with RDF/XML serialization of floating containers and collections (#251)
(FIX) Incorrect RDF/XML parsing of rdf:ID attribute at predicate level (#252)
(FIX) Missing inheritance of xml:lang attribute on RDF/XML literal containers (#253)
(FIX) UTF8 encoding should avoid using BOM (#254)
(FIX) Wrong exception thrown by input guards of RDFMemoryStore.FromUri (#256)
(FIX) Glitch in N-Quads tokenization regexes (#257)
(FIX) XML-based parsers potentially vulnerable to XXE attacks (#260)
(FIX) XML-based parsers unable to read EntityReference node types (#261)
(FIX) Incorrect print behavior of SPARQL CONSTRUCT query having template with Uri context (#262)
(FIX) Incorrect handling of SPARQL Union during merge of tables (#264)
(FIX) Incorrect detection of response ContentType when dereferencing Uris (#265)
(FIX) SPARQL Load operation does not work when applied on RDFStore (#266)
(MISC) Improved usability of SHACL constraints by emitting default validation messages
(MISC) Refactored TriX reader/writer with more efficient code sharing between model and store versions


01 Aug 15:44
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(NEW) Added support for modeling OWL2 Axiom Annotations (#237)


17 Jul 12:06
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(NEW) Added support for modeling and executing SWRL reasoner rules (#234)
(MISC) Dropped support for programming custom C# reasoner rules


02 Jul 17:43
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(NEW) Enhanced ObjectAssertions/NegativeObjectAssertions of RDFOntologyDataLens with object filtering (#235)
(NEW) Added ability to select classes, properties, facts and literals directly by their IDs (#236)
(FIX) Missing catch for CLEAR SILENT operations on SPARQL UPDATE endpoints (#233)


20 Jun 08:59
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(NEW) Extended support for SPARQL Update operations: DeleteInsertWhere, Load, Clear (#229)
(NEW) Added ability to extract contexts from an RDFStore (#231)
(FIX) Uncompliant handling of optional parameters for SPARQL UPDATE operations (#232)


05 Jun 13:43
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(NEW) Added support for SPARQL Update operations: DeleteData, DeleteWhere, InsertData, InsertWhere (#223)
(NEW) Added support for xsd:dateTimeStamp datatype (#217)
(NEW) Added support for hidden DISTINCT modifier in CONSTRUCT and DESCRIBE queries (#222)
(NEW) Added support for configuring timeout and error behavior of SPARQL endpoint queries (#225)
(NEW) Slightly improved semantics performances with lazyness of hashing engine (#221)
(FIX) Harmonized handling of datetime-based typed literals (#218)
(FIX) Missing evaluation of conditionless CONSTRUCT queries (#220)
(FIX) Evaluation of query on federations may lead to incorrect results (#227)
(FIX) Lookup for namespaces to service should have a timeout (#226)
(MISC) Code cleanups and improvements