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Performance Manager

Performance Manager is an application to measure rail performance on the MBTA transit system.

Database Schema


column name data type nullable description
pm_event_id integer false auto increment primary key
service_date integer false
pm_trip_id integer false integer key used to join event record to trip data in vehicle_trips table
stop_id string false
stop_sequence small integer false
canonical_stop_sequence small integer false stop sequence based on "typical" route trip as defined in route_patterns.txt table
sync_stop_sequence small integer false stop_sequence that is consistent across all branches of a trunk for a particular parent_station
parent_station string false
previous_trip_stop_pm_event_id integer true pm_event_id of previous stop of pm_trip_id grouping
next_trip_stop_pm_event_id integer true pm_event_id of next stop of pm_trip_id grouping
vp_move_timestamp integer true earliest moving-status timestamp found from GTFS-RT Vehicle Position events
vp_stop_timestamp integer true earliest stopped-status timestamp found from GTFS-RT Vehicle Position events
tu_stop_timestamp integer true earliest timestamp found from GTFS-RT Trip Update events
travel_time_seconds integer true seconds of time the vehicle spends traveling to station
dwell_time_seconds integer true seconds of time that vehicle spends waiting at station
headway_trunk_seconds integer true departure to departure, parent_station wait time for vehicles traveling on trunk_route_id
headway_branch_seconds integer true departure to departure, parent_station wait time for vehicles traveling on branch_route_id
updated_on timestamp false timestamp field that is auto updated on any record change


column name data type nullable description
pm_trip_id integer false auto increment key used to join trips to records in vehicle_events table
direction_id boolean false
route_id string false
branch_route_id string true
trunk_route_id string true
service_date integer false
start_time integer false
vehicle_id string false
stop_count small integer true
trip_id string true
vehicle_label string true
vehicle_consist string true
direction string true
direction_destination string true
static_trip_id_guess string true matched trip_id from GTFS static_trips table
static_start_time integer true start_time of static_trip_id_guess trip
static_stop_count small integer true expected stop count from static_trip_id_guess trip
first_last_station_match boolean false true if static_trip_id_guess is exact match to trip_id
static_version_key integer false GTFS static schedule version key for trip
updated_on timestamp false timestamp field that is auto updated on any record change


column name data type nullable description
pk_id integer false auto incremented primary key
feed_start_date integer false
feed_end_date integer false
feed_version string false
feed_active_date integer false integer date pulled from feed_version value
static_version_key integer false key used to link GTFS static schedule versions between tables
created_on datetime false datetime field that is auto updated on record insert


column name data type nullable description
pk_id integer false auto incremented primary key
route_id string false
branch_route_id string true
trunk_route_id string true
service_id string false
trip_id string false
direction_id boolean false
block_id string true
static_version_key integer false key used to link GTFS static schedule versions between tables


column name data type nullable description
pk_id integer false auto incremented primary key
route_id string false
agency_id small integer false
route_short_name string true
route_long_name string true
route_desc string true
route_type small integer false
route_sort_order integer false
route_fare_class string false
line_id string true
static_version_key integer false key used to link GTFS static schedule versions between tables


column name data type nullable description
pk_id integer false auto incremented primary key
stop_id string false
stop_name string false
stop_desc string true
platform_code string true
platform_name string true
parent_station string true
static_version_key integer false key used to link GTFS static schedule versions between tables


column name data type nullable description
pk_id integer false auto incremented primary key
trip_id string false
arrival_time integer false
departure_time integer false
scheduled_travel_time_seconds integer true expected travel time for trip/stop generated by performance manager
scheduled_headway_trunk_seconds integer true expected trunk headway for parent_station generated by performance manager
scheduled_headway_branch_seconds integer true expected branch headways for parent_station generated by performance manager
stop_id string false
stop_sequence small integer false
static_version_key integer false key used to link GTFS static schedule versions between tables


column name data type nullable description
pk_id integer false auto incremented primary key
service_id string false
monday boolean false
tuesday boolean false
wednesday boolean false
thursday boolean false
friday boolean false
saturday boolean false
sunday boolean false
start_date integer false
end_date integer false
static_version_key integer false key used to link GTFS static schedule versions between tables


column name data type nullable description
pk_id integer false auto incremented primary key
service_id string false
date integer false
exception_type small integer false
holiday_name string true
static_version_key integer false key used to link GTFS static schedule versions between tables


column name data type nullable description
pk_id integer false auto incremented primary key
route_id string false
direction_id boolean false
direction string false
direction_destination string false
static_version_key integer false key used to link GTFS static schedule versions between tables


column name data type nullable description
pk_id integer false auto incremented primary key
route_id string false
direction_id boolean false
route_pattern_typicality smallint true
representative_trip_id string false
static_version_key integer false key used to link GTFS static schedule versions between tables


General Information

GTFS-realtime (GTFS-RT) is provided by MBTA as an industry standard for distributing realtime transit data.

The Performance Manager application uses two MBTA GTFS-RT feeds:

Trip Updates are predictive data used to supplement Vehicle Positions data when the Vehicle Positions feed does not record an expected stop event.

All timestamp values used, or created by, Performance Manager are saved as whole second integers.

Data Loading

The CTD Delta application is responsible for reading GTFS-RT updates from the MBTA V3 API and saving them to an AWS S3 Bucket, as gzipped JSON files, for use by LAMP.

The LAMP Ingestion application aggregates gzipped GTFS-RT update files, saved on S3 by Delta, into partitioned parquet files that are also saved to an S3 bucket. The parquet files are partitioned by GTFS-RT feed type and grouped into hourly chunks.

The Performance Manager application reads the GTFS-RT partitioned parquet files for the Vehicle Positions and Trip Updates feeds and passes them through an aggregation and manipulation pipeline before inserting them into the vehicle_events and vehicle_trips table schemas described above.

When reading the GTFS-RT parquet files, records related to BUS data are removed to reduce database table sizes and processing time.

Matching to GTFS Static Schedules

Performance Manager matches all GTFS-RT records to their applicable GTFS Static Schedule with the static_version_key field in the vehicle_trips table.

The static_version_key field allows GTFS-RT records to join to any GTFS Static data found in the static_ database tables.

Event Compression

The GTFS-RT partitioned parquet files have a large amount of redundant timestamp information that is not reasonable to save in an RDS database schema.

Performance Manager compresses GTFS-RT Vehicle Positions event records to store in the vehicle_events database table.

Initially, Vehicle Positions events are grouped by unique trip-stop columns:

  • parent_station
  • route_id
  • service_date
  • trip_id

For each trip_stop event, the earliest vehicle_timestamp for a current_status indicating the vehicle is stopped is saved as the vp_stop_timestamp in the vehicle_events table. The earliest vehicle_timestamp for a current_status indicating the vehicle is moving is saved as the vp_move_timestamp.

This process is repeated for Trip Updates event records. Trip Updates can only record stopped status timestamps, so the earliest arrival-timestamp for each trip-stop event is saved as the tu_stop_timestamp in the vehicle_events table.

For calculations/metrics that require a vehicle stop timestamp, Performance Manager defaults to using the vp_stop_timestamp value generated from the Vehicle Positions GTFS-RT feed. If a vp_stop_timestamp is not available for a trip-stop record, then the tu_stop_timestamp value is used.

Metrics Business Logic

Travel Times

Travel times represent the amount of time a vehicle spent moving to the current station, from the previous station.

Travel times are saved as travel_time_seconds in the vehicle_events table:

t_stop = coalesce(vp_stop_timestamp, tu_stop_timestamp)
t_move = vp_move_timestamp

travel_time_seconds = t_move - t_stop

Any travel_time_seconds calculated as a negative value is not saved.

Dwell Times

Dwell times represent the amount of time a vehicle spent waiting at a station. A dwell time is not calculated for the first or last stop of a trip.

Dwell times are saved as dwell_time_seconds in the vehicle_events table:

t_dwell_start = coalesce(vp_stop_timestamp, tu_stop_timestamp) # for current stop of vehicle

t_station_depart = vp_move_timestamp # for next vehicle move event i.e. current station departure
t_dwell_end = t_station_depart

dwell_time_seconds = t_dwell_start - t_dwell_end

Any dwell_time_seconds calculated as a negative value is not saved.


Headways represent the platform wait time a rider would experience on a route. This is a "departure-to-departure" calculation, equivalent to the duration between a vehicle leaving a parent_station and the previous vehicle on the route leaving the same parent_station in the same direction. The first stop at a parent_station for each service_date will not have a calculated headway.

Headways are calculated for branch_route_id and trunk_route_id designations and saved as headway_branch_seconds and headway_trunk_seconds, respectively, in the vehicle_events table:

t_station_depart = vp_move_timestamp # for next vehicle move event i.e. current station departure
t_headway_start = t_station_depart

t_headway_end = t_station_depart # for previous vehicle at parent_station on same branch/trunk_route_id in same direction

headway_branch/trunk_seconds = t_headway_start - t_headway_end

If the branch_route_id for an event is NULL, then headway_branch_seconds will also be NULL

GTFS Static Data

Data Loading

GTFS Static Zip files are generated by MBTA for internal and external distribution. When a new GTFS Static Zip file is generated, the CTD Delta application writes it to an AWS S3 bucket for use by LAMP.

The LAMP Ingestion application converts GTFS Zip files, saved on S3 by Delta, to partitioned parquet files that are also saved to an S3 bucket.

The Performance Manager application reads the GTFS partitioned parquet files, from S3, and inserts the contents into the static database schema tables described above.

During database insertion, GTFS records related to BUS data are removed from the static_routes, static_trips, and static_stop_times tables. This is done to reduce database table sizes.

Metrics Business Logic

For each GTFS Static schedule the following metrics are pre-calculated and stored in the static_stop_times table:

  • scheduled_travel_time_seconds
  • scheduled_headway_trunk_seconds
  • scheduled_headway_branch_seconds

The business logic of these calculations follows the same rules as the GTFS-RT metrics, except that headway metrics are partitioned by parent_station, service_id, direction_id and trunk/branch_route_id.

Data Exports

For information regarding data exports, refer to and our Data Dictionary documentation.

Developer Usage

The Performance Manager application image is described in a Dockerfile. This image is used for local testing and AWS deployment.

The docker-compose.yml file, found in the project root directory, describes a local environment for testing the performance manager application. This environment includes a local PostgreSQL database and seed_metadata application that can be used to configure / migrate the local database and seed it with selected AWS S3 object paths.

To build application images run the following in the project root directory:

docker-compose build

To seed the local PostgreSQL database with AWS S3 objects paths, add selected parameters to ENTRYPOINT for the seed_metadata application in docker-compose.yml and run the following in the project root directory:

docker-compose up seed_metadata

seed_metadata Parameters:

  • --clear-rt (reset Real-Time RDS tables, leaving GTFS Static tables intact)
  • --clear-static (reset Real-Time and Static RDS tables, full database reset)
  • --seed-file (path to json seed file, inside of docker image, that will be loaded into metadata_log table of the metadata RDS.)

To start a local version of the performance manager application run the following in the project root directory:

docker-compose up performance_manager

The performance manager application will chronologically process any un-processed S3 object paths contained in the metadata_log table of the metadata RDS.