Description: Setting up and configuring a multi region cockroach cluster on Azure AKS Tags: Azure
Create a Resource Group for the project
az group create --name $rg --location $loc1
Networking configuration
In order to enable VPC peering between the regions, the CIDR blocks of the VPCs must not overlap. This value cannot change once the cluster has been created, so be sure that your IP ranges do not overlap.
Create vnets for all Regions
az network vnet create -g $rg -n crdb-$loc1 --location $loc1 --address-prefix $clus1_vnet_address_space \ --subnet-name crdb-$loc1-sub1 --subnet-prefix $clus1_subnet
Create the Kubernetes clusters in each region
To get SubnetID
loc1subid=$(az network vnet subnet list --resource-group $rg --vnet-name crdb-$loc1 | jq -r '.[].id')
Create K8s Clusters in each region
az aks create \ --name $clus1 \ --resource-group $rg \ --network-plugin azure \ --zones 1 2 3 \ --vnet-subnet-id $loc1subid \ --node-vm-size $vm_type \ --node-count $n_nodes \ --location $loc1
To Configure Kubectl context use
az aks get-credentials --name $clus1 --resource-group $rg