This Jackson extension library handles reading and writing of data encoded in MessagePack data format.
It extends standard Jackson streaming API (JsonFactory
, JsonParser
, JsonGenerator
), and as such works seamlessly with all the higher level data abstractions (data binding, tree model, and pluggable extensions).
To use this module on Maven-based projects, use following dependency:
Only thing you need to do is to instantiate MessagePackFactory and pass it to the constructor of ObjectMapper.
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(new MessagePackFactory());
ExamplePojo orig = new ExamplePojo("komamitsu");
byte[] bytes = objectMapper.writeValueAsBytes(orig);
ExamplePojo value = objectMapper.readValue(bytes, ExamplePojo.class);
System.out.println(value.getName()); // => komamitsu
Also, you can exchange data among multiple languages.
// Serialize
Map<String, Object> obj = new HashMap<String, Object>();
obj.put("foo", "hello");
obj.put("bar", "world");
byte[] bs = objectMapper.writeValueAsBytes(obj);
// bs => [-126, -93, 102, 111, 111, -91, 104, 101, 108, 108, 111,
// -93, 98, 97, 114, -91, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100]
require 'msgpack'
# Deserialize
xs = [-126, -93, 102, 111, 111, -91, 104, 101, 108, 108, 111,
-93, 98, 97, 114, -91, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100]
# => {"foo"=>"hello", "bar"=>"world"}
# Serialize
["zero", 1, 2.0, nil].to_msgpack.unpack('C*')
# => [148, 164, 122, 101, 114, 111, 1, 203, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 192]
// Deserialize
bs = new byte[] {(byte) 148, (byte) 164, 122, 101, 114, 111, 1,
(byte) 203, 64, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (byte) 192};
TypeReference<List<Object>> typeReference = new TypeReference<List<Object>>(){};
List<Object> xs = objectMapper.readValue(bs, typeReference);
// xs => [zero, 1, 2.0, null]