+ {% render_grid %}
+ {# Digid #}
+ {% if settings.DIGID_ENABLED %}
+ {% render_column start=4 span=5 %}
+ {% get_solo 'digid_eherkenning_oidc_generics.OpenIDConnectDigiDConfig' as digid_oidc_config %}
+ {% if digid_oidc_config.enabled %}
+ {% render_card direction='horizontal' tinted=True compact=True %}
+ {% url 'digid_oidc:init' as href %}
+ {% with href|addnexturl:next as href_with_next %}
+ {% link href=href_with_next text=_('Inloggen met DigiD') primary=True icon='east' extra_classes="link--next link--digid" %}
+ {% endwith %}
+ {% endrender_card %}
+ {% else %}
+ {% render_card direction='horizontal' tinted=True compact=True %}
+ {% url 'digid:login' as href %}
+ {% with href|addnexturl:next as href_with_next %}
+ {% link href=href_with_next text=_('Inloggen met DigiD') primary=True icon='east' extra_classes="link--next link--digid" %}
+ {% endwith %}
+ {% endrender_card %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endrender_column %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {# end digid #}
+ {% if settings.DIGID_ENABLED %}
+ {% get_solo 'mozilla_django_oidc_db.OpenIDConnectConfig' as oidc_config %}
+ {% get_solo 'configurations.SiteConfiguration' as site_config %}
+ {% if oidc_config.enabled and site_config.openid_enabled_for_regular_users %}
+ {% render_column start=4 span=5 %}
+ {% render_card tinted=True compact=True direction='horizontal' %}
+ {% url 'oidc_authentication_init' as href %}
+ {% with href|addnexturl:next as href_with_next %}
+ {% if site_config.openid_connect_logo %}
+ {% else %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% link text=site_config.openid_connect_login_text href=href_with_next primary=True icon='east' icon_position="after" extra_classes="link--next link--oidc" %}
+ {% endwith %}
+ {% endrender_card %}
+ {% endrender_column %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if login_allow_registration %}
+ {% render_card direction='horizontal' tinted=True compact=True %}
+ {% url 'login' as href %}
+ {% with href|add:"#particuliermail" as href_with_hash %}
+ {% icon icon="login" icon_position="before" outlined=True %}
+ {% link href=href_with_hash text=_('Log in met e-mail adres') primary=True icon='east' extra_classes="link--next link--email" %}
+ {% endwith %}
+ {% endrender_card %}
+ {# Hide mail login initially #}
+ {% if login_allow_registration %}
+ {% render_card tinted=True compact=True %}
+ {% render_form id="login-form" method="POST" form=form show_required=True %}
+ {% csrf_token %}
+ {% input form.username %}
+ {% input form.password %}
+ {% button text=_('Wachtwoord vergeten?') href='password_reset' secondary=True transparent=True align='right' %}
+ {% form_actions primary_text=_("Inloggen") primary_icon="east" single=True %}
+ {% endrender_form %}
+ {% endrender_card %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {# End hidden #}
+ {% render_column start=4 span=5 %}
Of registreer
+ {% render_card direction='horizontal' tinted=True compact=True %}
+ {% url 'django_registration_register' as href %}
+ {% icon icon="account_circle" icon_position="before" outlined=True %}
+ {% link href=href text=_('Maak een account aan') primary=True icon='east' extra_classes="link--next link--register" %}
+ {% endrender_card %}
{% trans 'U kunt een account aanmaken om voortaan met uw e-mail adres en wachtwoord in te loggen.' %}
+ {% endrender_column %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {# another Digid end #}
+ {% endrender_grid %}
+ {# Panel 1 End #}
+ {# Panel 2 #}
+ {% render_grid %}
+ {% render_column start=4 span=5 %}
+ {% if eherkenning_enabled %}
+ {% get_solo 'digid_eherkenning_oidc_generics.OpenIDConnectEHerkenningConfig' as eherkenning_oidc_config %}
+ {% if eherkenning_oidc_config.enabled %}
+ {% render_card direction='horizontal' tinted=True compact=True %}
+ {% url 'eherkenning_oidc:init' as href %}
+ {% with href|addnexturl:next as href_with_next %}
+ {% link href=href_with_next text=_('Inloggen met eHerkenning') primary=True icon='east' extra_classes="link--eherkenning" %}
+ {% endwith %}
+ {% endrender_card %}
+ {% else %}
+ {% render_card direction='horizontal' tinted=True compact=True %}
+ {% url 'eherkenning:login' as href %}
+ {% with href|addnexturl:next as href_with_next %}
+ {% link href=href_with_next text=_('Inloggen met eHerkenning') primary=True icon='east' extra_classes="link--eherkenning" %}
+ {% endwith %}
+ {% endrender_card %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endrender_column %}
+ {% endrender_grid %}