- Fix error on repl exit
- Remove mkdirp
- Recompile and fix disagreement between GitHub and npm
- upgrade old buggy modules like browserify and uglify
- Bugfix: @zapu's PR for incorrect looping semantics, things like CoffeeScript's
for i in [10...3] by -1
. - Bugfix: unbreak nested forloops with _positive not scoped properly, reported by @jfgorski
- Bugfix: unbreak nested forloops, which confused _next() due to a scope problem
- Strip out return value-accumulation from iced loops
- Merge Pull #159 (#159)
- Introduce a new versioning system to satisfy new npm (v2.11.x):
- If CoffeeScript was a.b.c, and we're at ICS patch d, then release under x.c.d, where x = (100*a+b).
- Close #146: deferral variable with same name as a parameter in outer scope; PR by @yjerem
- Close #144: Safer quoting of function names in debugging code. PR by @sidthekidder
- Don't allow jison >= 0.4.14, until we patch up to CS 1.9
- Close #155: RequireJS without CoffeeScript global PR by @yjerem
- Fix autocb for fat arrow functions. Bug report and PR by @davidbau
- Another attempt to fix #139, this time it hopefully works
- Close #139
- Merge with CS v1.8.0
- Close #127
- Allow .liticed and iced.md suffices for "literate" iced (via @bwin)
- Close #123 -- allow debugger to work in a loop
- Fix a problem with registering modules as pointed out by @icflorescu
- Close #121: allow
iced foo.iced
from anywhere, even if you don't haveiced-runtime
installed globally or locally -- just make a run mode that looks for it internalls to the compiler/interpreter.
- Try this:
iced = require('iced-runtime')
, as opposed to:iced = require('iced-runtime').iced;
. This puts the runtime and the library features at the same level. This is more natural I think...
- Factor out runtime, which is now available via
- Build the browser package via browserify, not via ad-hoc mechanism
- Build both coffee-script.js and coffee-script-min.js, now renamed to iced-coffee-script-#{VERSION}.js and iced-coffee-script-#{VERSION}-min.js
- Remove other build packages, since now the main library is sucked in with browserify.
- Danger ahead! There's a chance that this release is going to break existing software, but it's worth it for the long-haul. Factoring out the runtime means software built with iced has way fewer dependencies.