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class: middle, center, title-slide count: false

Building a Columnar Analysis Demonstrator
using the Python Ecosystem

KyungEon Choi, .blue[Matthew Feickert], Nikolai Hartmann, Lukas Heinrich, Alexander Held, Evangelos Kourlitis,
Nils Krumnack, Giordon Stark, Matthias Vigl, Gordon Watts on behalf of the .bold[ATLAS Computing Activity]
.large[(University of Wisconsin-Madison)]
[email protected]

International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP) 2024
October 21st, 2024


Challenges for Future Analysis


.caption[([ATLAS Software and Computing HL-LHC Roadmap](, 2022)] .large[ * Won't be able to store everything on disk * Move towards "trade disk for CPU" model ] ] .kol-1-2[

.caption[(Jana Schaarschmidt, [CHEP 2023](]


  • Common file format for .bold[Run 4 Analysis Model]
  • Monolithic: Intended to serve ~80% of physics analysis in Run 4
  • Contains already-calibrated objects for fast analysis
  • Will be able to use directly without need for ntuples ]

Pythonic Ecosystem for ATLAS Analysis

.kol-1-3[ .large[ Providing the elements of a .bold[columnar analysis pipeline]

  • Data query and access
  • Reading data files (ROOT and others) and columnar access
  • Data transformation and histogramming
  • Distributed analysis frameworks
  • Statistical inference
  • Analysis reinterpretation ] ] .kol-2-3[


Composing structure of an ATLAS AGC


End user analysis ideally uses .bold[smaller and calibrated PHYSLITE]

.bold[Can still use PHYS] (same data format) through will need to perform .bold[additional steps] (calibration) with funcADL ] .kol-4-5[

.center.large[Components of an ATLAS [Analysis Grand Challenge (AGC)](
demonstrator pipeline .smaller[(c.f. [The 200Gbps Challenge]( (Alexander Held, Monday plenary))]]


Challenges: Reading all PHYSLITE files

.kol-1-2[ .large[

  • Raw PHYSLITE is not easily loadable by columnar analysis tools outside of ROOT
    • Challenges for correctly handling ElementLinks and custom objects .smaller[(e.g. triggers)]
  • Awkward Array supports behaviors, which allow for efficiently reinterpreting data on the fly
  • ATLAS members have contributed to open ecosystem development to support PHYSLITE in both Uproot and Coffea
  • Continuing to support fixes to both the PyHEP ecosystem tools as well as reporting issues to PHYSLITE

Challenges: Systematics

.kol-1-2[ .large[

  • As columnar analysis .bold[processes events in batches] also need CP tools and algorithms to process in batches
  • Current CP tools operate on xAOD event data model (EDM) for calculation and write systematics to disk for future access (I/O heavy)
  • Challenge: Can we adapt this model to work in on-the-fly computation columnar paradigm?
    • Help with "trade disk for CPU" model
  • Refactoring tools to a columnar backend in ATLAS show .bold[improvements in performance and flexibility] ] ] .kol-1-2[

.center[Columnar .cptools[combined performance (CP) tools] operate on .datacolumn[existing columns] in batches to generate .newcolumn[new columns]
(Matthias Vigl, ACAT 2024)] ]

Challenges and Opportunities: Systematics

.kol-1-2[ .large[

  • Refactoring to columnar CP tools has allowed for .bold[more Pythonic] array interfaces to be developed
  • Using next generation of C++/Python binding libraries allows
    • Zero-copy operations to/from $n$-dimensional array libraries in Python that supports GPUs
    • Full design control of high-level user API (unified UX) ] ] .kol-1-2[

.center[Columnar .cptools[combined performance (CP) tools] operate on .datacolumn[existing columns] in batches to generate .newcolumn[new columns]
(Matthias Vigl, ACAT 2024)] ]

Columnar CP tools: $Z \to e^{+}e^{-}$ Demo

.kol-1-2[ .large[ Demo of prototype (v1) zero-copy Python bindings to columnar Egamma CP tool to compute systematics on the fly for $m_{ee}$. ]

  1. Use Uproot to load PHYSLITE Monte Carlo into Awkward arrays
  2. Apply selections with Uproot and Coffea
  3. Initialize tools
from atlascp import EgammaTools
  1. Compute systematics on the fly efficiently scaled with dask-awkward on UChicago ATLAS Analysis Facility

] .kol-1-2[

.caption[Selected $m_{ee}$ under on-the-fly computed systematic variations of electron reconstruction efficiency and corrections
(Matthias Vigl, ACAT 2024)] ]

Iteratively moving columnar tools forward

.kol-2-3[ .large[

  • v1 prototype established foundations of what was possible with new tooling
    • Pythonic interfaces to CP tools could be written without heroic levels of work
    • Prototype tools were promising, but more work needed to achieve necessary performance
    • No "zero action" option — needed to create standalone prototype to determine if work was reasonable
  • v2 prototype takes a step forward in scope
    • Moves developments into ATLAS Athena and .bold[migrate ATLAS CP tools to columnar backend] without breaking existing workflows
      • Adds thread-safety
    • Adds infrastructure support for development of columnar analysis tools
    • Allows for full scale integration and performance tests ] ] .kol-1-3[


Columnar CP tool backend performance tests


  • During (ongoing) refactor added preliminary integrated benchmark to measure .bold[time spent in tool per event] (not I/O) and compare to xAOD model
  • While direct comparison not possible, tests are as close as possible
    • Only involves C++ CP tool code (no Python involved)
    • Uses same version of CP tool
    • xAOD includes event store access (per-event overhead, paid per-batch in columnar)
  • Show .bold[substantial speedups] for migrated tools: .bold[columnar is 2-4x faster] than xAOD interface (EDM access dependent)
    • Time for I/O and connecting columns not included in the performance comparisons (not optimized in the tests, so removed from benchmark) ]

Challenges: Tooling design decisions


  • ATLAS CP tools were created 10-15 years ago to .bold[run in an analysis framework]
    • Battle tested, extremely well understood, excellent physics performance, strong desire to be maintained
    • Rewrite cost is currently too high across collaboration to move to correctionlib paradigm
    • Columnar .bold[cracks open "black box"] implementations of tools for the new analysis model
    • Legacy code decisions highlight columnar prototype design decisions and opportunities during tool migration
  • Raises the question: "What would it take to get to .bold[python -m pip install atlascp]?"
    • Ambitious idea not as far fetched as you might think: pip install ROOT (Vincenzo Padulano, Monday Track 6)
  • Columnar prototype explores these possibilities
    • .bold[Adopting columnar backend] makes columnar paradigm possible
    • .bold[Ongoing nanobind integration] bridges C++/Python with performance
    • .bold[Pythonic API design] for high level analysis thinking
  • Steps beyond: Modularization to level that allows packaging with scikit-build-core
    • Allows for "just another" tool in the PyHEP ecosystem ]

ATLAS Open Data AGC Implementations

.kol-1-2[ .large[

  • Tooling ecosystem is proving .bold[approachable and performant] for Pythonic columnar analysis of PHYSLITE
  • Enabling mentored university students to implement versions of the AGC by themselves in a Jupyter notebook
  • ATLAS IRIS-HEP Fellow Denys Klekots's AGC project using .bold[ATLAS open data] (implementation on GitHub)
  • Simplified version of IRIS-HEP AGC top reconstruction challenge using 2015+2016 Run 2 Monte Carlo from the 2024 .bold[ATLAS open data] release ] ] .kol-1-2[ .bold[Event selection]
  • 1 charged lepton
  • $\geq 4$ hadronic jets
  • Lepton kinematics: $p_{T} \geq 30~\mathrm{GeV}$, $\left|\eta\right| < 2.1$
  • Jet kinematics: $p_{T} \geq 25~\mathrm{GeV}$, $\left|\eta\right| < 2.4$

.center.large.bold[ATLAS open data] ]

Summary of ATLAS Columnar AGC Efforts


  • Columnar analysis tool efforts inside of ATLAS have been promising with CP tools showing performance increases and bespoke UI
  • Development of a columnar ATLAS AGC demonstrator with full systematics is ongoing supported by advancements in v2 prototype
  • Technical advancements are being incorporated into ATLAS wide tooling
  • Contributions upstream to PyHEP community tools
  • ATLAS Open Data proving to be useful for research and community communication
  • Advancements in tooling are enabling researchers across career stages ]


.huge[This work was supported in part by the United States National Science Foundation under Cooperative Agreements OAC-1836650 and
PHY-2323298 (Institute for Research and Innovation in Software for High Energy Physics (IRIS-HEP)).]

class: end-slide, center


Columnar Analysis

.center.large.bold[ "columnar analysis" == "array programming for data analysis" ]

.kol-1-2[ .large[

  • Higher level APIs for physicists and improved user experience
    • People using columnar analysis on ntuples already seem to be loving it
    • Enable the same UX but without ntupling (save disk)
  • Potential for higher performance
    • Enable on-the-fly combined performance (CP) tool corrections on PHYSLITE
  • Broader scientific data analysis ecosystem integration
    • Extend and scale ATLAS tools with large and performant ecosystem ] ] .kol-1-2[

.center.large[Different expressions/representations for same analysis result goals] .caption[(Nick Smith, 2019 Joint HSF/OSG/WLCG Workshop)] ]

An Analysis Grand Challenge[ HL-LHC era data scale requires rethinking interacting with data during analysis ]

.kol-2-5[ .large[

  • .bold[Analysis Grand Challenge] (AGC) community exercise organized by IRIS-HEP includes the stages of a projected typical HL-LHC analysis
  • Demonstrator of development of the required cyberinfrastructure
  • Opportunity for ATLAS to demonstrate columnar analysis views and areas for improvement ] ] .kol-3-5[

.center.large[High level view of operations in an HL-LHC analysis] ]

Pythonic Analysis Ecosystem for HEP


.center.huge[Broader "Scientific Python" ecosystem is designed to be interoperable and support multiple domain levels] ]




.center.huge[Interoperable domain hierarchy design continued in "PyHEP" ecosystem] ]

Prototyping on US ATLAS Analysis Facilities

.kol-1-3[ .large[

.center.large[Scalable platform for interactive (or noninteractive) analysis] ]

ATLAS Open Data

.kol-1-2[ .large[

.center[([ATLAS News, 2024-07-01](]


Reading PHYSLITE with Columnar Backends


  • For reading ElementLink and other unreadable members are pursuing multiple strategies
  • Have Awkward behaviors in Python, but we also try to turn everything into "plain old data" (POD) branches, and RNTuple will help with that
  • If only target infrastructure was Uproot we could stick with Awkward behaviors, but RDF (without dictionaries), and Julia would also have to support such custom reading, and that's not a scalable approach ]
