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matthewbot edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 9 revisions

This is the wiki for the NHS patch set! The NHS patch set is maintained by both Nease and Norman High Schools, and aims to be the defacto repository for modifications to the CBC code base. To this end, we will merge all change by anyone that we deem stable and useful, as well as keep the entire repository up to date with the latest stable commits from kipr.


Here’s a simple list of important features and bugfixes with their respective authors. Fixes that are developer or code specific aren’t included here, check the commit log to find out more about them.

  • Feature: Improve features and efficiency of BoB communications (Matt Thompson, Nease)
  • Feature: Add brightness control panel on settings page (Braden, Norman)
  • Bugfix: Re-detect camera after it has been unplugged (Matt Thompson, Nease)
  • Bugfix: display_clear() clears the display (Matt Thompson, Nease)
  • Feature: console uses a fixed width font (Matt Thompson, Nease)
  • Feature: you can run shell scripts straight from the file manager by compiling them (Matt Thompson, Nease)
  • Feature: allow graph delay to be set as low as 10ms (Matt Thompson, Nease)


Got something you want fixed? Try taking a whack at it yourself. Here’s what you’ll need to get started:

  • Up to date Linux with standard build tools (make, gcc, etc)
  • git, github account, and your own fork of my cbc project
  • ARM GCC v4.3.2
  • Qt Embedded 4.5.2. I’ve got a build script that will set this up properly

Once you’ve got all this set up, you’re ready to code! At this point, I honestly don’t know exactly what type of git/github workflow would work best, so basically do it however you’re comfortable. If you know how to use rebase I think it would be helpful to clean up large work sessions before pushing them for the first time, however obviously once you’ve pushed some changes never rebase them again.

Also be sure to spend plenty of time on the botball chat, so we know what everyone is up to and can help fix each others problems!


Judging from how busy KIPR is during the regional competition season and the time period up until GCER, I’m not pushing at all to get any of this merged into the mainline. I just want this to instead be a more active community driven set of modifications to the main KIPR code, and not be restricted in anyway by being forced to keep changes modest and easily mergable back into the main codebase.

Because of this, nearly anything goes! I will almost certainly merge it so long as it is useful, and doesn’t crash. If I don’t like parts or want to make some things cleaner, I might write my own patches on top of it, but it’ll get merged nonetheless. And if you don’t like my or someone else’s code, feel free to write your own stuff on top of it too!

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