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Automated visual review platform
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Percy gives your team confidence in every visual UI change before it's shipped.

Percy adds visual reviews to your GitHub pull requests, helping your team spot UI bugs quickly and review visual changes easily.

Automated visual testing for every PR

Approve visual changes in one click as part of your normal code review process.

Percy integrates directly into your test suite and development workflow to provide iterative and fast feedback about visual changes. Percy supports most common CI services and development environments.

Simple and fast visual diffs at scale

We believe visual testing is only truly useful for developers if it fits into your day-to-day workflow. Percy integrates directly into your test suite and development workflow to provide iterative and fast feedback about visual changes.

Designed to be integrated in minutes and have no performance impact on your tests. Percy handles all the heavy lifting of consistent screenshot rendering and visual diffing in our systems, so you don't have to. Percy was built to scale with the increasing size of your team and app.

Percy highlights the visual changes in your UI that are introduced by each pull request. It saves your team time and stress reducing your manual QA.

Plans and pricing

Percy visual testing and reviews
  • 5,000 snapshots / month
  • 10 team members
  • Unlimited projects

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Automated visual review platform
0 installs


GitHub has verified the publisher's identity, ownership of their domain, and compliance with other requirements.


Free plan available.