update codeowners
ActionsThis is a GitHub Action that uses git-fame to generate and update GitHub's CODEOWNERS file based on the git fame of files.
GitHub's CODEOWNERS feature doesn't provide any method for keeping the code owners list updated automatically. This action solves this by determining code owners based on the git fame of each file. Authors don't have to be asked for their addition based on subjective criteria anymore.
The distribution input defines the minimum percentage of code lines that are required for a contributor to being considered a code owner. The default uses 20% of ownership. Set it to any integer without the percent character to override the default.
The path defines the path to the CODEOWNERS file.
The default uses the path to the .github
By default, this action checks all files in the root, but groups recursive files into their parent directories.
Set this input to any non-zero value (e.g. true
) to enable full coverage of all recursive files.
This is a typical example for a pull request workflow. It should suffice to trigger it on few event types of pull request event only. That also gives the author the possibility to remove themselves from the owners list optionally.
name: codeowners
- master
- ready_for_review
- review_request_removed
- reopened
- labeled
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: checkout code
uses: actions/[email protected]
# this only makes sure that forks are built as well
repository: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name }}
ref: ${{ github.head_ref }}
# the fetch depth 0 (=all) is important
fetch-depth: 0
# the token is necessary for checks to rerun after auto commit
token: ${{ secrets.PAT }}
- name: update code owners
uses: gofunky/update-codeowners@master
distribution: 25
- name: commit changed files
id: committed
uses: stefanzweifel/[email protected]
commit_message: 'chore(meta): update code owners'
file_pattern: .github/CODEOWNERS
- uses: christianvuerings/[email protected]
if: ${{ steps.committed.outputs.changes_detected == 'true' }}
labels: owned
update codeowners is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.