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Create .env file

GitHub Action to create a .env file with GitHub Secrets
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Create Envfile Github Action

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A Github Action to create a .env file with Github Secrets. This is useful when you are creating artifacts that need to contain secrets stored in Github Secrets. This creates a file with variables that are defined in the Action config.


The Action looks for environment variables that start with envkey_ and creates an envfile with them. These are defined in the with section of the Action config. Here is an example of it in use:

name: Create envfile

on: [push]


    runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
    - name: Make envfile
      uses: SpicyPizza/create-envfile@v1
        envkey_DEBUG: false
        envkey_SOME_API_KEY: "123456abcdef"
        envkey_SECRET_KEY: ${{ secrets.SECRET_KEY }}
        some_other_variable: foobar
        directory: <directory_name>
        file_name: .env


In the example above, there are several key/value pairs that will be added to the envfile:

Name Description
envkey_DEBUG, envkey_SOME_API_KEY These values can be whatever, and they will be added to the envfile as DEBUG and SOME_API_KEY .
envkey_SOME_API_KEY This one will use a secret stored in the repository's Github Secrets, and add it to the file as SECRET_KEY
directory (Optional) This key will set the directory in which you want to create env file. (Action will fail if the specified directory doesn't exist.)
file_name (Optional) Set the name of the output envfile. Defaults to .env

Assuming that the Github Secret that was used is password123, the .env file that is created from the config above would contain:

DEBUG: false
SOME_API_KEY: "123456abcdef"
SECRET_KEY: password123

Potential Issues


When the Action runs, it will show Warning: Unexpected input(s) .... This is because Github is expecing all the potential input variables to be defined by the Action's definition. You can read more about it in this issue.

Create .env file is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


GitHub Action to create a .env file with GitHub Secrets

Create .env file is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.