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Cache Yarn Install

Run yarn install with node_modules linker and cache enabled
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Action Template

This is a Yarn Install composite action designed for Yarn versions 3/4+ and "nodeLinker: node-modules". It helps to cache and speed up your Yarn installations in your GitHub workflows.

Reference: Gist

Getting Started

To get started, clone the repository:

git clone


To integrate cache-yarn-install into your workflow, add a step to one of your workflows in the .github/workflows/ directory of your GitHub repository.

Note: The @setup/node action should be run before this action.

Here's an example of how to use it:

- name: Cache Yarn Install
  uses: Andrews-McMeel-Universal/cache-yarn-install@v1
    enable-corepack: false
    cwd: ${{ github.workspace }}/apps/my-app
    cache-prefix: 'your-cache-key-prefix'
    cache-node-modules: false
    cache-install-state: false


Here are the options you can configure for this action:

Variable Description Required Default
cwd Changes node's process.cwd() if the project is not located at the root. Defaults to process.cwd() No .
cache-prefix Adds a specific cache-prefix. No 'default'
cache-npm-cache Caches npm global cache folder often used by node-gyp, prebuild binaries. Invalidated on lock/os/node-version changes. No 'true'
cache-node-modules Caches node_modules to potentially speed up the link step. Invalidated on lock/os/node-version/branch changes. No 'false'
cache-install-state Caches yarn install state to potentially speed up the resolution step when node-modules cache is activated. Invalidated on lock/os/node-version/branch changes. No 'false'
enable-corepack Enables corepack. No 'true'

Cache Yarn Install is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Run yarn install with node_modules linker and cache enabled

Cache Yarn Install is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.