The template snippet is applied to the top of each new AHK file. Here is a sample:
#SingleInstance, Force
SendMode, Input
SetBatchLines, -1
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
You can customize the template snippet to fit your needs:
In VS Code, open the command palette (F1) and go to "Snippets: Configure User Snippets".
Choose a global snippets file or create a new one.
Create a new snippet with a unique name, for example:
"CustomAhkTemplate": { "body": [ "; My new script with no directives", "; Here is a second comment line", "" ] }
Update your VS Code settings for AHK > File > "Template snippet name" to the name of your snippet (
To test, just create a new file! If you have any issues, please open a discussion.
The name of the snippet must be unique, not used by any other extension. This extension uses the names AhkTemplateV1
and AhkTemplateV2
. Other extensions may use similar names.
The default templates are as follows:
#SingleInstance, Force
SendMode, Input
SetBatchLines, -1
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0